Kingdom of Karseal. part 1.

As Justin stands in the middle of the open field he can see the giant wall of the city he flew over and further back from there is that big castle that was situated in the middle of a substantial City. Ok so I'm some ways away for m the city from here I have to have glided 20-30 miles. The fact I can still see the that castle in that big ass wall from here means the shit it is ridiculously big. Ok Justin relax no big deal things could be a lot worse. Ok stop with the red flags damnit! Well no time like the present hitting the road! As Justin starts walking to the city he flown over so he can start getting information on where he's at. What the knowledge that he's in a world called Avalon that's still not enough to go on. You know the least that bastard could have done was tell me the country I'm in at least. Like damn I don't even know what to do here. Justin looks up to the sky you bastard you could have gave me more information!

As Justin is making his way to the city cursing Parthos. The princess Lily and her unit of rangers and Shadow guards start heading towards the flying object that landed in the grasslands. Lily's second in command a wood elf named Lasha she has long flowing green hair and tan silky skin with an hourglass figure. She told rides up next to her commander and princess. Your help highess what is it we are investigating? Lily looks to to her right looking at Lasha then looks straight forwards. Me and my mother saw a portal open in the sky and watched a flying object come out of it. It landed by the Hydranda Forest mother wishes us to investigate and find that object. Lasha thinks of our response. Does the queen want us to destroy it if it is a danger to the kingdom? No we will bring it back to the castle so the scholars can study it. Lasha nods her head your will be do highness. As Lasha puts her fest tour left shoulder with a slight bow of her head. She looks back to her princess gathering the words she wanted to ask next. Highness do you know what it looked like by chance? Lily nods her head yes it looked like a wyvern but much smaller and it didn't flap its wings! I don't know how it was done but it was strange to say the least. Lasha for the confused face just nods her head really not sure what to say. As they make there way a man step out of the trees and on to the road.

Lily slows her group down so they don't run down the man in front of them! She gets a good look at him the young man in front of her looks to have short brown hair but he has a hat covering it green eyes and is slightly tall. She notices very strange outfit he has on with a strange black staff connected to the front of him and something else attached to his leg. As she gets closer she also notices that he is also wearing something that looks to be chest armor but it's no armor she's ever seen before. They slow to a halt! She looks to the man in front of her. Halt citizen I have a few questions for you. The young man looks around him and then points to himself. You mean me? Lily nods her head yes you.

Minutes earlier Justin is making his way throw the tall grass and comes up to a tree line and just after that he can make out what looks to be a road. O thank God theres a road this shit was frustrating to get through! Fuck you tall grass going to the road. As he makes it to the tree line walking throw a group of trees he finally makes it to the road. Fuck that sucked I see why the guys in Vietnam didn't like that shit either tall grass as tall as me is no fun. As he looks up to start walking he see a group of people riding horses in his direction. ( Justin's mindscape.) Oh shit be cool Justin don't draw attention to yourself. Please please please don't start fight I really hate to shoot t theys guys!(End of Justin's mindscape.) As the people get closer they start slowing down. Just a notice is that they are all wearing some middle-ages type of clothes. He raises his left an eyebrow! Leading the group of horsemen is a one of the most beautiful woman he has seen in his life. He notices that she has long silver hair tied up in a ponytail. She is wearing very flashy clothes a black blouse with silver and gold trim and a skirt to match but the trim branches out till it looks like flowers or roses of some sort of black leggings or tights. But what he he's attached to her waist looks to be a rapier something he's only seen in movies and TV shows. As the woman gets closer the biggest thing that stands out to him is that she has the most beautiful aqua blue eyes he has ever seen. He then quickly starts to scan her companion he's a bit taken back cuz he sees this woman with green hair and pointy ears with silky tan skin. Doing everything in his power not to look like a dumbass in front of these people. (Justin's mindscape.) Oh my freakin God. Is that chick elf? O shit she has is don't be an idiot Justin just don't. (End of Justin's mindscape.) As a horseman come to a stop the girl leading them speaks up. Halt citizen I have a few questions for you. Justin looks around then trying to hold back his embarrassment because obviously she was talking to him. He decides the point to himself! You mean me? The girl nods yes you.

What is your name? And did you see a flying object fall from the sky near here? Though Justin's very grateful for the fact that he can understand her meaning they probably all speak English or Parthos even the ability to speak the language and more than likely be able to read as well. Justin gathers his thoughts and stares the woman in the eye. He holds out a finger in front of himself! One it's a little rude to ask somebody who they are if you don't introduce yourself first it's common courtesy so I'm told. He holds out a second finger! And two I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about a flying object. I've been out in the wilderness trying to hunt but not having any real luck. Justin deemed unwise to tell this woman but that flying object she's looking for was in his possession and he was the one piloting it. He can tell that this chick is bad news and doesn't want to get involved with her any further. Right at that moment the green haired elf lady pulls an arrow and her bow and aims it right at Justin. At that same moment Justin clicks to safety off on his rifle pulls back the charging lever making his rifle ready to shoot! And at that same moment the other people also pull out arrows from their quivers loading their bows aiming at Justin.

How dare you speak to our princess in such a manner peasant how dare you! Get on your knees and gravel for forgiveness! NOW! Justin looks at the green hair woman. You better slow your roll there sweetheart otherwise I'm going to put introduce you to My boomstick! That goes for the rest of you you better watch yourselves there's some people you don't mess with whatsoever and I am definitely one of those people at this very moment.

Lily sees that the situation at hand is devolving into something unwanted and unnecessary. She throws up her right hand haunting anymore actions! She noticed that the man lied to her with his second statement. But this man settle threat she could tell was no lie and she didn't want to know what this so-called boomstick can do. Lower all your weapons he has a point it is common courtesy too introduce yourself first before acquiring who someone is! Sir my name is princess Liliana saline Karseal 3rd princess of Karseal. May ask for your name please. Justin lowers his rifle and stairs into Lily's eyes and with out think about first introduces himself that would definitely give him away. My name is Captain Justin J Thomas of the United States Air Force. Right at that moment he knew he fucked up! As soon as he mentioned his rank and his affiliation the princess narrowed her eyes. Well Captain Justin J Thomas of the United States Air Force I find it in your best interest to come with us for questioning! Oh and why am I being detained? Your you are a very suspicious person and you lied about the object that fell from the sky it'd be in your best interest to come with us. Justin puts his rifle on safety and adjusted back to his front clipping it in place! Hmmm well princess how exactly would you know I was lying to you? Because of the way you look and your tone of voice. I am a royal princess is also part of our training as royalty to the discern truth from lies. O well shit.(Justin's mindscape.) Fuck!Fuck! Fuck! First contact and another world and it had to be a damn princess and a smart one on top of that. What do I do here? This is such a bad situation just getting worse! Ok. Ok. Chill dude you got this I mean even since pretty sticky situations before. (End of Justin's mindscape.)

Justin closes his eyes and takes a deep breath and releases it! It looks straight back at the princess! So if I decided go with you how can I be guaranteed that you guys aren't going to beat the hell out of me torture me for whatever information that you want, and not be killed afterwards? And before you answer that just know I'll make it very hard for any of you to even catch me alive. Now I have information for you that object that you saw well it's no longer there it's in my possession as of right now and I have no intentions of handing it over to you guys it belong to me from the get-go it's going to remain in my possession. But honestly I highly doubt any of you are even going to believe me if I told you the truth. Especially with the society that you guys all live in currently as of now. So with that said please princess do give me an answer. Lily looks and Justin in the eyes she notices that he has the most beautiful green eyes she has ever seen. Lasha rases her voice! How dare you make demands of royalty who do you think you are? We should be taking your head for your insolence! Justin looks at Lasha with a smirk on his face. Sweetheart I come from a country without nobles or Kings or Queens or royalty of any sort. And I refuse to give up my values that I grew up having just because you guys feel some sort of way so get bent! As he flips her the bird! Why you little. Be for Lasha could say another word lily places her hand out in front of her. That is enough enough Lasha! Stand down immediately that is an order. Yes highness as you wish. She then looks at Justin. I agree to your terms I can guarantee your safety and I will listen to your story! There is more at work here then then we all releases. I just have one question you said that flying object is in your possession may I ask in what capacity? Just it holds out his left wrist and shows her the bracelet Parthos gave to him. A God named Parthos gave this to me and I was able to store it in this it's being restored within it so I have no intentions of pulling it out. Lily's eyes go wide and mouth when I gape, and she wasn't the only one eather! Everybody else there was completely taken back by the statement. Lily can tell what he said was completely true. Lily shakes her head and gathers her thoughts. I swear upon my honor I will uphold this agreement! And rest assured that you will be welcomed as our guest.