Morning training and mock battles! part 2.

Well Captain Thomas let's see what you got then! Lily rangers cheer there princess on and tell Justin he is going down. Justin smiles I guess it can't be helped. Princess forgive me ahead of time please but your going to get a speaking! Lily giggles at that! Well I'm waiting dear Captain. As she pulls a practice rapier from her hip! Hmmm well alright then. Justin takes a deep breath and closes his eyes. Releasing out his breath slowly and taking up his fighting stance. Opening his eyes focusing on the princess. In turn Lily brings the rapier in front of her face and twirls it down and takes half a step back with her left foot facing Justin with her body to the side the blade pointed at a 45° angle. She too puts her self in a focused State of mind.

Lasha walks up and looks at the two, and she points to her left at Justin. Are you ready Captain? Justin with out loosing focus on Lily. I'm ready! Lasha looks to Lily and points with her right. Are you ready my lady? Like Justin Lily to doesn't look away from Justin's eyes. I'm ready! Lasha puts her right hand in the air and swings it down! Begin!

At that moment Lily changes straight at Justin with blinding speed! Popping up right in front of Justin! Justin's eyes widen a bit in surprise. Justin with no hesitation spins around into sitting position down cross-legged in front of Lily! As she thrusts her rapier forward missing him by a hair's breath. This time Lily was surprised by Justin's actions!

Justin didn't hesitate he immediately acted by rolling backwards while spinning unwrapping his legs in the process! He stopped spinning and goes into a handstand in rolls forward to his feet. At that exact moment his feet touched the ground he throws a staight kick to lily's torso!

With no time lost Lily takes a steps back and blocks the kick with her practice sword. With graceful steps like a dancer she move to her right and slashes down diagonally with her sword! Justin dodgers with another spin and with pristine movements he spins with a leg sweep! Lily Dodgers backwords! Using the momentum of the spin Justin then uses his hands to rotate his body forwards in to another straight kick! Lily staying composed side steps the kick and attempts to throw her own ax kick down on Justin!

Justin sees this and using a forward momentum dodges with a tuck and roll forwards onto his hands and shots a double kick upwards to Lily's face!

Lily takes a step back and leans backwards dodging the kick! She using a one-handed back hand spring and lands in her fighting stance! Justin front hand spring and lands to his feet and takes his fighting stance! Lily starting to break into sweat.

(Lily's mindscape.) Justin's good but I can tell he is holding back he hasn't used his magic. I like to see what he can do. If it wasn't for my body strengthening magic. I don't think I could keep up. He's fast but he is only as fast as a regular person who doesn't use magic. I'm going to push him a little bit. (End of Lily's mindscape.)

Lily starts to circulate her magic a Little bit more as she twirling the tip of the practice rapier in a circle! Justin lifts an eyebrow confused of the gesture. Till a red circle forms in front of her. Justin shocked at what he is seeing has an idea what's coming next.

At that every moment she makes a sharp half twirl and a stabbing motion, and a basketball sized fireball shoots right at Justin!

Justin's eyes open wide in complete shock as he jumps to his back with his lags up in front of his face dodging the fireball and pushing himself back up with his hand and neck taking a another Fighting stance.

He stares right at Lily waiting for something else to come at him. Though what he sees is a shocked Lily! Seeing that Justin scans the surroundings and sees a staff on the far lift wall.

He then makes a break for the staff. Lily shakes her head and launches four fireballs in quick succession! Justin looks back and see this happening.

He starts a front hand spring twisting his body to a back hand spring effectively dodging three of the fireballs as he kicks off the ground in a back flip dodging the 4th fireball buy a hair's breath!

As soon as he lands he rushes to the wall and grabs the staff! He then looks at Lily wagging his finger and clicking his tongue! Not to day sweetheart but nice try though let's see what else you got. Lily smirks at Justin as she gets her rapier ready! Oh darling you took the words out of my mouth! Justin holds the staff half way behind his back and half way to his right side with his left foot forward and his right foot back and his left hand to his side. Lily starts using light graceful steps to the to right at the same time Justin starts using his own stepping technique to prevent himself from misstepping.

(Lily's mindscape.) He has absolutely no openings. He is completely composed. The way he walks is like a predator stalking his prey! The confidence in every movement he makes. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would meet such a man in my life! My heart's raceing so fast I'm so excited to be fighting him right now! ( End Of Lily's mindscape )

Lasha watching this mock battle in complete amazement, but she feels like somethings off about the fight. While she's feeling this way one of the rangers comes up behind her! Lady Lasha Captain Thomas isn't circulating any mana. Lasha turns away from the fight abruptly. Before she can say anything she stops herself and looks back at the fight! She starts opening up her senses and feels Lily circulating the Mana in her body but when she goes to feel if Justin's circulating mana her heart drops!

I can't believe I hadn't noticed this earlier! I thought he was going easy on the princess. I thought because it's a mock battle they weren't going all out. However princess Lily has been circulating her mana steadily increasing it as the fight progresses!

Can it be that Justin dosnt know how to use it or can it be that he doesn't know he has it? Before Lasha can even make a move stop the rest of the fight Lily strikes!

She slashes acrossed creating five fireballs and fires them off all at once! Justin starts running tords her as fast as he can! He spins the staff and slashes the first fireball then ducks underneath the second and he spins his body and back hand slashes third fireball!

He takes another step forward with a half spin of his staff he make a horizontal swing upward with the staff slashing the fourth fireball! Unfortunately right before he can deal with the fifth fireball it explodes. Pushing him backwards at that same time Lily charges forwards with her rapier pointed right directly in the center of Justin's chest!

Justin sees this at the last second and going on pure instinct Justin gets his footing pulls the staff back and spins the end of the staff in a tight circle and manages to perry Lily's rapier!

As he does that he pulls back the staff and thrusts the end forward for the gap between Lily's breasts! Lily was taken by surprise and wasn't able to react on time!

As she gets hit she takes a slight step backwards, but before she can react Justin twirls the end of the staff to the left twirling it right into Lily's hand knocking away the rapier! Lily can't believe that just happened trying to perform a distraction to retrieve her weapon she forms a fireball in her left hand!

Unfortunately it wasn't fast enough and Justin noticed it! Twirling the end of the staff rightward motion smacks Lily's left hand taking out the fireball in the process!

Justin spins around to Lily's left side and with the opposite end of the staff smacks her on the butt with it! Effectively taking her off guard!

With her rhythm and mindset completely taken out of the fight Justin spins around and isolates one of Lily's legs with the staff taking out her footing! She ends up landing on her butt with one end of the staff softly being pressed up against bottom of her chin with her meeting eyes with Justin!

Everything is silent no one can say a word! The sound you would hear is wind softly blowing through the trees around them! Everyone stunned no one can believe that they're princess was beaten. Not even Lily's father the king has the skill to do so and he is a master practitioner with a blade.

For a man who came from another world has done so. But the two just stare at each other without any words. Lily blinks her eyes and with the most beautiful smile Justin's ever seen she says!

You beat me I surrender! Justin nods and takes the staff away placing it in his left hand and one end on the ground and holds out his right hand to help her up! Justin with a big smile on his face makes a statement!

That was crazy a sparring match second time to ever see magic used first time seeing it used in combat that was awesome! Lasha runs up to the two of them! Are you ok my lady did you get hurt anywhere? Lily gets up off the ground with Justin's help and brushes her self off! No I'm fine that was fun!

Lasha sighs in relief! Then she looks at Justin and asks him? Justin I need a serious answer can you use magic? Justin tilt his head to the side in confusion! Umm no why do you ask? Lasha's jaw drops the rangers jaws drop, Reina and Greta's jaws drop! Lily looking around at everybody looks up at Justin!

Opening up her senses she can see that Justin has a mana signature! Then she looks at Lasha, and sees that she has a dumbfounded look on her face. Then she thinks about the fight and how it played out. Then she comes to realization and her jaw drops as well!

Justin seeing the same look on everybody's faces he asks! Was I supposed to use magic? Lily comes back to her sentences when shakes her head! No no it's not like that, but you seriously weren't using magic at all? Nope not at all.

Lasha comes to her senses and asks. Then why do you have a magic signature it's not uncommon for people not to be able to use magic and not have mana but you do? Justin looks at Lasha and Lily and shrugs his shoulders!

But then he starts to think about his response! Umm well where I come from we don't have magic so if I have it here well I wouldn't know how to use it! I mean I've only been in this world for a day.

Lily, Lasha, Greta, Raina, and all the guards and rangers are completely dumbfounded by Justin's response! Lily looks Justin straighte in his eyes and states. We're to start teaching you how to use magic! Justin with a goofy grin and two thumbs up tells Lily! Fuck yah sounds good to me let's get started!

Lily waves her hand in front of Justin waving off his bad idea! Nope we will do that another time I think training is off for the day. Lasha nods to Lily's suggestion. Yes I agree I need to process everything and I want to clean up eat something and take Justinbshopping for cloths and I want to stop by the guild as well we can get Justin signed up at the guild as well so he has a form of identification. Lily nods that's a good idea let's do that then. Justin holds up his right hand and puts up his right index finger looking take control of this conversation. Hold on girls I'm cool with getting out and what not, but what is this guild you two are talking about? Lily was about to answer, but then Lasha speaks first. Oh the adventures guild. We are also members me and Lily are mithril rank! Justin with an eyebrow rased asks. Ok well what's that supposed to mean? Lasha and Lily grab each side of his arms interlocking them as they start guiding Justin back to the villa! We will explain everything we'll get you all caught up! Justin seeing as he can't escape and just nods his head and smiles. Well I'm all ears start laying it on me ladys!

A.N ok you guys I just went through the story and did it over a little bit add stuff took away stuff it should be easier to read. Nonetheless give me some feedback I'm all ears.