
February 20th 2016, just outside of the Florida Everglades. Thomas compound Charlie one of nine that you can find throughout the United States. Every compound is different in its own little way. All these compounds used for training in different elements how to survive in the harshest of trains and survive in the worst case scenarios. How ever a young 13 year old Justin is pairing himself for a obstacle course.

In a watch tower overlooking the obstacle course, is Jackson S Thomas retired army special forces. Jackson lived his life in the army, doing one suicide mission after the other. A man who's been all over the world seeing the worst of humanity and by far the worst of places the world has to offer. Never in his wildest dreams did he think he would find love and start a family. How ever after losing his wife to cancer 5 years after he got out of the military you dedicated himself to raising his only son. Jackson took it upon himself to teach his Justin everything he knows and then some. Jackson Thomas who is still stuck in a military mindset trained his son at a very young age how to read, write, and calculate. Teaching the young Justin history, geography, foreign languages, fighting and survival.

At the age of 10 Justin started learning economics, geopolitics, politics, and advanced first aid. Justin not raised like normal children would. But never did he question his father and only did as he was told.

Jackson also made sure to teach his son how to socialize, how to interact with others how to pick up lies and deceit coming from others. But there is one thing that Jackson taught Justin that he thought was the most important of all American values.

Though Justin had a very abnormal childhood he was raised with love and care. Jackson enjoyed every moment rasing his son. Though he wishes his wife Sabrina was still with them and knows she be upset on how he was raising their son he knows she would forgive him.

Looking at a picture of his beautiful wife he smiles as he picks up the picture brushing his thumb over his wife's face. Sabrina I know I haven't raised our son the way you would probably have wanted. But I promise I've been doing my best and showing Justin as much love and cares I possibly can. Jackson goes ahead puts down the picture of his wife and picks up the radio next to the picture. Hey kiddo you ready do this? Justin gets on his radio handle. I'm going to beat your record old man you'll see! Jackson chuckles at his sons statement. Oh is that right kid you want to place a bet on that? Justin thinks about that. You know what why not! But what are we betting with this time? Jackson thanks of his response and gets an evil smile. Ok two king size packs of Reese's cups, and your Peyton Manning rookie card! Justin taken back by his father's response replies. Hold on hold on hold on why is the bet so high? Jackson chuckles and responds to his son. Because I want Reese's cups and I want that Peyton Manning card. Just enough frustrated thinks of his response. Ok fine then I want that limited edition Tom Brady card you have when he was still with Michigan and my allowance raised to $180!

Now Jackson a little taken back from his son's high-handed request. That's a high-handed deal boy! Justin smirks at his father's response. Take it or leave it old man those are the stakes. Jackson smiles and thanks of his next response. Fine will do that but you have to add in the Russell Wilson card as well. Now Justin's very flustered and very determined the beat his father. Fine it's a deal you better pay up when I win old man, or your going to the senior home when you're elderly and crapping your pants! Jackson uncontrollably laughs out loud finding his son's response hilarious. Hahaha I'm going to make you live to regret those words boy. Instead of beating my record you better beat Gomez's record. Justin's words get caught in his throat, and looks up to the record board and frowns! At the top of the leaderboard he sees his uncle Gomez's record.

What the hell 10 minutes and 30 seconds how the hell am I going to do that? No way did Uncle Gomez do that and that sort of amount of time. He definitely cheated somewhere! Justin gets back on the handle of his radio Uncle Gomez for sure cheated that's not fair! Jackson laughs again while shaking his head! Maybe he did maybe he didn't but that's the score you have to beat kid take it or leave it! Frustrated Justin looks back up at his uncle Gomez's record then looks at the course entrance he then closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. Putting himself in the zone. Justin takes three deep breaths rolling his shoulders tilting his head to the side cracking his neck! He then cracks his knuckles, and and breathe deeply! When he opens his eyes he breathe is out and with determination in his eyes gets on the handle of his radio. All right old man you're on let's do this! Jackson with a big smile on his face shoots a text to his buddy Gomez. Hey I have a feeling the kids going to beat your record today! A couple moments later Gomez text back. Your full of shit no way can the kid beat my record! Oh and by the way limo is not a word it's not in the dictionary! It's being taken off the board! Jackson smirks then see the second response and then frowns! He texts back to Gomez. Don't you dare take that off it is a word don't give me your bullshit, and if you don't believe that the kid can't beat your record the cameras are all there you can tune in any time!

Somewhere in the South China Sea! Gomez and his team tune in on Thomas compound Charlie. Sergeant first class Meyers speaks up! Thousand bucks right now that the kid beats your record Gomez! First sergeant O'Neill stands up slamming his hand down on the table! I raise you to 2,000 that the kid comes up short! Sergeant major Brown laughs out loud! Already then if this is what we're doing I'll raise your $2,000 and make it $5,000! The kid is for sure going to beat Gomez's record! Lieutenant Peters looks over and chuckles! I'll throw in on this $1,000 that the kid doesn't even beat my record! Lieutenant Colonel Gomez looks at all of his troops placing bets then back at his phone! Gomez with a smirk on his face shoots Jackson a text! Well the pot is at 6,000 right now and I'm putting $5,000 down making it $11,000 care to give me a number? There is no way the kid is beating my record!

Jackson smirks at Gomez's response! Well if the pot is that high then I will take that bet and rise the pot to 2,000 the kid is definitely about to beat your record! Gomez smirks putting down his s phone and looks to his troops! I just got a text back from Jackson! Well boys I looks like the pot is now at $13,000! Any one want to back out now? They all look at each other and some laughter and chuckles happen! Everybody at the same time yells out! Hell yeah! Gomez smirks and text Jackson back! Your own let's see what the kid can do!

Meanwhile Justin's trying to get himself pumped up to go through the obstacle course. He checks his rifle a HK416D making sure that everything is where it needs to be and nothing's faulty. He then pulls his sidearm out and inspects it. His great grandfather's 1911 from world war II! It's an old girl but it's been restored and rebuilt several times throughout the years virtually making the pistol brand new. He start stretching and shaking out his limbs preparing himself for the trials ahead!

Now that Justin is ready he gets on the handle of his radio. All right Pop I'm ready! Jackson gets on the radio! Roger that kiddo just to let you know you got an audience don't embarrass yourself now! Justin groans as he puts the rifle in his left hand and secures the butt of the rifle to his right shoulder and with his right hand grabs a rope signaling he's ready. Jackson gets the timer ready and pushes the button to start the course!

Justin hears the chime of the starting alarm!

Beep! Beep! Beep! Train horn blares to start the course! Justin quickly makes his way to the first obstacle. As soon as he gets there he takes aim at the first Targets! With slow and controlled bursts he takes out the first five targets, and starts to make his way with Swift and control steps to his right with his rifle raised where there are three more targets and two non-targets! Justin takes aim and while still walking to his right side pulls the trigger for single bursts hitting all three targets without hitting the non-targets! Justin then quickly makes his way to the second obstacle, and in front of him is a door, to the Target building! Before he gets to it he swings his rifle to his back hooking it to his belt and Sprint straight to the door! Without hesitation Justin plants his left foot down Spartan kicks the door! Immediately throwing a flashbang that was attached to his belt into the room in front of him! Instantaneously he pulls out his sidearm and rushes to the door way where he sees two targets in the middle of the room! He pulls the trigger to his 1911 hitting both targets! He swiftly makes it into the room hugging the left side of the wall after the doorway holding his fire seeing a non-target in front of him! He then stows his sidearm back to its holster while instantaneously unhooking his rifle from the back of his belt swinging it back to his front aiming down the site! With Swift and control steps he makes his way to a stairway aiming up at it pulling the trigger hitting another Target! Quickly making his way up the stairs at that same time taking off his right hand off the trigger pulling a another flashbang and throwing it up the stairs! Closing his eyes for a brief second while I'm still going up the stairs the flashbang goes off! He opens his eyes again turns around in the middle of the stairway aiming his rifle to two more targets pulling the trigger twice hitting both targets! Then quickly turns back around heading up the rest of the stairs! He gets the first room then kicks the door down and with his rifle raised strolls into the room! Clearing the room of hostels that makes his way to the second room kicking the door down once again who's the trigger and hits a Target clearing the rest of the room he rushes out goes to the third room!

Yet again kicks down the door but holds himself back from pulling the trigger they're in the middle of the room there's a non-target! He quickly glances around the room determines the room is clear walks out and heads to a second stairway heading up to a third floor!

He gets to the top of the stairs we're in front of him there's a heavier door once again Justin slings his rifle to his back hooking it to his belt quickly removing his backpack pulling out a breach charge! He sets up the breach charge pulling out of sidearm once again ejecting the magazine and installing a new one for the best effect seven rounds in the magazine and One in the chamber he has eight shots that need to make count! The breach charge goes off and he makes his way into the room pulling the trigger on to the targets holding himself off a a non-target! He clears the room and makes his way to the next door! Where he kicks the door down with not targets but just a long hallway Justin rushes down it! During this time he stores his sidearm back to his hip again unhooking his rifle and reloading it with a fresh magazine! As he is rushing to get to the end of this hallway there at the end of the hallway there is a door and two windows on each side of it! During Justin's run down the hallway Justin pulls a M67 grenade office chest and pulls the PIN! As soon as he gets to the room where the two windows and the door are he drops the M67 and jumps throw the window head first but before he hits the ground he tucks and rolls with his rifle snuggling clinched to his chest! He rolls out forward to his feet and immediately stands up taking aim down his sights with his rifle! He pulls the trigger five times hitting three targets and one of them twice! Where he makes his way down the hallway to the end goal! Right as soon as he gets there he hits a button on a pillar in the middle of the room effectively stopping the time setting off a truck horn! The radio goes off as Justin hears his father laughing out loud and cheering for him! Holy shit kiddo you did it you beat Gomez's time! Justin not sure how to react to this asks his father what was my time? 8 minutes 30 seconds!

All of a sudden Justin gets a jolt and wakes up! Wow what happened? Raina who is shaking Justin awake asks? Masters everything okay do you need more rest? Justin rubbing the sleep out of his eyes looks up at Raina and shakes his head! No no I'm good Raina I guess I fell asleep in the bath that was my bad I'm getting out now! Reina breathes a sigh of relief! Ok good. Master you have a tear in your eye I was worried! Justin finishes wiping his eyes and smiles I was just reflecting on something that happened in my past!