Briar's lips curled upward without care upon seeing Alice's unabashed dislike for her.

Rather than thinking of ways to reconcile with Alice and leave a good impression so that Alice would like her better. The relationship between the two of them could be considered irreconcilable. It had become so bad that spending too much time in one room would bring a disaster.

It was better to just expose their real faces in front of each other like that than pretending. It would be just disgusting.

"You have guts! I see!" Alice sneered at Briar upon seeing that the other had shed all pretenses.

Briar shrugged her shoulders as she stopped a distance away from Alice, the smile still on her lips as she answered, "Hehe. Don't you know that yourself?" her words were quite provocative.

Alice clenched her fists as she took steps forward, her eyes blazing red with fury as she responded, "That is why I am going to bring you down, Briar. I don't care how you managed to fool y brother to marry you. But you better divorce him as soon as possible!" her tone was very cold as she stopped three feet from Briar.

Despite seeing the provocative steps towards her, Briar didn't bother to move back but decided to just stand there. It was the perfect distance to provoke others and get away with it.

Besides, with so much backup, if Alice didn't make such a move, how could she gain the upper hand?

Briar scoffed as she lowered her head. Those who were far away if they saw her, would think that she was being bullied, but only Alice who was closer to her knew that she was up to no good.

"Alice, who gives you the right to decide what your brother does? Tsk, tsk. Could it be that you …." She didn't finish the sentence but elongated it as she raised her head a bit lightly so that her eyes were locked with Alice before continuing, "Are you perhaps in love with your brother?" a smirk hanging on her lips, her words very provocative it made Alice who just listened to them very pissed off.

Alice's body trembled as she pointed her finger angrily at Briar. Because of the short distance between the two of them, the moment she did that, the finger poked Briar's face but Alice wasn't willing to back down as she angrily retorted, "Just because you have nasty thoughts for my brother from a very young age doesn't mean that I see him that way. How dare you accuse me of something that disgusting? Do I look like you?"

Briar didn't seem to be offended by what Alice was doing. Rather, the sinister smile on her face made Alice so pissed off that she unconsciously raised her hand and gave Briar a resounding slap it echoed throughout the garden.

When the two were busy confronting each other, Alice in particular had no idea that her nephew and nieces liked things so much.

The moment that Briar left, they all gathered together and found a suitable room to see their second mother from a distance.

As children, they were quite aware of how their little auntie and second mother weren't on good terms.

Thinking of how easily bullied their second mother was at times, they decided to keep an eye on them.

That way, if anything happens, they would see it sooner.

So, imagine their surprise when they saw their auntie who had been bullying their second mother from the beginning, slapping her.

The sudden slapping took them by surprise and they went silent for a moment.

It was only when Tiana ran out of the room screaming that the other two hurriedly followed along.

Back on the confronting side, Alice, having no clue that her actions had been interpreted as bullying a weak person was looking dumbfoundedly at the person who was smiling eerily despite being slapped.

Seeing Briar like that, Alice had a foreboding feeling that something was going on there. However, before she could think what it was, Briar's attack followed.

"This will be the first and last time that you will lay a hand on my body, Alice. I have respected you greatly because you are my beloved sister. But since you treat me like an enemy, then I will accompany you all the way. It's not like I stole your man. Why does it bother you that he married me?" Briar icily stated as she looked at the other.

Upon hearing that, Alice was infuriated further. How dare this homewrecker say such words to her?

Hearing her words, Alice was reminded of the time she first learnt how deceptive Briar was. Even after so many years, she was still the same person. No, she has even upgraded. No longer faking that she liked her or tolerated her. Just look at how she was showing her fangs despite being in her house!

"Ha!" Alice let out a scoff as she angrily jabbed Briar on her chest, despite the earlier warning and started saying, "Briar. You have messed with the wrong person. Tell me, what do you think my brother, your beloved person would react when he learnt that you, the wife he had picked is ...." She didn't finish her sentence that fast but elongated her words as she looked at Briar with a mischievous glint in her eyes, her tone carrying a hint of a warning.

Hearing that, Briar's heart started thumping like crazy.

'I knew it. There was much more to what this person knew. Otherwise, there would be no point in hating me so much just because she learnt of my feelings for her brother!'

What Briar feared was the unknown. Even if Logan learned that she loved him at first sight, that wouldn't be anything troublesome. After all, she never did anything to make Selena and Logan separate. Rather, she waited patiently for so many years, even after Selena died before Logan gave her that chance.

So, what could this person know, to be so daring like that?

Alice, seeing Briar's fluster, knew that this evil person was fearful. As long as she exposes her, then she might get a chance to kick her out of the family for good.

With that thought in mind, she finished what she was saying earlier, "Tell me, what do you think my brother will do to you when he learns that you, his dear nanny and new wife, the meek, and gullible Briar was the person who led his beloved Selena to death?" as she revealed that, a daunting smirk was plastered on her face, mocking Briar whose face had gone ashen with the unexpected revelation.

Of all the things that Briar was afraid of letting Logan or anyone else know, this sister-in-law just happened to know one of them.

How was she to deal with such a person?

With an ashen face that Alice misinterpreted as Briar being fearful and scared of getting exposed, Briar's mind was busy calculating and coming up with several ways to dispose of someone.

There was no way that this person should roam free without any consequences. If Logan were to know about that, would she be doomed?

It wouldn't matter whether her role caused a direct or an indirect impact on Selena's death. She would be doomed.

Alice sneered, seeing that Briar was all silent, her eyes not focusing and above all, the sound of her heart thumping was so loud, she knew that she had won this round.

However, as she was thinking like that, suddenly, Briar's eyes regained their focus, startling her to the core that she staggered backwards.

However, Briar's lips curled upwards as a mocking gaze locked onto her. Wondering what the other had up her sleeves again despite the deadly accusation against her, Alice, moments later, stood with a dumbfounded expression.

What just happened?

That's what she asked herself as she looked at Briar, who was on the pavement, blood sipping from the corner of her lips and her cheeks swollen.

How did things escalate to this point in just a short moment?

"You_" however before she could even ask Briar what was wrong with her and how she could do that without any shame, Briar beat her to it.