The date

Time skip to when the tempest city is built all goes cannon

Rimuru: ciel call Alanaka for are date

Ciel is jealous because Alanaka have a date with her man

Alanaka see the message of rimuru she is really happy to have a date with her husband

Rimuru is waiting in front of the restaurant

All of the peoples walking in the front of the restaurant road want to know why rimuru sama is waiting in front of the restaurant

Gobta: looks like rimuru have a date to day

Shuna and shion give Gobta a death glare

Gobta is so scared of shuna and shion glare

They see a beautiful girl she has long silver hair and roses red eyes she go to rimuru and she give him a passionate kiss in the lips

All of them were shock that Gobta words was correct

Shuna and shion give Alanaka a death glare

Alanaka didn't care about them her eyes is only at her husband

Rimuru and Alanaka goes in the restaurant to eat the food of the tensura world

After they finish eating the food they have a date around tempest

After the date they go to rimuru bed room

If you know you know

In the next morning rimuru and Alanaka in rimuru bed

Rimuru: do you like are date

Alanaka: yes it's the best date a have because it's my first date

Rimuru kiss Alanaka lips

Rimuru: do you want to live with me my beautiful goddess

Alanaka: sure my darling

Alanaka have a big smile on her face

Rimuru patting Alanaka beautiful silver hair with love and care

Rimuru: you can live in my room for now on you can sleep for a while I need to go to another world to get a beautiful girl with a icy personality

Rimuru leave the bed and he put his clothes on

Rimuru: tama can you teleport me to the world of Akame Ga Kill

Tama: sure if we have a date in the world

Rimuru: sure my love

Rimuru give a good bye kiss to Alanaka in the bed

Rimuru see himself in the forest he changed his clothes to this world clothes

He walking to the capital city of the empire when he see bandits he kill them with the most brutal and painfully when they look at him with lust in their eyes

Rimuru see himself in front of the gate of the city he make himself invisible to go in the city

Rimuru find esdeath inside of a restaurant eating her food

Rimuru go inside the restaurant to sit in front of esdeath he is still invisible

He make a illusion on a area around him and esdeath that makes anyone look at the area see esdeath eating her food normally

Rimuru make himself visible

Esdeath was shock to see a beautiful girl with silver-blue long hair and golden eyes in front of her

Esdeath immediately frosted rimuru body with ice except his head

Esdeath: why are you here

Rimuru: do you want to go to another world

Esdeath: do that world have wars

Rimuru explain the world of tensura to esdeath

Esdeath: do you give me prisoners of wars for me to torture

Rimuru: sure

Rimuru kiss esdeath in her lip with passion and care and love

Esdeath feel the love and care of rimuru in his kiss

Rimuru: esdeath do you want to be my wife and commander of my nation

Esdeath: sure my love