Akame ga kill

After esdeath agree to go to the world of tensura

Rimuru teleport himself and esdeath one hundred kilometers away from the city

Rimuru: i know you like battles and wars so let's have a battle my love you don't need to worry about death i can revive you

Esdeath: you know how to make me excited

Esdeath pullout her long rapier

Rimuru pullout his katana

Five hours later esdeath dead over fifty times

Esdeath became more excited

Rimuru: esdeath my love I have a gift for you

Esdeath look at rimuru face with a blush in her face

Esdeath: what type of a gift do you have to give me

Rimuru: the ultimate skill goddess of ice Khione

Rimuru give the skill to esdeath

Esdeath immediately master the ultimate skill goddess of ice Khione

Esdeath: I'm really happy darling

Rimuru give esdeath a bandit to torture

Rimuru: let me see how do you torture a person

Esdeath: sure my love

Esdeath peeling the skin of the bandit inch by inch she use her ultimate skill goddess of ice Khione to keep the bandit alive

Rimuru: you are very sexy when you torture a person darling

Esdeath still torturing the bandit

Esdeath: you are the first man do think am more sexy when I torture a person darling and that make me more happy

The bandit feel the pain he never imagined

After an hour the bandit is brain dead

Rimuru: looks like your play thing is brain dead

Esdeath: what a shame it's about to be the start of the real torture

Rimuru: that my sadistic wife after my date with Tama let's go back to the world of tensura

Esdeath: who is this Tama

Esdeath have an cold smile at her face

Rimuru: one of my wife like you

Esdeath blushed even harder

Rimuru: darling go to your house to grab all of your important stuff we will go to the world of tensura tomorrow

Rimuru give esdeath a go bye kiss in her lips

Esdeath go back to her home and for rimuru he go back to the city to have a date with Tama

Rimuru and tama eating the food of the world of akame ga kill in a restaurant

Rimuru and tama see multiple people outside of the restaurant shouting the news of esdeath quitting being the general of the empire

Tama smirk at rimuru

Tama: this what you want to happen

Rimuru: yes my love

Rimuru and tama have a date around the city while the city is in chaos

In the Throne room

Honest: why did you esdeath quit being the general of the empire

Esdeath: there is no more fun in this world

Honest: what do you mean by that

Esdeath: I make a deal with a man if I Became his general of his nation in another world so I agree with his deal to go to another world

Honest: why do you believe what he is saying

Esdeath: that enough you pig

Esdeath cut honest arms and legs and his thing between his legs

Honest screaming like a pig in the pool of his own blood

No one move or talk inside of the Throne room

Author: thank you for liking this story  @Ito159-j7s  from YouTube