Finally alysa now knew the reason, behind her mother's vehemency against their relationship.

she weepe'd and said so madam percy has been holding my mum hostage for a sum of €100million no this is not fair. but mum why didn't you tell me? am sorry my daughter gwen said.

meanwhile alysa have told bill all their conversation and bill was uneasy.

meanwhile madam percy aske'd him

bill my son, no matter the problem tell me

bill looke'd at his mother scornfully and aske'd mum why has alysa and her mum still working for us?

percy was thrown off balance with the question, but notwithstanding she answere'd they owe us a large amount of money.

mum which amount of money which can't be paid of? hmm do you actually know how heartbroken, alysa is after telling me this story ?

please forgive me my-----------

your apologies can only be accepte'd if only you apologize to madam gwen.

waoh well from my perspective bill do not want to lose alysa and alysa vice- versa. what do you think?.