Knock, knock!! , who is there gwen aske'd

but as she opene'd the door she met the surprise of her life

come in she said

madam percy hugge'd gwen and shed tear's of joy.

please am sorry for causing you pain this 20 year's, please forgive me for the sake of our children please.

Okay, gwen said tearfully i forgive you and percy said as a way of apologizing i invite you and your daughter and our grandson to a dinner party. where we can discuss their marriage and plus guess what?

what gwen said non- challantly

i cancel the old debt!!!

gwen dance'd for joy.

3 months later

do anyone have anything to say against the binding of these two, if so say or be shut forever.

alysa eye's scan through boma her friend and helper smiling like a little child -----

you may kiss the bride

bill kisse'd alysa like never before and there was laughter.


love like smoke is never hidden.