When Dev entered the party hall. Every one was looking at him thinking " Is he a model or something , yaa look how handsome he is " Dev walked to Anna " Sorry for being late" Anna who is Mesmerized by Dev didn't even hear anything , then again she Put herself together and asked" you never tell me that you have such a good car " . You never asked me. Jasica came in the scene and asked " Ha Anna who is this good looking bad fellow , introduce us " " Sure Dev she is Jasica we work for the same company and Jasica he is Dev my best friend and person bodyguard, ",Anna introduced them,, " Oh he is just a bodyguard so what a normal person is doing here , in a party of actors musicians and celebrates" Jack who is taunting him while walking towards them. " Jasica tell your man not to mind his words i cant tolerate his insults because he is here as i invited him got it " Anna in anger . " But Anna i don't think , he said anything wrong ,, even if you invited him he shouldn't come ". Then jack excuse himself from them he

He starts playing piano kept in the middle of the hall which he played to impress Anna but Anna didn't like that. After ending his performance he came near them and jasica was bragging about his skills see thats why he is here he is talented but you didn't even know the sounds of music. " Well thats not the case i have some basic music sence " Dev said. " Ohh ya then play something if you can " jacked challenged him out of arrogance. " Okay " Dev accepted the challenge, he take off his coat give it to Anna then starts walking towards the piano while folding his shirts sleeves, he sat on the cheir then prepare himself to play. Then we listen a melodious song been played . The great and famous music directors heard it and they came to know that he is playing the most difficult notes on piano with such a perfection . After some time Dev starts playing the notes in opposite order . An old man said while being shocked " When did the most difficult notes became a childs play even i am not able to play it with that notes in order and this young man is playing in opposite order , this is a talent which comes once in a century, amazing " . After some time the performance ended and everyone was giving a big hand to him . The old man came to meet him " Young man what a performance would like to work for me i run a small studio . " Sure sir but only if Anna say. " I don't have any problem . " Okay come to my office tomorrow morning. " , buy where is you office sir, " Here is my card, remember me young man" . " Ohho you are a star now , don't forgot to give me your first autograph, Dev " . Yaaa yaa .

After some time they left the party. Anna was happy for Dev . After reaching home they celebrated for Dev they drink and then went to sleep . The nect morning they are going to meet that old man , who had invited him to meet him.