The next morning Dev and Anna went for the old man's office to meet. Anna was nervous for Dev as this is going to be once in a life time opportunity for him she was preparing him how to address him but Anna is more nervous then Dev " Don't worry Anna everything will be good " . Okay.

After some time at office

Dev pov

" Yaa young man how are you doing" , old man said. All good sir. " Let me introduce myself properly my name is Peter and i run this music studio and i was finding a new singer and a musician that's why i want you to work for me,, do you sing young man " Yes sir a little bit . " don't call me sir i am still young, call me by my name " . Sure Peter. " Now lest get started these are the lyrics of my new song, memories it this will be your test if you pass it i will sign a contract with you okay " . Okay sir.

After sometime they started to record the song and Dev nailed it Peter signed the contract with Dev and tell him that today they will record his first album. Till evening dev recorded mire then 10 songs as he is so talented with music. Peter said to Dev " We will release your album very soon " . Then Anna and Dev take there leave and went to home.

At home Anna told Dev about her plans for the next day. " Anna tomorrow is weekend " Dev said. " Ohh ya you will not be there. Okay enjoy your weekend. " Anna with a depressed mode.

Alex on the other hand. " Uncle you gave to do something Anna is being too close to that Dev. He is very suspicious i git a background check and do you know what i cant find anything no one know about him . And do you know that today they just went to record an album. Anna is being over protective to him she took him to a social gathering which she never like to attend. There he came on a vintage car worth approx a 3 billion won sir i am telling he is not a Person to trust on.

" Okay i will think about it you may leave Alex " , joseph to Alex.

Anna decided to follow Dev to know what he do on weekends . She made all the arrangements and start following him in a car. On saturdy morning Dev drive to a mall to buy some toys and chocolate and then drive to an orphanage to play with those children and give them the gifts . And Anna was just wondering what is he doing at a place like this . After few hours of playing he left the orphanage . Now Dev starts driving to a park near a river set his camp and set up fire , starts preparing barbeque when the night fall's Dev take off his cloths and starts practicing all the moves of Kalaripayattu. Hole night he was practicing over and over and over. Anna in the car watching him from a distance. And eventually fell asleep in the car.

Next morning Dev jumped into the river. Anna thought he wants to swim for few minutes. And for the time being she went to a hotel to freshen up. One the other hand Dev After swimming for an hour he took a deep breath and went under water . Anna came back " Where did he went everything is here and even his car is here,, where did he go. He didn't came back till evening. Now Ann starts to worry for him when she was about to call the emergency number Dev came on the river surface in a heroic way. Then he came out of the rever wipe his body were some cloths. Pack everything back , sat in the car and drive towards Anna's home. (As weekend is over now) . Now Anna came to know what he do on his weekend. " What happened, why are you looking so tired" . Dev said. " Nothing just a hacktic day " Anna relied " Okay " .