
Alex: Tell me what you wanted to tell me.

Sarah: Alex 

Sarah: I got dreads before going to Europe. It was so cool. Aan African girl did it for me and it felt like she's sharing her culture with me through hair art. It was beautiful:) Then it started growing and tugging on my scalp. Painful. So I went and got it removed. 

Sarah: I've been coughing with uneasy chest for the last 1 month. Went to the doc and took antibiotics etc. Nothing is working. Went again yest. Doing some more tests today. Let's see. 

Alex: Please do these tests. 

Sarah: I won't say too intense things but always thinking about you. 

Sarah: Your profile pic is too cute 😀 

Sarah: Do you like mountains and cold weather? 

Alex: Not really. Hot weather person. 

Sarah: Ahh. Same! 

Sarah: Do you like how I write? 

Sarah: I want to walk through the forests with you. 

Sarah: And I want to sit on your lap by the lake and look at the waves. 

Sarah: Did you get the banking account? 

Alex: Negotiating commercials right now 

Sarah: Do you like Shah Rukh Khan? 

Alex: Okay okay 

Sarah: And dreaming about you. 

Alex: Me too. Some good ones. 

Sarah: Tell me more. 

Alex: It's the usual stuff from ^^ But it's good. 

Sarah: Okay 

Sarah: I want to know. If you want to say. But won't force you 😅 

Alex: Same stuff Sarah. We meet. We have intense feelings. We make love in super intense ways. We talk and we love. 

Alex: Man, I've been super aroused sexually over the last month 😂 

Sarah: What did you do? 

Alex: Nothing. Used my powers of imagination and…. 

Sarah: 😂 

Alex: I cant really imagine you naked for some reason. 

Alex: I've seen you like 5 times 

Alex: So yeah 

Sarah: So when we're making love I'm wearing clothes? 

Alex: None 

Sarah: Then? 

Alex: In one particular dream, we danced somewhere and got fully naked in the lift itself. Then I carried you to the room and then we made love. 

Sarah: Wow! 

Alex: wow indeed 

Sarah: Im lost in this now. 

Sarah: How fun it would be to dance and make love to you 

Alex: We would go all night 

Alex: And these dreams are also filled with intense dirty talk 

Sarah: I want to see you. 

Sarah: aroused

Sarah: With soft face 

Sarah: And deep eyes 

Alex: I want to take you to a small cottage and sit by the fireside and talk. And take you to bed at the end of the night. So bad. So so bad. 

Alex: So hard right now 😂😂 

Alex: I can't even stand 

Alex: I want to see you.

Alex: I love you. I want you. We need to try, Sarah. One weekend. 

Sarah: I love you, Alex. 

Sarah: Yes. I'll come to Bangalore. 

Alex: I can also come down. We have to do this. 

Sarah: Yes, please. 

Sarah: Tell me which weekend. 

Alex: 18-19-20? 

Alex: November 


Sarah: Love your face so damn much.