( Albus POV )
Neville and his friends were currently being treated, and were well on the way to making a full recovery. He had reported to ministry earlier that morning what had 'officially' happened, that Professor Quirrell had attempted to steal the Philosopher's Stone.
And explained how he had been asked to protect the stone at request of his friend Nicholas. And several first year students decide to take action into their own hands, however he had fortunately return to his office in time to notice the alarm wards going off, and headed off to confront the thief.
And unfortunately Professor Quirrell was killed in the resulting duel, after he had attempted to summon a Fiendfyre, and the spell backfire and consumed him and the stone in his procession leaving nothing but ash.
It was reasonably close to the truth, he could hardly say Voldemort was using Professor Quirrell as a host so he could steal the stone, and regain his own body, that would just cause mass panic, and lead to remaining followers rallying to their fallen master.
Also the fact that there were only two witnesses to the event, him and Neville. With no hard evidence to back up their claims, just theories, which he didn't want to, speak of. If he had to guess the ministry would just try to remove him from office, and start a smear campaign, claiming he was sub-coming to effects of old age, rather than admit the hard truth.
Now he was just waiting for Neville's grandmother Augusta Longbottom to arrival, also known as the old battle axe in certain circles. And quite frankly he was scared more of her than he was of Tom.
She was a hard woman, who took no nonsense, and wasn't willing to play his games, hence he had decided to tell the truth, to point. Leaving out the part he had used her grandson as bait to help draw out Lord Voldemort. It was safer, because if she ever found out, it would be one endless headache, far better to tell her the key parts, so she would work with him, rather than her working against him later on. After all it wouldn't do for her to removed Neville from Hogwarts, where he could keep eye on him and guide him.
Of course he would have her give a privacy vow, to keep knowledge of Tom being alive a secret, until the time was right. He would also have to talk to Neville into keeping quiet about it, which would be easier with his grandmother supporting the motion. Since such old families were close, and would almost always side with their family.
Seeing his private fireplace fare, before the elderly Augusta step out in her normal attire, what was her trade mark. Getting up to greet her "Augusta, how present to see you, how are you today?" he asked, hoping she was in reasonable mood, rather than her normal stubborn one.
"Cut the crap Ablus, tell me why in my grandson is in hospital wing right this minute" came the sharp reply, seeing Augusta making her way over to seat, not waiting for the invite before she said "are you going to stand there all day, sit down, Or do I need to hex you," she threaten in a non-nonsense tone.
Immediately sitting down, rather than risk irritating her further before he even started explaining what had happen, deciding to not brother with offering a lemon drop, it would just made her more sour than normal.
Deciding to get on with meeting quickly as possible, hoping that it would make her less irritable.
"As I am sure you know, Neville and group of his friends last night went out to try and stop the robbery of the philosopher's stone that had been place in my care. And suffered a series of injuries, resulting from the defences put in place to guard it" he explained, seeing her nodded, confirming she had indeed heard the official story, before continuing on.
"However this if the official account of events, before I tell you what really transpire I am going to need a vow, that you won't share what I told you, unless I die, or the knowledge become public, or I release you from the vow" he requested, however he suddenly got feeling he was sitting bit too close to an active volcano that was just about to erupt.
"ALBUS PERCIVAL WULFIC BRIAN DUMBLEDORE!" She shouted, causing several of the portraits of previous Head Teachers to winced, whiles others that had been sleeping woke with start. Before they quickly start to flee to another portrait rather than staying around, even Fawkes decide to abandon him, causing him to quietly mutter "cowards" beneath his breath, and tune out the following rant.
He didn't know who was better really when it came to rants... Molly or Augusta, it also reminded him of his mother before she spanked him for miss-behaving when he was little kid.
"If you don't tell me right this moment I'll drag you to the ministry and pour truth serum down your throat" she threatens.
"There is no need for that Augusta, I just need to ensure you understand the serious of the situation" he chided, hoping she would calm down enough to be reason with. Whiles wondering for 100th whether her animagus form was a bear of some sort.
"Don't give me that crap, if you don't tell me truth right now, I'll pull Neville from his school, and transfer him to Durmstrang. I am sure they accept him, how could they not" she threaten with a shrewd smile, causing him to winced at threat.
Sighing, pinching his nose, before clearing his spectacles knowing full well that Augusta would be more than willing to carry through the threat. That single action would get him removed far faster than any plots made by Lucius, Britain would never accept Neville not going to Hogwarts, he would be gone before the term ended.
"Fine, but I tell you this freely, and hope you understand the seriousness of the situation, and the harm it will do if it becomes public knowledge" he said sternly hoping the elderly women would do the right thing for everyone's shake.
"If you recall, the night Neville's parents were murdered and Lord Voldemort's was defeated, all that was found of his remains was ash, his robes and his wand. Whiles public celebrate his defeat and so-called death, however I had my doubts as I am sure you can recall, and my desire for blood wards to help protect Neville against reprisals" receiving a nod, that Augusta was following him, and remember that long conversation.
"Like I said that night, when I delivered Neville to you, I had my doubts that he had been permanently vanished, because I doubted Lord Voldemort didn't put safeguards in place on the off chance he was killed. However as time passed with no sign of his survival we came to accept that, and hoped that he been defeated for good" he lectured, but not saying that he expected Voldemort survival the encounter.
"However two years I ago I heard rumours of a dark shade, stalking the dark forests of Eastern Europe. Upon my arrival where the shade had last been spotted, all traces had disappeared, however I manage to identify a faint magical sigiture similar to one of Lord Voldemort" he said, seeing Augusta finch for first time in over decade.
"This was one of the main reasons why I supported your campaign to get Neville the permit to start learning magic early, so he could start to learn to defend himself, since the boy would be a target on principle if Lord Voldemort ever return." He explained, but he wasn't going to admit to her that he only supported the motion, due to he couldn't stop it either, hence used it to help ensure her continued support. After all no point fighting a battle you can't win.
"Well it turned out that Professor Quirrell was in league with Lord Voldemort, and was his agent within the school. Quirrell had been tasked with stealing the stone, so his master could get a new body. At the same time to try and kill your grandson, if the opportunity arose without revealing his master's true objective.
Hence was the party responsible for cursing your son's broom, and releasing the troll last Halloween as a distraction in his attempt to steal the stone." He clarified, before cleaning his spectacles again, with an exaggerated sigh, giving the impression of a tired old man, before continuing on.
"However after Christmas holidays and Quirrell's return to the castle, I expected his involvement but had no proof to charge him, what I did not know was when he returned to castle, was Lord Voldemort had already taken him as a host, a body, an puppet to use as his own. So when I went down to confront him, I found the shade of Voldemort rising from Quirrell's corpse.
I don't know what happen, and will have to wait for Neville to wake up, and answer some questions, before I can take an educated guess. In short after that I battle the shade of Voldemort, and was able to drive him off." He explained before once against giving impression of old tired man.
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