Chapter 71: The Old Battle Axe II

"I don't know what happen, and will have to wait for Neville to wake up, and answer some questions, before I can take an educated guess. In short after that I battle the shade of Voldemort, and was able to drive him off."

He explained before once against giving impression of old tired man.


He had to admit his own story was good, it covered all the major events, and matched the visible facts, it was all for the greater good. Before he waited her Augusta to reply, hoping the story gave enough information to sate her desire for truth.

"Fine, I accept that, However why did you not come forward with this information prior today, why the cover up?" she asked, giving him a look, that said if he didn't give her satisfactory answered he would have another problem to deal with.

"Short version is it's only me who had seen him alive, and all the evidence can be dismissed easily, then add Neville's recounting of it you got two witnesses which can be dismissed. Neville due to his youth, and me due to my age, I am sure you heard rumours spread about my mental prowess declining" He explained receiving a nod before continuing on "

"When add into account allot of Lord Voldemort's inner circle manage to bribe their way out of jail, and currently hold key positions in the Ministry. Over half the currently department heads are either 'cleared' death eater's or have family members who were death eaters.

Look at Lucius for example, he's got currently got the minister in his pocket, and probably manage to get the next one in his pocket following the elections this year. The last thing I want is this information being leaked, and Voldemort's followers seeking him out and assisting him in his recovery.

Hence I choice to stay quiet and prepare the best I can, whiles at the same time investigating how Voldemort manage to survived. So I can remove his safeguards allowing him to be killed permanently" He said seriously, hoping Augusta would follow his lead.

"I'll keep my silence," she said causing him to let out a sigh of relief he didn't know he was holding before she said "However I want a Vow from you, that you tell me if you made any breakthroughs" this cause him to mentally cringe at the idea, he had allot of secrets he rather keep to himself, such as the prophecy.

Deciding that he probably wouldn't get a better deal from the women, pulled out his wand, but already had a way out of the vow, "I Albus Percival Wulfic Brian Dumbledore swear on my life and my magic, that I will keep Augusta Longbottom updated in my search for how Lord Voldemort survived. So mote it be" he swore, getting a mild flash of magic before casting a spell. "Now that is done I guess you want to see your grandson" he questioned.

"Indeed," she replied, before picking up her handbag, and headed for the door, without even waiting for his offer to escort her.

Watching her leave he couldn't help but smirk, first of all he had not used Voldemort's true name, since he knew it was Tom Marvolo Riddle, he made the Vow invalid, also the act that he didn't use her full name in the vow, making the vow default.

It always surprised him that more people didn't know those loopholes, especially someone such as Augusta who been around for so long, he put it down to age, after all not everyone can have regular dosage of phoenix tears. It was all for the greater good in the end.

Taking one of his lemon drops, he couldn't help but smile, the meeting had gone better than he expected. Now he had to put another part of his plan into motion, now he had to start recruiting for the order, and he knew just where to start.


( Harry PoV- Bedroom )

Lessons had been cancelled for the day, since it had been reported by the staff that Professor Quirrell had tried to steal philosopher's stone over night. And was killed in the attempt, but several first year students had tried to stop him and were injure as a result. He wanted to say I told you so to Professor Flitwick, but decide that was childish, however instead he had gone back to bed for a nap.

He had spent the good part of the morning napping, until Padma woke him, he lied and said, "He had a sleepless night" since he could hardly say he went out, and raided the 'lock up' and ended up stunning the caretaker. He and Penny had let to share the loot, but they probably do that later after Penny recovered from her embarrassment.

So now he was just killing time, doing bit of light reading to help him relax and process everything that had transpired.

He was currently reading about his mother's 7th year, it was proving to be most interesting to read. Mainly due to the death eaters were becoming more active, stepping out from the shadows. It was a scary time to live, especially for someone like his mother, who was first-generation witch, and gifted student with promising future ahead of herself made her a target by default.

Let instead of hiding or holding back, his mother instead had pushed herself forward, driving herself harder, proving she was more capable than most of her pureblood counter parts.

The more he read the more he wished he could have meet his mother for single day, let he knew it never happen. Causing him to think over everything that had happen in the last year, how much his life had changed for better.

Thinking over everything he had heard about what happen in last 24 hours, with Quirrell's death, and the lions ending in the hospital wing. He felt that he was missing something big; things just didn't add up, something was missing.

Deciding to try and ignore it, and get on with his reading. However his mind refused to let the matter drop, it was one of the curses of being intelligent. The need to know all the answers before you could be satisfied. Probably one of the factors what lead to him being sorted into Ravenclaw, was his need for all the answers. And was probably why he lacked a spiritual side, since it gave no firm answers only hope. Though that was changing now he was living with magic and ghosts for almost year, opening him up to the idea.

Putting down his book, before starting to pace across the bedroom floor, trying to think of all the factors. He re-went over everything he knew of what transpired, and his own analysis. Pulling up his thoughts, trying to see how they all were connected, before deciding to write them down and see if it helps.

Picking up the same note pad he had used to write his thoughts and feelings on the defences.

First was the matter of Headmaster possibly stealing from him, and the potions master being an ass, which could be just because the bad history between Snape and his family.

Second the robbery at the bank, and the third floor, seemed to be connected on some level, which he could not see, meaning he was missing something important. Unless Quirrell was the one who broke in.

Then the defensives on the 3rd floor were too easy besides the wards, which he and the lions managed to passed, was it a test? Then who was testing, only one name could pop to his mind and that was Neville.

Thinking over everything that had happen to the boy, first with the jink bloom, and Neville so called trip into the forest for detention with Ron, just to see a dark spirit feeding on a unicorn, if the rumours were accurate? Then if it was test why such a valuable item such as the stone? Surly there were easier ways to test the first year that required less effort and planning.

Getting up off the bed, walking over the window to look over the grounds, thinking over about the stone and its value, before saying allowed to no one but himself "the only reason to have the stone there was bait, since it was so valuable, then why the weak defences? And how is Quirrell's death involved in it?" before he starting to pace around the room again, something was missing. Before coming to the conclusion he needed more information before he could solve it.

And only way he could know for sure, was a first had account of what happen, not just rumours and gossip. Thinking of the lions, first there was Neville, but he was out-cold, Ron was unreliable, and possibly responsible for gossip, reminding him about the whole troll incident, and how much that story got degraded.

Dean and Seamus, were not present at the end, that left only Hermione, who he was pretty sure could give him some answers, if he could convince her to talk.

Deciding to visit the young lioness soon as things quieten down a bit, so he could have a discreet chat about it, and hopefully he could find a missing piece of the puzzle from her, and solve the whole purpose of the 3rd floor.

Worst case he could just stun Neville, and go looking around in his head, and see the boy's version of events. However no doubt the boy would be watch closely for rest of the term, which was only another 4 and half days. It would also be difficult to get him alone, since he was always surrounded friends, and fans, making it extremely difficult to achieve.

Before he turning to look out the window again, thinking over the problem how to separate Neville from everyone else. Upon seeing his reflection it reminded him of the need to check over the mirror, encase he missed something. So he quickly locked the door, before getting the mirror out of his trunk, placing it in centre of his room before resizing it to it proper size.

Walking around mirror again, looking it over, looking for anything he missed the first time he examined. He found nothing different, before he looked into mirror again and saw his family, which he dismissed quickly. It wouldn't do to think of them, they were long gone, and nothing could change that. He had to focus on the here and now.

Picking up his note pad, whiles at the same time looking over the mirror trying to see how it all fitted together, with the puzzles and the stone. Before the mirror image of him flash something red, causing him to look at the reflection, with interest.

To see the mirror version of him waving a red stone, which he took as what the philosopher's stone looked like. But he couldn't understand why his mind would think the stone would be red, after all there were no accounts he had read that mentioned the stone was blood red.

Looking at mirror version of himself put it in his trouser pocket before patting it; he felt a weight in his own pocket. Causing him to reach in, and warped his hand around an unfamiliar object. Pulling out his hand, to reveal a blood red stone, which seem to glow with power, causing his heart to skip a beat, as he process what just transpired.

Breaking his eyes off the stone to look into mirror, what seemed too nodded at the unasked question of 'is this really the Philosophers stone?'

However before he could continue his analysis of what just happen, the door knocked and familiar voice was heard, "Harry can I come in?" asked Padma. Going with the first thing what popped into his head, "Don't come in I'm naked" as he quickly move to hide the mirror and the stone.


Hey guys I really need some power stones to Elevate the ranking :)


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