Chapter 72: The Old Battle Axe III

( Professor Mcgonagall's Office - Same Day )

Argus had just been sent to her by Ablus, after he had been turned way due to the headmaster being too busy handing the fallout of Quirrell's death. Now the caretaker was insisting he was attacked by a student last night, after he was just about to catch someone in the storeroom, and how he wanted a full investigation and his attackers expired.

Sighing... it was turning out to be one of those days, first having to deal with injured students, and then telling Lady Longbottom about Neville, just to have her ear shouted off.

She was sure Ablus had intentionally done that, just so he didn't have to deal with the enrage women. Now Argus on top of everything, she knew the man was unpopular and was often on the receiving end of pranks, and periodical hex or jink, but she found it hard to believe that a student would go out of the way and assault him, like the way the man was describing.

Sighing, taking one long calming beneath, trying to think what to do, before she notice the trace of whiskey in the air thanks to her cat like scenes. Knowing she hadn't had any whiskey since Christmas, she sniffed again, and could smell it coming from the caretaker and his cat, under traces of soap.

She wonder if the man just dreamed it from drinking so much, but deciding it was easier to just to humour him, before saying "I'll look into it soon as I get a chance, but if you're so worry about being attack again, may I suggest you buy some dragonhide amour, or just be nice to students for a change" before dismissing the caretaker from her sight.

Once the caretaker had left she made a note to bring it up at end of year meeting, just so she could say she done something about it. From everything the man had said about his attackers were at least 3rd years, if one of the pair had manage to stun him. She immediately jump to two prime suspects, the twins, 'sighing' she decide to have word of them after everything, quieten down.

If that failed she would owl their mother about it, now that was pay back for all their pranking.


( Harry Pov )

The next couple days flew by as the rumours about what happen intensified. Some even had Neville battling the fallen dark lord, which he quickly dismissed as impossible, since first he was dead, and second because the idea of a first year battling a dark lord was ridiculous, you didn't have to be genius to see the outcome of that duel.

However that rumour click in his mind, that the stone would make the prefect bait for luring a weakened dark lord out of hiding. But he had the stone, so did that mean there was more than one readily available that the Headmaster could use? Or was the second one fake, since there had been no reports that the mirror had been stolen, no newspaper articles about it.

Before he decided it was time, to visit Miss Granger, and find out what really happen. Hopefully he could strike up a conversation of some sorts, and maybe he could offer her his hand in friendship. After all, the girl was smart, and had similar up bring to him, so they should have some common ground.

It didn't take long for him to track her down, he just went to library since that seem to be where she was all the time. There was the lioness reading away like there was no tomorrow.

Sitting down across from her, she didn't even notice his present, so he decided to watch and wait. Looking at text book it was about rise and fall of dark lords, he found that interesting occurrence, maybe the rumours trigger girl's interest, or maybe the rumours were true after all, before he dismissed the idea again.

After several minutes it was clear the girl was so caught up in the book, that she wouldn't notice him unless he did something to draw her attention.

"Miss Granger" he said sternly, causing the girl's head to catapult up in surprise and shock, then fear, causing him to wonder why she feared him, before he spoke "I believe we need to talk"

"Do we? I have nothing to talk about" she replied dismissively, causing him to realize her little midnight adventure had given her some confidence. It also slightly annoyed him, since he was rarely dismissed since he left his relatives.

"So be it, I'll talk, you can listen, to what I have to say" he said forcefully, making it clear that he wasn't going to anywhere, which caused her to pick up her book and go back to reading trying to ignore him.

"Fine be rude, But remember this Miss Granger that you owe me a life debt, so it be in your best interest to listen to me, even if you have nothing to say" he threaten, getting a reaction, by her sudden stillness. "First of all you should know I have no intentions of claiming the debt, as long you do nothing against my interests, or harm me or my friends" he lectured seriously, the girl didn't even nod, causing his temper to start to fare.

"Secondary I came over here in part to offer my friendship," he said smoothly, "but since you been so rude I won't brother, you just proved to me your typical lion, hence not worth my time," he said getting up, picking up his bag before he made one more pointed remark.

"You think just because you played hero with your friends your better than me, wake up, they only allowed you into their little group because they felt guilty about the troll, and they allow you to stay because you help them with their work. You have nothing in common with them besides being sorted into the same house, where are they now? Messing about whiles you read, and try to improve yourself.

Eventually they will grow tired of you, because you're so different, Ron's clearly jealous of you, and only puts up with you due to Neville, Eventually something will happen and Neville will pick Ron over you, and you will have no one, and due to your altitude and rudeness such as how you treated me, no one will be interested in befriending you, because they will have their own group of friends, you will be the outsider looking in" he lectured, "So I suggest you adjust your attitude missy" turning leaving the lioness alone.

Before walking off hearing faint sniffle signifying he had hit a mark. He felt a bit guilty for his remarks, but to a point it was necessary. Before he decide to go and look for Tonks, and get in some duelling in for bit, and burn off some of his anger.


He dodge left, then right, before he shot back a hex, this was his 3rd duel since finding Tonks on the grounds, and proving to be most enjoyable.

Dodging another barrage of spells, before he sent his own barrage of minor silence hexes at Tonks, causing Tonks to dodge, and move to right, he knew he was approaching his limit. So whiles dodging he'd made time out gesture before saying "time out" deciding it was better to stop now, rather than stopping after having received a hex or two.

Dodging last spell, before lowering his wand, waiting Tonks to lower her own. Before she asked "why you stop?"

"Getting bit drained and I have stargazing session tonight, so rather not fall asleep in middle of class, I'm sure you understand" he said before putting his wand back in the hoister. Before taking one of the chairs to sit down and reflect on the duel, and see if there any lessons he could learn from it. Looking up to see Tonks doing the same, he decide to ask if she was still interested in law enforcement.

"You still want to be Auror, or have you rethought your opinions since we last talk about it" he asked,

"Yea, it something I always wanted to do, I want to prove myself" she answered, looking towards window, giving the impression she was looking into the future.

"If you sure about it, you should know that the ministry is corrupt, you probably end up chasing someone who just pissed off one of the wrong department heads or being used a someone personal muscle" he said. Thinking over all he knew of how the ministry operated, he was sure they had some good people in it; but they were just over shadow by the bad parts.

"You think?" she asked, looking at him seriously,

"Yea, sure you will hunt some real criminals, but you know as well I do ministry jumps to the highest bidder. And half time you be stuck on some pointless case, or assigned to some head of department bodyguard detail, where you just follow them around all day, looking nice and professional, whiles saying yes sir, I'll wipe your ass for you sir." he humourlessly.

"That would suck, But you have to take the bad with the good" she replied, starting to get up to leave.

"True, it's like most things in life, you take the good with bad," he answered before saying jokingly "You could always work for me, the pay would probably be better, and I dont need you to wipe my ass," resulting her giving a chuckle whiles she left.

Finally getting up to go and have a shower, and clean himself up before tonight's class.


Hey guys I really need some power stones to Elevate the ranking :)


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