Freshly dressed and ready for one of the last lessons of the year. Be he heard knocking on the door, "it's open" he shouted, before going back to stroking serenity, which was nested on his lap.
Penny walked in, and seem to take the arm chair for change, instead of joining him on bed, like she normally would have, he wonder what had cause that before he thought back to her using him as a teddy bear, so was probably was still embarrass about it.
"Where did you hide the stuff we raided" Penny asked breaking the silence.
"In the wardrobe, right hand side" he answered, making no attempt to move, just kept on stroking serenity.
Watching her get the sacks out of the wardrobe, before handing him his sack, before she retook her seat, he said "you go first then" he said, wondering what Penny had found during the 'raid'.
So Penny started showing him what she had found. Most of it held no interest to him, however he did find it funny that Penny had stolen a pair of heels, and decide to play a bit of joke, since they had agreed 50/50 spilt "so which one do you want left or right?" he asked, pretenting to be seriously, whiles trying to keep a straight face at her reaction.
"What you mean?" she asked, looking at him with a confused expression, "I thought we agree upon sharing our spoils?" he asked innocently.
"Well yes but I thought you wouldn't be interest" she answered, "Besides they don't really suit you"
"Maybe, but we still sharing so right or left, or we can cut both of them down the middle and get 2 half shoes each" he replied, faking seriousness.
" well... surly there must be something we can agree upon?" she asked, in desperation, before he couldn't hold in his laughter any longer, resulting him bursting out laughing, before Penny finally caught on to fact that he was teasing her, and resulting in her launching herself from the chair, just to slap him on the shoulder.
Eventually he'd mange to calm himself down to see a slightly amused Penny, "That's for avoiding me last couple of days" he said giving her a disproving look "are you not going to try them on? After all that?" he asked,
"Na, I'll try them on later, now show me what you got then" she replied. Deciding to drop the subject before opening his own bag, and went through what he got. First the cards, then the everlasting bouncy ball, and then chess set.
"Now for the main course" he said, before lifting the bag upside down and letting the jewellery full onto the bed, looking at pile he only just realized how much he had taken, Before looking a Penny, who mouth seem to drop to floor, before he said in explanation "what do you think, this is all from the unclaimed section"
( End of term Feast -2 days later )
He was currently sitting with Padma, as he carefully watched the other students fall in. Seeing the group of lions come in and sit down, reminding him of his recent failure to solve the 3rd floor.
He had failed to find out what happen that evening when the lions decided to play hero, all he had were theories, and limited evidence at best to support them. He had planned to stun one of the lions, and try using Legilimency to find out what happen that evening.
But he hadn't been able to isolate one of them, they just went around in one big pack, and wasn't help that other students had taken to re-following Neville like they did at the start of the year.
So he would have to wait until next year, before he could get some answers. Just meant it gave him more time to prepare and plan for ambushing Neville. As well practice his legilimency skills, since he only ever read about.
It occurred him he would be breaking the law if he went through with it, but when it came down to it, it was to find out what really happen, not to use the information for harm or to learn private secrets, it was just for answers for his own peace of mind.
Silence suddenly engulf the great hall as the headmaster walked up, and gesture for silence,
"Another year as come and gone and summer bids as all welcome, for all those who's this is their final year. I bid you good luck in your future careers, and hope you leave with fond memories of staying here at Hogwarts." He said proudly, pausing to scan over the room, "Now on to the house cup, in last place this year is Slytherin with a grand total of 376 points, bring their 4 year winning streak to end," causing politic round of applause from most of the Hall,"
"Next in 3rd place is Gryffindor with grand total of 402", this cause a slightly louder round of applause, In second place are the hard working house of Hufflepuff with a grand total of 561, causing another louder round of applause", and finally in first place, are the ever knowledgeable Ravens with grand total of 847 points" causing a wave of celebrations to erupt.
After couple minutes of celebrations the Headmaster rose his hand for silence, giving him the feeling that Ravenclaw were suddenly about to come second place, "However recent events have to be taken into account" the age headmaster explained.
"To Dean Thomas and Seamus Finnigan I reward to you 80 points each for standing by your friends in dangerous times, to Hermione Granger I reward 120 points for excellent use of knowledge and logic in stressful times, To Ron Wealsey, I rewarded 120 points for excellent game of wizard chess, and finally I reward Neville Longbottom, 150 points, for facing unknown danger, and leading your friends. So I believe new colours are in order" with gesture the hall changed to hanging Gryffindor banners.
Causing the lions to literally leap out their seats and start jumping up and down, the twins started doing a victory dance. Whiles he and rest of Ravenclaw house seem to suck on sour lemons at the sudden upset, and didn't even bother to clap, while Slytherins looked even more annoyed that they house rival had beaten them for both cups.
"150 points from Gryffindor for over the top reactions" came professor Snape's voice, cutting through the noise, instantly silencing the hall, stopping the celebrations in their tracks, causing the whole hall to look at the smirking potions master.
"Surly you jest, I think we can over look this just this once, since it's been stressful year" Came the Headmaster voice, in full grandfather persona, making move to redistribute the taken points.
"No I don't, under the Hogwarts point distribution rules, subsection B, paragraph 6, line 3 to 8, if an Headmaster gives any points within 24hours of the end of term feast without consulting the current head of houses. Then other head's of houses can also give and remove points, after all they didn't want Headmaster's intentionally favouring their own former houses" he said smugly, quoting the rules.
"I agreed with honourable head of Slytherin house," said Professor Flitwick formally "since rules are rules, and it's unfair otherwise, after all the Headmaster should be an impartial judge, besides those points should have been reward within 48 hours of the event occurring, as stated upon in the charter. And I believe this all happen 4 and half days ago" he explained seriously
"Surly you can't be serious, the last four days have been awfully stressful, and this was first chance to reward the points" the Headmaster explained.
"All our days have been stressful and busy with preparing for the summer, If you having problems remembering this, may I suggest you get a remember ball or two?" the charms master shot back.
This caused some giggles around the great hall, before Professor Sprout added her piece "I agreed with Professor Snape, and Professor Flitwick, after all the ravens have work hard for their victory, I don't approve of favouritism you are currently showing.
I have to admit I am shock that a former lion such yourself would be endorsing favouritism, are not the Gryffindors meant to be noble and honourable? I didn't think they would need to cheat and conspire to win," she lectured, challenging them to say otherwise, whiles looking at Minerva, who just seemed to recoil at the accusation.
Seeing no reply for coming "I move to have the points reset, to what they were before the Headmaster's interference," Professor Sprout said.
"Agreed" both Flitwick and Snape said, causing the Points to reset, causing the banners to turn back to Ravenclaw colours, whiles the Headmaster, and the whole of the Gryffindor table seem to suddenly be sucking on their very own lemons, whiles the rest of hall clapped, with the Slytherin house applause seem to reach higher levels, whiles Flitwick and Snape smiled smugly, giving the impression this had all been prearrange.
Hey guys I really need some power stones to Elevate the ranking :)
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