Chapter 74: The Old Battle Axe V

( Next morning )

The previous night had been noisy to say at least, the whole of Ravenclaw house seem to celebrating the victory and the return of the house cup, which was currently sitting in their common room on display, behind class cabinet design by Lady Ravenclaw herself to hold the cup securely.

Now everyone was busy packing and completing last minute tasks, before heading down to station to catch the train that left at 11, and it just gone half 9, so he had plenty of time to hand in this letter of complaint.

Finally getting to his head of house office, giving a quick knock at the door before entering to see his own head of house seem to be busy with last minute arrangements. After the standard round of introductions, he finally got around to business, since they didn't have time for word play.

"Professor Flitwick, would you please asked the deputy headmistress to attend, I got some official business that believe it best there be some multiply witnesses" he said seriously waiting for the charm master to respond.

"If you insist Mr Potter, However I hope this is not wasting our time, since we are awfully busy today" he warned, before getting up and making his way over to fireplace to summon Professor Mcgonagall.

Couple minutes later Professor Mcgonagall arrived, and not wasting time went straight down to business "what is you need Mr Potter, I hope you not wasting my time" she said seriously, making it clear she wasn't in mood to be mess about. So obviously still upset at losing the house cup.

Bring out the sealed letter he had written couple days earlier from his pocket, before placing it on desk, with the Potter house signal clearly displayed, "This is a formal letter of complaint about the teaching standards here at Hogwarts" he said seriously causing professors to recoil,

"More importantly its directed at one teacher particularly, Professor Snape, throughout the year he as single me out, and allow personal feelings resulting from the bad blood between him and my father to effect his teaching, in short he's been a bully, and as under marked my work as result, as well verbal insults" he lectured, eyeing the staff, before continuing

"I would list more issues, but I'm afraid I have a train to catch, and don't have the time, for it. But since Christmas I have documented, every incident, including witnesses, to support my claims, the most recent one was in potion's practical exam, when I challenge why I was given faulty potion brewing material and was punish as result" He said seriously, looking at the paling teachers.

"Now if this matter is not resolved, then I'll take it to the press, I am sure they will be most interest in the story, and of course they will investigate my claims themselves. I am sure many other students have similar issues, and will voice them to their parents, and they will in turn will support the media investigation" he threaten, betting last thing the staff would want was the issue to become public, and a political issue. When it could easy be kept behind closed doors, and be less of a problem to handle.

"I see" was all Professor Mcgonagall said, clearly still trying to process what had was happening, and how bad the fallout would be if it indeed went to the press, whiles his head of house stayed quite.

"If necessary I am also willing to provide memories to support my accusations, However I am willing to seek a compromised, which is agreement to allow me to self study potions, rather than attend the man's classes, as well having any points or detentions given to me to be check by another member of the staff." He offered giving them a reasonable way out.

"Since I want this matter sorted before the new school year starts, I hope you hear from you in next couple weeks, after you have had the chance to investigate" he said, before getting up to leave to catch the train, and turning around to say final good bye "I hope you have good summer break" before leaving to catch one of carriages down to the station.


( Station )

After arriving at train station after a rather enjoyable journey in one of the carriages, it still about an half an hour before the train left, so he had plenty time to spare. Taking in the platform for the second time, looking over its details since the first time had been dark, before making his way to train itself.

Stepping up on the trains steps to get a better look at everything, seeing the castle in the distance that had been his home for last 3 quarters of year, he would miss it dearly. As well as his friends he made, but the summer would give him time to grow and focus on his own studies.

He just hope that Bloodmoon had had a chance to ward a suitable residence for him to stay in. So he could practise his magic like he request, and had put some privacy wards so he wouldn't be bothered by anyone he didn't want to.

Sure anyone could find the place if they look hard enough, but if they wanted to find him that much; there wasn't much he could do about it with his limited resources.

Seeing first wave of students starting to arrived, he decide it was time to find a place to sit down, before heading towards the front of the train, where he had told everyone he would be sitting.

Walking for a bit before finding a suitable apartment for the ride, and went about making himself comfortable for the journey ahead, deciding to take window seat for the ride. He wondered what would the next school year bring.


They were still a couple of hours away from reaching London, he was currently sitting alone with the Slytherin duo. Since Padma had gone off to talk to some other ravens, to find out their contact details for the summer.

Thankfully he had already done all that, so now he was just relaxing making some small talk, about their plans for the summer break. Whilst enjoying the journey, he had agreed to meet up Daphne and Tracy over the summer a couple of times. Of course he had similar agreements with all his friends.

They had asked him to meet their parents, but he had decline on the bases that he had to get to meeting with the goblins and didn't have time. Since the train had been delayed in leaving the station, due some lions were up late with some last minute celebrations the night before and forgot to pack.

That had annoyed him quite a bit, since it risks him being late for his meeting with Bloodmoon. And Goblins as a culture hated time wasted by lateness, to them it look like you were saying their time was less valuable than yours. So the saying time is money, summed up goblins to a T.

Plus on more personal note, he didn't want their piety with the whole orphan deal. And he felt it was time for those families to see their children, and he didn't want to be in the way. Besides he would just end up meeting up with them over the summer at one point or another.

Thus now he was waiting for train finally to arrive, so he could go about his business, tapping his foot impatiently, wishing the train would hurry up.

So when the train finally pulled into the station, he said a quick good bye to his friends, before heading over to use the floo system. Picking up some floo powder and throwing it into the fireplace, before saying "Leaky Cauldron" and then walking through the magical fire, the journey taking a matter of seconds since it was relatively short distance to travel in magical terms, before he arrived in the cauldron and rapidly made his way towards bank.

Walking through the bank doors, he notice instead of two guards there were now four, entering the lobby, before quickly scanning the room prior to walking towards the big double doors, which lead to his account managers office.

However he was suddenly stopped by pair of armoured goblins. "Halt Human, what is your business here," one of the pair demanded. Which he guessed was the senior of the pair, based on the minor differences in their armour.

"I have business meeting with my account manager Bloodmoon, he's expecting me," he answered carefully, since this was goblin territory and it would be unwise to piss them off, since wizard laws meant nothing here. If he said something or did something stupid, they could easy behead him for it, and frankly he liked his head very much!

"And where are your parents then? Or your guardian young human?" the same goblin asked, bring him out of his internal dialogue.

"Dead, I am last one of my line, so would you please move aside, I don't wish to be late for my meeting, time is money after all." He answered, hoping to remain the goblins of one of their own golden rules of business, and get moving since he had no interest in playing 50 questions with them.

"So be it, I'll escort you human," the guard spat, before saying something to his partner in their native tongue, before leading him down the corridor.

Neither of them wasted time with conversation, they just quickly made their way to Bloodmoon's office.


Hey guys I really need some power stones to Elevate the ranking :)


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