Lin heng

The 14 years old Zhao Meixiang has been acting weird recently. Everyone in the province knew Zhao Meixiang was bratty, spoil, and vulgar. The servants of the Zhao family knew their young mistress poor behavior first hand. So when the young girl came out of her room one day to browse the estate, everyone was stunned at how quiet she was. One hand holding a paper fan, the beautiful girl walked leisurely while her eyes took in the surroundings. When she gave a soft smile, flashing one of her deep dimples, the servants nearby nearly choke. Meixiang's smiles were usually condescending with an air that said "you're beneath me". No matter how beautiful she was, no one would find a patronizing smile, lovely. But for the first time, the people at the manor were transfixed by the sweet smile.

The servants weren't the only one who took noticed of Zhao Meixiang's change. Her father, the Viscount took notice as well. When he questioned her if she was feeling sick or ill, Meixiang laughed and hugged her father's arm like the "old" Meixiang always do. For a father to receive such a sweet, pouting expression from his beloved daughter, he would not question her any further. If anything, he took it as another growing phase the child was going through. And so, since the Viscount didn't question Zhao Meixiang's sudden change, no one else dared to.

"Daddy" Meixiang smiled as she took of her father's arm. "Meixiang will go with you to the Capital"

"You want to go?" The Viscount was surprised.

The Viscount had tried for the past 2 years to get his daughter to go with him to the Capital. For three months of the year, the Viscount has to be in the Capital City to report to the imperial court for duty. During those three months, the Viscount asked his daughter to join him for 2 reasons. One, he wanted to take the opportunity to introduce her to the Lin family. Second, he wanted his beloved daughter at his side.

"What?" Meixiang small pink lips pouted. "Daddy doesn't want Meixiang to go?"

"Of_ of course I do. My good daughter, so you'll join me this year"

While the Viscount smiled and laughed, he missed the sly lift on his daughter's lips and the deep sparkles in her eyes.

Five days later at the Capital City, a handsome young man just passed 16 years old, stood quietly at the doorway of his bedroom. Leaning against the frame of the opened doors, the young man looked out at the connecting water garden. Before him was a calm and peaceful sight, but in his heart was filled with turmoil. A few days ago, his parents had let him know that Viscount Zhao and his daughter will be visiting them. Everyone in the country knew Zhao Meixiang was his betroth. His father the great Prime Minister had personally asked the Empress for the engagement. The Emperor also gave his royal blessing. Whenalso gave his royal blessing. When Zhao Meixiang turns 18, she will be wedded into the Lin Family. For any young man to marry a beautiful bride, he would feel blessed. For Lin Heng, he felt dejected. Ignoring all the rumors about Zhao Meixiang being spoiled, crude, and mean, Lin Heng just learned his heart was yearning for someone else. Even if that someone does not feel the same way for him, Lin Heng was still trying to move on from the adolescent feeling. In that moment, how could he think of anyone else?

"Young master" A young servant stood nervously at the entrance while speaking carefully. "The Viscount has arrived"


"Master and Mistress is entertaining the Viscount in the main hall"

"And Lady Zhao?"

"In the Plum Garden"

"Plum Garden?"

Lin Heng gave a bitter smile. Liu Jiaying had once told him that she did not like plum blossom because of how fragile it was. Instead, Liu Jiaying preferred the golden flower - the chrysanthemum for its strength.

"Young Master..."

"Let's go then..." Lin Heng straightened and walked out the room while the young servant quickly

"Let's go then..." Lin Heng straightened and walked out the room while the young servant quickly followed behind.

In the garden surrounded by plum blossom trees, a petite figure sat under a small wood pavilion. The air was cold but gentle so the young Zhao Meixiang did not mind sitting outside in the garden. With an elbow on the wooden table, her chin was prompt on the back of her hand while other hand was gently tapping on the table. Her eyes were closed with a quiet smile on her face as if she was lost in a soundless song of the wind.

That beautiful, quiet scene was how Lin Heng first saw Zhao Meixiang. It had startled him and the servants nearby. It was unlike what they had expected. Lin Heng never met Zhao Meixiang before but

never met Zhao Meixiang before but heard enough stories about the girl to believe she was vulgar. But how could a vulgar person sit so gracefully so peacefully as if nothing in the world could touch or move her.

Lin Heng stood frozen in place until Zhao Meixiang's eyes slowly opened. Her startling jewel-like eyes held an unknown depth that made him suddenly nervous - like she could see right through him. How was it possible? How could he be nervous toward a small girl? It was shocking because he was never nervous toward anyone - not even his own father.

"Hello..." Meixiang cautiously stood in place - her voice was light but clear. "Please do not be alarm... I came with my father as a guest here..."

Meixiang explained appearing hesitant. When her eyes looked back up at Lin Heng and found the man unresponsive, her eyes casted back down with more hesitation.

"Pardon me..." Meixiang nervously bowed and quickly turned to leave.


Because her back was turn, Lin Heng did not see the hidden gleam in her eyes as she rushed off. Then with perfect timing, Meixiang accidentally tripped over the long length of her dress and would have fallen to her face if a pair of strong arm didn't caught her in time.

"Are you alright?"

"Y_ Yes" Meixiang quickly stood and kept careful distance from Lin Heng. "T_ Thank you"


"No, it was I who startled you" Lin Heng said gently. "Lady Zhao Meixiang"

"Y_ You know me?" Meixiang looked up at the tall older boy - her eyes widened with surprised.


"You are..."

"Lin Heng" The tall boy cupped his fist and tilted his head slightly to greet her politely.

It was strange for Lin Heng to greet Zhao Meixiang in such a formal manner. It was like he wasformal manner. It was like ne was greeting royalty or his elders and not a younger girl. Because of his action, Meixiang couldn't help but covered her lips to stop herself from laughing.


"S_ Sorry" Meixiang apologized when she saw the surprised look on Lin Heng's face. "I didn't mean to laugh... it's just Lin-gongzi does not have to greet this little Meixiang so formally. But since Lin-gongzi greet Meixiang so gracefully, she must returned in kind"

Meixiang then straightened her posture and gracefully placed her hands to the left side. With a slight bend of her knees, Meixiang bowed her head and returned the formal bow - like she was greeting royalty or her elders.

"Meixiang greets Lin-gongzi"

After greeting the boy, Meixiang lifted her face to see the taller boy staring down at her in confusion.

"You're not like what they say..."

Meixiang understood the older boy's comment. Instead of responding, she tilted her head to the side and look back at him with confusion. Seeing her lost expression, Lin Heng only smiled. When Zhao Meixiang smiled back, the dejected feeling that Lin Heng previously felt suddenly went away unbeknownst to him