Lin heng

The original Zhao Meixiang did not meet Lin Heng until months before their wedding date. The Viscount had to drag his spoiled daughter, kicking and screaming to meet her betroth. When she finally met the young man and fell in love with him, she was already too late in the game. Lin Heng feelings for Liu Jiaying foster for almost six years before Zhao Meixiang entered his life. With no other women to compare no other soul to pour his heart to, his feeling for Liu Jiaying became unbreakable. By the time Zhao Meixiang made her appearance, the game have already ended.

The present Zhao Meixiang knew the game and decided to attack Lin Heng when he is still young and weak. She entered Lin Heng life the moment the time when his heart was most vulnerable. The best time to attack a person is when he or she is heartbroken. Despicable? Some may say so. But isn't it also true that all is fair in Love and War?

"Meixiang, are you cold?"

Zhao Meixiang was lost in her own thoughts when the warm voice brought her back to focus. For the past few weeks, Meixiang would visit the Lin family with her father. Each time, Lin Heng would take her around the expansive Lin estate, showing her all the gardens and private quarters in his family home. Of course, the Viscount was careful to have a few maids to follow Meixiang around. Now that the young Lin Heng seems to show interest in his daughter, the Viscount took precaution to his precious daughter's virtue.

"Come, bring over the coal" Lin Heng ordered the nearby servants.

Before Meixiang could say she was fine, several stone buckets were placed all around her.

"Thank you..." Meixiang smiled softly - carefully keeping her eyes on the folded hands on her lap.

Currently, they were sitting in the plum garden underneath the small pavilion. Sitting across from one another, the two had been watching the plum blossom trees for a while now.

"Ah... it's snowing..." Meixiang was surprised when a snowflake fall on top of her hand.

Turning, she looked out at the garden to see the gentle snow fall. Against the fallen plum blossom, the white flakes blended charmingly.

So white and pink

Cold but warm, sinking

Falling yet still blooming

Meixiang recited quietly while gazing at the blend of fallen plum blossom and white snow flake. She had forgotten that she was not alone until Lin Heng responded with another poem.

White and pink blooms

Unknowingly, the light blossom

Spring is imminent, soon

Hearing Lin Heng's response to her poem, Meixiang smiled. When a plum blossom flower falls right in front of her, she held it in her palm.

"You must like plum blossom..." Lin Heng watched the quiet Meixiang as her attention was on the small delicate flower in her white porcelain hand.

"Who does not like plum blossom?" Even though Meixiang was smiling at the flower in her hand, it did not escape her that Lin Heng's expression changed ever so slightly by her rhetorical question.

"Some prefer a stronger flower"

"Stronger flower?"Meixiang repeated - her voice held confusion while her eyes lifted to meet Lin Heng. "What flower is stronger than the plum blossom? In the middle of winter, only the plum blossom blooms. While the world is covered in white, this pink flower still blossom"

While Lin Heng was startled, Meixiang looked back down at the flower in her hand smiling softly to herself. Just as Lin Heng wanted to speak, a young maid appeared and rushed to Meixiang side.

"Miss, master said it's time to leave"

"It's barely an hour since you came" Lin Heng couldn't stop himself from speaking his mind.

When he realized what he had said, he quickly turned and coughed into his fist - hoping to hide his embarrassment.

"Meixiang bid Lin-gongzi a good day" Meixiang gave her usual quiet smile as she stood.

Lin Heng wanted to ask the young girl if she was going to visit again but stopped himself. While Meixiang walked away with her maids, Lin Heng stood underneath the small pavilion watching after her.

"Miss..." A maid who was holding Meixiang's arm whispered with a smile. "It seems Lin-gongzi have fallen for_"

"Do not speak foolishness in someone else home" Meixiang voice was calm and steady, revealing no emotion.

"Y_ Yes miss, forgive me to speaking out of bounds" The maid quickly lowered her head and said nothing else.

Walking quietly in the empty corridor, Zhao Meixiang's expression was unreadable. No one could see through her thoughts. She had made sure to keep it that way. After all, the Meixiang now is different from before. She wasn't foolish enough to lose in the game call love. Yes, Lin Heng was indeed drool-worthy, but Meixiang knew better. The man may be somewhat interested in her now, but what's to say he will continue to be interest if she gave in to his charms so easily. Plus, the protagonist of the story has yet to reenter the game. Right now, Zhao Meixiang is a temporary distraction for the young Lin Heng - the rebound love. After three months, Meixiang has to head back home with her father. Cities apart, who can guarantee that Lin through her thoughts. She had made sure to keep it that way. After all, the Meixiang now is different from before. She wasn't foolish enough to lose in the game call love. Yes, Lin Heng was indeed drool-worthy, but Meixiang knew better. The man may be somewhat interested in her now, but what's to say he will continue to be interest if she gave in to his charms so easily. Plus, the protagonist of the story has yet to reenter the game. Right now, Zhao Meixiang is a temporary distraction for the young Lin Heng - the rebound love. After three months, Meixiang has to head back home with her father. Cities apart, who can guarantee that Lin Heng won't fall for Liu Jiaying again in Zhao Meixiang's absent? First love is always the hardest to forget. For the second male lead like Lin Heng, it'll be even harder for him to forget.

Still, this Zhao Meixiang was determined to win this game – one way or another.

Three months quickly passed in a blink of an eye. Zhao Meixiang often visited the Lin estate, carefully nurturing friendship toward the Lin Family. Each time she appeared, she was welcomed warmly by everyone. Her calm, graceful personality easily won the love of the Lin elders. Her rarely given sweet dimple smiles enhanced her allure, making everyone in the Lin Family to do everything they could to receive her smile. Despite her lack of talent in music or arts, no one cared or mind. Instead, they found Meixiang adorable as she attempts to paint a bird but end up with a duck. When she tried to play the Guzheng, everyone flinched to the horrid sound. But no one could find it in their heart to criticize seeing how the young beautiful girl was doing her best to play.

"Ah" Meixiang had been so focused on plucking each string until one suddenly snapped.

"Meixiang!" Everyone panicked at the sight of fresh blood on white delicate finger.

Θ 12

Lin Heng had been standing nearby watching the young girl play the Guzheng for his grandmother and mother. At first, he had a small amused smile on his face seeing how poorly she played yet still so lovable because she was trying so hard. No matter how unskilled he learned Zhao Meixiang was, Lin Heng couldn't help but still find her adorable. Because the little girl was putting all her effort in everything she does, people found her more endearing.


As soon as the string snapped and cut Meixiang little finger, Lin Heng rushed to her side and took hold of her hand. He had been worried but Meixiang resisted and pulled back her hand from his grip. This caused Lin Heng to frown. The two had been good and close the first two months of their meeting. Then suddenly, Meixiang pulled away from him. The last month, the little girl had been avoiding him despite her normal visits to the Lin estate.

"You're hurt" Lin Heng took hold of her hand again. "Let me help you bandage it"

"I'm fine... Lin-gongzi, please let go" Meixiang again pulled away and took her own silk handkerchief to wrapped around her fingers.

Lin Heng stood silently as he watched Meixiang stood - her eyes obviously avoid meeting his.

"Meixiang is embarrassed... to show Lin-nainai and aunty such poor skill" Meixiang hid her blushing cheeks by lowering her head.

"Nonsense, you did well child" Lin Heng's grandmother smiled warmly. "You did well. It's the Guzheng fault for ruining the mood. Someone, take the worthless instrument out and the worthless instrument out and burn it"

The white Guzheng Meixiang just played with was a priceless one of a kind instrument made with rare white horse hair and white oak wood. Even if the string was difficult to replace, the instrument was still worth more than the average Guzheng. The servants and maids all wanted to cry. If they were able to sell it instead, it was enough to feed them for life.

"Why are you still standing there doing nothing" Lin Heng glanced over at the servants. "Take it and burn it"

And so the rare Guzheng was burned to dust.

"Lin-nainai..." Meixiang appeared embarrassed. "The Guzheng was innocent... why destroy it?"

"Your hand is injured" Lin Heng again took hold of her hand, reminding her Lin-namal... Meixiang appeared embarrassed. "The Guzheng was innocent... why destroy it?"


"Your hand is injured" Lin Heng again took hold of her hand, reminding her that the Guzheng string was the cause of it.



"Only because Meixiang skill is poor..." Meixiang, again tried to pull away but Lin Heng held on tighter. "Meixiang should head back_"

"Grandmother, mother" Lin Heng ignored Meixiang attempt to escape. "I would like a moment alone with Lady Zhao"

"T_ that's not appropriate" Meixiang trembled while her eyes seek help from the Lin elders.

"The plum garden is still blooming beautifully" Everyone in the Lin estate knew by now Meixiang fondness for plum blossoms. "Why don't you take Meixiang there for viewing?"

"Lin-nainai_" Meixiang wanted to protest but was pulled away by Lin Heng.

While Lin Heng led Meixiang away, no one noticed the sly glint in her eyes.


As soon as the two were alone in the garden, Meixiang pulled away and took several steps back. Her action and expression clear told the young man that she was uncomfortable.

"I thought..." Lin Heng was hurt by the little girl cold distance. "Did we not become friends...?"

For the first two months, the two had been on good terms - always smiling and talking about anything and everything. Even when Meixiang was careful not to be close proximity of the older boy, she was still warm and friendly. Lin Heng didn't understand when she became so distance and cold.

"Did I do something to offend you?"

"No... Lin-gongzi has been proper_"

"Lin-gongzi... you're still so formal with me" Lin Heng took a step forward only to have Meixiang take another step back. "Meixiang... we're engaged..."

It was the first time Lin Heng spoke of their engagement. He had completely forgotten how unwilling he had been with the engagement 3 months before.

"Lin-gongzi" Meixiang nervously glance up at him. "About that... maybe we should break the engagement"

Lin Heng immediately frowned. His usually kind, warm eyes were flashing darkly.


"Do you have someone else in your heart?"

"N_ No" Meixiang again step back with Lin Heng approached her.

"Then why do you want break our engagement?"


"Why are you still calling me that?" Lin Heng couldn't stop his emotion after Meixiang had probed at it with talk of breaking off their engagement.

"You called my servant by his name"

His eyes shot a glare at the young boy standing nearby. Instantaneously, the servant boy fell to his knees even though he felt wronged by his young master's blame.

"But you can't call me by mine?" Lin Heng eyes went back to Meixiang.

"Lin-gongzi_" Meixiang stopped and then look down at her hands.

Seeing how the little girl was pulling nervously on her fingers, Lin Heng eyes softens.


"Lin-gongzi does not have anyone in his heart?"

Meixiang sudden question startled Lin Heng. All of a sudden, the young man was reminded of the playful, cheerful girl. His heart was conflicting as he was lost within his memories. And because he was lost in thoughts, he missed the smirk on Meixiang's face.

"Lin-gongzi... it's best if we end our engagement"

"Lin-gongzi, father has already prepared our trip home in two days..." The little girl cast her eyes down, showing her reluctance. "Today will be Meixiang last visit"

"Meixiang" Lin Heng wanted to take hold of her hand but Meixiang refused. "You're afraid of me..."

Meixiang shook her head.

"Then why are you avoiding me? Why do you want to break our engagement?"

Meixiang remained silent.

"Our families have decided on this. The Empress has already written down our engagement. The Emperor has already given his blessing" Lin Heng voice grew heavier as he spoke. "It's too late to speak of_"

"Meixiang will speak to father"


It was the first time Lin Heng gave such an angry outburst. He, himself, was startled at his own emotion. All a while, Meixiang whole body was trembling.


"Meixiang does not have the confidence..."

Surprised by her sudden statement, Lin Heng looked at her, waiting for her explanation.

"Lin-gongzi... after today, we will be cities apart... Lin-gongzi is good..." Meixiang head was lowered but Lin Heng could see her blushing cheeks glowing as she continued to speak. "Lin-gongzi will find someone better than Meixiang"

It took a moment for the young man to process Meixiang's words. When he realized the girl was hesitating because of his interest for her, he couldn't stop the smile that bloom on Meixiang head was lowered but Lin Heng could see her blushing cheeks glowing as she continued to speak. "Lin-gongzi will find someone better than Meixiang"

It took a moment for the young man to process Meixiang's words. When he realized the girl was hesitating because of his interest for her, he couldn't stop the smile that bloom on his face.

"Silly girl" When he took gentle hold of her hand, Meixiang didn't resist.

"Meixiang isn't silly" The little girl pouted quietly. "The world is large and wide... there is always someone better..."

Meixiang does not know her simple statement moved Lin Heng's heart. The young man, himself, was not aware that those words would be engraved within him for the rest of his life.