Prologue 2 - Rue Lyarsian

Empty. That would be a word someone would use to describe Rue Lyarsian. An empty sea. Void of emotions that makes someone human.

No one that had emotions could do what he has. No sane human could kill serveral peers without batting an eye. They would feel remorse. Guilt. 

Beg for forgiveness of those they've hurt. Rue did none of those things. He neither confessed, or refuted their accusations. 

All they got was a smile. A disgustingly beautiful smile from the blond, grey eyed boy. A smile that could make anyone bend to his will if he so wished for it.

To the outside world Rue seems to bask in their pain as if he was getting a tan. Relishing in the pain and distress he caused for all. Many times he would be caught with a smile on his face every time someone asked about that day.

To make matters worse no police arrested him due to "lack of evidence". The aggrieved families hatred towards him reached a critical point. They made sure he wouldn't forget his crimes.

That he wouldn't forget those he killed. The innocent lives that he took away all too soon. It was a mystery to what actually happened that day.

A person can only keep a secret if one knew. That one person was Rue Lyarsian. The now estrange third son of the Lyarsian family. The bane of their existence.

The Lyarsian family made no comment on the matter only offering their condolences to the family in their son's stead.

A son that disappeared off the map completely for two years.

His disappearance didn't stop the speculations on why he did what he did, or the fact he was running away from his mistakes.

To Rue their speculations were nothing, but speculations. If his family wasn't already angered and disgusted with him to the point they was ready to disown him, he would have spoke up about how he felt about said "incident".

They would hate to know his thoughts. They couldn't handle what was inside his mind. It would scar them.

He wasn't going to pay for the damage he causes when it happens.

Rue stretched out across his hotel bed, resting his head on his butler's leg. Who is his only ally in the mess he caused. Not once did Fen question what went down that day. Something he appreciates.

He didn't want to talk about what happened. It was a secret for a reason.

"Mr. And Mrs. Lyarsian has ordered you back to England. They wish for you to be back by noon tomorrow." Fen said, his fingers curling through Rue's hair, softly brushing it away.

"Now you tell me." With the agility of a cat he got out of bed, searching for his luggage. "Do you know why I've been called back after all these years?" Why now? Haven't they abandoned him? The family's disgrace.

Their greatest mistake. Their biggest regret in life was him being born. They even said as much. To mock them he changed his name that translated into regret.

"No, sir. They say just to have you back by tomorrow noon. Any later than that then you should expect punishment." Fen's voice remained unchanged, showing no emotions despite his caring actions a minute prior.

Rue liked Fen like that. Uncaring. Affectionate, but not. Fen was all he had. His only friend. It gets tiring being the most hated person.

"I see. Around this time they would be trying to marry me off. That's impossible considering who would marry me after what happened. Unless they're crazy, or a fan." He hated fans. They didn't even know what they were a fan of.

Fanatic fans was the worst to deal with, but they was helpful to him at times despite almost being kidnapped by one.

"Instead of speculating on why they're calling you back, how about you try to pack up. That would be very helpful to arriving on time. You don't want to chained back up do you?" It sounded like a threat. A threat to get him to obey. It wasn't one. Fen didn't do threats. Not to him at least.

"I'm going. I'm going. It would be forever grateful if you helped me out." Rue pleaded, stopping his movements to give Fen his best puppy dog eyes.

Fen pushed his face away with a laugh. "Don't look at me like that. I'm not going to agree."

Rue easily let the denial go. It would be a different story if there was a lot to pack. However, for them only one person was needed to pack. Then again there wasn't much to pack to begin with. All his letters from the family members of the begreive was nicely packed away like always.

On bad days he liked reading over their death threats, the hateful comments they said. Those who wasn't family wished for him to die, or to kill himself. He didn't mind those who wasn't related to the victim. Instead he egged them on. Daring them to cross that line from paper to reality.

"Do you think Ollie will want to speak to me now? I did apologize." A frown came onto his face thinking of his older brother Ollie. The person he looked up to before Ollie decided he was worth beating up until he had broken ribs.

Ollie hated him the most for what he did. Not because he blamed him for killing innocents. It was over something dumb.

It wasn't his fault that he didn't know among the ones killed was his fiancé's brother. He was the age were his focus was on himself and the things that surrounded him more.

"I think it would be best to stay out of their way…Sir." Fen says unhelpfully, remembering to keep his respect at the last second without his words sounding like an order.

"Like they'll let me. They'll rather have me in their sight at all time if it meant another accident won't occur. It would be best for me to see what they want, and leave. There will be no forgiveness between us." Rue words were cold as if the whole situation didn't involve him.

His words were a contrast to his actions. As he slammed his suitcase closed with more force than needed, an involuntary smile taking over his face.

He knew his smile looked deranged to outside perspective. It was his own smile mix with an old acquaintance's. Insane was their default.

There was no sanity left in him. It was broken long ago.

Rue's hand reached up to wipe away the manic smile, his nails digging into his cheek. He needed to get a grip. Play the role of being a sane functioning human being.

His derange smile was one that would bring fear to those who saw it. They would want to lock him away immediately if they didn't already.

A light touch on his shoulder had him looking back, smile still etched onto his face, his eyes wide in amusement.

Fen smiled back, but it looked forceful. It looked strained as if he didn't use his facial muscles much.

"The jet's waiting, princess. Shall I carry you bridal style?" Fen joked, bending down as if he truly was going to do it.

Rue shoved him, careful not to aggravate his already throbbing injury. That one move was enough to have his eyes watering in pain. He ignored it. It was nothing different.

"Fuck you, Fenny." He knew calling Fen that would annoy the older man. It was the main reason he called him that.

Fen flicked his nose, his gaze soft as he looked down at Rue. "Menace."

"Your menace." Rue jokes, grabbing his bags off the floor, leaving the room they've called home for a month now.

Fen followed behind him, watching his every step like a hawk. He didn't blame Fen for his caution. His body was a mess of injuries.

More times he's been attacked and kidnapped. Eventually he had to learn to protect himself, learning to hide his pain and discomfort.

One would probably be afraid for all the things people say they would do to them, or at least fearful of going out. He wasn't. He takes the world by storm. Constantly on the move. Whether it was for his safety, or not was something people had to figure out.

Fen loaded the lungage into the trunk, as Rue stood back incase there was a bomb. It wouldn't be the first time someone tried to kill him that way.

With getting the all clear sign he immediately got in the car, buckling his seatbelt for extra precaution. He's seen way too many movies were someone got flung through a windshield for not putting on their seatbelt.

Fen looked over to him as he drove the car, taking the longer route to the airport. "Ready to return home?"

Rue scoffed, leaning his head against the cold glass of the window, staring at his blank eyes in the reflection. "Which home? Mine or theirs?"

The silence stretched in the car, the air heavy with underlined tension.

Fen knew how he felt about returning so suddenly. Nothing good was going to happen. He was a target, but what they didn't seem to understand that as long as they target him he would target them back.

They would not like to be his target. He showed no mercy for his enemies. He had worst anger issues than his father. His mother did always say he got his father's anger.

An inaudible sigh escaped him. Back home he went. To the beginning of everything.