Publicity Stunt

There was no more uncertainty that Rue was being watched. Hunted down like an animal. Even with knowing someone was out there watching his every move. Knowing that Moon was there. Watching him. Sent shivers down his spine. What absolutely set him ablaze was knowing that they now knew he too was hunting them. Tracking them.

There was something primal about it. It aroused a part in Rue that he's kept hidden away. Now it was screaming to be let out. Rue wants the fight that comes with the hunt.

He wants to completely ruin them with his own two hands. Does that make him crazy? He don't know. He'll have to ask his therapist.

She might even prescribe him more pills for such thoughts. Still she shouldn't really be surprised when he tells her. Rue told her more crazy stuff over the years that she's fazed to it all now. Of course he keeps it hypothetical, he doesn't want to get himself arrested.

Still that doesn't stop Rue from wanting to know them. To drag them to the dark recesses of his mind. Rue wants to see if they could handle what nobody else could.

Is it weird that he wants to be close to someone that potentially wants to kill him? Does that make him weird for being aroused at the thought of someone feeling so much hatred for him that they want to kill him?

"What's got you so worked up?" Fen asked, taking ahold of his chin to turn his face towards him.

Rue licked his lips, eyes blown wide. "Isn't it exciting?"

Fen raised an eyebrow in question, looking amused at how worked up he is.

Rue groaned at the thought of explaining everything. He couldn't even really explain what truly got him worked up without sounding insane.

"It's- god. They really pulled me through a loop." Rue awkwardly chuckled, his hand coming up to the back of Fen's neck to pull the man to him, a smirk playing on his lips. "Let's go out tonight. Just us."

"I didn't know a third party was coming to begin with." Fen stated, sliding even closer to him, a look of curiosity on his face.

"You know what I meant." Their lips was barley brushing each other now as they shared the same air.

"I do. I want clarification."

Rue pouted, pulling distance between them. "You know there's no one else, but you. Why tease me so much."

"Yes. I know, but you make it so easy to tease you."

The clearing of a throat had them looking at the uninvited guests to their private moment.

"Can you two not do that." Liana looked disgusted at their closeness. Perhaps even jealous at the attention her husband is obviously not showing her.

"We're affectionate people. Get over it, mama." Rue settled back into his seat under his father and brother watchful gaze, both analyzing his previous actions.

Under other circumstance he would have put on a show for them, but he didn't want to touch anyone with how worked up he is right now. Especially not Fen. It's not that he wouldn't be able to stop when they say no it's that he's not a gentle fuck.

Liana continues on, ignoring his previous words. "Did you forget what a disaster that was moments ago?"

Being reminded of what happened moments ago brought down his mood. He didn't forget. Without any guards he was surrounded much closer to people with all their questions.

The still grieving families was neither displeased or happy to see him. Their lost. He gave a great speech in his opinion.

"How could I forget. The journalists are going to have fun writing about it tonight." Rue said blandly, pulling his hair back into a ponytail. "I can see the headlines now: 'Lucien Lyarsian speaks out after years of silence' or 'This is the first time Lucien Lyarsian publicly acknowledged the victims, and the hurt he caused'. Wow. How shock will people be when they read that. Some might even interpret my words into other ways."

"That is true. We need to get in front of it to control the outcome. You can't be seen as insincere as you did up there." Sebastian announces, already on his phone to dial the reporters and journalists that are in his back pocket.

Rue threw up his hands in surrender, his words sarcastic. "How awesome. I'm jumping for joy."

"Look on the bright side of this Lu." Declan says, surprising Rue momentarily before he sneers in his direction.

"Do tell me brother. What is the bright side?" His words came out with pure venom, but it failed to compare with how much contempt his voice had when he said brother.

Declan looked stun as if he didn't know what to say. No surprise there. There was no bright side to having your name dragged through the mud.

"No response? Then remind silent."

"That's no way to speak to your brother, Lucien." Sebastian glower, his tone holding authority.

"This is no way to speak to your son, Sebastian." Rue mocks back, leaning into Fen as he's done previously at the event.

Sebastian began scolding him, it was nothing, but background noise to Rue who closed his eyes for the rest of the ride.

He's done what they want now. There was no need for him to go back with them other than to get his clothes.

Rue was the first one out of the car, quickly followed by Fen. He was on a time limit of ten minutes. Five to pack. Five to be gone from the house.

In the privacy of their own room they could finally discuss things.

"Did they send another letter?" Fen questions, packing his bags.

"No. They was there. Fen, they was so close. I missed the chance to catch them." Rue murmurs, zipping up his last bag.

"I'm sorry?"

Rue looked up at that. He didn't understand why Fen had to apologize. He did nothing wrong.

"It's fine. There's always more chances."

Both of spent the reminder time in silence, even as they left in a taxi the house of memories getting farther in distance. Not quite left behind.

The reminder of Rue's energy was drained. He knew the storm that was going to come. The question that was will be on everyone's tongue is: what this just another publicity stunt?

It was near seven when Rue made it home. As expected it was full of dusty. Any other time he would complain about it, but they wasn't staying long.

The house door was barley closed when they was stripping out of their clothes. Hurried kisses between the stripping of their clothes.

If they don't make it out tonight Rue won't mind. Unfortunately that wasn't going to happen. He had plans.

Plans to possibly taunt a killer. The possibility of them watching them watching him once again tonight was exhilarating.

It would be better if he went alone, but that'll never happen.

If few lives get lost tonight, whose going to notice?