(MechAmato is shocked in disbelief after hearing the news from Adu Du.)
MechAmato: are you telling me that BoBoiBoy did all this...?
Adu du: of course! He manipulated us to come to this place, just to tracked down the sacred Gems. So he can give it to Excaliborg. It was all an act when he rejoin TAPOPS.
Yaya: Adu du, please-
Probe: but there's a shocking truth about him... BoBoiBoy is actually Kurai the whole time! But he's also known as "BoBoiBoy Gelap!" Since he has the new elemental power.
MechAmato: BoBoiBoy Gelap?
Papa Zola: that's true. We all saw him with our own eyes. And he has truly become evil. How could my disciple betray justice...
(This shocks him in disbelief from hearing it.)
(The most dangerous criminal, was actually the greatest Hero in the galaxy.)
(But the Armored Hero tries objects it.)
MechAmato: "You're wrong! BoBoiBoy would never do that... This has to be a lie!"
(Only he sees the power band wearers with a sad look on their faces.)
(Were they started to confess.)
Fang: actually, he's indeed BoBoiBoy.
MechAmato: how are you so sure?
Fang: everything he said was true.
Yaya: It wasn't Excaliborg's fault, It's... clearly ours.
Ying: we're all responsible for this mess. He only wanted to get revenge on us.
MechAmato: I don't believe it...
Ochobot: it's true. Because, before he "rejoined" TAPOPS, we left him alone for a long time. And we never came for him.
Gopal: ever since our fight with him, just because of our misunderstanding. As we thought that he doesn't need our help anymore...
Commander Koko Ci: but we're also the blame for this messed in the first place. Because we gave him to have a solo mission, just to rescue someone in a dangerous place. While none of us weren't concerned about his long time disappearance. Because we all thought he can handle it by himself, since he's already powerful...
(Upon hearing the news, he's completely shocked.)
(Yet, angry on them, even though they're guilty.)
MechAmato: how could you leave someone who always saved your lives for countless times, including the galaxy... Yet, you just leave him alone to a dangerous place! While ignoring his existence?!
Adu du: how could you guys...
Gopal: well he also ended having scars, when he's stuck from there.
Ying (angry): Gopal!
MechAmato [in mind]: he got what?!...
(The Armored Hero is very infuriated.)
(Causing TAPOPS to give a glare to the power band wearers, since they're his closest friends.)
(Making the kids feel more guilty.)
(Then starts to calm down, but still cross at them.)
MechAmato: "I should've known that you can be very ungrateful to him. And you all have brought shame to TAPOPS. For all of the damages that you kids brought it from yourselves... I had enough with this, I'm going back to my work. I don't want to see you kids anymore. Maybe it's best for you to give up being a superhero. If you're still worthy to be one."
(So he leaves the group out of disappointment, were he flew up to the sky then to the outer space.)
(After the Armored Hero left, the power band wearers blame themselves for all the incident they had indirectly brought it.)
(While Ochobot wonders about the Armored Hero's attitude towards the power band wearers, upon hearing the shocking news about BoBoiBoy.)
(As TAPOPS prepare to depart, while the Mop Aliens are still investigating on the wrecked building.)
(Then they noticed from the debris, that something is buried from there. So they check it out and remove all of it's piles.)
(Only they found High One, who's only unconscious.)
(Which she's still alive as she can still breath.)
(Once MechAmato is now in his spaceship, he started to remove his armor that Mechabot turns back into a power sphere form.)
(Which exposed to be a human man, who has brown hair with white stripes.)
(Then he sits on his seat that's near the monitor, as he's completely distraught from the incident.)
Amato: "All this time... we've been trying to track down that Power Sphere Killer, was actually BoBoiBoy. And I've been fighting against... My own son. This is all my fault, Mechabot. If I hadn't kept secrets about the Knight Empire, and my secret occasions... None of this Would happen."
(The red robot tries to comfort his master.)
Mechabot: "Don't blame yourself, Amato. I know what you thought was best for him."
Amato: "Well it is unforgiving for what the kids did to him. But he wouldn't want to forgive me for keeping secrets from him, even though he was already a superhero before... Well, not anymore..."
(Then he grabs the photo from the monitor.)
(Which is the picture of him and his baby son, then sighs.)
(As he's lamented about him now on the side of his worst enemy, after falling into the dark side.)
Amato: "This has to be a bad dream. Like it happens to someone that Excaliborg has taken away from me in years ago. And BoBoiBoy is now on his side as well??? I... I failed them both..."
(As he's distraught for a moment, he received the call from Admiral Maskmana.)
(Were he inform him that they had imprisoned one of the member from the Knight Empire in TAPOPS station.)
(This would be a chance for interrogation, so they can get any informations from the enemies.)
(So Amato set off to the station.)
(Were he drives his ship.)
(In the TAPOPS space ship were, everyone is taking a ride from there...)
(The gang now patched by bandages, to cover their injuries from the battle are having a transmission with Tok Aba, were they explain everything about the incident from the facility.)
(Especially from what happened to his grandson's defections.)
(Which he becomes furious to the teens, since it's directly their own fault.)
Tok Aba (over the transmission): I cannot believe you kids! How could you do this to my grandson?!
Fang: we didn't mean to make this happen. We tried everything to get through with him, but...
Tok Aba: he's too angry at you all for leaving him behind... Just like you always depending on him to carry all the burden himself. While you kids never care.
(Leaving them defeated from hearing the lectures.)
Yaya: he's right, we all deserved the blame...
Ochobot: but I'm also the blame for this. I was so foolish for neglecting his absence. I thought he can handle himself. But should've known better in the first place.
Ying: we were all fools.
(Even though they're sorrowful, he's still cross at them.)
(Since he was left hospitalized for months, while missing out most of the events from BoBoiBoy's absence.)
Tok Aba: "you all had disappointed in me. You put my grandson in danger, and ended up being scarred. I was entrusted to watch over him, while I always entrusted to you kids. But now my grandson becomes a criminal, and starts hurting innocent people out of anger. While it hurts me from hearing all about him. You kids must fix your mess you had created. Rather than relying someone who's stronger than you all. If you truly care for him."
(Then he starts looking at the Molecule User.)
Tok Aba: "and as for you Gopal. How can you call yourself a friend? Since you're always with him. Yet, is this a "thank you" from what he get? Make Him suffer most of the consequences, while you just stand there and do nothing?"
Gopal: "Well.. he is the strongest of our team."
Tok Aba: "So you just keep on relying him to save the day, while you just helplessly watch BoBoiBoy getting himself in danger like always...?
Gopal: "Oh Come on, I know I cannot be that strong like him. BoBoiBoy can always win that easily."
(Much to displeasure of the others from the Molecule User's arrogance.)
(Which infuriated Tok Aba.)
Tok Aba: "You ungrateful child! You're supposed to be his best friend who look out for each other. But you're always being in denial because you're very selfish! For now on, you're banned from coming to my shop! Since you never owe me a depth from getting free drinks."
Gopal [whimpers]: "What?! No please. I'll do anything.
(Which continues to irritate the teens.)
Tok Aba: "I want my grandson back! But if you don't, then you no longer consider yourself as a friend, or a superhero. I don't want to see you kids, unless you find my grandson!"
(Tok Aba loses respect on the gang. Then he started to end their call.)
(After their transmission ended, they became much more guilty for what they did to their friend.)
(Then, when they looked at the other TAPOPS members From behind, they received a disgusted look from their faces.)
(Since they had watch their call.)
(And starts leaving them behind from this room out of disappointment.)
(While Adu du gives them a glare at them.)
(He may hated the elemental boy, he then says.)
Adu du: "That was stupid of me to think that there's good in you all. Even though you're the reason I become good again. You saved me and Probe's life, while I constantly try to kill you all for many times back then. Yet... You started to abandoned someone who always make sacrifices for you all, and been friends for a long time. Maybe he has right to be a villain in the first place, because of you guys."
(Adu du is disgusted at them for their actions, then leaves.)
(Leaving them shock in sorrow.)
(Then Ochobot angrily chastised the gang.)
Ochobot: "I don't know why I had to listen to you guys! I started to feel foolish from following your instincts for leaving BoBoiBoy alone."
(Then he storms off.)
(With no one else in this room, but the watch wearers, they break down in tears.)
(Now that they all lose some respect from the others.)
Ying (crying): it's true! We really are the bad guys.
Gopal(sobbing): I'm sorry BoBoiBoy! I failed to be your friend.
Yaya (crying): we should never said horrible things to him. He was never been a horrible person before.
Fang: yeah like that time from the incident, that got himself expelled.
(In the time from few months ago...)
(It takes place in TAPOPS station, after the incident from the space pirate's ambush, and Hang Kasa's presumed demise...)
Fang: this is all your fault, BoBoiBoy!
Boboiboy: I'm sorry everyone...
Ying: it's your fault that Hang Kasa is gone! If you haven't got yourself in trouble, none of this would happened!
BoBoiBoy: come on guys-
Gopal: you said that you can safely escape. But no! You always break promises! Or you'll keep putting someone in danger like it happens to Tok Kasa, who risk your life to save you. But he ended up getting himself killed instead.
Fang: you're supposed to be the greatest superhero. But I don't feel like I wanted to trust you anymore. you'll just make the same stunt all over again.
Gopal: yeah I totally agree with you. Like you had messed up the mission, and ended up being scolded by the Admiral.
(Boboiboy is guilty after hearing from the others.)
(He wanted to explain his reasons with them, but...)
Yaya: you've gone too far BoBoiBoy. We are supposed to be a team! But you're so selfish that it's always been you with every bad guys you fought. Which it causes your own life!
Ying: I guess you don't trust us at all...
(This shocks him from their accusations.)
(While Ochobot sadly watches their fight.)
BoBoiBoy: what?! No! You got it all wrong. Just listen-
Gopal: but you don't consider us as your teammates, do you?
BoBoiBoy: that's not true!
Fang: then you're just a biggest idiot in the galaxy!
(The element user is shocked, especially Ochobot.)
(He may be hurt from what they said, but starts to feeling angry at them.)
(He tries to hold his anger, were he's gritting his teeth, and clenching his hands into fists.)
(But his anger causes him to release fire powers, were his eyes are burning.)
(Which the gang's angry expression turns into frightened.)
(Were they see the element user's fury at them, like he's attempting to attack them. Which they slowly stepped back.)
(Only to be stopped by Admiral Tarung, causing himself to lower his power down.)
(Then Commander Koko Ci arrives.)
(Informing him that he cannot afford to be a member of this organization anymore.)
(Due of his mistakes that lead failures from their missions, including his recklessness that endangered someone. Like it happens to Hang Kasa.)
(As a result, BoBoiBoy is now expelled from TAPOPS.)
(But the gang doesn't seem to mind it at all, as they claim that they don't need his help anymore.)
Fang: well it's fine for me. It's better for you to be a superhero somewhere else without us...
Gopal: I'm with you. I don't want him to be in my way.
Ying: I'm tired of dealing with his mess he always made. He should stop being a kid and grow up!
Yaya: agreed. We're truly disappointed in you, BoBoiBoy.
(Heartbroken, BoBoiBoy angrily tells Ochobot to activate the teleportation power, just to leave TAPOPS station out of frustration. While Ochobot follow his owner.)
[End of flashback.]
Fang: we don't know on what ever happened to Hang Kasa right now.
Yaya: while BoBoiBoy was desperate to save him in the dangerous place. Since we blamed his mistakes.
Ying: But this is a worst mistake we ever done! We turned BoBoiBoy into a criminal after abandoning him.
Gopal: Just because of our stupid misunderstanding.
(Realizing about their errors towards the elemental boy, since he was never been a bad person from before.)
(Leaving the power band wearers to break down in discouragement, for losing their friend to evil.)
[To be continued...]