(During nighttime in Tok Aba's house...)
(Ochobot has already arrived home from TAPOPS, and was about to check on his boss.)
(But he only finds him crying on the bed, as he's heartbroken upon learning from the news about his grandson.)
(The yellow robot cannot do anything to help Tok Aba.)
(So he decided to leave him be.)
(Once Ochobot is now in BoBoiBoy's room, he only sees the room being empty, but meets up with cattus and bellbot.)
Bellbot: it sure is quiet in here.
Ochobot: yeah... It is kinda lonely in here.
Bellbot: just like BoBoiBoy left for a rescue mission.
Cattus (sad voice): meow...
(They had already learned from the news about the incident in TAPOPS, including the elemental user's defections.)
(Since they had overheard from Tok Aba's transmission an hour ago.)
(Which they're also dismayed from losing him to evil.)
Ochobot: I never wish him to go away at all. Even though I sometimes disappointed in him. I was so happy when we're together again after months...
(In the hospital, were Tok Aba is in the sick room.)
(while Ochobot is keeping him company.)
(Then the doctor approaches to them, were he informs that Tok Aba is getting better already.)
(As he no longer have a fever anymore.)
(Much to their delight.)
(Before preparing to go home, they noticed that someone has arrived in the sick room.)
(Which has familiar faces.)
(It is BoBoiBoy who has returned after a month.)
(Which surprises them both, were he's seemingly "unharmed" from his mission.)
(Then he starts to Rush himself, just to give them a hug.)
BoBoiBoy: I'm sorry!
Ochobot: eh...
Tok Aba: BoBoiBoy? You're back? How long were you been gone for a long time? And How long was I been in the hospital? From all my sickness has made me forget something.
(Tok Aba feels bad for forgetting about his grandson. But he denied it.)
BoBoiBoy: no! I should be sorry for taking so long. I was so desperate to rescue someone from my mess, but I should've known on how hard is to find him in the big cave.
Tok Aba: it's alright BoBoiBoy. All the matters that you're safely home.
(As his grandfather is relief to see him alive, the boy then looks at the yellow robot.)
BoBoiBoy: Ochobot, remember I said harsh things to you? I take that back! I'm just so upset for my mistakes I had made. It hurts me a lot when nobody in TAPOPS wants me anymore because of that.
Ochobot: ... I don't care about that anymore! It's all in the past now, and you're safe.
BoBoiBoy: yeah. But I have to tell you something. Which is a good news.
Tok Aba: what is it?
BoBoiBoy: I had managed to get back on TAPOPS! After capturing most wanted criminals, and rescuing powers spheres without any problems.
Ochobot: really?! That's awesome! But... What about-
BoBoiBoy: it's fine! I'll just give them some space for a while, If they want. But it's not too late to lose a friend. There's always another chance.
(Ochobot is proud, and delighted to reunited with his best friend.)
["It's dangerous if you're being a target, you aren't capable to handle things on your own. You Know That! But you also endangered someone else!"]
["Sometimes, you can be a burden to me. I'll have to warn you that if I'm not around, you're done for it..."]
(During the time when the elemental hero exposed as the Power Sphere Killer...)
Yaya: please don't hurt him! He's you're friend, you treasure him.
Kurai: not anymore! As I started to hate those garbages already. After all, I am the Power Sphere Killer.
[End of flashback...]
(Ochobot remembers about the past.)
(Causing him to breakdown in discouragement.)
Ochobot: it really hurts me a lot. When he returns, BoBoiBoy was only pretending to be our friend, just to fool us all. As he's so angry for being left behind to a dangerous place, that he almost die from there. Which he started to humiliated them, and ruining their reputation.
Bellbot (displeased): that's what they deserved...
Cattus (displeased): meow...
Ochobot: But he also begins to exterminating power spheres, just because he thinks we're the source of causing all kinds of conflicts. Even he tries to kill me!
Bellbot: why does he have to blame on power spheres from this mess?
Ochobot: I don't know... I was the one who gave him powers and became the greatest Hero in the galaxy. And he swore to protect me no matter what. Yet...
Bellbot: what is it?
Ochobot: I felt so... Helpless! He's my Best friend. But I just kept on depending him to save me, whenever things happen since I'm always the target. While he always been suffering from every consequences we'd been through. Which I never wanted to see him in pain. But now he truly is, and ended up having scars when he was stuck from there. While he uses illusions to hide it from us.
Bellbot: Ochobot...
Ochobot: I should've been concerned about his condition in the first place... How can I call myself a friend, if I never been so helpless on watching him suffer?!
(The yellow robot continues to blame himself.)
(Leaving only cattus and bellbot stay silent with a sad look on their faces.)
(While Ochobot is still distraught, he starts looking at the nighttime sky.)
(Wondering on where his friend is, from outer space.)
(In the lair were the Knight Empire are located...)
Kurai (BoBoiBoy Gelap): is with Excaliborg in the room, who now has the treasures in their hands.
(He Congratulate his apprentice for a succession for infiltrating TAPOPS, just to locate the treasures.)
(And was impressed on the way he cheated on his "friends".)
Excaliborg: Well done, Kurai. Your cunning and manipulation have served us well. With these treasures in our possession, the power of the Knight Empire will grow even stronger.
Kurai: Thank you, Excaliborg. But I must admit, it wasn't easy deceiving my former allies. They may have turned their backs on me, but they were still a formidable challenge to overcome.
Excaliborg: Indeed. But now that you have proven your loyalty to us, your former friends are of no consequence. We have what we came for, and soon the galaxy will tremble before our might.
Kurai: Yes, Excaliborg. Our enemies will soon learn that no one can stand against the Knight Empire. And I will make sure that they regret ever crossing paths with me.
(Now that he has all the sacred Gems on his hands, the Armored King noticed on the broken blade of the golden sword.)
(So he hands it to his henchmen just to send it to the BlackSmith, to repair the sword.)
Excaliborg: tomorrow, we must track down more artifacts from another planet.
Kurai: but what about High One? She's already been left behind to TAPOPS.
Excaliborg: forget her. She already prove herself to be very worthless, like she was once before. I cannot tolerate more weaklings in my empire.
(So he dismissed his apprentice, and leaves the room.)
[In TAPOPS station.]
(Commander Koko Ci, Admiral Tarung, Captain Kaizo, Maskmana, and MechAmato are in the custody, To interrogate one of the Knight Empire member that has been captured.)
(They found High One being trapped in the prison cell.)
(When they open the cell, she only rush herself in attempt to escape.)
(Only to be grabbed by Captain Kaizo's energy power.)
(As they begin to interrogate her.)
Commander Koko Ci: alright! Tell me, What are your schemes with the Empires? And What are you going to do with the sacred Gems?
High One: You want me to tell you...? In your dreams! I shall never want to Betray my King.
Captain Kaizo: you still consider him your king? After he has abandoned you?!
High One: ... Talk all you want! All I wanted Is to prove my worthiness to my King. From all the mistreatment that I've been through my life!
(She may given them some response, this makes Tarung to lose patience, and angrily demand more answers.)
(But she only mocks the Admiral.)
(Irritated, he fiercely Slams the wall behind the animal shifter in immense strength and crushing it.)
(As she's hostile from his intimidation, his strength also damaged her helmet.)
(Were the visor from her left eye begins to fall off.)
(Which MechAmato noticed that she exposed to have a dark brown eye, And has a beauty mark located under there.)
(Before Tarung would threaten her to end up in the same states, MechAmato stops him as he wants to take a look on their prisoner.)
(When he removes her helmet, this surprises him.)
(As he seems familiar from the enemy's face.)
MechAmato: "It cannot be! It's you... It is really you..."
[To be continued...]