1 Day Later


I loved it, I woke up feeling as refreshed as I could be, the beds provided by HQ were simply to DIE for, I didn't even know they made beds THAT soft! The tours were educational, I was constantly surprised by how everything worked, it was straight out of a game! I felt.

There was a time where I thought that I'd wake up at the cave again, but luckily it wasn't.

knock knock

2 knocks on my door, I asked "Who is it?"

"It's Helmine, General, may I come in?" OH ALREADY?!?!

I panicked, tossing out the scrambled duvet I hurried to wear something appropriate, I was still in my pajamas, (which were provided by the staff) I couldn't let Helmine see me like this!

"General? Are you alright?" She asked worriedly, if I didn't answer quickly she might break down the door or something!

"Ermm I'm fine! J-just give me a second to change!" That should put her away for a few minutes.

"I don't mind watching you change, General! Would you like me to assist you?" Ehhhh? Why??

"Um no need Helmine! Thanks for t-the offer though!"


I think I heard a click from the door, was she seriously ticked off from that??? Should I have let her in instead?!?

"What was that Helmine?" I asked just in case I had a misunderstanding.

"Oh! It was just a glass of water, I brought you.... I brought you this glass!" Besides the weird pause, it looks like I did misunderstand it, well no matter.

"I'm almost done now Helmine!" And just like that, disaster averted!

"You may come in now" the door handle clicked and in came a woman who I never ever imagined would've worked for me.

"Here is your glass, General" She handed me a half full glass of water with 2 large ice cubes, I don't know why it had to look so fancy but they made it like that.

"Thanks" I recieved the glass and drank, water almost dripped down my mouth but I managed to not spill any.

It was.... unbelievably pure, it was like those drinking water at 3 AM memes you'd see on youtube shorts or tiktoks, it was so refreshing, so rejuvinating that I couldn't believe this was water

"Hey Helmine... what..water is this?" Helmine looked at me abit confused, did I say something weird?

"It's just water that was pumped, we didn't add anything else besides the 2 ice cubes, would you like me to dispose of it?" THIS WAS PUMPED OUT OF THE GROUND?!?!

"We have a busy day ahead General, we should get you ready for the meeting" Oh... meeting?

"What meeting?" I asked.

"A meeting with the various heads here, now that you've returned, we need your leadership to guide us into what our focus should be for the year" Well my introverted ass is screwed! Shit!

"Uh sure, but first let me eat, I'm starving!"

1 hour later

I was seated in a large meeting hall located inside HQ, there were a total of 6 people (Guards not included) these were men and women who held very powerful positions, they are very crucial in running this place, and I was the bridge between all of them.

To my side was Helmine, who only stood guard with a clipboard and white folders, all probably needed for the meeting, further to my right was a tough and burly looking fella, a real mean looker, his uniform barely fitting him, probably of choice to exaggerate his muscles, I asked Helmine.

"Who are these guys?" Helmine responded.

"That is Joachim Hauptmann, He is in charge of Military Affairs, in his jurisdiction is Troop Training and Defense" I took a mental note of that.

I pointed at the woman sat besides Joachim, Helmine answers "That is Erika Krantz, She is in charge of the economy of the Base as well as construction, she oversees production of all resources".

Then to the man sat across her, Helmine answered "That is Gerard Schmidt, he is the bridgeway for trade between us and his company, he is the representative of the Kruz Trading and Development" Eh? A company?

"What the heck is a company doing here?" I whispered.

"The KzTD helps us fund the base, we take contracts from them and they pay us in Reichsmarks, which we can buy materials, men or vehicles from them" She answered in hushed whispers.

"How is this legal? They aren't military though?"

"They aren't illegal, and they are there to help us fund the things we can't afford to do, they feel powerful having a base siding with them, and we feel secure knowing we can just buy whatever we need from them" She explained, it made sense to me, just buy what you can't make! It was so simple I couldn't think of it as anything other than an evil corpo getting armed.

"Who's that?" I then pointed to the last person here, he seemed pretty jacked but he wasn't like Mr. Clean over there.

"That is Dr. Kirkmann, Head Physician of Base Health, he is in charge of everything health-related, he is also the director of the on-site laboratory, anything you want researched, you can talk to him" Helmine had sumrised everyone's positions quite alright, nothing too convoluted and she answered my questions neatly, I felt ready to start the meeting.

I nodded to Helmine to start, she noticed and smiled.

"The General would like to start the meeting! Sir Joachim, report!" Joachim rose from his seat and spoke.

"Troop production is quite low and with little to no men left in case of a raid, I have no confidence if the forces here are formidable, I suggest allocating a thousand minerals, food and water to infantry production and oil for Panzer II production, there is also the issue of defenses, we are too lightly guarded to defend against a horde, I suggest upgrading the wall and the towers with a stronger material, like Reinforced Concrete" I thought for a second, there is the possibilty of hostile forces here, but the worst is a freaking bear right? I don't really get his concerns if woodland critters are the enemy.

I decided to get Helmine to ask my question for me.

"Why are you so worried about woodland critters? Defense isn't our priority as the General has personally not seen anything out of the ordinary" She was a bit rude for my liking but I guess the point got across.

"Because of this" He quickly placed down pictures of what looked like... small humanoids riding on wolves? The fuck are those?

No... I know what those are..

"The troops have called these.." "GOBLINS!" I involuntarily yelled, but they can't be mistaken for anything else! What the fuck are goblins doing here?!?!



"Er.. yes, they've been named Goblins by the troops, luckily none have died to these goblins, but they are a serious threat in the long run, a small cave alone houses 20 of them, what if they found a ravine? A cavern? That would pose a serious security threat, our MG15s are not going to cut it, we need serious firepower" I know where this is going.

"The troops are also requesting for a faster firing machinegun, the lab isn't capable of producing a prototype in such a short amount of time, which is why we should invest in both troop production and defense" This is a major security issue, yeah, but we don't have the money for it yet.

Not unless we dismiss the concerns the other heads have.

I whipped out my phone to see just how much were in my stockpiles, luckily it was full thanks to the upgrades to the resource buildings I did last night.

"Your request is granted Herr Joachim" I said, but for some reason the people clapped.

I tapped on the barracks, it was a simple collection of tents with an assembly field in front of it, a flagpole to indicate its center and multiple lines to position troops in, I held the first unit icon, showing just a stahlhelm and a rifle in black with a gray background and white border, there were other units but they were all blacked out.

I tapped on the icon a few times, and in the training queue I counted 5 icons, waiting for only 5 seconds the first infantry squad was done and were awaiting orders at the rally point.

Tapping out of the barracks and on a random tower, I upgraded and waited 45 seconds for all of the towers to be finished, it was almost instant so I listened to the next report.

Erika stood up and spoke

"Production is steady, but we will hit our limit soon, I propose upgrading all of our production buildings before our storage, that way we can continue to make a net positive without worrying for the next stop on production like we experienced prior to the allocation of materials to Herr Joachim" another sensible request so I approved of it, tapping on the production buildings and upgrading them, it costed a negligible amount and time, nothing to worry about, I still had 5 thousand left over.

"Request approved" I stated simply.

"Next report!" Helmine ordered.

Gerard simply stood up and spoke, making sure that eye-contact was maintained between me and him.

"KzTD would like to request for a survey to be done at the location I've marked on the map, coordinate AD01, we've recieved intel of a stolen cache of ours, please retrieve it and the materials you've requested will be given" I was curious about the cache, but not curious enough to lose standing with KzTD, so I simply approved of it and asked Joachim to send 4 infantry squads to capture it.

"Next report!"

Dr. Kirkmann looked at me and reported

"All is well with us, nothing to report"

The meeting flew, time flew too, it was fruitful, I got to meet the important people here and the current situation of my base, I could've done it on my phone, but it was alright, I did skip the tutorial anyways right?

With just over 4 thousand to spare, I decided to build 4 of all the production buildings, the rest was spent on upgrading those buildings.

"Hey Helmine?" I asked as I lounged around my chair, still in the meeting room.

"Yes General?" I still feel tingles when she calls me that in such a seductive voice.

"I'd like to ride around base, care to indulge me?" I've gotten used to chatting with her, sure I still feel awkward, but I felt my confidence being boosted everytime we chatted, it was nice.

Helmine beamed up when I asked her, this made me feel nice. "I'd love to" was her reply.

Wandering around base in my car with Helmine was a blast, the base felt nice and secure with the new walls, and now that I've basically quadrupled production, it was only a matter of time until we reaped the rewards.

"Hey Helmine?" I looked over to her.

"Yes General?" She met my eyes, every feature about her was just perfect, I fell for her a second time.

"Call me Heinrich when it's just us" I could barely keep myself from blushing like crazy, I might die when she calls me Heinrich!

"Eh?!?" Helmine was shocked to say the least, she barely contained her bashfulness from me... it was


Like a gap-moe from a cool beauty to a attachful wife, it was adorable beyond compare.

"Uh.. a-are you sure General?" Looking at me with those big blue eyes, it was like looking at a puppy.

"Uuw, y-yeah it's alright! BUT if you don't w-w-want to th-" She caught me hands and pushed herself onto me, just a push and we would've kissed.

"PLEASE! PLEASELETMECALLYOUHEINRICH" She said so fast, I could barely even understand what was it she said, but.. I understood everything.

She and I were a pair of tomatoes when I looked at myself and her, but I couldn't pull away, be it from her strenght or reluctance to look away from her, it was like a cupid shot us both.

"Y-yes! Yes! Call me Heinrich! It's cool!" I could feel the eyes of billions of men approving of what had happened, I felt like the driver was in on it too! As not a second later he swerves the car, making her land on me.

"AAAAAAH! IAMSOSORRYGENE-ERRHEINRICH!" I could barely keep up this faux manliness, her breath tickled my ears, why was she so warm?

"W-we should head home right?? Hahaha" the person who suggested that was the driver, I didn't know what this man was trying to do, but he was about to be my best man when Helmine and I get married.

The drive home was silent, but under the silence was tension between her and me, she and I held hands the entire way, stealing glances from one another, it was already the second day in base done! I couldn't believe the progress I've made here.

"S-see you tomorrow Ge-Heinrich!" She waved at me as we parted ways in the main lobby of the HQ, her room and my room were only right next to each other, so to see her make a mistake like that was pretty funny, a laugh almost escaped me when I saw her confused when there wasn't an elevator there.


The elevator ride was silent, nothing was exchanged except glances, but once the ride stopped and we retire to our rooms, was the beginning of the next day.