4 Days Later

A LOT has changed these past 4 days, I've gotten used to living at the base, I made my way through the brightly lit, modestly furnished corridor, tagging along was Helmine, my secretary.

"What's after this meeting Helmine?" I asked.

"After your meeting, you are clear of anything." Which was great.

Just a second later and we were already in the meeting hall, the usual 4 are here, this time however was they had aides.

"The General has arrived! Arise!" In quick motion they rose.

"Salute!" They complied, raising their arm in the form of the Nazi salute.

Once I made my way to my seat, Helmine adjusted it so that I wouldn't have to move it myself.

"Be seated!" Was Helmine's final order before resting.

"We will now start the 2nd meeting of the month, please make your reports starting from Colonel Hauptmann, to Frau Krantz, Herr Schmidt, and finally Herr Kirkmann" I still didn't know how to control my tone so it sounded more awkward than authorative.

Hartmann rose and provided copies of folders to everyone present, speaking as he handed all of us a copy.

"Squad 4 and 5 has intercepted the cache, they are now awaiting for transport to pick it up, while Squads 1, 2 and 3 have also found the gold the General has talked about, a total of 10 Opel Blitz medium-trucks with 4 Leichter Panzerspähwagen Light Armoured Recon Vehicles as convoy escorts"

"What about the castle I saw? Any luck locating it?" I asked, Hauptmann shook his head no slightly.

"Recon is still traversing, we will have more news soon once they finish setting up a outpost" This game's mechanic are, as said before, that of a mobile game, the timers, the constant barrage of trying to get me to spend gold bars to speed things up, but one thing that was unique about the game was that it had a tracker of squads you send out of your base, it functions like a computer game now, think like Command and Conquer, stuff like that, I'm here sitting in this meeting to kill time, I don't really need to listen to these people, but they might give me information the game won't reveal.

'The fog of war is still far out, but now that I have more economic buildings, I don't have to worry about running out because these things pump food, water, oil and minerals out like thin air! Then theres upgrading these things too! I'll have billions in like a month!

"Sir? What's the plan?" Oh they were asking me something, I waved my hand around.

"Make sure the outpost is completed immediately, as for base defence, the walls and towers will be upgraded to the max, at least the max that's allowed in this tech stage" I looked over to Dr. Kirkmann.

"That is all General, we will be sure to turn your words into reality!" I nodded.

"Next report!" Helmine ordered.

"Yes! Erika reporting!" Erika saluted before handing over her documents.

"As you can see, thanks to the investments we've made to all of our production buildings, we are about to reach the limit our storehouses can hold, I suggest upgrading these more and sell some of our materials to KzTD in exchange for research material for Dr. Kirkmann" a solid suggestion.

"A solid suggestion, I order you to make it happen Frau Krantz" Erika simply nodded and sat.

"Next!" Schmidt stood up and spoke "Nothing to report" then sat back then.

"Next report!" It was now Dr. Kirkmann's turn.

"Good Morning everyone, as what Feau Krantz has suggested and you have approved, we at RnD would love to research a new Machinegun for the troops, with the help of the additional research materials as well as the gold that the General has said to secure, this will boost research speeds to a milisecond, we ask that the General guide us to research something else after the MG34 research project" I simply nodded.

"Granted, once you're done with the project, start rushing to project Panther and Tiger then rush to the STG-44 and MG-42" If my calculations are correct, the rushing of all of these tech trees will equate to roughly 10,000 gold, this takes into account gold spent to buy resources, the other items in the tech tree, and additional fees if the more accurate 9,820 gold is not so accurate, the gold I saw should be enough to cover that and more, well... I hoped so atleast.

"That'll be quite expensive General, I am sure we don't have the items needed to commence such a project, not only that, but the resources we'd need to even build a modernized version of the troops you envision will dwarf what we have in our storehouses, should we still continue?" Dr. Kirkmann raised some valid points, but I was sure we'd have enough to make this happen.

"Yes I am quite sure, please do it now" A simple "Yes sir!" Was his response.

I looked at the base from my phone, a satellite view of my base and the forest the towers have a line of sight of showed nothing, I panned over to the squads I've dispatched, nothing out of the ordinary too.

"The meeting is adjourned, thank you all for comi-" that was when the sirens rang.


My phone buzzed multiple times, notification pings rang out too.

I hurriedly looked at my phone, multiple red dots emerged from the forest!

'Your base is under attack!' A warning from the game, I realized that I was panicking when I saw everyone else were as calm as the buddha, was it really safe to assume such?

Then new buttons showed up on my screen? The fuck?

It was a small magnifying glass and a camera, I tapped on the magnifying glass.

And there I saw a massacre, green bodies falling that were highlighted in red, more fell to the ground with a trail of red blood, more were getting shredded by the MP38s the guards were wielding, a total of 30 green devils, reduced to 0, they died before they could even reach 30 meters to the gate.

"They all died like pigs!" Joachim was the first to comment.

"Green devils have tasted the might of our army, let them know no peace!" Helmine was even worse! Jeez!

"To study these things would be a great delight of mine, I propose we gather as much intel as possible by doing an autopsy of them" Didn't think Kirkmann would be a stereotypical mad scientist but hey! I am living in a game where Nazi Germany is killing goblins! What's not to like?

Well in all seriousness, it was assuring to know that goblins from anime and games are weak, maybe I should form a goblin slaying squad? I've always liked the anime anyways so why the hell not?

I tapped on the two guards stationed at the perimeter gate and tapped on the 'form squad' button, this game was pretty customizable actually, the soldiers have names, distinct features, and a bunch of other cosmetics that you can buy or craft for your favorite soldier or squad, I should try to make Goblin Slayer a thing!

I grinned at myself for saying all these things in my head, but it's great to see that there're things even most RTS games on PC don't have.

The orders have been made, I authorized them to do whatever they wanted to the goblins.


An alert went off on my phone, I brought it up so I can read it.

'Congratulations on repelling a raid! You have gained 30 gold for repelling a hard raid!' THAT was a hard raid? Two guards fucking mowed them down.

I'd hate to see what an easy raid would look like! There's probably going to be a single slime that could be whacked to death! Hell we don't even need to worry about ammo because these guys have unlimited ammo.

Y'know, I think this is a bit too OP right? Is this my ability after having been killed and isekai'd to this fantasy world? Hell I ain't complaining! Just wondering!

Wait... now that I think about it...

I tapped on the barracks and filled the queue with units, I selected all of the units at the rallypoint and tapped at different directions across the forest, queuing a wander order next, by the time I was done with them I did the same for the freshly made ones until I've done this for 10 times, there isn't a limit to how many I can build, nor was it really required to make them eat or sleep, they were basically robots.

I looked up from my screen, only to be greeted by Helmine to my side just watching.

"What are you doing....Heinrich" She hid behind her clipboard, I could barely afford to hide my bashfulness from being called by my first name.

Cough cough "I am trying to find other people"

"Other people?" She asked innocently.

"I believe I am not the only transferred person here, I believe that there are others here with an ability similar to mine, I don't know why it had to be linked with my phone though" She nodded, looks like she got it.

"Won't those men need rest and food though?" Huh?

"What are you on about Helmine?" I asked to clarify.

"They are people who have to sleep and eat and drink, they will die of attrition if they don't have the proper facilities" Eh?!? I thought they were just fucking robots!

"Oh shit! Really?" Helmine nodded.

"Ah ok ok....." I tapped on the movement button, revealing wander, hurry, halt, ambush, patrol and careful.

I highlighted all of the squads I sent out and tapped got rid of the wander and careful command in their order queue, I then tapped on the plains touching the forest and ordered them to hurry.

I looked at Helmine, she was just watching what I was doing, intrigued at the device or at what was going on in the device, I didn't know, but once she noticed that I was looking at her, she just smiled and opened her mouth to speak "That 'Phone' is really useful, to not having any radio contact with us in case you were somewhere far away would require sending in at least a radio company, but the device you wield is so powerful it acts as everything man needed"

"Yeah phones are really powerful" Helmine nodded in agreement.

I looked at her for a second.

'I wonder if phones are available in the Cold War Period' I thought to myself while imagining Helmine in a West German or NATO uniform.' She was rocking the German uniform right now, the sort of black that war crime part of Germany was really known for, I think it's mentioned here in the game.

'Squad 20 is under attack!' Oh crap!

Helmine heard the alert on my phone too and leaned closer to watch.

I tapped on the alert, transferring my camera view to a top-down view of the fight between Squad 20 and the hostiles.

"Shit that's a lot" a squad of just 6 men were up against 30 goblins, the same amount as before.

"Move squads 15 and 21 to 20, they are the closest to them" Helmine suggested, I complied.

I also moved 23 and 26 to follow 15 and 21 as backup.

Tapping on the Squad 20s roster revealed the weapons they were using, most were using a K98k Bolt-Action Rifle, while only 1 was using an MP 40 and 1 was using a MG34 LMG, this was great and all considering earlier conflict with the goblins, none survived the bullet rain from just 2 guards using an MP40.


A streak of flashes erupted in the forest, lightning was heard from my phone, I watched as the soldiers began taking cover from the arrows flying by, goblin riders rushed the hidden soldiers, only to be culled down by a well placed MG, the MG continued firing at the exposed goblins, who were getting more and more agitated.

"I see more coming" Helmine was right, more were coming straight for Squad 20.

"What the?!?!" I exclaimed, what looked like orcs emerged from the treeline, goblins poured out from holes that one would've thought as just a fox burrow.

I looked at where the reinforcements were...

Jus under 5 minutes.

"4 minutes till reinforcements arrive" I said.

The orcs that emerged were getting peppered by the MP38, the soldier kept firing while moving back slightly, K98ks supported the careful retreat to where the MG was, the MP38 suddenly ran towards the MG.

The K98s were getting overrun, one was still shooting at the goblins while the others have already retreated to the MG who was still reloading.

I furiously tapped on the soldier, taking control of him.

Helmine was visibly surprised at what happened next.

Controls were displayed, something straight out of a mobile FPS game, I didn't care, I turned the soldier around and ran, running for the elevation.

"We told you to retreat Oriz! Putting yourself in danger like that!" The person using the MP38 berated me, looks like I also have shared vision and hearing too, the fuck type of game is this?

"MG RELOADED SIR!" The person with the MP38 then commanded "FIRE!"


Burst equaled death in the face of this man-made monster, I watched....

I watched in horror the grotesque sight, the orcs reduced to bullet holes, unrecognizable to what was their true selves, goblins laid dead on the floor, pools of blood coming out of them, soldiers continued to fire at the ones still alive, the clever ones ducked to the ground, but they were dealing with soldiers from one of the worst conflicts in history.

"Chuck those fuckers with grenades! Show them the might of our army!" The leader said, everyone besides me and the MG threw stick grenades, it exploded, causing guts and blood to splatter the trees.

"Jeez" I said, Helmine suddenly tapped on the camera icon.

I looked at her in confusion.

"You mustn't watch anymore, you've done a great job sending that man home" I did?

She hugged me, in just a second I was wrapped in the warmth of this woman.




'Congratulations on repelling a raid! You have gained 100 gold for repelling an extreme raid!'



The next day

My men returned home, everyone that was sent out recieved a warm welcome back to base, a ceremony for the bravery displayed by Squad 20 and the 2 guards commenced.

In front of me were the men who have done their duty, they have seen action and have dealt with those trying to harm us, I stood on a stage at the rally point, a large open concrete field with my flag fluttering in the wind, this was my first time in a while publicly speaking, luckily I've had Helmine prepare a speech for me.

I read it aloud for my mic to hear.

"For bravery in the face of the enemy and excellent in commanding troops to victory against the goblins, I award you the Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse" Those present clapped.

Once the clapping died down, I resumed.

"And as of now, Squad 20 will be merged with the Goblin Slayer Squad as they have the most experience in dealing with them, I hope that this will set an example to everyone present" Applause rang out, then the cheering grew louder and louder, with the chanting "Heil Heinrich!" echoing out.

It felt.... great.

Hundreds of men and women cheering my name, even though this wasn't my event.

It was exhilirating to say the least....

Helmine came to the podium, taking the mic into her hand.

She raised her arm in a wide and theatrical motion and exclaimed.

"FOR THE GENERAL! WE SHALL BE VICTORIOUS! SIEG HEIL! HEIL HEINRICH!" It was powerful, it felt like everyone was there shouting my name, my name in awe and admiration.

"ABSOLUTE LOYALTY TO OUR GENERAL! NEIN! TO OUR FUHRER!" T-this was getting too much now, Helmine is riling everyone up.

I went over to Helmine, trying to calm her down.

"Helmine, stop, this is getting out of hand" Helmine looked at me confused.

"O-oh, I am terribly sorry My Fuh- err I mean, General" I took her by the hand and walked off the stage, I could still hear their chants, saying things like "DEATH TO OUR ENEMIES!" "HEIL HEINRICH!" and others, if I didn't notice what was wrong, I would've been like that madman.

"I mustn't let it control me" I said, Helmine looked at me to ask "Control you?"

"Ah sorry! Just talking to myself" I brushed off her concern.....

Later that day

I was chilling on my bed, just scrolling through what I could do with the base, all of this time, I've been upgrading my eco buildings, it's gotten to a point where I've made hundreds of thousands of every resource and it won't stop flowing, I had to upgrade our storage multiple times a day!


I got a notification from KzTD.

'Cache successfully transported' That was nice, the convoy got here already.

"Woah" Once I tapped on the notification, a sort of shop menu popped up, revealing things I could get as a reward, there were things ranging from some sort of Super Heavy Tank called the Maus, a rocket of all things! A strategic bomber, a railgun! Jeez what the fuck are these options!?

I scrolled down a bit more, it revealed a UFO called the Glocke? I scrolled more and more, revealing all sorts of wacky things, these were all labeled the 'Wunderwaffe' or Wonder Weapons, I didn't know that Germany was seriously proposing these types of weapons back then, but the game explained in detail what these were and what were the functions of each thing.

KzTD also stated that I was allowed to have three items from this shop, unless I send out search parties to look for more caches.

I wanted to learn more about these things so I scrolled, until I found the filter button on the top right of the shop menu, I tapped on it and it revealed a drop-down list of all the categories.

From top to bottom there was

Naval Vessels

Naval Vessels ( Aircraft Carriers )

Graf Zeppelin – a 33,550 ton aircraft carrier laid down in 1936; never completed.

Flugzeugträger B – planned sister ship to the Graf Zeppelin; scrapped before launching.

Flugzeugträger C and D – two additional proposed aircraft carriers of the Graf Zeppelin class.

I (1942) – a planned 56,500 ton aircraft carrier, converted from a transport; cancelled before work started.

Naval Vessels ( Battleships )

H-class battleship – a series of proposals for battleships surpassing both the United States Navy's Montana-class battleships and the Imperial Japanese Navy's Yamato-class battleships in armament, culminating in the H-44, a 140,000 ton battleship with eight 20 inch guns.

Bismarck – German battleship, scuttled in the Atlantic Ocean after being crippled by Royal Navy torpedo bombers and battleships.

Tirpitz – German battleship, sister ship of the aforementioned Bismarck. Sunk in 1944 by RAF Bomber Command; 32 Avro Lancaster bombers dropped blockbuster and Tallboy bombs in Operation Catechism.

Naval Vessels ( Oceangoing U-boats )

Rocket U-boat – a planned ballistic missile submarine; project abandoned.

Type XVIII U-boat – a U-boat designed to use air-independent propulsion; several were under construction when the war ended.

Type XXI U-boat "Elektroboot" (Electric boat) – the first U-boat designed to operate completely submerged, 118 were built but only 4 were completed.

Type XXIV U-boat – a planned U-boat designed to use air-independent propulsion.

Type XXVI U-boat – a U-boat designed to use air-independent propulsion; several were under construction when the war ended.

Naval Vessels ( Littoral U-boats )

Type XXII U-boat – a U-boat designed to use air-independent propulsion; two were under construction.

Type XXIII U-boat ("Elektroboot") – a U-boat designed for littoral missions; 67 were built.

Type XXV U-boat – a planned all-electric U-boat designed for littoral missions.

These descriptions were alright, some werent as specific as I wanted it to be, maybe because of the lack of information of its plans, I wasn't sure.

What I can say though, was that there were a LOT of them, just looking at the filters alone.

I crossed out the Naval Vessels and tapped on Armoured Vehicles.

Armoured Vehicles

Armoured Vehicles ( Anti-Aircraft Weapons )

Flakpanzer IV "Kugelblitz" (Ball Lightning) – A Panzer IV-based self-propelled anti-aircraft gun; five prototypes built.

Flakpanzer 341 Coelian – A Panther D-Based self-propelled anti-aircraft gun, only a wooden mockup of the turret was built.

Armoured Vehicles ( Anti-Tank Weapons )

Sturer Emil ("Stubborn Emil") – An experimental Panzerjäger style, open-topped tank destroyer armed with a Rheinmetall 12.8 cm K L/61 gun, 2 prototypes built for tests. Sole surviving prototype on display at the Kubinka Tank Museum.

Elefant (Ferdinand) - A heavy tank destroyer, mounting a 8.8 cm Pak 43/2 L/71 gun, 91 units produced.

Armoured Vehicles ( Super-Heavy Tanks )

Landkreuzer P. 1000 "Ratte" (Rat) – A planned super-heavy tank, weighing 1000 tonnes and armed with two 280mm cannons, one 128mm anti-tank gun, 8 20mm flak guns and 2 15mm heavy machine guns; cancelled in early 1943.

Panzer VII "Löwe" (Lion) – A planned super-heavy tank, weighing 90 tonnes and armed with a 105mm cannon; cancelled in March 1942 in favor of the Panzer VIII Maus.

Panzer VIII "Maus" (Mouse) – A super-heavy tank, weighing 188 tonnes and armed with two cannons of 128mm and 75mm calibre; five were ordered but only two operable prototypes completed – lone survivor currently on display at the Kubinka Tank Museum.

Panzerkampfwagen E-100 –A planned super-heavy tank (the heaviest of a series of "E-tanks") weighing 140 tonnes and armed with either 128 or 150 mm cannon, one prototype hull nearly completed, the hull was later captured and evaluated by the British before being scrapped in the 1950s.

Armoured Vehicles ( Reconnaisance Tanks )

Kugelpanzer (ball tank) - A prototype spherical reconnaissance/cable-laying tank with a mysterious history. Sent to Japan and captured by the Soviets in 1945. Currently on display at the Kubinka Tank Museum.

VK 16.02 Leopard - Planned reconnaissance tank. Only mockup of Waffenträger (weapon carrier) was built.

I was pleasantly shocked by the amount of batshit insane designs I saw, what intrigued me the most was probably the Ratte, something like that caaaaaaan be helpful buuuut... actually, I don't have to worry about fuel right? If I get this blueprint I can just build it right away right?

....I held off for now, there might be some other things here.

I crossed out the Armoured Vehicles and checked the Gliders.

Only one popped up which I was surprised about.

Junkers Ju 322 "Mammut" (Mammoth) – a flying wing heavy transport glider, the losing competitor to the winning Me 321 Gigant giant cargo/personnel glider.

It was alright, it might have been useful but I am still searching so I crossed out gliders and moved onto Piston Engine Aircraft.

And there were a lot on this category too.


Dornier Do 335 – a heavy fighter with the push-pull configuration.

Focke-Achgelis Fa 269 – a planned tilt-rotor VTOL fighter.


Blohm & Voss BV 238 – a super-heavy transport flying boat and bomber.

Focke-Wulf Ta 400 – a planned Amerikabomber candidate with six radial engines and two jet engines, configured as a bomber.

Heinkel He 274 – a high-altitude heavy bomber with four in-line engines.

Heinkel He 277 – a planned, advanced long-range bomber design and Amerikabomber candidate.

Junkers Ju 390 – an Amerikabomber candidate with six radial engines.

Junkers Ju 488 - a heavy bomber with four radial engines.

Messerschmitt Me 264 – an Amerikabomber candidate with four engines.


Focke-Wulf Ta 152 – a high-altitude interceptor.


Blohm & Voss BV 141 – a tactical reconnaissance aircraft with an unusual asymmetrical design.


Heinkel He 111Z – designed to tow large gliders.

Messerschmitt Me 323 "Gigant" (Giant) – a heavy transport adapted from the Me 321 giant troop-glider.

Experimental / Special Projects

Focke Rochen – a VTOL experimental aircraft project.

I was very interested in the bomber stuff, if I wasn't able to use magic or something, I can always just make bombers to devastate potential enemies who are capable of using it, not only that but if we encounter goblins again, precision bombing will be key if the goblins get stronger.

But I held off for now, I can't choose yet until I learn about all of the options available to me.

Crossing out Piston Engine Aircraft and enabling Jet and Rocket-Propelled Aircraft.


Focke-Wulf Ta 183 "Huckebein" – a planned swept wing turbojet fighter.

Heinkel He 162 Spatz – winner of the Volksjäger design competition for a single-engine turbojet fighter. 

Heinkel He 280 – the first turbojet fighter design, prototypes only. 

Junkers EF 128 – a planned turbojet fighter. 

Messerschmitt Bf 109TL – a turbojet fighter designed as an alternate for the Me 262.

Messerschmitt Me 163 "Komet" (Comet) – the first and only operational rocket-powered fighter.


Messerschmitt Me 262 "Schwalbe" (Swallow) – the first operational turbojet fighter/bomber. 

Messerschmitt Me 263 – a rocket-powered fighter developed from the Me 163. 

Messerschmitt P.1101 – a variable-sweep wing turbojet fighter. 

Messerschmitt P.1106 – a jet fighter based on the Messerschmitt Me P.1101. 

Škoda-Kauba P14 – a ramjet-powered emergency fighter. 

Lippisch P.13a – a planned supersonic ramjet delta wing interceptor.

Lippisch P.13b – a planned ramjet delta wing interceptor developed from the Lippisch P.13a.


Arado Ar 234 Blitz – the first operational turbojet bomber and reconnaissance aircraft. 

Arado E.555 – a planned jet-powered Amerikabomber. 

Arado E.560 – a series of tactical bomber projects. 

Blohm & Voss P 178 – a turbojet dive-bomber.


Heinkel He 343 – a planned four-engined jet bomber based on the Arado Ar 234. 

Horten Ho 229 – a turbojet flying wing jet fighter/bomber. 

Horten H.XVIII – a planned flying wing jet bomber based on the Horten Ho 229.


Junkers EF 132 – a planned turbojet bomber.

Junkers Ju 287 – a forward-swept wing turbojet bomber. 

Silbervogel (Silverbird) – a planned sub-orbital antipodal bomber.


Bachem Ba 349 "Natter" (Adder) – a rocket-powered vertical take-off interceptor. 

Henschel Hs 132 – a planned turbojet dive bomber and interceptor. 

Focke-Wulf "Triebflügel" (Powered Wings) – a planned tip jet rotorcraft, tailsitter interceptor. 

Lippisch P.13a – a planned supersonic ramjet delta wing interceptor. 

Lippisch P.13b – a planned ramjet delta wing interceptor developed from the Lippisch P.13a.

Zeppelin Fliegende Panzerfaust – a rocket-powered very-short-range interceptor. 

Zeppelin Rammer – a rocket-powered ramming interceptor.


Arado Ar 234 Blitz – the first operational turbojet bomber and reconnaissance aircraft.

DFS 228 – a rocket-powered high altitude reconnaissance aircraft.

Experimental / Special Projects

DFS 194 – a rocket-powered experimental aircraft. 

DFS 346 – a rocket-powered research aircraft. 

Fieseler Fi 103R "Reichenberg" – a manned version of the V-1 flying bomb.

Sombold So 344 – a rocket-powered plane with a detachable explosive nose.

Okay... What the fuck was Germany cooking? Some of these are actually alright, some.... not so much, I can totally see the Flying Wing designs working because of that bomber the US had, I forgot the name but it was B something, B1? I don't know.

This has me excited, imagining the possibilities of striking anywhere across the globe, maybe even beyond?

I stopped for a second as I was about to tap on the Ho 229 and the other one with the long-ass roman numerical in its name, I didn't know what was it that stopped me but I halted and moved on for now.

Crossing this category and moved onto the next, Helicopters.


Flettner Fl 184 – a night reconnaissance and anti-submarine autogyro. 

Flettner Fl 282 "Kolibri" (Hummingbird) – a reconnaissance "synchropter" helicopter. 

Focke-Achgelis Fa 223 "Drache" (Dragon) – an anti-submarine, search and rescue, reconnaissance, and freight helicopter, based on the prewar Fw 61.


Focke-Achgelis Fa 223 "Drache" (Dragon) – an anti-submarine, search and rescue, reconnaissance, and freight helicopter, based on the prewar Fw 61.

Experimental / Special Projects

Flettner Fl 185 – an experimental helicopter. 

Flettner Fl 265 – an experimental helicopter, the world's earliest known airworthy synchropter.

The Drache seems to be the best option for a helicopter, the Kolibri too based off of the description.

I kept a mental note of the Drache and Kolibri as potential things to buy, I probably don't need it now, but its good to keep note of it in the future.

Something very concerning appeared once I crossed out the Helicopter category, this was the Bombs and Explosives category.

Alarm bells were ringing in my head once I read the first entry...


Unlocks the Uranprojekt or the German Nuclear Weapons research program.

That was all it said.

Next to the only two entries in this category was called the Ftiz X..

Fritz X - a guided anti-ship glide bomb, the world's first precision guided weapon ever deployed in combat.

Both of these blueprints gives great potential, but I don't need it for now, the nuke is a great addition but I don't have anything to carry it yet, I think it's better to just leave it as is.

I crossed out this category and proceeded to the next one.

This was called Artillery.

And let me tell you.. there were some stuff that seemed a bit overkill.

Karl-Gerät - the largest calibre (up to 60 cm), self-propelled mortar ever deployed – seven examples built, six seeing combat 1941–45.

Schwerer Gustav (Heavy Gustav) – an 800mm railway gun, the largest artillery piece ever used in warfare.

V-3 cannon "Hochdruckpumpe" – "High Pressure Pump", a large-calibre gun.

Landkreuzer P. 1500 "Monster" – a proposed super-heavy self-propelled gun, weighing 1500 metric tons and armed with the 800mm Schwerer Gustav/Dora gun.

I don't really see anything I needed here, I didn't have the infrastructure to build, unless I expanded the base in the future then I can pick something like the Schwerer Gustav or the Monster, I crossed Artillery then moved on to Missiles.


A1 – the first German liquid-propellant experimental rocket.

A2 – an experimental rocket, gyroscopically stabilized.

A3 – an experimental rocket with an inertial guidance system.

A4/V-2 – the first ballistic missile and the first human-made object to achieve sub-orbital spaceflight.

Projekt Schwimmweste "Project Life Jacket" – a planned submarine-launched ballistic missile.

A4b/A9 – winged, long-range version of the A4, first winged rocket to break the sound barrier.

A5 – an experimental reusable rocket.

A6 – planned version of the A5 with different propellants; may have also been a proposal for a manned reconnaissance version of the A4b/A9.

A7 – winged rocket, never completed.

A8 – proposed stretched version of the A4 to use storable propellants.

A9/A10 Amerika Rakete – a planned intermediate-range ballistic missile to be used to strike the eastern United States.

A11 Japan Rakete – proposed three-stage rocket.

A12 – planned four-stage orbital launch rocket, capable of putting 10 metric tons into low Earth orbit.

Fieseler Fi 103R Reichenberg – a manned "suicide attack" cruise missile.

Enzian – a planned surface-to-air missile with infrared guidance.

Feuerlilie F-25 "Fire Lilly" – a surface-to-air missile.

Feuerlilie F-55 "Fire Lilly" – a two-stage, supersonic surface-to-air missile.

V-1 flying bomb/Fieseler Fi 103/Vergeltungswaffe 1 – the first cruise missile.

Fliegerfaust "Pilot Fist" or "Plane Fist" / Luftfaust "Air Fist" – the first man-portable air-defense system (MANPADS) anti-aircraft weapons system.

Fritz X – an unpowered air-launched, MCLOS-guided anti-ship missile using the FuG 203/230 Kehl-Straßurg control system, the pioneering wartime example of a gravity-type PGM, used from September 1943 through 1944.

Henschel Hs 117 Schmetterling "Butterfly" – a manually guided surface-to-air missile.

Henschel Hs 117H – a manually guided air-to-air missile.

Henschel Hs 293 – a pioneering MCLOS-guided, launch-boosted air-to-ship missile using the Kehl-Straßurg radio link as with the Fritz X, used in combat from 1943 to 1944.

Henschel Hs 294 – an MCLOS-guided air-to-ship missile/torpedo.

Henschel Hs 298 – an air-to-air missile.

R4M Orkan "Hurricane" – an unguided air-to-air rocket.

Rheinbote "Rhine Messenger" – the first short-range ballistic missile.

Rheintochter "Rhinedaughter" – a manually guided surface-to-air missile.

Ruhrstahl X-4 – a wire-guided liquid-fueled air-to-air missile intended to be usable with the Ta 183.

Taifun "Typhoon" – a planned unguided surface-to-air missile.

Wasserfall Ferngelenkte Flakrakete "Waterfall Remote-Controlled A-A Rocket" – a supersonic surface-to-air missile.

Werfer-Granate 21 – a heavy-calibre (21 cm/8 inch) unguided air-to-air rocket, in use by the summer of 1943.

G7es/Zaunkönig T-5 – acoustic homing torpedo used by U-boats.

Hm.. I skipped over the ones that were uninteresting, the ones that did were the Waterfall Remote AA Rocket, the G7es, the Fliegerfaust and the Reichenberg cruise missile, these seemed to be the most useful in case there were sea monsters or dragons, though I highly think we are going to be meeting some in the future, this is something I took note off just in case, I might have to consult Helmine and Joachim for advice on what to choose...

Well I moved on after noting the ones I really liked down.

Next up was..... Orbital? Huh?

I tapped on the category and damn..

Silbervogel (Silverbird) — a suborbital rocket bomber, similar to later generations of rocket spacecraft.

Sonnengewehr (sun-gun) – a parabolic mirror in orbit designed to focus sunlight onto specific locations on the Earth's surface.

First off, both sound sick as fuck, second, I am not sure how these will even work, if we are using this game's physics and whatever, how will it translate to real life? Would it work like the vehicles not needing fuel? But the soldiers need basic sustenance? Hm...

I decided to keep these things on note, maybe I can find out more once get the ones I want and need and we have more to spare for experimentation.

Opening the new category simply called Rifles revealed some pretty interesting things.


Jagdfaust – an automatically firing airborne anti-bomber recoilless rifle for use on the Me 163.

Mauser MG 213 – a 20 mm aircraft mounted revolver cannon.

Mauser MG 213C – a 30 mm aircraft mounted revolver cannon.

Fallschirmjägergewehr 42 – an automatic battle rifle developed specifically for the Fallschirmjäger.

Sturmgewehr 44 – the first assault rifle.

"Krummlauf" – a curved barrel for the StG44 (mp44 or Sturmgewehr).

Sturmgewehr 45 – prototype.

Most of these I think I've seen in games so I have some familiarity with it, especially the STG44, I am fairly interested in the Jagdfaust though, it will be very useful I feel.

Next was Mission Equipment, doing the usual motions I saw only two entries.

Mission Equipment

Zielgerät 1229 "Vampir" – active infrared night vision gunsight system for the Sturmgewehr 44.

FG 1250 - Tank Mounted night-vision equipment.

Looking at both, these are very useful, I took note of it for review with Helmine and Joachim.

I looked at the last entry, Purported?

There were only three entries, all with no descriptions.

Die Glocke

Directed-Energy Weapons

Nazi UFOs

I wasn't interested if there weren't anything to explain.

I didn't want to spend my points on something I might regret later on.

Which is why I didn't use the freebies given, my choice matters but I don't have any prior military knowledge, unlike Helmine and especially Joachim.

Noticing outside was very dark, I decided to rest now, plugging my charger into the outlet and plugged my phone into the charger, I was really glad I was in this period and not the earlier periods like World War I and definitely not the Napoleonic Wars..

I chuckled a bit thinking of that.