The shots, so continuous, so... strong.

It felt awesome

Our enemies being culled down, I loved it.

Goblins, Orcs, and whatever other fantasy creature there was, they died the moment we fired.

They were horrible, disgusting creatures, they were the monsters from stories, who killed and pillaged, I swore to defend our Fuhrer, to lead him to harm, I will kill myself, our lord, our creator, we plead you.

Let us kill them all.

- A random soldier during the second engagement against the monsters of the forest, 1938.

10 Days Later

I woke up with a cold sweat, checking the time, it was almost 1 in the afternoon, I missed breakfast and I almost missed lunch, why was I not woken up?

Brushing and washing my face, I did my morning routine and left.

I was finally in the 40s and things were looking great, I think ten days have passed by now, a lot of research was put into radar detection technology, my lead researcher Dr. Kirkmann, has assured me multiple times that the multiple radar listening outposts around the forest, expansion across the forest has also been ramped up thanks to the Pioneertruppen, there are major concrete roads branching out from the main base to all of the outposts, firebases and the new Forward Operating Bases, for now, Forward Operating Base Teufel and Schwartz are the only ones, they are located three-hundred-and-twenty-eight kilometers away from the Main Operating Base, in between those hundreds of kilometers is a highway leading to those FOBs, multiple checkpoints and outposts as well as the outer perimeter wall, this surrounded Eden, it was built with reinforced concrete, it is twenty meters thick and a fifty meters high, took me four days for it to be finally built, by that time I have been on constantly sending out bombers and fighter escorts to destroy monster caves, sending in mechanized infantry and pioneertruppen to collect the all of the loot and deposit it to KzTD.

A few minutes later and I have arrived at the KzTD Trade Building, It was a massive two hundred meter high glass building, it was like a skyscraper, this was my connection to my bank account.

Entering the building with a few guards, I was greeted by the front desk.

"Ah General Heinrich! Sir Gerard will see you" She then directed me to the glass elevator, the KzTD was the game's in-game store, it allows me to spend money to buy premium vehicles and weapons, there were also options for buildings but I wasn't a 'High Valued Customer' yet.

Well this was where the looting comes in.

My bodyguards opened the tall, mahogany wood doors.

And there I saw the sea of trees, there a man sat on a leather office chair, in front of him was his desk with a typewriter on it, plants of various kinds could be seen to brighten up the white room more, I stepped on the red carpet and walked towards him.

"Herr Heinrich! So good to see you!" Gerard said with a smile, he raised his hand to salute me.

"Please sit, I'll take out the good stuff" He said with a sly smirk, pressing a button, the door to the right of us opened to reveal a full course dinner, hot and ready.

Both of us sat down on the instant dining room, this was a common occurrence when meeting with him, always fattening me up.

But I was well aware of what he was trying to do, and he knows that I'd be lured in.

Over the steamy potatoes, I spoke to him.

"Have you received my presents yet Sir Gerard?" I asked.

"Oh, the goblin loot and corpses?" I confirmed it.

"We've already processed it, KzTD will be sure to process your accounts and use the presents as settlement" He said as he chewed on a spicy rib.

"Well what about the conversation we had about acquiring the Ho. 229 and the Fliegerfaust" I sipped on my mushroom soup after I said.

"Yes, I remember, but what about it?" He asked after finishing the rib.

"Well we are wondering how much have we've made with the corpses?" Gerard began to ponder after chewing on a steak then sipping on red wine.

"The gifts you've given are worth around twenty dollars, the Ho.229 is worth twenty alone, and the Fliegerfaust is only worth fifteen, making it insufficient" I nodded while sipping water.

"Well another shipment is on the way, I'd like to buy the Ho.229" Gerard smiled.

"A good purchase, consider it sold then, the blueprint will be sent over to Dr. Kirkmann, congratulations Herr Heinrich for the smart decision" I ignored his flattery, this was simply a buy and buy business relationship, I don't know why they need the corpses and loot, but I ain't asking questions if it gives me what I want.

I felt my phone buzz for a bit, and Gerard's phone rang.

"Looks like it's here" I said, Gerard picked it up.

"Well looks like it has, would you like to buy the Fliegerfaust?" He said after a bite of carbonara.

"I'd like to" I chomped on my sweet and sour boneless chicken.

After a few minutes of catching up and dining, I left the building, I unlocked the Fliegerfaust and the Ho.229, the Ho.229 was simply for recon and bombing, I planned on sending recon flights to the medieval town I found back then, but my labor has been fruitless so far, radio checks only revealed forests and lakes, with the 229 I was hoping for faster flight into the forest, so that if there wasn't anything I can always just turn them around or order strikes on monster groups.

A Day Later

Alarms rang out, for what? I checked my phone, zooming out to everything I unlocked and have constant surveillance of, but there was nothing?

That was when I saw the message pop up.

'Ho. 229 1 is under attack!' I tapped on it to see and there it was!

I-I couldn't believe it! Just after a day of building and sending them out, they finally found it!

A city!

Kingdom of Runeria, 1631 AL, 14:59

Castle Town Juropolus

Bells tolled in distress, the people were scurrying away, the black dot circled over us, singing a horrible song for hours unending!

I gathered the city's defenders, men and women who armed themselves with bows and arrows, how far away was this dreaded dragonnewt? We can't say, but if it decides to stay here, then we shall make them pay.

"ARCHERS AND MAGES READY!" I bellowed out from across the great wall that separated us and the cursed forest, hundreds of thousands of years we were victorious, the demon king has been defeated and his followers are entrapped, but how has this dragonnewt appeared here? The watchful eyes of the ranger force should've been able to warn us about it, but were they too busy drinking?

I put down my sword and raised my staff, May our Lord guide my shot.

"ARCHERS AIM! MAGES AIM!" I ordered and they aimed, they were young and old, most were ready some were afraid, but we were all willing to die for this town, I hope we just buy them enough time"

I looked at the shivering mage besides me, sweating profusely at the demonic thing.

"It's alright magic-wielder" The lad looked at me.

"We will kill this thing" He nodded.

"FIRE!" And as if time froze, the sensations I felt, hot and cold, mages used the frost while the archers used fiery arrows, a barrage with ballistae and catapults, we threw everything at it.

But it all missed, it was too far!

"SIR EDWARD! THE WYVERN CORP IS HERE!" An archer excitedly said, the wyvern corps were the elites, they have handled training far more gruesome than a Holy Paladin's, but they were still nothing compared to Dragon riders, they rode magnificent and intelligent dragons, they were the elite of the elites, but there was only one of them stationed so close to us, the rest are sat on their asses at the capital, but as long as Dragon Knight Cruvel arrives, then we can kill the newt.

I took out my manacommunicator, pairing it with the mana frequency Team Leader Palpatus is on, he was a good friend of mine, so I have his frequency.

"Palpatus, be careful! we are unsure of its intentions yet, we should guide it away for now!" I spoke to him, letting go of the button that injects your mana into the device.

"Understood, I'll relay to Lieutenant Ramadus and Kritna, stay on the freq" Then I heard the bump, noone was on the frequency anymore.

"Should we keep firing sir?" An archer asked, I shook my head no, maybe the newt hasn't notice it was being targeted?

"Aim at the newt just in case it swoops in, tell the ballista to load high-explosives, we should still have them in storage" The archer nodded and immediately relayed it around.

I smashed the end of my staff on the stone bricks, the holy energy spewing out like rain at the top, pouring down on my men and I, I felt boosted.

"Mages! Prepare to cast fireball!" I ordered.

This massive amount of accumulated mana would have of course attracted the creatures of Satanus, the Dark God of the Monsters, they are different to the monsters spawned from the Demon King's power, but they are not to be taken lightly off, these ones are strong in hordes, that's why they rarely go out of their caves solo, at least thirty of them will go out.

"Goblins!" An archer yelled, it was of no concern right now, they can't climb this wall anyways.

"Goblin arrows! Watch out!" The same man cautioned, but my holy magic has already shielded us, they deflect weapons and projectiles of ones with dark blood.

And as I see it, that thing flying around has an aura of dark blood, my staff is violent towards it just like how its violent towards the goblins.

"Hmm.." I took a seat and thought, just how do they take down the dragonnewt? The wyvern corps is definitely weaker than it, and Sir Cruvel hasn't confirmed his arrival to us yet.

"S-Sir!" I heard the gasps of my men, when I looked at them, they all wore faces of dread and terror, fixated above.

I knew what it was they were so scared about, I could hear it.

The dragonnewt was not alone.

"FIRE!" A wizard fired his spell!

"IDIOT! WHY'D YOU DO THAT!" I berated, but it was too late, I wished it stopped then and there, I wish it didn't hit.

But it flew up, and up and up.

Until the dragonnewt and the fireball was close...

Ah! Just barely! It barely grazed the dragonnewt!

My eyes locked onto the wyvern corps on standby, they were still trying to catch up in altitude, but the air was thin and they were all lightly equipped, they were unsuitable for high-altitude flight and it showed.

Main Operating Base "Eden" 1941 AD, 17:20

Headquarters, War Room 1

I kept watching the Ho. 229s, they were gathering very valuable information right now, I didn't need recon planes thanks to the in-depth map and first person mode, so all I had to do was keep screenshotting and screen record the feed.

Their tech level looks somewhere in the Middle Ages, so probably in the 1400s to 1600s? I was just guessing.

To my sides were Military Analysts and Historians in War Room 1 inside of HQ, most of the people here were in agreement that the country was in 1500 Western Europe, most probably in France due to how the castle and armor looked, well to me, it looked like your typical castle so I wasn't useful in solving it.

"Well we know that they've shot at us, the fireball almost took out a 229" An Analyst said, Helmine completely agreed with it.

"That was akin to attacking our General, we should definitely use our strategic bombers and set an example to th-"

"WE ARE NOT BOMBING ANYONE" I slapped my hands down hard on the table, I looked at Helmine and the men and women gathered.

"I-I am terribly sorry General, w-w-we were just saying that everyone is an extension of you..sir" Now it looked like I was the bad guy, I mean I did consider everyone here like that someway or another.

Not bearing the guilt, I massaged my temples, the looks they had on their faces made me feel more guilt.

"We.... we will retaliate if they strike the craft, for now pull back." I reassured them, the radio operators listened and gave orders out.

I watched my phone, the line of sight I had on the castle town turned dark, this was something called the 'Fog of War'

Selecting the barracks, I made more Pioneertrupp, after selecting all of them, I tapped on a clearing near the airbase, selecting said place and tapping on Drache.

Helmine walked closer to me, tapping on my shoulder, I momentarily looked away from my phone.

"What are you doing sir?" She asked.

"I decided to build a lookout, we will send Pioneertruppen to build small lookout posts just a hundred or so meters away from the wall"

"Will we ever make contact with them?" Someone from the crowd asked.

"Yes, in due time. We don't know their intentions so I want to be as cautious as possible, see to it that the lookouts are properly camouflaged while I take a nap" Everyone looked like they understood, raising their right arm to salute, they chanted my name once before continuing their work.

As time went by, it seemed like my naps became more and more frequent, was I tired? Probably.

Kingdom of Runeria, 1631 AL, 20:45

Castle Town Juropolus

A fanfare played, everyone from the town had gathered to witness it, the great descent of a great knight.


The town wasn't fit to welcome someone of his standing, but he had a lot of character.

"Ah! Edward my dear friend!" This man who bordered the fine line of man and orc suddenly hugged me, jumping around multiple times, lifting me up my feet as if I was a toy.

"It's been so long! Anyone injured? Though I doubt a Paladin like you could allow such a thing to happen!" He laughed on his stomach, when he finally lets me go was when I replied.

"The town's on edge Cruvel, dragonnewts have invaded our space, but they sought nothing but fear, they were intimidating us" I relayed, I could tell through his shiny dragon-scaled great helm that he was serious.

"How many newts?"

"There was twenty-one of the flying lizards"

"Sheeesh, I bet you killed five right? What spell did you use?" Cruvel excitedly asked, though thankfully no one were injured, this was still a major issue.

"Well, I couldn't and you know the danger those can cause, even IF those weren't part of the Resurrection Army!"

"Alright, alright, I hear you!"

"Good!" The mood died down a bit, there was a slight pause but Cruvel made talk, maybe to continue the conversation.

"So what do you want me to do?" He asked.

"Be on standby, the newts may come back" I looked towards the dark night sky.

"They always will" I ended the conversation there.

"H-Hey! Where should I stay then?!" I heard the last of his fleeting voice, I cared not to respond, he'll find an Inn somewhere.

The Next Day

Kingdom of Runeria, 1631 AL, 06:10

Castle Town Juropolus

'Hmm' I was out on my morning patrol, on the lookout for the Dragonnewts or something of equal or greater threat, it was the duty of mine to safeguard this world from the forces of evil.

Be it man or monster, divine punishment will be served.

Clutching my gloved plated hand, the leather felt the same as always, luckily no sweat has accumulated unlike yesterday.

'I could barely remove the stench last night, ugh' I grimaced, reciting in my head one of the tenets of the Holy Order

'One must be hygienic, their armor and blade spotless, their mortal-self hygienic, and their spiritual-self pure, for evil prospers in filth and impurity' this was a personal favorite of mine.

Well the common folk are an exception, they have a simple understanding of the holy scriptures, the shepherds to the masses hasn't relayed it yet, though I find it quite blasphemous to not have a Grand Cathedral here to house the entirety of Juropolus!

I stomped in anger, I've been assigned here for seven months and thirteen days, I might be drained from just thinking of how the Demon Lord is going to strike, multiple letters have been sent to the Palace and the Order for reinforcements, but they all seem busy with barbarians and another country.

Foolishness I say! I deem this a foolish act, they can be reasoned with at least, unlike the monsters!


My steel boots stomped on the hard cobblestoned path, frustration has gotten into me, a bad habit of mine.

I once again looked up to the sky, praying for solace, for the newts to never return.


Main Operating Base "Eden" 1941 AD, 6:14

click clack

The reinforced soles of my black leather Reiterstiefel tapped on the marble floor, the volume, amplified by a closed hallway, was heard at both ends of the hall.

This walk of mine continued for another five seconds, I stopped once I took a look at myself, a mirror was hung here just above a bench.

I remember the words Helmine said to me as I looked at myself.

"You must wear your uniform, it is better that way to avoid personnel from misidentifying you" I thought of the arguments I made.

Well the arguments I made an hour later, when this has all passed.

I shook my head, the Schirmmütze stuck on my head was snug, I admit that it looks cool, the black and white was a really simple color scheme yet it looked so formal.

But this was just a SS Peaked Cap, the fucking Totenkopf insignia was right there.

If I was a little younger then I would've loved it, but I know the historical backgrounds, the amount of blood this insignia has.

Feeling nauseous, I took a seat on the bench.

"Am I... a Nazi now?" I asked myself, no-one else was in this hallway, either they were busy working or they are avoiding me, I weighed those two thoughts.

But I let it slide...


I rubbed my hands, thinking of how I should not let the uniform get into my head.

That was when I remembered my phone, immediately opening the notes app, I listed down the things that were on the top of my head.

I titled it 'No Nazi'

Enter in my first entry.

- I must not kill innocents.

A simple note, but I don't know if it was hard to do.

I hope my soldiers control themselves.

Next was


I made a VERY heavy emphasis on this, this was one of the greatest crimes against humanity there was, I learnt about it back in High-school.

Those were the only entries, I don't know anymore and I was already running late to the meeting so I scrambled to get to War Room 1.

15 Minutes Later

In front of me were multiple guards, armed with the new MP40, there were even dog handlers and their German Shepherds.

"HEIL HEINRICH!" They all said in synch, raising their arms in a robotic manner, he'll the fucking dogs raised their paws to salute too!

I raised my arm then dropped it, they all did the same.

I've gotten used to the whole saluting thing, it doesn't faze me as much as it used to, which I'd say is a good thing because they all seem on edge for some reason.


Met with a set of wax-finish Beech doors with a Wallnut design, I prompted the doors be opened, the guards did as I command with just a simple gesture.

Then revealed were the group from yesterday, all of them stood up immediately.

Walking towards my seat where Helmine was waiting for me, I smiled softly as I returned her smile.

Once I was sat, everyone else sat down.

On the large table displayed a map, thanks to the map feature of the game, we were able to create an exact copy of it in real life, this was our most valuable asset, the information from my phone.

I saw rooks on the map, all were our Forward Operating Bases, the King as the MOB, the Bishops as our Outposts and Firebases and the pawns as groups.

For now we have expanded the amount of FOBs to four.

They were almost twice as far from the original two, surrounded by outposts and a defense line of tanks, bunkers and emplacements.

This was simply for power projection, we have done a mass genocide on the native monsters, this has racked me almost ten thousand gold, this was reimbursement from the research and buildings, but I fear that we may run our golden duck dry.

"Let's begin the meeting" Helmine said.

"I would like to speak first" I said, Helmine was surprised, but complied.

"I'd like everyone to look at the recent raids we've done to the monsters" They looked at my phone.

Maybe I should've asked Helmine to type out the information first, but it was too late and I wanted to express my concerns immediately.

And yes, as you can imagine it, piles of people were shoving each other just to get a look at the screen.

Some wrote down the information displayed on it then passed it to others, but the many that didn't just watched.

"As you can see in victories, we have at least 334 victories and no loss" They all seemed prideful of it, which is great but we were only dealing with monsters that don't seem to matter to a World War II-era army.

"This has gained us ten thousand gold, which I have been gaining to pay for the research projects and buildings we see and use now." They nodded away, I took a sip of water to rehydrate my throat before continuing.

"In those 334 battles, there are 30 goblins for 1 battle, we have killed 10,020 so far" A great victory yes, I agree with them as they discussed their hatred for goblinkind.

"But we fear that goblins may not be able to reproduce as quickly" They stopped.

"Now granted that we have other monsters like the Minotaurs, Orcs and Gargoyles, but we rarely see them"

I looked around, they all seemed serious, I took back my phone then started drawing a border with wooden wall pieces, these were used to symbolize the internal and external walls.

I drew a large square, Outposts and Firebases as well as watchtowers loomed over the wall, ready to kill unauthorized personnel in the area, inside the wall was a large pond with small mountains.

The more I drew, the more it reminded me of Jurassic Park for some reason, I didn't mind it, but I made sure that a goblin infestation won't spread outside.

"I call this the Goblin Pen, this will act as a lethal training ground and gold farm, we will enter the pen every week, this will ensure that around a thousand or so goblins will spawn, and we have an unlimited supply of gold until we find a better farm for it." Everyone clapped.

Just a big round of applause echoed, I was surprised that they even clapped! I swear I could see tears on Helmine's face! Was it really that good?!?!

When they calmed down, I prepared for questions.

A brave lad! He raised his hand to ask.

"What's the question?" I asked.

"How will the rotation of guard duty work?" He asked.

"Just normal, rotation will happen every six hours, four guards for a tower, the outposts will send a steady supply of replacements with the auto-train function, and when I say so." He nods.

Another person raised their hand.

"You at the back! What's the question?" He stood up.

"How will we be able to monitor everything in the middle without startling the freaks? It might be possible that they find out they are in an enclosed space" A good question, it might be true that some day they will find out.

"We can send out synchropters to monitor, as well as recon aircraft, as for when they come across the wall, I guess we can just kill them, they won't know anyways" a round of chuckles went around, the asker looked like he was satisfied with my answer so he sat down.

Another man raised a hand.

"When will the pen incorporate Hobgoblins? As we saw with the few engagements we had with them, they are always with goblins, a rare case was that cave near Potts Lake that only had Hobgoblins"

"We will incorporate them into the pen, we might see something peculiar if we let them evolve again." There hasn't been a case of Hob v Goblin violence yet, atleast we know of from the hundreds of caves my troops visited and surveyed.

More questions lingered but I answered them all, all of us were optimistic of the pen.

So once my presentation was done, I allocated the resources necessary almost instantly, millions have been invested into the pen in just a second, I let my Pioneertruppen do most of the work after sending a Mechanized Division there.

1st Mechanized Infantry Division "Goblin Slayers"

Division Structure:

1 Division Headquarters

2 Mechanized Infantry Regiments

1 Armored Reconnaissance Battalion

1 Panzer Battalion

1 Artillery Regiment

1 Anti-Tank Battalion

1 Anti-Aircraft Battalion

1 Engineer Battalion

1 Signals Battalion

1 Logistics and Support Units

This costed a little over a seven hundred thousand resources to build and I was proud to send this Division over to the front.

This Division was the successor to the Goblin Slayer Squad, the original men have been promoted to officers in this division, I forgot which Regiments they are now assigned to, but they were the finest in this field.

I might say that this Division is the first division there was.

This division has over fifteen thousand people in it, the only difference they have with other divisions is that they have the guidance of veterans.

I was finally done glazing these guys, so I moved on to the next topic.

"Next is what should we do with the people from that castle" I spoke coldly.

Although they attacked us first, it is true that we entered into their airspace unexpected, they have reasons to not trust us considering the gigantic wall they've built between the Monster forest and the rest of the world, but this was a bit much.

And what I was most scared about was their magic, they casted fire and ice and not to mention the wyverns or dragons they have as air cav.

"May we suggest to open a dialogue?" A person suggested, not a bad idea...


"Denied, we cannot trust outsiders" Helmine flat-out rejected it.

"Why?" I asked.

"They are a volatile people, they shot at our jets because they were only circling them" Huh??

"But we flew in by surprise, it's unreasonable to let them just sit by as an unknown jet circles around a population center" Helmine nodded.

"We still can't trust them" Hmm.

"On what basis besides they are volatile?"

"We should try searching for more information about them, we shouldn't send people on the ground yet" I agreed with that.

"But you still haven't answered my question, Helmine"

"We just can't risk it, what if they were volatile?" She managed to get me there.

"I believe it is imperative to take our time with the native people, we don't know much about them nor do they us, we can use that to our advantage to find a weakness against their magic" I guess.

"So what do we do then? Send more jets? Just for them to either evade or get shot down?"

"No sir, I suggest we travel farther with a jet, we can ask our scientists to research a jet recon craft."

"Okay fine, we will do that" Helmine and I nod together.

Fifteen Days Later

Main Operating Base "Eden" 1945 AD, 10:11

Eden Research Center, Audio-Visual Experimentation Chamber, Viewing Chamber



Thud Thud

Thud Thud

Thud Thud

"Test Six Successful"

"Mic check, audio clear, we have finally accomplished it... live-audio-visual footage."

Dr. Johannes Bruch cheered, the gory remains of the greenskin was filmed on a display in black and white, the audio was choppy and unclear, it was very fuzzy to the ear.

But I approved of the project results, patting Bruch on the back for his efforts.

"The Reich thanks you for your work, Herr Bruch" I smiled at him.

"I-It is an honor, Mein Fuhrer!" He raises his arm to salute.

"Heil Heinrich!" I chuckle a bit.

"Heil me" Helmine chuckled at the joke.

Most of the time I spent now was on making things up to my standards, and now that we have finally accomplished constructing the first live security camera system, I went to select my Pioneertruppen and tasked them to install cameras.

Wiring was done almost instantly, all I had to do was build the new building I unlocked, the Security Office.

It was a large concrete building, it had a perimeter fence, multiple Kubelwagens and Opel Blitz trucks on the lot and a guardhouse for the entrance, I moved one of the many leisure places near the HQ and placed the Security Office there as replacement.

I looked up and saw the goblins dead on the floor, blood and bullet holes spewed on the wall with casings getting picked up by the firing squad.

Ten days have passed since the Goblin Pen Project was announced to my staff and progress has been smooth, I don't have to go to my phone to build it anymore, though it was faster to do that then to use construction crews and vehicles, but I didn't need the Pen for now.

Thanks to capture operations conducted by light infantry Regiments or Jäger-Regimenter, they are well-suited for terrains like forests, swamps and mountains.

They are issued the G43 Semi-Automatic Rifle, MP40 and STG44, as well as K98k Scoped Variant for Marksman roles, they use the BMW R75 Motorcycle for fast transport over rough-terrain.

Oh! Speaking of the Jäger-Regimenter, I think a Regiment is out on a mission right now.

I tapped on the 71st Jäger-Regimenter, then I tapped on the camera to watch.

71st Jäger-Regimenter

Otto Baum

Thick vegetation crawled up and down, Otto's head was constantly touched by weeds or vines, there were five men beside him, all wearing camouflage netting and facepaint.


Something cracked in front of the six men, they immediately aimed, as if right on cue, Otto's STG44 was covered in plastic grass and camo fabric, relying on only iron sights, it was a pain using it.

He suddenly perks his head back, a man has snuck up on him, he gave him a thumbs up then pointed towards a clearing.

Otto looks forward, there he saw something, a large opening.

"Careful, talk to entry team." The man behind Otto said, it looks like Otto was the radioman of the group, he lays down his radio pack and calls.

"Odin 5 to Dietz 1, can you hear me?" Otto spoke through the transmitter.

"Dietz 1 to Odin 5, I hear you" Otto looks at the opening again.

"We have spotted the opening, it is much larger than we thought, be advised that there maybe a hundred in there"

"Dietz 1, acknowledged, are you sending reinforcements?"

Otto looks at the man, he nods yes.

"Odin 5 to Dietz 1, we confirm, standby for move order"

"Dietz 1, Roger, we'll stay put, thanks for advisory" The communication was cut-off.

"Radio in Damascus and Horus, they should be available" the man ordered.

Otto complies, taking the transmitter again and turning on the radio.

"Odin to Damascus, how copy?" He asked.

"Damascus here, what is it?"

"Support Dietz Squad, the opening is much larger than we expected, expect fierce fighting." After Otto says that, a short pause ensues, then the receiver spoke.

"Damascus acknowledges, moving to Dietz"

Otto moves the line to Horus now, turning a dial to another frequency.

He moves the transmitter to his mouth then spoke to it.

"Odin to Horus, how copy?"


A buzz from the radio waves was all I could hear.

"Horus to Odin, we hear you" Horus finally spoke.

"Odin to Horus, Move to Dietz squad, you are now part of the entry team"

"Horus, we acknowledge, we'll confirm once we arrive to new position" Otto turns to the man.

"Let's wait for confirmation"