71st Jäger-Regimenter

Otto Baum

Otto sits down for a minute, his eyes fixed on the cave, most of the men here seemed to have settled in, Someone took out his machete and started cutting the vines around him.

The loud wissh and woosh of the machete as its sharp blade makes contact with the large green vine attracted the attention of the men.

The man behind Otto went over.

"Stop that August," He ordered, Otto couldn't help but watch, giving me a view of the scene.

"So---Sorry, sir, but the vines keep touching me, it's getting on my nerve," He replies as he stores the machete.

"We aren't paid to feel comfy in the middle of the fucking forest, a plant is just a dumb plant, either deal with it or not, but if you don't stop that and the greens find out," He stops momentarily.

It looks like the officer was looking the large vine, for a moment he stopped what he was saying, only resuming because August spoke to him "Sir?"

The officer snapped out of it.

"A-anyways, just stop or you will be transferred to the entry team too," the man made his way back to Otto after.


I wanted to check something...

I tapped out of spectator mode or whatever, I was in the world map now, well, this was the map where I claimed my territory.

It highlighted Divisions, Firebases, Outposts, FOBs and the MOB, all with their distinct symbols.

'The closest is over a kilometer away.' I tapped the outpost, where the 71st Jäger-Regimenter was first made.

The outpost was one of the greatest additions to this game, I loved this feature.

But now wasn't the time, tapping on the Barracks, I made a full training line for Jägers, After that, I tapped on the Vehicle manufacturing site and placed an order for the same amount of motorcycles the 71st Jägers had.

After five minutes, the production lines were done, I tapped on the Jägers, then instructed them to mount the NZ350s.

Once they were all inside their respective vehicles, I selected them all by double tapping my finger on the unit, then tapped on another button, This made them into a Regiment, a auto-generated name was provided, giving them the 501st Jäger-Regimenter "Freud"

"Do you suspect something, sir?" Helmine, who I forgot was with me, asked me.

Without looking at her, I told her.

"I think the 71st Jägers found a new enemy." Helmine took a look at my phone, same with Dr. Bruch.

"What do you think of the vegetation, Dr. Bruch?" Bruch took a close look when I ordered 501st Freud Regiment to assist the 71st, then started spectating August, the man who was slashing at the vines earlier.

"Well, considering that we are in a magical world, I am unsure if these plants are similar to Earth's, for all we know, My Führer might be right to think of this species of vine as a threat, although I can't say for sure as this is not in my area of expertise." Nodding at the insight provided by Dr. Bruch, I focused on the POV of August.

71st Jäger-Regimenter

August Mannlichter

The scene was different, August looks at the cave and at the vines, He was worried that something is up so he raised his rifle, an STG-44, at the vines.

"What are you doing August?" The officer asked, looks like he caught his attention.

"These....vines, th-they keep moving, sir! I haven't done shit to it this past six minutes yet it keeps movi- MPHFRGH" The officer rushes towards August, covering his mouth shut with his gloved hand.

"Keep your voice down, idiot!" August tries to grab hold of the officer's hand, that was when suddenly.


'122nd Jäger-Trupp "Odin" is under attack!'

A-August, the vines!

I watched in horror as August was suddenly snatched up, lifted into the skies. Above the trees, five gargoyles loomed, their wings spread wide.

The scene grew unbearable—the feed cut off abruptly as one of the gargoyles tore August's head from his body.

Those around me were frozen in shock, faces pale with bewilderment and confusion.

There wasn't a word that could describe how we felt—it was so sudden.

Then they came out, after I switched to Otto.

"FIRE! FIRE AT THE FUCKING VINES!" Between all the chaos, the blood and guts that rained down on them, and the lead flying around in the middle, there was Otto, who ducked down once the entity made itself known.

It was a gross amalgamation, a monstrosity, vines protruded out of its back, it scaled the trees like a stalker, using its color-changing abilities to lurk above the soldiers.

This was bad, a very bad play for me, we have been fucking duped!

"CONTACT COMMAND! WE NEED SUPPORT!" The officer ordered Otto, who had just started to take control of himself.

"CONTACT COMMAND! OTTO!" yelled a rifleman before one of the monster's tentacle vines whisked him away.

"S--shit shit shit," Otto furiously turned the knobs, trying to find the frequency to the nearest outpost who can link a connection with MOB.

Luckily we were here, I was watching in the nick of time.

"Send in the Draches and BF 109 Fighters for support, Draches will have Sturmpionieres armed with the Flammenwerfer 41." Helmine nodded, exiting the room immediately to contact FOB Airbases.

 I took command of FOB Schwartz, it was the closest FOB to the 71st, I trained Sturmpioneer Squads and Sd.Kfz. 251/16, as well as the standard Sd.Kfz.251/1, the /16 version, also known as the Flammpanzerwagen, was a flamethrowing version of the Sd.Kfz.251 base, and the /1 version was a troop carrier version.

I decided that we needed these to combat the vines, because everything was burnable, and we needed quick transportation.

I also produced six Ostwinds and Wirbelwinds, to destroy the air targets, although they may have more difficulty compared to last time with the first engagement of an aerial adversary, new training and firing methods have propped up from the Military Academy based in Eden, with branches in Teufel, Schwartz, Weiss, and Kempf, the four FOBS I control.

Switching back to Otto, I didn't press on spectator mode, I decided to take another squad who was accompanying the regiment.

Tapping on the 300th Jäger-Trupp, I moved them closer to the action, I wanted to encircle the monsters, using the superior STG-44 to our advantage.

Helmine barges in suddenly, taking my eyes off the screen a minute.

"I have contacted Kempf, they will send over Fighter and CAS support with a mechanized infantry squadron; we just need to direct the pilots to where they should bomb." I nodded after learning.

"Tell them to hurry it up, Schwartz has already packed up and are sending ground and air support." This was great news so far, but time was still running out for the men.

"We've lost two people so far," Helmine clicks her tongue.

"Fucking monsters," She said in spite and anger.


"I'm taking command of Otto." Everyone suddenly looks at me, Dr. Bruch seemed a bit worried by what I had meant, Helmine on the other hand...

"I-I can't wait to see these damned monsters be obliterated!" She was excited, Bruch looks at her, and I more worriedly.

"Just tell them to dig in, sir; they can hold their ground," Bruch suggests.

I shook my head. "No, we are in their turf, they have the element of surprise thanks to the camouflage., if the gargoyles dove on them, we'd be overwhelmed"

"It's better that we just hold, they have Gewehr 43s, MP40s, and the STG-44, they can hold" He debates.

"I think it is much better to hold too, Mein Führer" Helmine said.

I thought about it, they seem to be more knowledgeable of this, well, they ARE from a military game, so they know of the capabilities these weapons have, more than a civilian like me.

I was only equipped with days of Military Officer Education thanks to the Military Academy I built, so in the face of professionals like Helmine and Dr. Bruch, I am more compelled to listen to them.

That being said, I complied.

"Ok, you guys have a better understanding of this than me" I took a look at them.


"Tell me what to do," Helmine said, her smile sharp and chilling.

"Yes, Mein Führer." They saluted, their movements tense and precise, a cold silence settling in the air.

71st Jäger-Regimenter

Otto Baum

"Reinforcements are on the way, 71st. Hold your ground, Air support is arriving first at Grid D4, clear the area." Otto ducked quickly, the gnarly size of the vine, tentacle-thingy almost swiped his head clean off.

"HELP! HELP ME!" The intense sound of gunfire were all that remained of the soldier, I couldn't tell which one's which, these fucking things are taking us one by one.

There were still three of us, me, Aleit and Leutnant Horst.

I fired again, the STG felt hotter and hotter as the seconds I held the trigger felt like it turned to minutes, but still, I fired, I dared not to let go, for doing so will lead to the death of me.

"KEEP FIRING!" Leutnant Horst yelled. He was just to my right, controlling his 40 and shooting at the incoming vines.

"ALEIT! WATCH OUR FOOT! THE FUCKER IS TRYING TO TAKE US!" Aleit was wielding another STG, Horst has ordered him to shoot at anything green, which he complied with ferocity.

"EAT LEAD BITCH!" Aleit yelled out, eyes sharp and wide, He provided suppressive fire while we provided concentrated fire.

"Cover me, Otto! I'm taking Rupert's gun!" Horst said.

"HUH? WHAT!?!?" I couldn't believe the words his Leutnant was saying, I wanted to go after him, but the radio and Aleit were here.

Sticking together was better than staying apart.

"SIR! COME BACK! HORST!" But as I fired, and as I heard the gunfire from his right continue, that was my indicator, a signal that he was still alive and kicking ass.

"WHY WON'T THIS THING DIE!?!?!" Aleit cried out, after dishing what felt like a hundred thousand bullets already, the monster still wouldn't die.

"WHAT THE?!?!?!" I saw Horst, running back to them, wielding an STG and MP40.

He started to fire wildly at the monster, still shielding itself from hot lead.


"I-I don't know?!?! It's better to have more guns shooting!?" Even Horst couldn't come up with a reason.

It's already been fifteen minutes, and we still held.

"WATCH OUR 2' O CLOCK!" Horst ordered, firing his MP40 at the incoming vine. The monster squealed in pain, retracting it from the gunfire.

 "H-Hey! Do you hear that?" Aleit said. Once I focused on it, I heard it too.

It was a familiar sound...

It was the sound of...



The trees were punctured, leaves and foliage destroyed, holes were made on the ground, then..

The skies started raining guts and purple blood.


15th Sturmgeschwader Falke

High above the treetops, several black specks darted through the sky. Their rigid wings set them apart from the birds flying alongside them. A few hundred meters behind were larger aircraft, lumbering through the air, distinct from the faster specks ahead.

"Schwarmführer Odin, you're coming up on friendlies. Watch where you're shooting." A voice buzzed through his headset.

"Odin hört. Getting ready to scrap with those Steinbestien," he replied, with obvious distaste for the creatures.

"Watch it out there, Odin, over."

"Got it," Odin grunted, flipping a switch off with a flick.

"All callsigns, get ready for a fight. Expect some pushback. Over," he called out, sounding like it was just another day at the office.

"Frott here, copy that."

"Pussyschlächter here, roger."

"HoHoe, loud and clear."

Several pilots responded, all understanding the message.

"Steinbestien sighted, firing." Holding down the red button, he felt the jolt of his synchronized MGs, tracers streaking out only to miss as the targets proved smaller than expected.

"Draches, help the boots out; we got you covered." Odin barked. The Drachen wing complied without hesitation.

Odin looked to his left and right, The formation broke down to three fighters in each squad, there were more than probably twenty, thirty then? He didn't know. Well, who cares anyway?

There were more guns than the enemy.

Odin raced, Pussy and Hoe on each side in competition with him, he kept holding the button, caring not for the spent casings falling out.

When finally, a lucky shot to the center of the beast killed it, its stone skin not withstanding the velocity of the 20mm round the 151/20 fired, Pussy or Hoe kept firing at the beast, turning it into paste.

The gargoyles tried fighting back, clawing at the iron wyverns, all to be killed like lamb to the slaughter.

"....Three gargoyles downed" Odin reported, his voice was monotone.

"Roger, good work out there, standby for now"

"Not RTB?" Odin asked.

"Negative, we need you to make sure nothing downs the Draches, they haven't reported back yet" Odin lets out a sigh.

"...Rog, we'll fly some more" flicking the switch down again, he reports everything he heard.

"All callsigns, standby, circle around or something." 


71st Jäger-Regimenter

Otto Baum

"HAHAHAHAHAHA! WE DID IT!" Aleit celebrated, a threat eliminated.

Horst then sat down.

We were exhausted.

"Time to let the Valkyries take over, boys," he muttered, lying down on the grass and dirt, littered with spent casings.

Light pierced through the shade, revealing the grisly scene in front of us—human remains scattered across the blood-soaked forest floor, bullet holes and casings everywhere. It was a mess.

I looked up, scanning the treeline. The monster was gone. Where did it go? Probably off to tangle with the fighters.

The sound of chopping filled the air, and relief washed over me as helicopters dropped what looked like pioneers in the clearing a few meters away.

"Where's the freak?" Aleit asked, his voice tense.

He fired a few shots into the trees, but there was nothing—until I saw it.

I raised my rifle, eyes locked on the creeping vines, slithering down the bark.



The monster caught in it, it revealed everything there was about it, it was a ball of vines or something.

It shot a vine through a tree, then grappled away, into the water in front of the cave.

The chopping of the Drache got louder and louder; when they were hovering over the pond, the men on board dropped satchel charges, grenades, and all other kinds of explosives inside the pond.

More Draches came to do the same thing as Ju-88s dropped explosive ordinances too.

Nothing remained, it was simply blown up to smithereens after the flammenwerfers brought fire to it.

The air was filled with flying machines, I could even hear Half-Tracks and Motorcycles breaking through, command sent in a fucking regiment by the looks of it.

Men poured out of the APCs, armed to the teeth with STG-44s, Panzerfausts and even Flammenwerfer 41s, I couldn't believe my eyes.

"ha-ha-ha-ha" Aleit laughed, I turned around to see him watch the cave.

"What's wrong?" Horst asked.

"We did it, sir; we survived," Aleit answered, mentally-broken from the fight.

Field medics approached us suddenly, equipped with stretchers.

"Need a touch-up? Otto?" one of them asked me.

"I'm good, Krux." He nods, leaving me for Horst or Aleit.

Main Operating Base "Eden" 1945 AD, 15:24

Kommandozentrum 'Eden'/ Command Center Eden

I took a picture of this grand structure, this place really exemplified the term "Brutalist Architecture" it was a tall and wide building built on reinforced concrete; it was a monotone gray color; it had smooth curves and walls, it had a central tower that looked no more than seven-stories up; there was also its space, the building looked as big as a football stadium you'd see in those classic American-football movies; it had multiple defensive structures on it, stuff like Wirbelwind turrets pasted on thick concrete pillboxes, I could literally see the barrels of anti-tank guns on the sides of the central tower, same with multiple mortar emplacements if I looked at the map on my phone.

And of course, to indicate its allegiance, the flag of my faction swayed, tall banners hung on the central tower; it was imposing, it had a feeling like it wasn't made for this world.

It was all too.... alien.

"Wow..." I heard the clear and beautiful voice of my secretary just behind me, I took a quick picture of her face by switching the camera modes to selfie mode.

click from the shutter effect made Helmine look at the screen, catching me in the act.

"Ah! Sir!" I chuckled a bit as she tried snatching my voice, hearing her little squeal like that brings me back to think of her as a girl, not as a fearsome soldier, but as a young and beautiful girl.

"Gotcha!" She exclaimed, a smile breaking through her cold face, revealing her pearly whites.

Well of course she got my phone, she was stronger and faster than me, who's been sitting on his ass all day.

"Come sir! Let's take one together!" motioning her hand to come over, I scratched my hair a bit as I walked over.

She leaned closer to me, and I leaned to her, our faces touching to fit into the frame, I could see my face getting redder by the minute. "Say Cheese! Helmine" I said.

"Cheese?" She tapped the button accidentally, another picture saved.

"Hahaha!" I burst out laughing, my hand on my stomach as I retrieved my phone, the face she had was priceless!

"P-Please, let's just go." She hid her face from me, using her cap to hide it, but I could see her ears getting red too.

We both walked towards the interior, guards armed with STG-44s and Dog handlers with their furry companions, the German Shepherd, raised their arms to salute.

"Heil Heinrich!" I raised my arm slightly and nodded.

They resumed positions, doing.... guard stuff.

But when I entered through these heavy reinforced glass doors.... I guess you really shouldn't judge a book by its cover.

"Woah..." escaped from my mouth, the lobby was ginormous, a gigantic glass chandelier in a sort of swastika style illuminated the center, the rest of it was lit by hidden lights on the floor or hard to see areas, a red carpet was rolled out that lead to the front desk.

I noticed there were also speakers on the columns, the new CCTV system has been installed too with patrols.

But just as I took one more step inside, the speakers came alive.

"The Führer has entered the building!" I was of course... confused.

Everyone besides me, Helmine and my personal guards formed in front of me, it was like the Hollywood red carpet walk, from the guards to even the dogs and mice stood beside me.

They raise their hands in synch, backs straight, left hand to rest and their feet pointed to where their salute was, I think I heard an echo from all of that positioning of clothes and muscle, skin and bones.

"HEIL HEINRICH!" Jeez that was loud.

"H-Heil!" I raised my hand and nodded, that was a bit excessive, I'll tell you.

But I'll be honest, this feeling of having so much power...

I was scared of it.

Helmine, as loyal as she may be, it felt forced..

for her to feel this way to me, it wasn't a secret that she was in love with me anyways, and I feel the same towards her too.

But something just keeps tugging my heart, telling me to take my time.

Oh, I wonder if this will go away.

We made our way through the Command Center, and yes, this was an upgraded version of the Headquarters Building, I'm not sure if this is specifically era-locked or if this was the final upgrade to the building in the game, but a lot of hard-earned resources, especially gold, was put into it, and it looks like it was money well spent.

Everywhere I turn, the more I get giddy, It was like walking through Buckingham Palace or something, there were so many lavish things, so much gold put on display wherever. What's weird to me, however, was the paintings hung, it was just me mimicking famous paintings of war heroes and generals, stuff like that Napoleon painting, although I wore the famous uniform instead of Napoleon.

I couldn't help but snort at the serious expression I had.

Helmine didn't seem to mind when I took a glance, she was walking normally, casually browsing as we walked, admiring the interior.

"We should be approaching your new bedroom, sir." Helmine said. I nodded.

Without missing a beat, I took a look at my phone, the battery was at 15% luckily there are outlets everywhere.

Not caring about it, I opened the game, Resources from the eco-buildings kept getting full, that was the sign of a great economy to me, as it was only just a while ago when I built a new regiment, but not making use of the resources available will only make the enemy stronger, With that thought out of the way, I ordered all bases to start production on a regiment, by going to each individual barracks and vehicle manufacturing site and tapping on the presets button I streamlined production of units.

All of the unit production buildings will in turn be assigned regiments, and then it will be assigned to a division, This was all thanks to the presets.

Five Minutes Later

After a few minutes in the elevator, the doors slid open, revealing a small desk. Behind it, a woman sat typing on a typewriter. She paused, glancing up to see who had just arrived. To her side stood four men, positioned just a few paces from the double doors, watching silently.

But once they realized who it was, the woman stood up, revealing her attire, she wore a black tailored jacket, similar to the design of an SS Officer's but she didn't have any military insignia, under the jacket was a simple but fashionable white buttoned-up blouse with the party armband on her right arm, She had blonde hair tied to a nice bun, revealing her thin but erotic neck, accentuating it all with a simple wooden rosary necklace, the carved figure of Jesus Christ on a cross resting on the middle of a bountiful chest. If I compared her to Helmine.....

It was a tough match when it came to their appearances, both of them were drop-dead gorgeous, it would be a crime for us to compare the two, though I feel something piercing the back of my head....


"Huh?" I turned around, only to see Helmine as calm as a pond. 

When I looked at the expressions of the guards, however... yeah no.

I tugged the shirt of one of the guards beside me; he noticed and gave me an ear.

"Was I staring too much?" He nods yes.


 I stepped out, prompting the people in front of me to raise their arms.

"HEIL HEINRICH!" I might get tired of this.

I simply raise my hand while walking towards the front front desk.

"Welcome to your new Penthouse 'Der Adlerhöhe', Mein Führer" She greets me warmly, and though the piercing heat behind my head starts to hurt, I opened my mouth to spe-

"Who are you?" Helmine took a stand in front of me, as if blocking me from the new girl.

"I am Gerde Holland, Hilfskraft (Junior Secretary)." Oh, so Helmine has a new secretary!

"I don't need a Hilfskraft." This was pretty odd of the cold-beauty.

"Well, I am sorry Frau Krüger, but on the behest of the Administration, of course, I will do as you say to the best of my abilities!" She bumps her fist to her heart, as if she were exaggerating it.

Helmine was still adamant.

"Our Führer IS the administration, to mention his name in such a way is simply disrespec-" I held my hand up, now everyone's attention was on me.

"I will allow it, besides, Helmine might need the extra hands now that we've expanded so much.." I looked at Helmine, who looks calm.

"....I agree, Mein Führer." Sounding defeated, she retreated to my back.

"Good, let's start the tour then." She went around the desk, leaving behind her workstation to the guards posted.

The party stepped into the penthouse, following Gerde. Let me tell you...

It was a stunning sight, straight out of an old episode of MTV Cribs, like when rappers used to let TV crews in for a tour. Man, I miss those days...

She paused for a moment, turning to face us with a smile.

I glanced around the vast room. It had a sleek, retro charm, almost like something from a 1940s film reel or magazine spread. The decor screamed elegance with a touch of nostalgia.

"Welcome to the Great Room," Gerde announced, gesturing with open arms. From where I stood, I could see the massive panoramic windows dressed with blinds, allowing just the right amount of light to filter in. The space was lush with greenery—plants of all sizes dotted the room, from floor-standing ferns to a delicate bonsai tree resting on the coffee table.

"First, let's head over to the Home Theatre area," she said, catching my eye. Oh, so that's what the huge projector screen was for.

We made our way to the right side of the room. It took us no more than ten seconds to cross, the place was large, but not sprawling. A small sunken area, a sort of pit, was positioned in front of the projector, almost like a cozy den.

"This," Gerde continued, "is the conversation pit. It's designed to create a close, intimate space where everyone can feel connected. And if you prefer to just relax and watch something, you can press a button to lower the projector screen."

I couldn't hide my surprise. It was pretty slick.

"What about the films?" Helmine asked, a touch of jealousy still lingering in her tone.

Gerde smiled politely. "Our Führer can summon me or any servant using the button right over there," she pointed to a small panel, "and it'll ring at my desk or to the servants' quarters. We'll bring whatever's needed."

Then, suddenly, Gerde turned her attention directly to me.

"My Führer, I'm here to assist you with anything you desire. Don't hesitate to call me." She winked, a little too playfully.

I could almost feel the temperature drop as Helmine's mood shifted. She remained calm on the outside, but I knew this wasn't sitting well with her. I stepped between them, hoping to diffuse the tension I sensed was building.

"Can you tell us more about the films you have available?" I asked, steering the conversation back.

"Of course. We have an extensive collection spanning from the current era and below, all neatly stored in the Führer's Film Archive, right through that door." She pointed toward a sleek, almost hidden doorway near the back of the room. Everyone turned to look.

"Well, that's handy," I said, making a mental note to check it out once the tour wrapped up.

"But that's not all," Gerde added. "There's also a large collection of books here, about a hundred or so, categorized and ready for whenever you'd like to read." She motioned toward the bookshelves, which were cleverly integrated along the wall just beneath the projector.

"This place is huge," I muttered, opening my arms wide. "I don't think I could live here all by myself." My hand nearly smacked into one of the guards standing nearby.

"Don't worry," Gerde said, with a slight laugh. "There are plenty of storage compartments all around the room. It's designed so that you, my Führer, can live comfortably and keep the space uncluttered."

She walked over to one of the hallways, stopping just at the entrance before turning back to us.

"And here, we have the guest bedrooms." She gestured with an elegant motion of her hand, she then added, "The rooms are copied from one another, so what you see in one room is the same for the two other bedrooms" She proceeded inside the hallway, giving me an opportunity to see through the panoramic window.

"Woah..." Escaped my mouth, I could see everything from up here, it was like I was living in a retro skyscraper. From the vibe I got from watching Eden, the activities of the men and women who went to work, columns of tanks and vehicles, it was like watching a formicarium, everything was so small, yet you could see them do their part.

I haven't realized it until now that everything... Everything kinda revolves around me, huh?

This grand tower at the center of the Command Center made the message clear that this was the home of the Führer, this was the eyes, mouth, and ears of the Führer, a fortress of absolute authority that promoted efficiency above all else, the brutalist architecture really made sure to impose such emotions when someone would view this place.

Snapping out of my deep thoughts, I turned to face the party, who all of them were patiently waiting for me, I wonder what went on their heads when they saw me like that. eh who cares.

"Let's continue the tour, Gerde" The woman simply smiled, pushing the double door with elegance; it revealed a hall.

"Please come in" She prompted us, we complied.

I was taken away by the scale of a guest room, a high ceiling, there were even multiple rooms; fucking hell, you could say that this was essentially a one-bedroom, one-bathroom apartment.

"If you'd follow me, please," She said, making me come back to reality.

We went left where the guest living room was.

"Guests can lounge around here when my Führer has gone or is unavailable; the living room is equipped with a mini theater, a hidden projector was designed and installed to ensure that there is minimal wasted space, the room also has their very own bookshelf and radio if they are tired of watching."

I seemed to have noticed that, just like the great room, they have all sorts of plants too, I just wanted to point that out.

The living room was pretty spacious, but it wasn't in a league of its own; I'd say that it's a standard American-sized living room, just without the clutter you'd see in shows.

"Now if you would please follow me." We left the living room, and after a few seconds of walking in the hall, two doors presented themselves, from left to right. pulled the door to our left open.

"Welcome to the Guest Bedroom, My Führer." It was decently sized, with minimal decorations, I could smell the new house smell here. We entered the room only to go to our right, She stopped. In front of us was a large dresser-cabinet combo; it had a mirror and chair space, complete with a chair as a set. It was made in what looked like chestnut wood, painted white to match the walls—a simple but nice color.

Opening the cabinet part of the combo revealed a large open space, it had a clothes rack and hangers; some of them are hanging bathrobes.

"Once my Führer's guests have been assigned their rooms, they can immediately head to their personal cabinet; all of their personal belongings can be stored here with additional toiletries such as bath towels, a toothbrush and toothpaste, and bathrobes." I nodded, I wasn't particularly interested in it.

We turned around, revealing the large bed.

"This is the guest's king-size bed; the duvet is made from silk to let my Führer's guest slip into the duvet as fast as possible." Gerde cleared her throat before adding, "The room is also equipped with the chimer to let housekeeping know if there's an emergency." She presented the same small panel to me and the party.

"That is all for the bedroom, let's proceed to the final room" She said.

We went on and on for a while, a whopping thirty minutes have passed for the tour, well here's the summary of the penthouse.

There's four floors. The Primary Living Space, where we were just at.

The Utilities Space, which was located a floor below the lounge space.

The Entertainment Space, it was above the Primary Living Space.

and lastly, the Private Living Space; this was where Helmine and My Suite were.

"That was a busy day huh?" I spoke to Helmine, who was chilling at the balcony, her golden and luscious hair swaying in the wind smoothly and elegantly.

She leaned on the glass railing, receiving the soft wind.

By the time I stopped admiring Helmine, I was already behind her, her golden ends just touching my nose.

"Yo" I called out once more, she finally took notice.

"Is this about Gerde?" I asked, her face sulks a bit at the mention of her name.

"Is it childish of me to... not.. well..." She spoke, only to break apart, she kneels suddenly, her hands still clinging onto the railing.

"Helmine?" I called her name.


"Please stand up" I asked.

"I-I don't want my Führe— Heinrich, to see" She said shyly, her ears turning red.

I crouched down, slowly to face her.

"Helmine..." I caressed her cheek slowly.

"I'm sorry, Helmine" Jolting her head up immediately, I was surprised by the suddenness.

"You mustn't apologize, my Führer! I should be the one apologizing!" Flailing her hands around, not knowing what to do, I couldn't help but laugh.

"Pffft!" I could feel the stares of Helmine, I just couldn't help it.

"D-Did I say something funny, my Führer?" As if question marks popped out of her head, she looks at me confusedly, her head turned down to one side to exaggerate it, though I couldn't tell if it was out of anger or genuine curiosity and confusion.

"N-No sorry, I shouldn't laugh." Wiping a tear from my eye, I looked at Helmine, seriously this time.

"Well, at least you got out of your shell, oh mighty Ice-Queen." She blushed profusely.

"It's a dumb nickname; the grunts should know not to attach weird nicknames to officers." Despite her nickname, she wasn't actually some sort of super scary woman; to me, she was just that. A woman.

To everyone else, she was a woman with a scowl for a resting face, a demeanor that's calm and reserved; maybe it was an act she was trying to play, but I'm glad to see her true side.

The Next Day

Kingdom of Runeria, 1631 AL, 10:10

Castle Town Juropolus

"TO WAR WITH THE FOREST!" A peasant yelled out, a mass of them yelled out too.

"THE DEMON KING WILL RETURN, WE MUST ACT NOW!" A female peasant followed suite, there was a crowd of people in front of the castle gates, holding up signs in their language.

The message.

Kill All Demons...