the tournament(1)

both Luna and Mia go to the fighting stage and then they both prepare to fight.

and the fighting stage is covered by a magical barrier, so both fighters can go all out without worrying about hurting the spectators.

Luna: i hope you're ready for me to take you're 8th place spot.

Mia: yeah i am not going to give up my spot that easily.

commentator: fighters are you ready.

Luna: yes i am.

Mia: me too.

commentator: then begin.

as the commentator teleports out of the barrier both Mia and Luna use "water ball".

and both the water balls hit each other and explode, then Mia comes out of the explosion and hits Luna in the face and knocks her back.

Luna: hmm okay that kind of hurt.

As Luna finished talking Mia activated her spell called "water beam".

and water beam is basically a water Kamehameha.

but Luna dodges the attack and rushes towards Mia and tries to punch her, but Mia blocks her attack.

Mia: you ain't gonna hit me that easily.

then Mia and Luna just start punching the shit out of each other, and that continues for 1 minute.

Dakota: dame their just punching the shit out of each other their not even using magic, at this point this is not a magic battel its a fist battel.

Liam: yeah it sure looks like that.

Lucas: i wonder for how long are they going to continue punching each other.

Ava: oh look they stopped punching each other.

Both Mia and Luna stop punching each other and fall on the ground.

Luna: shit I'm hurt and tired.

Mia: oh me too, but I'm still not gonna lose.

Luan: hmm me neither.

so they both get up and prepare to fight again.

Mia: hmm what should i do now, how do i defeat her hmm wait i got an idea.

Luna: this girls is good i need to do something to defeat her before she defeats me.

so then Luna speeds up[ and rushes at Mia to punch her, then Mia tries to dodge but then Luna stoops her attack.

Mia: huh why did she stop.

then Luna jumped and a water drill appeared on her hand, the Mia realized what she was trying to do she was trying to drill her stomach.

Mia: is this girl fucking insane doesn't she know that attack could kill me, hmm but i am kind of glad she did that.

so then Luna was coming down with her drill and then she drilled Mia's stomach or at least that's what she thought.

when she drilled her stomach blood did not come out, actually Mia's stomach turned in to water and the drill went right through her.

Luna: the fuck, her stomach turned in to water how dose she have that much controlee over her magic when she is only 15 years old.

then Mia quicky activated water first and punched Luna with full power and that sent her flying and knocked her out.

and then the crowed went silent for a few seconds, but then the crowed screamed and was full of cheers and excitement.

henry: wow Luna actually lost, that girl really is amazing.

Jack: tch how the hell did she lose, how embarrassing.

Dakota: hm yeah i knew Mia would win.

and that's 1 for the irregulars which is us and zero so far for the main characters.

Liam: hahah yeah Mia i am so glad you beat that bitches friend.

Lucas: ah its good that she won.

ava: aha that's my best friend.

Mia: wohoo i won lets goo.

commentator: congratulations Mia how do you feel now that you won.

Mia: i feel good, and my opponent was really strong too.

commentator: ok is that all.

Mia: yes that's all i had to say.

commentator: ok then would you mind to take the unconcise Luna to the nurses office pleas.

Mia: ok i will.

so Mia picks up Luna and carry's her off the stage.

Dakota: hey Mia.

as Mia left the stage she saw her friends.

Dakota: oh Mia you were amazing out there you really proved you're worth to the world.

Lucas: yeah that was a good fight.

Ava: and of course yo won my best friend.

Liam: haha i am glad that you won Mia.

Mia: oh tank you guys.

Mia said that while she was blushing.

commentator: ok now its time for the second fight...

Dakota: oh looks like the other fights are beginning lets go back to our Waiting rooms. 

so the other fights begin and now its time for ava to fight.

commentator: ok now its time for another big battel between ava Marly and Amelia Ellis.

Dakota: ok ava now its time for you to fight.

Lucas: you can do it ava you can win just like Mia did.

Mia: yeah win just like i did ava.

Liam: yeah win so then i can also win against jack and then Dakota will win against henry, and that means our friend group will win against theirs.

ava: don't worry i will win.

Dakota: win ava i am cheering for you.

ava: oh you are then i will definitely win.

then ava exists the waiting room and goes to the arena.

Dakota: hm because I'm cheering for her she will definitely win?.

Lucas: you really are dumb Dakota you know that.

Dakota: huh why am i dumb.

Mia: huh i wonder when you will realize.

Liam: yeah i wonder too.

Dakota: huh realize what, what am i supposed to realize.

Mia: dumbass.


Henry: come on Amelia you can do this you can win.

Jack: yeah make sure you don't lose like this girl over here.

Luna: hey you son of a bitch shut up okay, the only reason i lost is because i was caught off guard.

Amelia: yeah yeah don't worry i will win.

Amelia exists the waiting room and heads to the fighting stage.

And both Ava and Amelia arrive at the fighting stage.

Amelia: i hope you're prepared to lose.

Ava: hm I'm not prepared to lose I'm prepared to win.