the tournament(3)

commentator: ok so now this next fight is gonna be between Liam Hayes and jack Davies.

random person: lets go jack beat that guys ass.

Random person: come on Liam you can beat that jack guy.

mako: these first year students are really amazing, and they have a lot of potential.

mako is the guild leader of the number 1 guild in the USA which is called red thieves.

(and yes i decided the story should be in usa even though i am not American).

mako: and this should be another interesting fight.

both Liam and jack walk up to the fighting stage and as soon as their eyes met they both got mad.

Liam: hey there bitch you ready to get defeated.

jack: haa do you really think you can defeat me.

Liam: oh yes i can, since i trained my ass off for these past two months.

Jack: yeah we will see about that 

commentator: now begin.

Both Liam and jack rush at each other and create their sword and clash, and after the clash they both jump backwards and jack uses lightning strike but Liam dodged it and counterattacked with his own lightning strike but Jack blocked it.

then jack used lightning boost and rushed at Liam and punched him but Liam managed to block in time, then Liam landed on his feet and jumped and used lightning rain.

lightning rain is the same as light rain expect instead of light ball its actual lightning.

jack managed to from a shield to block Liam's attack.

jack: ok this guy is better than i thought looks like i will have to get more serious.

So the lightning rain ended and jack appeared right in front of Liam and punched him in the face which sent him flying.

but jack didn't stop there he went behind Liam and punched him again and went in front of him and punched him again.

So he kept punching him for a minuet straight and stopped.

Jack: how was that you bitch, do you realize the difference in our strength now.

Liam: pft hahah.

Liam suddenly started laughing.

Jack: huh and why are you laughing you son of a bitch.

Liam: because you think you being much stronger than me will make me give up.

Liam: trust me i fought people much stronger than you and i still did not give up.

Liam: so i sure hell wont give up now.

jack: then try to beat me, if you can that is.

And then jack suddenly transformed his lightning sword in to a lightning spear.

Liam: ah you're you're finally getting serious.

If you didn't know jack is actually a spear use and not a sword user, he uses spears when he gets serious.

Jack: lets do this.

jack then attacked Liam with many spear slashes but Liam dodged all of them, and Liam made his sword longer and almost slashed jack's head but jack managed to barely dodge.

jack: shit dude you almost killed me.

Liam: don't worry there are many healers, so they would have healed you.

jack sent another spear slash towards Liam but he dodged sideways and kicked jack in the stomach.

Which made jack spit out of his mouth and crashed towards the barrier.

jack: ah fuck that hurt.

but jack immediately got back up.

jack: you still ain't gonna defeat me that easily.

Liam: yeah i know that.

both Liam and jack clash once again with their sword and spear.

Jack: hey retarred do you think you're really gonna win.

Liam: yes the fuck i will.

Jack: i am wondering, why are you so confident that you're gonna win against me.

Liam: oh that's because i have created a new technique to defeat you.

Jack: huh? a new technique to defeat me.

Liam: yes and they're is now way that you're gonna dodge it or counter it.

jack: oh how interesting why don't you show me this technique.

the clash ended and they both jump backwards once again.

but instead of doing the new technique Liam activated lightning rain.

Jack: huh why in the hell is he using lightning rain and not his new technique, is he trying to make me mad or what.

of course jack was dodging all the lightning.

Jack: this is weird, i have a bad felling that he is going to somehow defeat me.

jack: wait no maybe i am just paranoid, yeah that's it i am just paranoid.

and then the lightning rain ended and when jack looked at Liam he was just standing there staring at him.

Jack: and what the hell are you doing just standing there, huh you idiot.

but Liam still did not move.

Jack: what in the hell is he actually doing just standing there, if he is just gonna stand there then i am just gonna attack him.

but then Liam said the words "lightning swift", and then Liam became literal lightning and speed blitzed jack and cut his hand off.

jack: ahhhhh what the fuck just happened owww.

commentator: uhh i don't know what just happened but it look's like Liam Hayes has won!.

the crowed once again went insane and started screaming and cheering.

Liam: see i told you, that you wouldn't be abele to dodge or counter it.

then the healers immediately rushed in and started regenerating jacks hand.

Liam: but this still was a good fight jack, i admit it if i didn't use this technique i would have lost this match.

Liam: lets fight each other again in the future.

So Liam walked of the fighting stage and went to meet his friends.

Henry: wow jack really lost, and that technique he showed was incredible.

Luan: wow jack really lost, and he got his hand cut off too.

Amelia: how horrible.

Lucas: wow that technique you did was incredible Liam.

Ava: yeah it was so fast too.

Mai: yeah you were really cool and strong out there.

Liam: haha thanks guys.

Dakota: hm see i told you that you would win.

Liam: yeah i know and thanks for training me for these past two months Dakota.

Dakota: yeah no problem.

Liam: and Dakota you know that its you're turn to fight right.

Dakota: yeah don't worry i know, I'm fighting against henry right even though he is more skilled than me I'm still stronger.

Dakota: lets see who wins, the author or his main character.