She has to be dealt with


 I walked away from her, my footsteps echoing in the silence that followed her outburst. I entered my office and shut the door while I leaned against it for a moment, letting out a slow breath. My chest felt tight, and my heart pounded, not just from anger but from something else, something unexpected that gnawed at me. I took a deep breath, forcing myself to push down the emotions, the anger.

Damn her! Who the hell did she think she was? How dare she talk to me like that!?

Laura was unlike any woman I'd ever met, and that infuriated me. She had stood there, defiant, fire in her eyes, as she insulted me without remorse and then threw my own money back at me in front of everyone. No one had ever dared to humiliate me like that, no one had ever spoken to me like that, not in my company, not anywhere…

Did she even know who I am? 

Jake Robbins, a billionaire heir, CEO of Robbins group. People respect me, fear me even. I don't tolerate incompetence, and certainly not insubordination. 

But she… Laura, with her fire and her sharp tongue, had thrown all of that back in my face. And for a moment, I had been too stunned to respond. Something that has never happened before, and yet, I couldn't get her out of my head.

I crossed the room to my desk, my hands curling into fists as I replayed the scene in my head. Her disgusting audacity made my blood boil and reminded me why I never allow people get too close or comfortable with me, especially not women. 

Women are a complication I can't afford. Not after the last one who tried to blackmail me, who made baseless allegations that could have ruined everything I'd built and worked hard for. Since then, I had made a rule to keep it simple, keep it transactional. Sex was just a transaction, a way to blow off steam, nothing more. And that's why I'd left Laura that money. 

It was a precaution, a way to ensure she wouldn't get any funny ideas, wouldn't come back later with stories or demands. I'd been burned before, and I wasn't about to let it happen again. I couldn't afford to make mistakes, not with the empire I was building, not with everything at stake.

But that silly girl had thrown it all back in my face.

I should have been angry… no, I was angry. Furious. No one treated me like that, especially not some woman I'd spent the night with. And yet, as much as her defiance enraged me, it also intrigued me. I couldn't deny that.

I sat down, trying to focus on the files in front of me, but my mind kept drifting back to her. The way she had stood up to me, the way she had refused to back down even when she knew she was out of her depth. It was infuriating and oddly captivating.

I leaned back, my hands running through my hair in frustration. What was it about her that was different? Why couldn't I just move on and forget about her like I did with all the others?

Her confidence, her fire, that was it. She didn't bow to me like the others did, didn't fawn over me or seek my approval. Most women swarmed around me like bees, eager to please, desperate for my attention. Their love isn't genuine, they're only after my billions and that doesn't bother me. They always come with a price tag and I was always the one in control, the one calling the shots. 

But Laura… she was different. She challenged me, pushed back, she had turned the tables on me, something I hadn't encountered in a long time and I hated that I found it so intriguing. It was exactly the kind of attitude I needed and had left me wanting to see more.

I had fired my last assistant a week ago for incompetence that cost me a major contract. She had been good in the last three months and I wouldn't have fired her if it was only the contract she cost me, but I lost my clients too. That's something I can never forgive or allow to happen again. 

No assistant had lasted in that position for more than six months with me. They either couldn't handle the pressure and quit or I had to fire them for screwing up. 

I needed someone with guts, someone who could stand the heat. Someone who wouldn't crumble under pressure. 

Someone like Laura. Her confidence, her sharpness, those were the qualities I needed. 

I picked up my phone, and put a call through to the HR department. The line clicked and the manager answered on the first ring, his tone eager to please as he cleared his throat hurriedy.

"Mr. Robbins, how can I assist you?" He let out politely.

"I want you to reach out to Laura McCoy, she came in for an interview today," I said, my voice steely, brooking no argument.

"Yes, sir. I'll send her a rejection letter…"

"Don't bother about that," I cut in sharply before he could finish. 

"I'm hiring her." I said firmly while there was a pause on the other end.

"For the marketing internship, sir?" He finally found his voice but then got on my nerves.

"No," I snapped. 

"As my personal assistant." I said with a hint of anger in my tone. 

There was another pause, longer this time. I could almost hear the building confusion ringing hard in his head, trying to figure out what could have prompted such sudden decision after the earlier outburst. But then, he knew better than to question me, it wasn't his place.

"Understood, sir. I'll contact her right away." He finally replied.

"Good," I said, and then hung up without another word. 

I leaned back in my chair, staring at the skyline outside my window. I had no idea how long Laura would last, or if she could handle the pressure of working directly under me, dealing with my demands and my temper. But I was curious to find out. 

She had humiliated me, and now I was looking forward to seeing how long her sharp mouth and confidence would hold up under the weight of my expectations. 

She had challenged me, thinking she could stand up to me, but this was just the beginning. 

Now is my turn to see what she was really made of.

A dangerous smirk escaped my cheeks as I continued in my thoughts, but it was soon cut short when the phone started to ring. 

"Yes?" I let out as I pulled the phone to my ear.

"Mr. Robbins, I just wanted to confirm if I should still go ahead with hiring her, sir?" It was the HR manager again, and his question annoyed me so much that I would have fired him immediately but I didn't. 

"How are you working in my company if you're this slow?" I quizzed.

"No, Sir. It's just that the staff might not…

"I'm this close to firing you. I'm not paying you to feed me with idle gossips. This is my company and I will hire whoever I like. Is that clear?" I asked firmly.

"Yes Sir. Very clear." He said while I then hung up.

I was too angry to continue work so I grabbed my keys and head out of the office…