He’s not worth a second of my time!


"Arlene!" I yelled, my voice echoing through the quiet apartment. I didn't even wait for her response as I sprinted down the hallway, phone clutched tightly in my hand. My heart was pounding, not just from the sudden burst of energy but because I could hardly believe what I was seeing.

"What is it?" Arlene's voice was concerned as she stepped out of her room, her hair still damp from the shower, a towel wrapped around her shoulders. She gave me a curious look while clearly trying to figure out if I was excited or terrified. 

I stumbled over my words, waving my phone in the air like it was some sort of magic wand. 

"You won't believe this! You're not going to believe this! Look!" I practically shoved the screen in her face, my hands shaking with a mixture of disbelief and excitement. 

She took the phone from me, her brows furrowing as she read. A few seconds later, her eyes widened, and her mouth fell open.

"Is this… real?" she asked, looking up at me with a half-smile starting to form.

I nodded so vigorously I thought my head might pop off. 

"Yes! I mean, I think so. It has to be. It's from the company, Arlene. They want me back. I—I got the job!" I let out with much joy and happiness while her face lit up, her eyes sparkling with excitement as she let out a high-pitched squeal, the kind that made me laugh every time. She threw her arms around me, pulling me into a tight hug.

"Oh my God, Laura! I knew it! I knew you'd get it!" She said exclaimed while I hugged her back and chuckled. Arlene said a lot of things but definitely not that I would get the job. If anything, she was so sure it was a lost cause. 

Seeing her say she knew I would get it was so funny but I wasn't even bothered about that. My mind was still spinning and several questions ran through. How did this happen? I was almost certain I had blown the interview yesterday. I mean, how could I not? I'd been rude to the CEO - Jake Robbins himself. Who does that and still gets a job?

Finally pulling away, I ran my fingers through my hair, still feeling jittery. 

"I… I can't believe this is happening. I mean, this is Jake Robbins we're talking about. I was so rude to him during the interview. Rude is even an understatement… I was… I thought there was no way they'd call me back." I let out while Arlene waved her hand dismissively. "Oh, please. You know what they say—if a man can't handle a strong woman, that's his problem." She let out too, and I replied with a shaky laugh. 

"Yeah, but this isn't just any guy. This is the Jake Robbins. He could've even fired me on the spot if I was already working there, and instead, here I am, getting a text to start on Monday as his personal assistant. The personal assistant of a guy I practically snapped at." I repeated again and just like before, Arlene wasn't impressed. She only smirked and raised an eyebrow. 

"Maybe he likes the challenge. You know, all these powerful men love someone who can stand up to them." She retorted slowly.

I rolled my eyes, but a smile tugged at the corners of my mouth. 

"Or maybe he's just crazy. I don't know. I mean, what if he just called me back to make my life miserable? Like, some sort of weird punishment for being rude to him?" I aired, and Arlene grabbed my hand and squeezed it reassuringly. 

"Stop. Don't overthink this. You've been waiting for an opportunity like this forever, and now you've got it. If Jake Robbins sees something in you—something that made him want to hire you even after that interview—then you should be confident that you deserve this. You've worked hard for this." I sighed, letting her words sink in. She was right. I had worked hard, and this job was the big break I'd been dreaming of for months. Still, a part of me couldn't shake the nerves. 

"Maybe you're right," I admitted, though my stomach was still in knots. 

"But, God, I'm so nervous. What if I mess up? What if I say something wrong, or worse, I snap at him again?"

Arlene laughed, a soft, comforting sound. "Then you'll handle it the same way you handled the interview—by being yourself. And besides, how can you be nervous when we're about to go shopping for a whole new wardrobe?" She grinned, pulling me toward the door.

I glanced down at my outfit—just jeans and a plain t-shirt. Yeah, not exactly CEO assistant material. 

"I guess I do need to look the part."

"Exactly," she said, already grabbing her purse and keys. 

"Come on. We need to find you something that says 'I'm professional, but I won't take your crap.' You're going to look amazing." She assured me firmly. 

We headed out to the car, my thoughts still racing but starting to settle as Arlene's enthusiasm took over. If there was one thing that could distract me from my swirling anxiety, it was the idea of a full-blown shopping spree. 

The drive to the mall was filled with Arlene's chatter, and I was grateful for it. She went on about the kinds of clothes I should get—sharp blazers, sleek heels, maybe even some power suits. By the time we parked, I was starting to feel a little more confident. Maybe looking the part would help me feel the part, too.

Inside the first store, Arlene immediately zeroed in on a rack of blouses. She held up a crisp white one with delicate buttons. "This is perfect for the first day. It's classy but not too stuffy." She let out while I nodded, taking it from her. 

"It's nice. I just… what if he still hates me?" I retorted and she immediately shot me a look, her hands on her hips. 

"Seriously, Laura? He doesn't hate you. He hired you, didn't he? And if he gives you a hard time, you'll handle it. Like you always do." She replied.

I sighed, running my fingers over the fabric of the blouse. 

"I guess. It's just… I've never had a job like this. Being the personal assistant to someone like Jake Robbins—it's intimidating. What if I'm not good enough?" I let out again and this time, I guess she was tired of my complaints. She turned to me suddenly, grabbed both my shoulders and shook me gently, looking me dead in the eyes. 

"Laura, listen to me. You are more than good enough. You are smart, you're capable, and you can handle this job with your eyes closed. And if anyone can deal with a boss like Jake Robbins, it's you." She said firmly.

Her words settled over me like a warm blanket. I took a deep breath and nodded. "Okay. You're right. I can do this."

"Damn right, you can," she said with a smile. 

"Now, let's find you something killer for day one." She retorted.

We spent the next few hours trying on outfits, laughing as we debated over which shoes went best with which dress, and for the first time that day, I felt myself relax. Maybe this job wasn't going to be a nightmare after all. Maybe I really could do this.

By the time we left the mall, bags of new clothes in hand, I was feeling more like myself. I might have been nervous about facing Jake again, but at least I'd be doing it in style. And with Arlene's confidence in me, maybe, just maybe I'd be able to face him without losing my cool.

As we got back in the car, Arlene grinned over at me. "See? Told you this would help."

I smiled, the nerves still there but a little quieter now. 

"Thanks, Arlene. I don't know what I'd do without you." 

"Lucky for you, you'll never have to find out." She winked, starting the car. 

And as we drove home, for the first time, I actually started to believe it. Maybe this job was exactly what I needed.

I turned to the other side and stared out the window while I slowly drifted into my thoughts. The past memories started coming back and no matter how hard I tried to shake it off, it stuck and I just had to take it easy with myself. I knew once I start my job, I would finally put the past behind me and focus on my new life…

"Don't tell me you're thinking about that fool again???" Arlene suddenly let out, abruptly pulling me out of my thoughts.

"He's not worth a second of my time…" I quickly replied, and truly, he's not worth it so I shoved the thoughts to the deepest part of my mind.