He’s not the same man who made tender love to me…


The meeting room buzzed with tension as we waited for Jake's rival company representatives to arrive. I shifted in my seat, trying to focus on the documents in front of me, but my mind was elsewhere. For the past few weeks, Jake had been more impossible than ever. His strictness and bossy attitude made every single day at work feel like a battle of endurance. 

My third day on the job was literally the worst day of my life. I got to work and was welcomed with a long list of tasks for the day. I spent the whole day on my feet and even forgot I hadn't taken breakfast by the time I took my first break late in the night. 

Funny enough, when I walked past Jake's office, he was still there, head buried in his computer, busy working. 

I'm not sure if he noticed or not but I stayed there for about a minute, watching as he worked on. In that moment, I felt like I understood him a bit. I've been feeling bad and resentful toward him for overworking me and being hostile. Seeing him -the boss- work that hard immediately changed my perspective of him. 

But still, it only lasted in that moment. As soon as he slammed more tasks in my face, my former mindset set in. 

It got worse to the point that I couldn't stop comparing him to the man I'd met that night. It felt like a different lifetime, but I remembered it vividly—the way his hands moved over my body, the way he whispered sweet words that made me feel alive and desired. That man wasn't the Jake I knew now. The Jake I worked for was cold, commanding, and distant, nothing like the man who had made sweet love to me so tenderly that night.

I sighed, leaning back in my chair as I watched him now. His face was hard, focused. He was looking over the final details of the proposal he was about to present, his fingers flying over the keys of his laptop with precision. There wasn't a single trace of warmth in his expression - no hint of the man I thought I had seen before.

I didn't know how to feel about him anymore. Every day was a constant tug-of-war. Part of me hated him for the way he pushed me around at work, for how strict and demanding he was. But then, there were moments -like now- when I couldn't help but admire him. His drive, his focus, his absolute determination to succeed. He was brilliant, and whether I wanted to admit it or not, that brilliance was intoxicating…

The door to the meeting room opened, and Jake's rivals strode in. They were sharp-dressed, all business, their faces set in grim lines as they took their seats across from us. I could feel the tension rise, and for a second, I wondered how Jake was going to handle it. He'd been preparing for this for weeks, and everything was riding on this deal.

The room fell silent as Jake stood, his tall frame commanding attention. I found myself holding my breath as he started his presentation.

"I won't waste your time," he said, his voice firm and authoritative. 

"We're here to secure a deal that will benefit both parties, and I intend to make sure you understand why working with us is the smartest decision you can make." He continued while there was no hesitation in his tone, no hint of doubt. He was completely in control. I watched as he moved through the proposal with ease, his words precise, his explanations clear. The rival representatives asked questions -tough questions- and he answered them without missing a beat. Every time they tried to challenge him, he met them head-on, his confidence unwavering.

It was mesmerizing. I'd never seen him like this before. He was sharp, calculated, and undeniably brilliant. The way he handled the objections from the other side, the way he twisted their arguments to his advantage -it was like watching a master at work. 

For a moment, I forgot all about the frustration I felt toward him at work, the way he always barked orders at me, how he barely acknowledged my existence unless it was to give me more tasks. Right now, all I could see was his brilliance, and it was impossible not to be impressed.

One of the rival executives, a tall man with a deep scowl, leaned forward, trying to throw Jake off his game. 

"Your company may have the resources, but we have the market share. What makes you think we need you?" The man said and though his tone was somehow intimidating, Jake didn't flinch. He met the man's gaze head-on, his eyes cold and calculating. 

"You're right," he said smoothly. 

"You don't need us. But you need this deal if you want to keep growing. You've hit a ceiling, and we're offering you the ladder to climb higher. Turn us down, and you'll be stuck where you are while your competitors surge ahead." He explained, his tone laced with a bit of threat and reason.

I stared at him, barely able to process how effortlessly he took control of the conversation. The rival executives exchanged uneasy glances, clearly shaken by his confidence. Jake wasn't just playing their game -he was rewriting the rules entirely.

The negotiations went on for hours, but Jake never wavered. By the end of it, I wasn't the only one who was impressed. The rival executives were clearly on the ropes, and by the time Jake made his final push, they were practically begging to sign the deal.

"We'll send over the final draft by the end of the week," the lead executive said, clearly defeated.

Jake nodded, standing up and offering his hand. "I look forward to working with you."

As they left the room, I sat there in stunned silence, my mind still spinning from what I'd just witnessed. Jake turned to me, his expression unreadable, as if the entire thing had been routine for him. 

"Get the contracts drafted by legal," he said, his tone as cold as ever. "I want them on my desk by tomorrow morning."

I nodded, my heart still racing. "Of course."

He didn't say another word as he walked out of the room, leaving me sitting there, completely dazed. 

For the first time in weeks, I didn't feel the urge to run away from the job. I didn't feel frustrated or overwhelmed. Instead, I felt… awe. 

I hated that he was so strict, that he pushed me so hard, but seeing him like that today - seeing the way he completely dominated the room, the way he outsmarted the competition- it was impossible not to admire him.

Maybe he wasn't the sweet, tender man I'd met that night. Maybe that side of him was buried beneath layers of strictness and control. But there was something about him -something that drew me in, despite everything. I couldn't help but wonder who the real Jake Robbins was. The brilliant businessman I'd seen today? Or the man who had made me feel like I was the center of his world that night?

Either way, I knew one thing for sure, I was in deeper than I'd ever intended to be. And I wasn't sure if that scared me or excited me.