The imaginary kiss


Once we were done with the meeting, Jake got up while I quickly packed his things and ran after him. As we walked out of the conference room, the adrenaline from the meeting still buzzed through me. Jake had just closed one of the most significant deals I'd ever witnessed, and I couldn't shake the awe I felt. My mind was spinning with everything I'd seen, the way he controlled the room and took the attention of everyone, his brilliance in outsmarting the rivals and getting them hooked on his offer. By the time he was done with his pitch, they couldn't resist or even say a word to oppose him. The boss just took the offer immediately.

I saw the smirk on his face as they quickly gobbled up his offer. He was proud of himself and I was too.

Maybe I didn't make a mistake coming to work for him after all. If I'm patient enough, I just might learn a thing or two from him. I just need to get over the fear I have when around him.

As we walked toward the elevator, I found myself wanting to say something, anything, to acknowledge the huge victory. I looked over at him, his face set in that same unreadable expression he always wore. He was hard to read, but after that performance, it didn't feel right to just walk away in silence.

"Uh, Mr. Robbins," I started cautiously, glancing up at him. 

"That was incredible. I mean, you handled that meeting like a master. Maybe we should celebrate? You know, for the big win?" I let out while avoiding his gaze.

He didn't respond right away, and for a moment, I thought he hadn't heard me. But then he stopped abruptly, turning toward me with a sharp look in his eyes. My heart sank immediately. Oh no, I'd crossed a line. He wasn't the type of boss you casually suggested celebrating with. What was I thinking?

I opened my mouth to apologize, but before I could, he took a step closer, his eyes darkening. His presence was overwhelming, and I instinctively backed up until my back hit the wall. 

"Celebrate?" His voice was low, almost a growl. "Is that what you think this is?" He asked in the usual husky tone he uses when he wants to intimidate me and make me cower in fear.

I could feel my breath catch in my throat as the weight of the words fell on me. My heart started to race, and I immediately regretted opening my mouth. 

"I I'm sorry, I didn't mean to overstep…"

He didn't let me finish. He moved closer, pinning me against the wall with nothing but his presence. His eyes burned into mine, and the air between us was charged with tension. 

"I saw you," he said softly, dangerously while my face dropped in confusion. I had no idea what he was talking about so I just stood there and searched for answers in his fierce eyes.

"I saw you drooling over me throughout the meeting. Did you think I didn't notice?" He asked while I felt heat rise to my face. Was he serious? I hadn't been… okay, maybe I had been watching him, but I wasn't drooling over him! I opened my mouth to protest, but the words died in my throat as he leaned in, his body inches from mine. The intensity in his gaze made my legs weak.

"Here's the thing, Laura," he continued, his voice silky and menacing at the same time. "Whatever happened in the past before you became my assistant stays in the past. I don't even remember it, and I certainly wasn't thinking of that when I hired you. Get your affairs and emotions in place."

"I don't mix work with pleasure. Ever. And if you think I'm going to tolerate you making eyes at me while we're at work, you're mistaken." He retorted.

I felt a lump form in my throat. My mind raced, trying to form an apology, trying to find something to say that would get me out of this. 

"I… I wasn't" I stammered, but he cut me off again.

"You weren't?" he asked, his voice dripping with mockery. 


He pressed closer, his arm brushing against mine, his eyes locked on mine with an intensity that made my pulse race. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest, the heat between us almost suffocating. For a second, I thought he was going to kiss me. My breath hitched, and I closed my eyes, waiting for it.

But it never came.

Instead, I felt his hand brush past my arm, reaching for the file in my hand. He grabbed it and pulled it away from me, his lips curling into a dangerous smirk. 

"Don't get any ideas, Laura. You're here to work, not fantasize. Got it?" It was his voice that pulled me out of my mind.

I opened my eyes, blinking in confusion. What just happened? My mind was spinning, trying to catch up with everything that was happening. He leaned in closer, his breath warm against my ear. 

"Let me make one thing clear," he said softly, his voice sending shivers down my spine. 

"I'm your boss. I control what happens here. Not you. So unless I tell you to do something, you don't act. Understand?" He ordered.

I nodded quickly, my mouth too dry to respond. My heart was still racing, and I could barely think straight. He was so close, his voice so fierce yet… sweet? The combination was intoxicating, and I hated that I was reacting this way. But I couldn't help it.

He pulled back slightly, his eyes scanning my face as if daring me to argue. I didn't. Instead, I nodded again, my throat tight. "I understand," I whispered, my voice barely audible.

"Good," he said, stepping back just enough to give me room to breathe. But the intensity in his eyes didn't fade. 

"Now, here's what you're going to do," he said, his tone firm and commanding. 

"Go home. Take a cold shower. Get your head together. And if you ever make another mistake like this, you're fired. Do you understand?" He ordered again. His tone was warm but it sounded like a roar in my ears.

I swallowed hard, feeling the weight of his words. Fired? The threat hit me like a punch to the gut. I couldn't afford to lose this job. Not now, not after everything. "Yes, sir," I managed to say, my voice shaking slightly.

He gave me one last look, his eyes still blazing with that same intensity. Then, without another word, he turned and walked away, leaving me standing there, dazed and confused. 

As I watched him disappear down the hallway, I felt my legs give way slightly, and I leaned against the wall for support. My mind was spinning, my heart racing. What the hell had just happened? One minute I was suggesting we celebrate, and the next, he was pinning me against the wall, practically threatening me. And yet… the way he spoke to me, the way he looked at me, I couldn't deny that it made my pulse race in a way I didn't want to admit.

I exhaled slowly, trying to gather my thoughts. This was a mess. A complete, confusing mess. But one thing was clear: Jake wasn't just my boss. He was something far more dangerous. And I needed to be careful. 

I straightened up, trying to shake off the strange mix of fear and attraction swirling inside me. He'd told me to go home, and that's exactly what I was going to do. But as I walked out of the building, my heart still pounding in my chest, I couldn't help but wonder what the hell I'd gotten myself into.

The bright light from outside hit me like a brick and I had to pause for some seconds. I looked back, Jake wasn't in sight but I knew he could appear in a twinkle and the last thing I wanted was to run into him again. Not after embarrassing myself few minutes ago…

"You're so pathetic, Laura! How could you think he was going to kiss you. I mean, how??? The same person you know is so full of himself? Who shouts and orders you around like you don't matter at all?? How could you think he would kiss you, dumb head?…"