The handsome stranger saved me


I slammed the door behind me, kicking off my heels with frustration. My heart was still racing from the encounter with Jake, but this time, it wasn't just because of him. It was because of me. How could I let myself get so vulnerable around him? He was my boss, for crying out loud. And yet, every time he looked at me with those piercing eyes, every time his voice dropped to that low, commanding tone, I found myself unraveling. 

I threw my bag on the couch and sank down, burying my face in my hands. This wasn't supposed to happen. I had promised myself after the last time, that I wouldn't let anyone get to me like this again. No more falling for guys who would only break my heart. But here I was, head over heels for Jake Robbins, my boss and the last person I should be interested in.

A knock on the door snapped me out of my thoughts, and before I could even respond, Arlene burst into the apartment, all smiles. "Hey, girl! How was your work today? Did the meeting go well?" she asked, oblivious to the storm brewing inside me.

I looked up at her, not even sure where to begin. 

"It was… intense." I pushed out while she raised an eyebrow, plopping down on the couch next to me. 

"Intense how? Did something happen? Don't tell me you and your Prince Charming boss were at it again?" She asked and I could hear the tease in her voice. She does that when she wants to make fun of me and it happens often since I always have stories to tell about Jake on a daily basis. We spend most evening talking about my hard day with him.

Seeing that same look on Arlene, I hesitated a bit, then blurted out everything. The meeting, how brilliant Jake had been, how I couldn't stop staring at him, and then… the whole incident afterward. Arlene listened quietly, her expression turning from amusement to concern.

"Laura," she said slowly when I finished. "You have to stop letting him get in your head. This is Jake Robbins we're talking about. You know his reputation. He's all about control. You can't let yourself get swept up in whatever power trip he's on." She cautioned firmly.

I sighed, running a hand through my hair. "I know, Arlene. I know. But it's like… every time I'm around him, I just… ugh, I don't know. I get weak." I let out while she shook her head, grabbing my hands and giving them a firm squeeze. 

"You're stronger than this. Don't let him have that kind of power over you. You're better than that. Besides, didn't you say you were done with men? Especially guys like him? Remember what happened the last time you let yourself get carried away. Men like Jake are not for good women like you. They just want someone they can play and control like a puppet and you didn't deserve that. You deserve love… real love." She explained while I nodded, knowing she was right.

I did say I was done with men and yes, I deserve true love.

"Uhn uhn." I sighed.

"Exactly," she said with a grin. "Now, enough about him. You need to forget about Jake for a while. And lucky for you, I have just the thing to take your mind off it. There's a party tonight. You're coming with me." She exclaimed.

I groaned, leaning back into the couch. "A party? Arlene, I don't know if I'm in the mood for that." I replied, tilting my head to the side but I still could see she wasn't going to take no for an answer. It's not in her character to accept defeat.

"Too bad!" she said, standing up and pulling me to my feet. "You need this. Come on, it'll be fun. Besides, you've been working your butt off. You deserve a break." She persuaded.

I sighed again, knowing there was no point in arguing with her. Once Arlene set her mind on something, there was no stopping her. 

"Fine," I muttered. "But just for a little while."

"That's the spirit!" she said, clapping her hands together. "Now, go get dressed. We're going to have a great time."

The party was in full swing by the time we arrived, music pumping and people dancing everywhere. Arlene was right - it did feel good to get out of the apartment and let loose a little. I even managed to forget about Jake for a while, caught up in the energy of the crowd.

Arlene was having the time of her life, dancing with her boyfriend, who had joined us shortly after we arrived. I stood off to the side, nursing a drink and watching them with a smile. It was nice to see her so happy. But as the minutes ticked by, I started feeling a little out of place. Everyone else was paired off, and I was just… standing there.

I was about to text for my ride and call it a night when a guy approached me. He was tall, with an easy smile, and definitely not bad-looking. 

"Hey," he said, flashing me a grin. "You look like you could use a dance partner." He let out while I hesitated, glancing around. 

Arlene was still busy with her boyfriend, and I was standing there alone like a wallflower. Why not? "Sure," I said, finishing off my drink and following him to the dance floor. I was already drunk but I could still function well.

At first, it was fine. We danced to a couple of songs, and I was actually enjoying myself for the first time in a while. But then, as the music slowed down, he started getting a little too close for comfort. His hands rested on my hips, and I could feel them sliding lower with each beat of the song.

"Okay, that's enough," I said, stepping back and giving him a polite but firm smile. "Thanks for the dance." I muttered but he frowned slightly, not getting the hint. 

"Come on, one more. We're just getting started." He said and then pushed me closer to himself, grabbing my ass this time around. He squeezed it and licked his lips, irritating me so damn much.

"No," I repeated, more firmly this time. "I'm done."

I turned and walked off the dance floor, heading for the exit. I didn't need this. Not tonight. I made my way to the garage, pulling out my phone to order a ride. As I stood there, scrolling through the app with my eyes struggling to stay opened, I couldn't shake the uneasy feeling creeping up my spine. 

It was quiet in the garage, too quiet. I glanced around, noticing a shadow move in the corner of my eye. My heart rate spiked, and I quickly shoved my phone back into my purse, scanning the dimly lit area.

Before I could react, a man, the same man I had just ran from, stepped out from behind a pillar, his face shadowed. "Going somewhere?" he asked, his voice low and sinister.

My stomach dropped. "I don't want any trouble," I said, taking a step back. 

He moved closer, blocking my path to the exit. "I'm not looking for trouble either, sweetheart. I just want to talk."

I could feel my pulse quicken, fear curling in my chest. "I said, I don't want any trouble," I repeated, my voice shaky now. 

He didn't back off. Instead, he reached out, his hand brushing against my arm. "Don't be like that. We're just having a little fun. I just want to know why you ran off like that. I like you. You have a nice body, especially the backside, so soft and sexy. I will make you feel good. Let me guess, you've not had an orgasm lately, could be why you're so uptight. I can help with that." He said and with each word, I got so irritated and felt like puking. 

He kept licking his lips as he gave me a onceover. I could tell he was reaching for my ass again but before he could, I quickly yanked my arm away, panic rising in my throat. 

He looked angry when I did that and I just knew it wasn't going to end there. I needed to get out of here, but before I could figure out how, he grabbed me again and this time, he was fierce. I tried to get myself free but I couldn't.

"You will only make this painful and difficult if you fight it!" He said and before I knew what was happening, my top had ripped in half. 

He tore it right off and my breasts were out there in his face. His face lit up and he reached to fondle them. The alcohol in my eyes and system started to clear off as the realization of what was about happening dawned on me. 

"She said she doesn't want you." A deep voice suddenly rang out behind us.

I whipped around to see a tall figure stepping out of the shadows, his presence immediately commanding attention. He looked so much like Jake but I quickly shook off the thought. Thinking about him made Arlene force me to this party, I can't be thinking of him again. It was definitely the alcohol making me see his face.

The guy harassing me froze, his hand still mid-reach.

"Back off, this is none of your business!" He said, his tone lethal. He hesitated for a moment, sizing up the newcomer before rushing at him but after getting the beating of his life in a tense second, he backed down, muttering something under his breath before slinking away into the shadows.

I stood there, frozen in place, my heart racing. I turned to face the stranger, trying to catch my breath. 

"Thank you," I managed to say, my voice still shaky.

He stepped closer, and as he came into the light, I could see him more clearly. There was something familiar about him, though I couldn't place it. His eyes, sharp and assessing, met mine but I was too drunk to think clearly.. 

"You should be more careful." he said, his tone firm but not unkind. 

I nodded, still too shaken to respond. He took off his jacket and wrapped it around my shoulders, glanced at me one last time before getting me into a car. I saw him mutter something to the driver but I didn't hear and the drunk in me didn't seem to care.

I looked back and saw him turning and walking away, disappearing into the night. 

As the car pulled away from the garage, I was grateful I was able to get out of there unscathed but I still couldn't help but wonder who the stranger was, and why he'd stepped in when he did. But one thing was certain, tonight had been a wake-up call. I couldn't afford to be vulnerable anymore, not with Jake, not with anyone.

This was the last thing on my mind before I drifted off into a deep sleep…