Why can’t I stop thinking about her?


I walked through the front door of my penthouse, throwing my suit jacket over the back of a chair and loosening my tie. The day had been a whirlwind, but one thought kept replaying in my mind. Laura. 

She was always in the back of my head, and every time I saw her, I could tell the effect I had on her. She was vulnerable, too easy to rattle, but that was exactly what made her so interesting. She wasn't like the others, the ones who fawned over me, desperate to get my attention. Laura was different. She had her walls, but I knew I could break them down, one by one.

I walked over to the kitchen, opened the fridge, and pulled out one of the pre-made meals my maid had left for me earlier in the week. She came by once a week, cooking and cleaning, making sure everything was in order. It was convenient. I didn't need to waste time on the little things. I had bigger things to worry about - like running a billion-dollar company.

I popped the container into the microwave and leaned back against the counter, letting my thoughts wander as I waited for the food to heat. My mind kept drifting back to that moment after the meeting, when I'd seen the way Laura had looked at me. She had been watching me the entire time, admiring me, and I had to admit, I enjoyed it. I liked the way she reacted around me. I could see the mix of fear and attraction in her eyes, and it stirred something in me - something I couldn't quite explain.

The microwave beeped, pulling me out of my thoughts. I grabbed the container and took it over to the table, but just as I sat down, the door opened, and I groaned internally. I didn't even need to look up to know who it was. Only one person has my keys, my mom.

"Jake!" My mother's voice echoed through the penthouse as she waltzed in, her heels clicking on the marble floor. 

"Why didn't you tell me you were home? I've been trying to reach you." She retorted in her usual high pitch tone.

I sighed, shoveling a forkful of food into my mouth, hoping she'd get the hint that I wasn't in the mood for one of her usual lectures.

"I wanted to talk to you," she said, sitting down across from me without waiting for an invitation. 

"You know, your father and I are starting to get worried."

I rolled my eyes, putting my fork down and leaning back in my chair. 

"What now?" I quizzed, not interested in what she wanted to say but I had no choice. Regardless of my answer, she would still put out everything on her mind.

"You're almost thirty-five, Jake. It's time you start thinking about settling down, getting married, and giving this family an heir. You can't keep working yourself to death. You need balance in your life. A wife, children. Family…"

"Mom," I cut her off, my voice sharp. "We've had this conversation before." I let out but she ignored me and pressed on.

"You're wasting your best years, Jake. You have everything, the looks, the wealth, the power. But none of it will matter if you don't have someone to share it with. You need to find a woman, a good woman, and…"

"I don't need a wife or kids," I snapped, standing up abruptly and grabbing my keys off the counter. 

"And I sure as hell don't need you telling me what I should be doing with my life. See yourself out when you're done, mom. I'm out."I said.

My mother sighed dramatically, standing up and smoothing down her perfectly tailored dress. 

"You'll regret it one day, Jake. You can't run from this forever." She threatened.

"Watch me," I muttered under my breath as I walked toward the door. I wasn't going to sit there and listen to another lecture. Not tonight. 

I slammed the door behind me and made my way down to the garage, my mind buzzing with a mix of frustration and exhaustion. I needed to get out, to blow off some steam. Maybe hit the club, have a few drinks, find a girl, and forget about everything for a few hours.

I got into my car and drove aimlessly for a while, my thoughts still circling back to Laura. The way she'd closed her eyes, thinking I was going to kiss her… The way she looked so lost when I told her to go home. I should've fired her, but something about her made me want to keep her around. Maybe it was because she stood up to me that first day. She had a fire in her, even if she didn't know how to control it.As I pulled into the parking lot of one of my favorite clubs, I noticed something that stopped me in my tracks. Across the street, a girl was being harassed by some guy, and from the way she was struggling, it was clear she didn't want his attention.

I narrowed my eyes, recognizing her immediately. Laura!

I didn't even think. I threw the car into park, jumped out, and crossed the street in a few long strides. The guy had his hands on her, trying to pull her closer, and I felt my blood boil.

"She said she doesn't want you!" I growled, grabbing the guy by the collar and yanking him away from her. He stumbled, his eyes wide with surprise.

"Leave now, this is none of your business!" he spat, and then sized me up. His muscles must have deceived him into thinking he could take me on. 

He came at me and fortunate for him, I still had the anger from my mom's marriage talk built up in me. I gave him the beating of his life in fre tense seconds and he didn't need a soothsayer to tell him it was time to accept defeat. 

He took one look at me before I landed one more blow on his face. He must've realized who he was dealing with. His expression faltered, and once I released him, he ran off with high speed.

His hands were raised in surrender, muttering something under his breath as he disappeared into the night.

I turned to Laura, who looked shaken but otherwise unharmed. 

"You should be more careful." I said to Laura, my voice softer now. 

She nodded, her eyes wife, but I could tell she was too drunk to even recognize me or understand what was happening.

I ordered her the closest ride, took off my jacket and covered her up, while the car pulled up just in time. 

I opened the door and helped her in. I could tell from the way she looked at me intently that she was trying to figure out who I was. The alcohol had consumed her entire being though so she couldn't get an answer. 

"Go home, Laura," I interrupted, my tone firm. "Take a cold shower. Get your head straight. You're not cut out for this kind of trouble." I wasn't sure she heard me but I still said it anyway.

She blinked, clearly taken aback by my words, but she didn't saw a word, she just kept looking at me while I stood there also watching as they drove away, disappearing into the night.

I stood there for a moment, running a hand through my hair. I should've gone home. I should've gone back to my quiet penthouse and put this whole thing behind me. But instead, I turned and headed into the club.

The bass of the music vibrated through my chest as I walked through the crowded club, the smell of alcohol and sweat thick in the air. I made my way to the bar, ordering a drink and downing it in one go. I needed to get Laura out of my head. She was messing with me, and I didn't like it.

I downed another drink, feeling the burn as it slid down my throat. A few girls had already approached me, their eyes lingering on me like I was some kind of prize. Normally, I would've taken one of them up on the offer, but tonight… tonight, I couldn't stop thinking about Laura.

I pushed the thought aside and scanned the room, my eyes landing on a blonde at the far end of the bar. She was exactly my type, tall, leggy, and looking for a good time. I didn't waste any time. I walked over, flashed her a smile which was the only thing it usually takes to get them. 

Within minutes, I had her pressed up against the wall, my lips on hers. But as my hands roamed her body, something felt… off. I couldn't focus. My mind kept drifting back to Laura, the way she looked when I'd rescued her, the way her eyes had flickered with something more when I'd pinned her to the wall earlier.

"Let's get out of here," the blonde whispered in my ear, her hands trailing down my chest.

She was right. We needed to get out of there if I would be able to do anything.

We made our way upstairs, got the nicest room and once the door clicked shut, we were in each other's mouth again. 

The kiss irritated me as I still kept seeing Laura's face so I stopped. 

Let's just get straight to the point…

The blonde understood too and it only too pulling off the rope on her shoulder. Her dress fell off and her naked body stared me in the face. 

She had a really nice body, the boobs were plump just the way I love it. She crashed in the bed, parted her legs while I sank in between them. In another second, she had pulled off my pants and my d*ck stood fully erect. 

She pushed the whole thing inside her but I didn't move or stroke. She didn't seem bothered or probably determined to have me. Any girl would have been pissed off at that point. Not her.

She pushed me over and got on top on me. She started riding and f*ck!! She was so damn good. 

My eyes rolled into their sockets as she rolled her waist and slammed up and down my huge d*ck.

She was having a really nice time and the way she moaned so loudly was proof. I started feeling myself again after about a minute and was about taking over when I suddenly saw Laura's face again. 

"I'm sorry, I can't." I let out and then pushed her off me immediately. Every emotion left in me had disappeared that minute. 

She looked at me, confused. "What do you mean you can't? It's not like you're doing anything. I will do it all, just lie down and enjoy the ride." She persuaded and that confirmed my assumption. She knew who I was and wanted to have me.

I ran a hand through my hair, feeling more frustrated than ever. 

"I'm sorry," I said, while I reached up my pants, reached into the pocket and threw the wad of cash I found on the bed.

"Fuck you, Jake Robbins!!! I don't need your f*cking dollars!! I want your f*cking d*ck!!" She yelled but I didn't say a word.

I just turned and kept walking away. 

I don't need wh*res like her in my life or my pants…

I left the club, my mind still racing. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't shake the thought of Laura. I didn't like the way she got under my skin, but there was no denying it. 

And I wasn't sure what to do about it.