Tamari's hands clenched, her knuckles turning white as a pang of adrenaline shot through her.
"B-Brother Ren!" Yen shouted ahead of her, clenching his fist as he glared forward at Dareth, "You dare to hurt my brother!? You'll pay for that!"
Yen shot forward, his arm pulled back as his hand clenched into a fist. However, before he could even reach Dareth, the figure next to him stepped forward.
Bareth's arm lashed out, the boy ducking under Yen's fist and slamming a fist into his stomach. Spit flew from Yen's mouth as his eyes widened in pain, and a second later he was sent skidding back as he clutched at his gut.
"Did you think I was just here to watch, huh?" Bareth spit out, grinning sadistically as he looked past Yen at Tamari and Asia, "That fucking bastard thinks he can just get away with beating my ass and taking my women, huh?! Let's see how he likes having his toys stolen!"
"Y-You pig!" Tamari grunted, tensing her body as she readied herself to fight. However, as she did, a hand landed on her shoulder from behind.
"Run, Sister Tamari! Sister Asia!" Tamari blinked, looking back as Ren stood behind her, his body looking worse for wear. Blood was slowly dripping down from his mouth, and she could clearly tell where he had been hit by Dareth. In the middle of his chest, his Saiyan armor was completely broken as cracks shot outwards from the gap. In the gap, his chest had a deep black bruise and was leaking out a trail of blood.
"R-Ren," Tamari stuttered again, looking at his injury with wide eyes, "You're injured! Stay out of the fight, moron! I'll handle this!"
"No, Sister Tamari," Ren grunted, stumbling past her as he raised his arms into a fighting stance again, "This isn't a fight we can win. I'm sorry, but you might have to leave the academy early, Sister."
"What are you talking about, you idiot?!" Tamari gritted out, glaring at the boy as he continued to stumble toward Dareth. At her side, Asia took a step towards Ren, looking up at him worriedly.
"You were right, Sister," Ren chuckled, blood dripping down his face as he did, "I was too confident. I underestimated how strong he had gotten. Run, leave the academy, and get to somewhere safe."
"W-We aren't just going to leave you guys…" Asia stuttered out next to her, her cute voice filled with worry.
"Please, Sister Tamari! Sister Asia!" Ren shouted out again, his loud voice causing Asia to flinch, "I promised Brother Gray that I would protect you, and I would rather die than break a promise to a brother! Run, and we will hold them off!"
Tamari opened her mouth to berate the man again, but she didn't get the chance.
Ren raised his hands, his palms wide as he fired a flurry of Ki blasts at Dareth. In response, Dareth merely slapped them aside, sending the balls into the surrounding walls. They slammed into the walls, a resounding boom ringing out as the whole tunnel shook.
Ren gritted his teeth, his body tensing as he hissed. He shot forward at Dareth, his body encased in an aura of Ki as he raised his fist. As he did, Dareth easily side-stepped the attack, his arm lashing out and slamming Ren into the wall.
"Run, Sisters! We'll hold them off!" Yen shouted, launching forward at Bareth. His fist was caught by Bareth's palm, and the boy did a decent job at holding his own. He ripped his fist out of Bareth's grip, dodging a punch that Bareth threw in return. They became immersed in their fight, Yen doing his best to hold Bareth off.
"Go! Len, go with them! Make sure they're safe!" Ten shouted next, the shorter boy launching at Dareth.
Len's face twisted in uncertainty as he watched Dareth easily dodge Ten's attack, but he eventually turned away, looking back at Tamari and Asia.
"Let's go!" He shouted, raising his hand as a ball of Ki formed on it. He shot the ball forward, slamming it into the wall and breaking it open. A gust of wind howled in as the wall revealed an exit to the outside of the academy, "We don't have much time!"
Tamari clenched her hand, looking past him at the three brothers as they fought against Dareth and Bareth. 'Fought' was being generous, as they were frankly getting their asses handed to them.
Ren was getting manhandled, his face a bloody pulp as he took blow after blow from Dareth's fist. Ten tried to help him, but was tossed away like a ragdoll for his efforts.
"Ren…" Tamari gritted her teeth, her fists clenched. She tensed her legs, her body demanding that she join the fray and try to help them.
"Don't look at me with those eyes, Sister Tamari!" Ren shouted, spitting out a glob of blood as he reached down and grabbed his Saiyan armor. He yanked his arm out, ripping the armor off his body and showcasing his extremely muscular chest, "I don't want your pity! I'm not doing this for you - I'm doing this for the promise I made to a brother! Run and stop letting my efforts go to waste!"
Tamari's eye twitched at his words, her face indecisive, but then she glanced to her side as Asia stared ahead worriedly.
Fuck, I'm sorry, Ren. We need to survive until Gray gets back.
She grabbed Asia's arm, causing the girl to yelp in surprise as she burst forward, dragging her through the exit. As she did, she heard Ren let out a pained grunt but didn't turn around.
"We need to go towards the palace! He won't keep trying to fight out there!" Len shouted, blasting through the air behind them as they shot through the sky.
Tamari nodded, her teeth clenched as she continued to drag Asia with her, shooting higher into the air to get as far away as possible from Dareth.
Fuck. Why does this have to happen right when Gray leaves?
"That's a good idea. I wouldn't dare disturb the King and incur his wrath," Tamari's blood froze, her body stiffening. A pained cry came from her side, and she looked over to see Dareth's hand wrapped around Len's throat, the boy clutching at it in pain, "Too bad you all are so slow. I could've given you a headstart and you still wouldn't have made it even halfway."
"You bastard," Tamari hissed, not wanting to think about what him already catching them meant.
I'm sorry, Ren. Your sacrifice was for nothing.
"Run, Asia!" Tamari shouted, flinging the smaller girl away as she shot at Dareth. She raised her fist, slamming it toward his head, but didn't reach him.
Dareth casually tossed Len away, sending the body hurtling toward Planet Vegeta's surface as he turned his attention to Tamari. He burst forward, dodging her fist and getting into her guard as his fist slammed into Tamari's gut.
Tamari let out a pained grunt, spit flying from her mouth as the wind was knocked out of her. She didn't even get a chance to counter-attack, as Dareth's hand quickly clenched around her neck, depriving her of air.
"Don't look at me like that - your friend is the one who taught me this," Dareth chuckled as Tamari glared daggers at him, her eyes alight as Dareth squeezed his hand harder around her neck, "Gray seems to love choking his enemies so much, so I thought I'd give it a try. This is when you start begging for your life."
Tamari's glare turned even more intense, her vision swimming as she desperately tried to maintain consciousness despite his iron grip on her neck.
Fuck. I need to buy time for As-
Her thoughts were cut off as her eyes went wide again, her eyes barely able to see Asia as she looked sideways. The girl was struggling, her wrists held tightly as Bareth held her in place.
Fuck. Fuck.
"Beg," Dareth said simply, his grip becoming even tighter on her neck. In response, Tamari opened up her mouth, her breathing erratic as she…
Spat in his face.
"J-Just fucking kill me," Tamari spat, his eyes staring at Dareth with no small amount of anger.
I'd rather die than beg this bastard for anything.
"Kill you?" Dareth hummed, his face turning in a sadistic smirk, "Kill you? No, I won't kill you. I need my revenge."
Tamari was filled with a sense of dread as Dareth's other hand reached up, grabbing her hair and yanking her head forward so she was staring into his eyes, "That bastard humiliated me and took Celia. Then, he goes after my brother and takes his toys. Do you think we'd be satisfied with just killing you?"
Tamari's eyes went wide, horror filling her, but Dareth only grinned at her expression, "Don't worry, we'll keep you alive until that bastard gets back. I'll gladly show him what's left of you!"
Slowly, tears began to form in Tamari's eyes as Dareth looked her body up and down, his intentions clear.
I'm sorry…
"You can keep that one, Bareth," Dareth called out, his hand letting go of Tamari's hair as it started to lower down towards Tamari's chest, "This one is min-"
Dareth was cut off, jerking his head back as something shot past him.
"What the hel-" He was cut off again, being forced to let go of Tamari completely as another sharp object shot through the air, barely missing him as it grazed his cheek. Tamari coughed, blood and spit flying from her mouth as she could finally breathe again.
"Who the fuck…" He trailed off, his eyes glaring at his hand as he wiped a strand of blood of his cheek. Tamari glanced over, sighing in relief as she saw that Asia was also free from Bareth's grip.
"Boys are supposed to be nice to girls," A female voice rang out, "Boys these days are so naughty, right? They used to be such gentlemen…"
Tamari glanced down at the planet's surface, spotting her savior. Despite being hundreds of feet under the four recruits, Tamari could still hear her voice clearly, as if the woman was standing right next to her.
Long, blonde hair flowed down her back. A curvy body that was showcased clearly through the Saiyan under armor. Two twin bazookas on her chest.
"If you be mean to girls, they'll be mean back, y'know?" Shizuka hummed, the ditzy woman's face twisted in thought as she thought intensely about her next words.
Tamari didn't even see the woman move, but suddenly another sharp object ripped through the air.
"AGRH!" Dareth screamed out next to her, and she looked over to see the man clutching at his thigh in pain. His eyes were wide, his breath heavy as he stared at a sharp object sticking out of his thigh. It was dangerously close to his manhood.
A split second later, another pained shout rang out. Bareth clutched at his crotch as well, his eyes wide as his genitals were barely spared from being speared.
"A really mean girl might even cut your junk off," Shizuka finished, nodding at her own words, then pausing as if she was considering if they were true or not, "...Am I a mean girl?"
I really hope she's a mean girl.
Gray Tanaki:
[Saiyan Squad Captain]
Age: 18
Wallet: 4,595,770 Coins
Lvl: 23 (3,922,770/10,000,000 XP)
PL: 3,637,430,200
Available Points: 450
HP: 1,889,950/1,889,950
TKI: 2,582,475/2,582,475
STR: 1525
AGI: 1780
END: 1340
INT: 1415
CHA: 1245
LUK: 795
KI: 1655
HREG: 1176
EREG: 1176
Skills: [Observe LVL 10], [Running LVL 17], [Determination LVL 20], [Ki Control LVL 17], [Ki Gun LVL 14]. [Ki Enhancement LVL 10], [KI Suppression LVL 12], [Ki Sense LVL 9], [Pushup LVL 17], [Punch LVL 17], [Kick LVL 17], [Jump LVL 17], [Flight LVL 9], [Prediction LVL 7], [Zenkai Boost LVL 6], [Cognitive Acceleration LVL 9], [Ah! Lord Freiza! LVL 7], [Mouth-Beam LVL 6], [Ki-Blade LVL 8], [Cooking LVL 10], [Ki Barrage LVL 9], [Ki Explosion LVL 7], [Ki Vision LVL 7], [Attack Boost LVL 1], [Swimming LVL 9]
Perks: [Gamer's Mind], [Gamer's Body], [Double-edged Sword], [Legendary Super Saiyan], [Perfect Ozaru], [A Cute Pawn], [A Humble Master], [Ladies Man]
Fighting Styles: [Boxing Style: Kolra LVL 2], [Fighting Style: Broly LVL 1]
Party: [Saeko, Celia, Asuna, Ranfan]
AN: Thank you for reading! I'm going to be updating this story daily from now on, but half a chapter (or 1 post) every day! So, the second post for this chapter will be out tomorrow! for anyone who wants to support me or read ahead! (Up to chapter 46 available there!)