One day before Gray left for Earth - Planet Vegeta
"What do you want, kid?" The towering man in front of her asked. He was bald, with not a strand of hair on his head. In fact, he was so bald that his head was practically shining.
Bald head aside, he also had a rather ugly face, along with an extremely muscular body and tall frame. He wasn't a ball of muscles in the same way Bouleor was, but he still had muscles upon muscles. Overall, his body looked like it was prime for fighting. The body of a true elite warrior.
"I called you here to speak in private. Why is she here?" Celia asked simply, gesturing to the woman standing next to him.
"I was giving Nappy his checkup before he left!" Shizuka explained easily, smiling brightly at Celia, "Hello again, Celia! I haven't seen you in so long!"
"Yes, it's bee-" Celia was cut off as she was suddenly consumed in a cave of flesh. Shizuka's arms wrapped around her tightly, and she pushed her face into Shizuka's massive flopping breasts.
…They are too big.
Unfortunately, Shizuka had a bad habit of hugging people she liked. The woman was far too endowed to be acting this way, as she practically suffocated anyone she wrapped her arms around in her absurdly big breasts.
First Asia, and now her. I need to improve my physique.
Celia pushed away her thoughts of her 'competition,' both of whom had absurdly large breasts, and focused back on the issue at hand.
"I need to speak to you in private," Celia deadpanned, her words muffled as she was suffocated by Shizuka.
"Eh? Don't got time for that, brat!" Nappa waved her off, "Either say it now, or don't say it all."
"Don't worry about me, Celia! I'm really good at keeping secrets!" Shizuka said comfortingly, closing her eyes as she nodded at her own words. As she did, she unintentionally lifted up Celia's entire body, bouncing the girl's face up and down in her bazookas.
"...You are not," Celia replied blandly. Shizuka was notorious for being a ditzy bimbo who would talk too much and end up revealing secrets. That was the primary reason why she was working at the academy now, and not directly under King Vegeta.
Saying 'Oopsies' after revealing a heavily guarded secret could only work so many times.
However, she still did have one squad in particular that still demanded her support. She was truly the best at her job, even if she was a total bimbo.
"I totally am," Shizuka huffed, puffing out her cheeks as she placed Celia back on the ground and freed her from her iron grip, "I can keep a secret, I promise! I'm really good at it!"
Celia just stared at her blandly in return.
"It can't be that important, brat," Nappa said, raising an eyebrow at her, "Just hurry up and tell me. I need to get back into the field as soon as possible - Vegeta is waiting!"
"Fine," Celia sighed, her eyes steeling as she looked seriously at Nappa, "You will not be going back into the field. I am hea-"
"The hell do you mean, brat? Who are you to try and order me around, huh?" Nappa leaned forward, glaring down at Celia and cutting her off. Celia pushed away her annoyance at being interrupted.
"Let me finish," She grounded out, "I am headed off planet on a mission, and I nee-"
"Eh? You're going off planet?! On a mission?!" Nappa repeated dumbly, his face turning into a proud grin, "Ah! They grow up so fast, don't they, Shizuka?! I remember when you were so little! I used to change your diapers, y'know?"
"No, you didn't, Nappy," Shizuka corrected easily, and Nappa nodded.
"Of course not! I was too busy training Vegeta!" Nappa agreed loudly, immediately negating his previous statement.
"Let me finish," Celia said again, her eye twitching slightly at their antics, "I am heading off planet on a mission. I have some… friends, in the ac-"
"Friends? You have friends?!" Nappa spat out, his eyes nearly popping out his head, "You? Having friends? How did that happen?!"
"Don't be mean, Nappy," Shizuka scolded, shaking her head at his words.
"...Let me finish," Celia said for a third time, her face breaking as she was visibly annoyed, "I need someone to ensure that my friends won't be harmed. They should be fine, but I would like some insurance."
"From me?" Nappa said blandly, "Not happening. I need to get back to the front lines!"
"It'll only be for roughly a month. Consider it a break," Celia shot back.
"I don't need a break," Nappa waved her off dismissively, "Vegeta is waiting for me! He'll be pissed if I take that long!"
To think I'd use my triumph card on something like this.
"Protect them, and I'll tell my brother what he wants to know," Celia said bluntly.
She didn't want to reveal such information so easily - as it was the one thing that she could hold over Vegeta's head - but it seemed that she would have to. In order for Gray to become the man he needed to be, Asia and Tamari needed to stay alive.
Nappa blinked, staring at her strangely, "...seriously? It's that important?"
"It is," Celia replied evenly, "Two girls: A redhead named Tamari, and a blonde named Asia. They are both in D-Class. Preferably ensure that the rest of their friends are safe too, but those two are essential."
"..." Nappa stared at her for a moment, and then finally let out a disgruntled sigh, "Fine, brat. I'll make sure they stay alive until you get back."
"Not stay alive," Celia continued, staring him down intensely, "Make sure they aren't harmed at all. If anything happens to them then you'll have to explain to my brother why I won't tell him anything ever again."
"Yeah, yeah. Whatever," Nappa waved her off again, nodding at her, "I get it, alright? I'll make sure they're fine."
"Good," Celia nodded, "That's all I want."
Now, with her business finished, Celia promptly turned around and walked away. Nappa watched her leave, waiting until she was far gone before he spoke again.
"I'm leaving," Nappa said bluntly to Shizuka, "You can watch over the brats, right?"
"But she asked you to?" Shizuka countered, her beautiful face frowning at him, "I don't want to do extra work if I don't have to. I need overtime pay at least!"
"I'll pay you," Nappa grunted, "The kid you won't stop talking about. I'll make sure he gets into Vegeta's squad when he graduates."
"That's not payment! I don't want that!" Shizuka whined, frowning even deeper, "He's so cute! I don't want him in such a dangerous squad!"
"You're assigned to our squad, dumbass. You're assigned to only our squad. That means you'll be assigned to him," Nappa explained, watching as Shizuka's eyes widened in understanding, her face turning bright, "And stop calling him cute, you damn cougar."
"Don't call me that! I'm not that old!" Shizuka whined, her breasts bouncing as she crossed her arms under them.
"You're pushing thirty, and the brat is barely an adult," Nappa said dryly, much to Shizuka's chagrin.
"Thirty isn't that old!" Shizuka huffed, puffing out her cheeks. She wasn't actually wrong, as Saiyans lived much longer than most races.
Nappa glanced over at the woman as she pouted, wondering if he should actually be pushing off his work onto her.
…heh, it'll be fine.
Shizuka blinked, staring blankly at the wall in front of her as she put a finger on her chin. Just seconds earlier, a large bang had resounded nearby.
"Am I forgetting something?" She muttered, her face squishing as she thought extra hard.
"Probably!" Shizuka nodded sagely, then promptly ignored her own thoughts as she turned back to the computer in front of her.
"WAIT! The cute boy's naked body!" Shizuka suddenly shouted, her eyes going wide as she remembered her agreement with Nappa. The thought of being able to 'examine' and give Gray a 'check-up' once he was assigned to the squad spurred her into action.
Luckily for Tamari and Asia, Gray's handsomeness saved them from a terrible fate.
Unluckily for Dareth and Bareth, Gray's handsomeness caused both boys to wear reinforced 'crotch armor' as a result of almost having their junk blown off.
Extra unluckily for Dareth and Bareth, Gray's handsomeness would cause both boys would develop a deep truama as Shizuka went a bit overboard on her 'etiquette lesson.' Though, if you ask her, it wasn't her fault. Gray's friend kept egging her on, and she had to make a good first impression with her, right?
Planet Vegeta - the day after the Raditz Squad returns.
"...Where is he?" King Vegeta asked bluntly, staring at the two figures in front of him, "I told you two and the boy to be here. Where the hell is he?"
"He hasn't arrived back on the planet, Father," Celia answered easily.
" said the same thing yesterday," King Vegeta growled, his eye twitching at her response, "You wouldn't be lying to me, would you, daughter?"
As he finished, the pressure of Celia's shoulders doubled as the King's intrusive Ki filled the room. Next to her, Raditz's shoulders shook, his legs wobbling slightly from the force.
"I am not," Celia replied simply.
"Really? So, if I happened to…" King Vegeta trailed off, holding up his palm as a ball of Ki formed on it, "Kill you, would that make him come back quicker?"
"No, it won't," Celia deadpanned, her face emotionless in the face of her fathers threat, "Unfortunately, this isn't some ploy to betray you. I wish it was, because then I would know where Gray was. I have no idea why he hasn't arrived yet."
King Vegeta stared into her eyes intensely, the Ki ball growing slightly wider. Then, as Celia's face didn't change, he let out a sigh and allowed the Ki ball to dissipate.
"Hah. Whatever. There's a chance there was some space debris that is causing a delay," King Vegeta huffed dismissively, waving his hand back at them as he turned around and walked back toward his throne, "Bring him to me the moment he arrives."
"Yes, Your Highness," Raditz's nodded.
"Yes, Father," Celia confirmed.
Both Saiyans then turned around, walking through the towering doors behind them as they left the throne room.
"You didn't mess with his pod before we left, did you?" Celia asked accusingly, raising an eyebrow at him as her eyes narrowed in. She didn't take Raditz as someone to do something so cowardly, but after the man had been 'bitched,' as Gray called it, so badly, she couldn't be sure if he tried to get revenge or not.
"As if. I value my life too much for that," Raditz bit back, shaking his head at her words. As Celia confirmed he wasn't lying with her ability, she frowned slightly.
"Out of all the issues that could've occurred with the mission, I didn't expect this to be the one that occurred," Celia frowned.
She had foreseen a lot of issues that could come with the Earth mission - after all, they had headed to a deadly planet on what was essentially a suicide mission. Gray getting lost on the way back had not been one of her concerns.
Celia stepped out onto the balcony in front of her, staring up in the dark sky as she let out another sigh.
Where the hell are you, Gray?
"Where the hell am I?" Gray asked again, staring blankly at the planet around him. He turned around, raising his hand and poking his space pod lightly, "Hey, spaceship. Where the fuck am I?"
Unfortunately, the Saiyan pod didn't respond. Luckily for him, something else did.
[Quest Alert]
Free the Planet 'Yardrat'
+10,000,000 XP
+500 Attribute points (10x multiplier from [Nightmare Mode])
+100 MP!
A random [Common] [Magical] skill!
A random [Rare] [Magical] skill!
A random [Epic] [Magical] skill!
Two random [Magical] skills
Nothing… for now!
Gray blinked, staring blankly at the notification.
Yardrat. The planet Goku trained on after his fight with Frieza, and where he learned his 'Instant Transmission' technique.
"Why the fuck am I on Yardrat?"
Despite his words, Gray had a large grin on his face.
Gray Tanaki:
[Saiyan Squad Captain]
Age: 18
Wallet: 4,595,770 Coins
Lvl: 23 (3,922,770/10,000,000 XP)
PL: 3,637,430,200
Available Points: 450
HP: 1,889,950/1,889,950
TKI: 2,582,475/2,582,475
STR: 1525
AGI: 1780
END: 1340
INT: 1415
CHA: 1245
LUK: 795
KI: 1655
HREG: 1176
EREG: 1176
Skills: [Observe LVL 10], [Running LVL 17], [Determination LVL 20], [Ki Control LVL 17], [Ki Gun LVL 14]. [Ki Enhancement LVL 10], [KI Suppression LVL 12], [Ki Sense LVL 9], [Pushup LVL 17], [Punch LVL 17], [Kick LVL 17], [Jump LVL 17], [Flight LVL 9], [Prediction LVL 7], [Zenkai Boost LVL 6], [Cognitive Acceleration LVL 9], [Ah! Lord Freiza! LVL 7], [Mouth-Beam LVL 6], [Ki-Blade LVL 8], [Cooking LVL 10], [Ki Barrage LVL 9], [Ki Explosion LVL 7], [Ki Vision LVL 7], [Attack Boost LVL 1], [Swimming LVL 9]
Perks: [Gamer's Mind], [Gamer's Body], [Double-edged Sword], [Legendary Super Saiyan], [Perfect Ozaru], [A Cute Pawn], [A Humble Master], [Ladies Man]
Fighting Styles: [Boxing Style: Kolra LVL 2], [Fighting Style: Broly LVL 1]
Party: [Saeko, Celia, Asuna, Ranfan]
AN: Thank you for reading! This is officially the start of the Yardrat Arc, which will also delve into a bit more magical stuff!
The next update will be tomorrow, or you can read up to chapter 46 on !