Well, I don't know why I'm here, but what else can I do but try to find out?
The other option was to try to operate the Saiyan pod to get back to Planet Vegeta. Considering Celia always set up his ship for him, Gray wasn't confident in trying to figure it out himself. And, more importantly…
These OP-ass quest rewards.
The magical skills were a huge driving factor in him wanting to stay on Yardrat to complete the quest, but the even bigger reward was the '+100 MP' that he would get.
My other magical skill is still useless right now because I don't have any MP. Bullshit Nightmare Mode wanted me to complete a whole other quest to unlock it, huh?
Gray took one last glance back at his Saiyan pod, and then turned back to look at the dull gray wasteland ahead of him.
First step - Find civilization.
Gray glanced out, stretching out his senses to find a Ki signature. As he did, he abruptly flinched, wincing as a sudden pain wracked his head.
-5,000HP! (1,884,950/1,889,950)
The fuck?
As Gray tried to search for a Ki signature, he found that he couldn't. Not that there weren't any nearby, but that he physically couldn't. It was as if the Ki in his body was rebelling against him, pushing back as he tried to utilize it. When he tried to forcefully shove his Ki outward, he was met with the same result as before.
-5,000HP! (1,879,950/1,889,950)
The hell is going on?
His question was answered soon enough.
You have been affected by [?]'s [Trick Barrier]
You have been inflicted with the [Ki Counterflow] status condition!
Gray blinked, staring at the notification in front of him.
Nothing can ever be simple in this damn game, huh?
He tapped on the status condition, and more information appeared under it.
[Ki Counterflow] - In this state, the flow of Ki is reversed. Attempting to utilize Ki in this state will result in recoil effects.
Gray stared blandly at the description. He wasn't sure what was going on, but he knew it wasn't good.
So, essentially, I can't use Ki? Fucking Nightmare Mode.
Not being able to utilize his Ki was a problem - in more regards than just fighting. Fighting was obviously the biggest one, but he also wouldn't be able to go around the planet easily. Not having flight, or being able to enhance his physical abilities, would make traversing an entire planet much more difficult.
Even worse, there was someone at least decently strong on Yardrat. The fact that they used a skill on him, likely a magical one too, as soon as he arrived meant that the 'barrier' skill probably encompassed the entire planet. Gray wasn't sure how difficult it was to cover an entire planet with a status effect using magic, but he assumed that it wasn't easy.
And now I'll have to fight some possibly-super-strong magic wielder without Ki. This is starting to get too risky - can I just force through the status effect?
Gray held up his hand, his palm pointing at the ground in front of him. He tried to form a small Ki ball on his hand, forcing his Ki to flow out onto his palm even as if fought against him.
-5,000HP! (1,874,950/1,889,950)
His eye twitched slightly as a jolt of pain went through his hand, but he didn't stop. He closed his eyes as he focused, forcing the Ki to obey him even as it tried to fight against him.
-10,000HP! (1,864,950/1,889,950)
Come on, fucking Ki.
His eyes tightened close, and he continued trying to force the Ki forward. Eventually, after another couple jolts of pain, a small ball of Ki formed on his hand.
It's possible, but I should only do this as a last resort.
The pain had gradually increased as he had forced his own Ki to bend to his will, resulting in him losing nearly fifty-thousand HP by the time the Ki ball was decently sized.
Sacrificing that much HP for just a small ball isn't good. If I try to use an actually lethal attack, I'll end up killing myself with the recoil.
Gray let out a disappointed sigh as he stared out into the empty wasteland ahead of him, resigning himself to the arduous task of navigating the planet and completing his quest without the use of Ki to aid him.
Is all this really worth the reward?
Eh, it's three magic skills. Fuck it.
Gray tensed his legs, shooting forward in a blur as he shot forward into the landscape. Despite not being able to enhance his body with Ki, he was still a well-trained Saiyan. Even while running, his body was nothing more than a blur as he sprinted across the planet.
I haven't had to use my eyes to search for something in a while.
Gray glanced around, his eyes peeled as the world around him blurred past.
Some rocks… a mountain… nice little forest… a lake… a giant purple city…a random crater…
Gray blinked, stopping his tracks abruptly and leaving a trench of dirt under his feet as he skidded to a stop. Directly to his right was an enormous, unmistakably purple city. Its buildings stretched high into the air, their surfaces gleaming with an otherworldly sheen. They were built from large, violet bricks that somehow looked both stone-age-like and futuristic at the same time. Glowing blocks adorned some of the structures, pulsing faintly with bright energy. The streets were lined with towering spires, giving the whole city an almost mystical, arcane feel
Well, that looks like a magic-ass city if I've ever seen one.
Gray shot forward again, sprinting through the wasteland and appearing at the outskirts of the city in an instant. Despite all the towering, glowing, buildings around him, the streets were still barren and rocky. The buildings on the outskirts were much smaller than the towering ones deeper in the city, and as Gray glanced around, he didn't spot any sign of life.
Guess I'll have to go deeper.
Gray continued forward, walking more leisurely as he strode down the street. He felt strangely lost without his ability to sense Ki, and was debating going through the minor amount of pain to find someone, when finally he spotted someone ahead.
'Someone' was actually multiple someones, as there were multiple small aliens lining the street, most of which were sitting on the hard floor in front of the buildings. They differed in appearance, as some were entirely green with tear-drop shaped heads, and some were prink with more round heads. However, they all had the same outfit on - which consisted of a white undershirt, blue over armor, and a furly collar around their necks.
Yeah, definitely Yardrat.
"Yo," Gray said casually, waving his hand at the closest one to him. From what he knew about the race, they were rather friendly. After all, they had been willing to take care of Goku after he arrived heavily wounded from his fight with Frieza, and had also been willing to train Vegeta.
The small green alien slowly looked up at Gray, then abruptly jerked his head back and stared at the ground in front of him.
Eh? Maybe that one is just anti-social.
"Hey," Gray tried again, turning to the other side of the street, where another small green alien was sitting on the hard floor. Gray frowned as he got a similar result - the small alien glanced at him for a second, and then promptly ignored him and stared down at the floor, not meeting his eyes.
The fuck?
Despite the many aliens around him, the street was eerily silent.
"I just landed on this planet by accident, alright? It'd be nice if one of you guys could help me out," Gray tried again, speaking loudly as his voice resonated down the quiet street. As he did, he drew the attention of many of the aliens sitting around miscellaneously, but all of them joined the previous Yardratians in staring at the street silently.
"The fuck? Do you guys speak a different language or somethin'?" Gray muttered, glancing around at the aliens as none of them would meet his gaze. He walked forward a bit more, then stopped as he glanced around again.
Well, this isn't going good so far.
"...We do not want trouble, demon. State your business and quit mocking us," Gray blinked, spinning around as one of the tens of aliens huddled on the side of the street finally spoke. It was a pink one, with a large round forehead and whiskers on his face. The Yardratian stood up, staring down Gray with an emotionless expression.
"E-Elder…" One of the pink aliens that had been sitting next to him whisper-shouted, looking worriedly at the standing Yardratian.
"Demon?" Gray raised an eyebrow curiously at the man, "I just told you what I want - I landed here on accident just now. Literally, like five minutes ago. I can't use my energy here, so I came to the nearest city I could find to figure out what's going on"
A decent reason, right?
Gray couldn't exactly tell them that he was actually here to defeat whoever was oppressing the Yardratians to complete his quest, so this excuse would have to do.
I need more information.
The Yardratian paused for a moment, staring emotionlessly at Gray again. His eyes scanned Gray's body, looking him up and down and then scanning across his face.
"...He might be telling the truth," The man finally muttered, his face looking suspicious but relaxing slightly, "His ears are not pointed."
"...Y-You're right," Another Yardratian said abruptly, standing up behind the first one. He was shorter, but also pink with a round head. The second man walked forward, taking no regard for Gray's personal space as he started blatantly staring at Gray's ears.
"What are you doing?" Gray asked bluntly, watching the small pink alien stare at his ears in slight awe.
"M-My apologies for our rudeness," The second Yardratian nodded quickly, "My name is Jamin. Our kind is very welcoming to newcomers, but it has been a while since we have seen one! What planet do you hail from, stranger?"
"Planet Vegeta," Gray answered smoothly, "I'm a Saiyan."
"A-A Saiyan?" Jamin's eyes went wide, "This deep in the galaxy? Have you come to take over this planet?"
'This deep?' Did I somehow go the opposite way of Planet Vegeta?
"Nah, I just told you," Gray waved him off easily, "I landed here by accident. My spaceship got hit off course by something. Don't worry, I don't want to fight or anything like that."
"Hmmph. I almost wish you were here to claim our planet," The first Yardrat muttered, stepping forward again, "Even being under that tyrant Frieza would be better than him. My name is Tamir. I apologize for my previous rudeness - I had assumed you were a demon here to mock us."
"A demon?" Gray asked again, raising an eyebrow at Tamir, "Why would I be a demon?"
I know my body looks different now, but I don't look like a demon, do I? I also have a fucking tail! Oh, wait, maybe that makes me look even more demon-like?
"Ah, Saiyans are a humanoid race," Tamir explained, "The only humanoids here are demons."
"There are demons here?" Gray asked, pressing for more information.
"Indeed. Out of the kindness that the People of Yardrat bear for other races, I will give you a warning," Tamir said, his face turning deathly serious as he stared into Gray's eyes, "Please, go back to your spaceship and leave immediately. This planet has nothing to offer you but despair."
Damn, harsh.
"Eh?" Gray hummed at his dramatic words, merely smirking slightly at Tamir, "And if I don't?"
Which I won't. I want those rewards.
"Then, if you are lucky, you will merely die," Tamir spit out, his eyes deathly serious as he stared into Gray's, "You mentioned before that you noticed that you can not utilize your energy here. That is the same for all beings on this planet. He has made it so - and when he finds out you are here, you will meet a fate worse than death."
"'He'?" Gray raised an eyebrow, "Who's 'he'?"
"The tyrant who has taken our planet, our power, and enslaved our race," Tamir continued darkly, glancing down as a shadow covered his eyes, "A demon who wields deadly magic."
Gray blinked at his words, staring back at Tamir.
Heh, not just a magic wielder, but also a demon?
"Interesting," Gray hummed, a smirk appearing on his face, "I've never fought a demon before."
This will be fun.
Gray Tanaki:
[Saiyan Squad Captain]
Age: 18
Wallet: 4,595,770 Coins
Lvl: 23 (3,922,770/10,000,000 XP)
PL: 3,637,430,200
Available Points: 450
HP: 1,889,950/1,889,950
TKI: 2,582,475/2,582,475
STR: 1525
AGI: 1780
END: 1340
INT: 1415
CHA: 1245
LUK: 795
KI: 1655
HREG: 1176
EREG: 1176
Skills: [Observe LVL 10], [Running LVL 17], [Determination LVL 20], [Ki Control LVL 17], [Ki Gun LVL 14]. [Ki Enhancement LVL 10], [KI Suppression LVL 12], [Ki Sense LVL 9], [Pushup LVL 17], [Punch LVL 17], [Kick LVL 17], [Jump LVL 17], [Flight LVL 9], [Prediction LVL 7], [Zenkai Boost LVL 6], [Cognitive Acceleration LVL 9], [Ah! Lord Freiza! LVL 7], [Mouth-Beam LVL 6], [Ki-Blade LVL 8], [Cooking LVL 10], [Ki Barrage LVL 9], [Ki Explosion LVL 7], [Ki Vision LVL 7], [Attack Boost LVL 1], [Swimming LVL 9]
Perks: [Gamer's Mind], [Gamer's Body], [Double-edged Sword], [Legendary Super Saiyan], [Perfect Ozaru], [A Cute Pawn], [A Humble Master], [Ladies Man]
Fighting Styles: [Boxing Style: Kolra LVL 2], [Fighting Style: Broly LVL 1]
Party: [Saeko, Celia, Asuna, Ranfan]
AN: Thank you for reading! The next update will be tomorrow! if you'd like to read ahead (Up to chapter 47) or support me!