"Please, I must insist that you leave," Tamir spoke again hastily, following shortly behind Gray as he continued walking down the street, "You have nothing to gain from being here!"
"I'll get to fight a demon," Gray replied casually, walking through the towering city. The Yardratians lining the streets had ended earlier, leading Gray to believe that he'd initially entered the equivalent of the slums on Yardrat, "That's more than enough reason to stay."
"You can't use your energy!" Tamir said, a bit more urgency in his voice as the duo headed deeper into the city, "You will stand no chance against the demon!"
"I have fists," Gray replied easily, holding up a fist casually, "I'll just beat the shit outta him."
"That won't work! You Saiyans are as dumb as the rumors say," Tamir bit out, starting to sound annoyed, "I'm trying to save your life, Saiyan! Leave now!"
"Not happening," Gray hummed in response, "Why do you want me to leave so bad anyway? If I win, then this demon tyrant guy is gone. If I lose, then I'm just a random dead Sayian who you just met."
Unfortunately, the second result wasn't all the unlikely.
I've never fought a magic wielder before, or a demon. I need to be careful.
So, while Gray was seemingly walking aimlessly into the large city, he wasn't actually planning to just bang on the demon's front door and demand a fight.
He thought I was a demon because I'm a humanoid. That means that there are more demons here than just the ruler.
And so, the current plan was simple: Find a random demon grunt in the city, beat his ass, and decide what to do next depending on how difficult it was. If even a mere grunt gave him trouble, then Gray would forfeit the rewards and just head back to Planet Vegeta.
The quest doesn't have a time limit, and there's no consequence for failing.
He could always come back at a later date when he was more equipped to deal with magic.
However, if the demon grunts ended up being nothing more than cannon fodder that he could handle easily, then he would risk trying to take on some stronger demons, and eventually the ruler himself.
It would be so lame if I left because I was worried about bullshit magic and then the ruler turns out to be a weakling.
That was a very real possibility, as Yardrat wasn't exactly the hardest planet to conquer. The Yardratians were all trained in combat, but that mostly stemmed from their powerful techniques and not their actual fighting ability.
Gray casually glanced back at Tamir, taking in his short and skinny body.
Yeah, without Ki these guys probably aren't that tough.
"Y-You…" Tamir stuttered out at his words, the man's face looking torn as he continued to try and convince Gray, "Our people have always been kind and welcoming to other races! It's how we are! I would never forgive myself for letting a visitor die uselessly when I could stop them!"
"I appreciate it, but I don't intend to die," Gray shot back dryly, staring ahead as the buildings seemed to grow taller and brighter with every second. They were slowly approaching the heart of the city. His thoughts were confirmed as he heard a sound up ahead - sounding like the chatter of a crowd of people.
The portion of the city that they had been walking through so far was eerily quiet, and without being able to sense Ki, Gray didn't know if it was because the buildings surrounding them were truly empty or if anyone nearby was holed up inside.
"T-Then, if you will not heed my warning, at least let me assist you," Tamir finally said, his face conceding as he realized Gray wouldn't back down.
"Assist me? How are you gonna do that?" Gray asked casually, glancing over his shoulder at Tamir.
Maybe these guys really can fight without Ki?
"Information," Tamir said, steel in his voice, "I know you are a Saiyan, but even you must know that charging in recklessly is a death wish, correct?"
Perfect. I need all the information I can get.
"I do," Gray confirmed, nodding as he stopped in his tracks, fully turning around to look at Tamir, "Alright, lay it on me."
"Not here," Tamri gritted out, gesturing forward down the long street in front of them, "We are too close to the center of the city. There is a chance a demon will spot us - follow me, I will lead us to somewhere more private."
Gray nodded, but then stared blandly as Tamir continued down the long road, going against his previous statement instantly, "Y'know that you're heading closer to the center of the city, right?"
"I know that," Tamir waved him off, "Just follow me. A friend of mine lives just a bit further ahead - I will explain everything to you there."
Gray decided to trust his words and continued following Tamir deeper into the city. As he did, the chatter of voices became louder, and Gray quickly saw who they belonged to.
"Hell, why are they coming this far out?" Tamir muttered ahead of him, his voice hushed as he seemed worried.
Far ahead there was a crowd of people, looking as if there was a party in the middle of the street. However, it was so far away that even with Gray's supernatural eyesight he couldn't make out anything beyond silhouettes.
The concerning part was much closer - walking down the street in the opposite direction that Gray and Tamir were heading stood three women. Gray didn't need his system to know they weren't human, as the large feathery wings sticking out their back gave it away.
Damn. I didn't know demons were hot.
In the middle, an obviously intoxicated blue-haired woman was stumbling forward. She was decently tall, looking to be a few inches below six-foot. She had a beautiful angular face, long blue hair that flowed down her back, and tipped pointed ears.
She was wearing a red outfit that looked like the mixture of a dress and a suit, as it had a small red skirt that barely went below her thighs and a loose red coat-like shirt that was barely being held together by one button. However, her most noticeable features were her…
What the fuck - those are even bigger than Asia's!
On her chest sat two large cannons, her breasts being pushed together and shoved up by her too-tight shirt as the sole button threatened to break with every step she took. The woman's breasts were huge - massive, even. She could likely even give Shizuka a run for her money.
Those can't be real… She kind of looks familiar too.
Gray casually used [Observe].
[Stern] Kalawarna:
Age: 37
PL: 125,900,750
HP: 210,225/215,700
TKI: 2,500/2,500
Reputation: 0/0 (Neutral)
[Stern] Modifier - Individuals with this modifier will be naturally stern and unbending.
She doesn't look very stern to me.
Gray thought dryly, watching the woman drunkenly stumble down the street. Most importantly:
She has almost no Ki.
[Observe] didn't reveal an MP stat, but he figured that as a demon she prioritized MP over Ki.
Gray casually turned his gaze to the two women walking next to Kalawarna, both of whom looked decidedly less intoxicated, as they were walking normally as opposed to stumbling.
The one on the left had long, black hair that flowed to the middle of her back. She had an equally beautiful face, and black eyes that looked bored as she casually walked next to Kalawarna.
She's just wearing that? No one has a problem with that?
Gray stared blandly at the woman's outfit, which looked like something straight out of a BDSM porno. She had on a thin-black bikini-like bra that barely covered her nipples, an even thinner small black fabric covering her crotch, along with a thick black stocking-like fabric that went from her knees down to her tall black boots. She also had on a thin black collar around her neck, twin black gauntlets on her arms, and spikey shoulder plates on her shoulders.
Damn, she's hot.
The woman's breasts were significantly smaller than Kalawarna's, but still looked like they could give even Asia's a run for their money. Her skimpy outfit also revealed her thick thighs and a thick butt that could be seen even from the front.
[Cruel] Raynare:
Age: 28
PL: 374,250,500
HP: 452,975/452,975
TKI: 10,900/10,900
Reputation: 0/0 (Neutral)
[Cruel] Modifier - Individuals with this modifier will be naturally cruel.
She also doesn't have much Ki compared to her power level.
The final girl of the trio was much more normal looking than the other two - she still had a pair of massive feathery wings sticking out of her back, but she didn't have ridiculously large breasts on her chest. Instead, she was rather petite, with twin tufts of blonde hair on her head. Her face was more cute than sexy, and she was dressed much more modestly.
She wore what looked like a maid's outfit that led into a thick white dress skirt, along with a black bow tied in the middle. She also had a pair of white stockings on her legs, which led down into her thin small black shoes.
[Mischievous] Mittelt:
Age: 22
PL: 105,225,900
HP: 202,925/202,925
TKI: 4,000/4,000
Reputation: 0/0 (Neutral)
[Mischievous] Modifier - Individuals with this modifier will be naturally mischievous
A busty milf, a petite maid, and a dominatrix. Did they just leave from a porno shoot?
"Damn it! Quickly, I'll use a technique to hide our features so they do-" Tamir cut himself off as he winced in pain, apparently forgetting in his panic that he couldn't easily utilize his Ki, "Gah! J-Just keep your head down, and follow me. We must not let them spot u-"
"Why the hell is this little guy in my way?!" Tamir was cut off as they were spotted, Kalawarna drunkenly stumbling forward and pointing at Tamir, "Why do we have to be stationed on a planet with a bunch of ugly rats? Ugh!"
"M-My apologies! I'll m-move right awa-" Tamir was cut off as his eyes went wide, the man taking a step back and shielding his face as Kalawarna suddenly shot forward, her leg lashing out in a kick directed at his head.
Luckily for the Yardratian, her large boot never hit his face, as it was casually stopped by Gray's hand.
"You're hot, so I won't beat your ass yet," Gray hummed casually, his hand wrapped around Kalawarna's ankle. Kalawarna flushed, glaring forward at Gray as she put more force in her leg, trying to continue her kick stupidly through his grip. It didn't work, and Gray just looked at her dryly.
"L-Let go of me, you bastard!" Kalawarna growled yanking her leg back. Gray obliged, and the woman stumbled back, falling onto her thick ass with a pained hiss.
"Who the hell are you?" Raynare asked, walking up behind Kalawarna as Mittelt helped the drunk woman stand back up. She looked down her nose at Gray, a look of disgust on her face, "One of those rat-loving softies, huh? You should know your place!"
As she finished her words, Raynare held up her palm. As she did, a small collection of light formed, eventually evening out into the shape of a spear.
It's like a Ki-sword, but she didn't use Ki.
Gray tilted his head to the side casually as Raynare thrust her spear forward, the spear of light slashing next to his head but being too slow to do any damage. As he dodged the attack, his hand shot up, wrapping around Raynare's wrist and squeezing it.
"A-Ah," Raynare hissed, wincing in pain from the pressure he applied. As she did, the spear in her hand dissipated into the air. Her other hand shot up, another light spear forming it in as she stabbed it towards Gray's gut.
As she did, Gray casually raised his other hand, slamming his fist forward into the side of the spear. As he made contact, a light burning sensation rolled around his knuckles, but he didn't take any damage as the spear broke into pieces of light that dissipated into the air.
Good to know - I didn't need to cover my hand in Ki to break it. My END is enough to mitigate any damage from touching it.
"You done?" Gray asked with a smirk, looking down at Raynare like she was a child throwing a tantrum. She glared back in response, yanking her arm back. Gray let go, letting the woman stumble backward.
"W-What the hell…" She muttered, staring at Gray in confusion and with a bit of fear in her eyes, "Someone like you shouldn't be here…"
"Someone like me?" Gray asked casually, raising an eyebrow at her.
"Who sent you?" Mittelt spoke this time, her voice higher-pitched and squeaker than the other two as she glared forward at him.
"Sent me?" Gray echoed again in confusion, not sure what the three women were talking about.
"D-Don't play dumb!" Mittelt hissed, glaring forward at him again, "Stop hiding them! How many wings do you have?!"
"Um… zero?" Gray replied blandly, still not understanding why she was asking him that. Mittelt looked equally confused at his answer, looking over at Raynare for help.
"Wait… a tail?" Raynare muttered, her eyes going wide as they shot down to his tail wrapped around his waist, and then back up to his ears. Her face dawned in understanding.
"H-He's not a fallen! He's a Saiyan!" Raynare hissed, taking a step back as another duo of light spears appeared in her hands.
"A Saiyan?" Kalawarna asked drunkenly, though the woman seemed to sober up slightly as he planted her feet on the ground, a light spear forming in her hand.
"A Saiyan?!" Mittelt echoed in surprise, a spear of her own appearing in her hand, "Then we need to kill him, right?"
"Yes! We can't let anyone learn what our Lord is doing here!" Raynare shouted, her eyes glaring forward at Gray. She stepped forward, and now all three angry winged-demon women were readying themselves to attack.
Well, at least I found the demon grunts quickly.
Gray raised his fist.
I hate to fight such babes, but…
Gray's stance shifted into a fighting one.
You gotta do what you gotta do.
Gray Tanaki:
[Saiyan Squad Captain]
Age: 18
Wallet: 4,595,770 Coins
Lvl: 23 (3,922,770/10,000,000 XP)
PL: 3,637,430,200
Available Points: 450
HP: 1,889,950/1,889,950
TKI: 2,582,475/2,582,475
STR: 1525
AGI: 1780
END: 1340
INT: 1415
CHA: 1245
LUK: 795
KI: 1655
HREG: 1176
EREG: 1176
Skills: [Observe LVL 10], [Running LVL 17], [Determination LVL 20], [Ki Control LVL 17], [Ki Gun LVL 14]. [Ki Enhancement LVL 10], [KI Suppression LVL 12], [Ki Sense LVL 9], [Pushup LVL 17], [Punch LVL 17], [Kick LVL 17], [Jump LVL 17], [Flight LVL 9], [Prediction LVL 7], [Zenkai Boost LVL 6], [Cognitive Acceleration LVL 9], [Ah! Lord Freiza! LVL 7], [Mouth-Beam LVL 6], [Ki-Blade LVL 8], [Cooking LVL 10], [Ki Barrage LVL 9], [Ki Explosion LVL 7], [Ki Vision LVL 7], [Attack Boost LVL 1], [Swimming LVL 9]
Perks: [Gamer's Mind], [Gamer's Body], [Double-edged Sword], [Legendary Super Saiyan], [Perfect Ozaru], [A Cute Pawn], [A Humble Master], [Ladies Man]
Fighting Styles: [Boxing Style: Kolra LVL 2], [Fighting Style: Broly LVL 1]
Party: [Saeko, Celia, Asuna, Ranfan]
AN: Thank you for reading! The next chapter will be out tomorrow!
You can also read chapters early on !