From Theory to Practice: The Beginning of Competition

A month had passed since I started at this preparatory school. With the agreement I made with the president to "buy" my silence for 2 million private points, I had lived like a king: enjoying exquisite meals and buying everything I desired. Although I haven't squandered all the money, I've only used one million points so far; I'm not that reckless.

Over this month, several things had happened. I had become very close friends with Amikura-san and Himeno, whom I just call Himeno because she prefers not to use honorifics. I had also developed a good relationship with Ichinose-san; who wouldn't get along with her? She's like a social butterfly. Additionally, I made male friends, such as Shibata, who joined the football club with me. I also made friends from other classes who share the same club. The one I get along with the best is Hirata, a boy from Class D. He's a very pleasant person who enjoys football, and considering his dedication to the club, it's odd that he's in Class D.

Regarding the classes, the day after Ichinose-san and I decided to inform our classmates about the workings of the S-System, we revealed all the information we had. Fortunately, some had already had doubts about the amount of points they had received. We showed key details, such as free food, the cameras, basic necessity products at no cost, and I also presented photos of the class points from the second year. My classmates agreed with Ichinose-san and me that we should all behave in the best possible way, both inside and outside the classroom. Honestly, I'm grateful to have ended up in such a understanding and friendly class.

It was May 1st, and today they were expected to reveal more information about the S-System. How did I know? Well, that's pretty obvious.

Professor Hoshinomiya entered the classroom with a smile, and surprisingly, she looked quite cheerful. It was rare to see her in such a normal state, as she usually arrived with a hangover almost every day. Honestly, I'm surprised she still works at this school.

—Good morning everyone —said Hoshinomiya—. Today I have an important announcement to make.

—Will it be about the S-System? —asked Kanzaki. Kanzaki was a straightforward and serious boy, but diligent. At first, he was one of those who doubted the amount of private points.

—Yes, Kanzaki-kun —confirmed Hoshinomiya—. Much of what I'm going to tell you is about that, but you already know most of it.

Then, Hoshinomiya-Sensei pulled out an envelope and showed a paper with written information.

—What I have here are the results of the class points from the last month for all the classes. Let me tell you that you did wonderfully; your sensei is very happy —she said, looking at the board for the results.

Class A: 940 points

Class B: 930 points

Class C: 490 points

Class D: 0 points

—Although you are already quite familiar with the S-System, as your teacher it's my responsibility to explain some details again. So, if you still have doubts or if something is not completely clear, please pay close attention to the explanation.

—First, let's talk about the hierarchy between classes. Each class starts with 1000 class points at the beginning of each month. These points represent the overall performance and behavior of the class. Throughout the month, your behavior both inside and outside the classroom is taken into account to adjust these points.

—Every time you commit a fault, class points will be deducted. Faults can range from not adhering to school rules to inappropriate behavior. For each fault, private points of the students will also be affected.

—The performance of each class is evaluated through these points. At the end of each month, the accumulated class points are reviewed and compared with those of other classes. The class with the highest number of points is considered the best in terms of performance and behavior.

—Points are affected by faults or any other reasons that reduce your score. If a class has fewer points than another, that class will move down in the hierarchy. For example, if you have fewer points than Class C, you will take Class C's place, and Class C will rise to Class B.

—So it is crucial to maintain good conduct and academic performance to avoid falling in the rankings.

—It is important that everyone collaborates and behaves in the best possible way to maintain and increase class points. Your goal is to maximize points so that your class remains in a good position in the hierarchy and thus, obtain more benefits within the school.

—Remember, the system is designed to motivate you to behave excellently and to strive academically. So, work together and keep your class points high!

Although we were already somewhat familiar with this system, Hoshinomiya-sensei decided to explain it again to ensure everyone understood.

It seems we were just 10 points away from surpassing Class A; I suppose there's a reason they are the top class. And as I suspected, Class D ended up in last place with 0 points. What on earth is that class doing?

—Wow, we were just 10 points away from Class A —said Amikura-san—. I even tried my best to stay silent in class.

—I think it's a good result —commented Himeno—. After all, we're not robots to get everything perfect.

—Himeno-san is right. We shouldn't get discouraged just because we're a bit behind Class A. We can surpass them later —added Ichinose with optimism.

—Class D with 0 points, huh... it seems it was true that they were the worst class —commented Kanzaki.

—Sensei, do you know which points are considered to rank students into different classes? —I asked, still with many doubts about it.

—Unfortunately, I cannot answer that question —replied Hoshinomiya.

—I see —I said, resigned.

—Oh! Almost forgot —continued Hoshinomiya—. I'll give you the results of the surprise exam you took a few days ago.

Hoshinomiya-sensei said these exams wouldn't be counted for anything and were just for reference, so I left it blank.

Hoshinomiya-Sensei pulled out another sheet along with the previous one, showing the exam results.

—As you can see, almost everyone scored above the average, except one student who scored zero because they left the exam blank —she said, looking at me.

—Under normal circumstances, Osawa-kun would be expelled —she said, while everyone was surprised. I was surprised too.

—S-sensei, what do you mean by expelled? —asked Shibata, visibly nervous.

—Just as I said, this school takes academic performance very seriously. If a student does not meet the minimum score, they will be expelled —explained Hoshinomiya.

—Is there any way to reverse the expulsion? —I asked, hoping there was a solution.

—I'm glad you asked —said Hoshinomiya—. The answer is yes, but it comes at a high cost.

—How much would it be? —inquired Ichinose.

—It would be 20 million private points or 300 class points. Either of the two can reverse a student's expulsion —replied Hoshinomiya.

—Wow, that's too expensive —commented Ichinose.

—Indeed it is. So you will have to work very hard from now on to avoid losing any of your classmates —said Hoshinomiya, with a serious tone.

—Sensei, is there any other way to earn class points? —I asked, hoping she could answer.

—Yes, there is —answered Hoshinomiya—. There are special exams that can affect the accumulation of class points. Unfortunately, I can't give you many details about these exams, as they will be revealed closer to the date. However, I can tell you that not only academic performance will be evaluated, but also other factors.

I understood that, since academic performance is not the only consideration, aspects such as athletic ability, cooperation, strategy, among others, might also be evaluated.

—By the way, in a month you will have the official exams —continued Hoshinomiya—. So I recommend you start studying now. At the end of this week, I will provide you with the topics that will be covered in the exam.

With that, Hoshinomiya-sensei began the class. It wasn't the only thing that would begin, as from now on, the real competition between the classes in this merit-based small world would start.