Competition and Conflict: A Day at School

While I was changing in the locker room, I mentally prepared for our first swimming class. Not many high schools include this kind of class in their curriculum, so it seemed both curious and different to me.

Shibata, one of my classmates, looked me up and down with a look of astonishment.

"Damn, Osawa! Are you preparing for a bodybuilding competition or what? Where did you get that body?" he exclaimed, his eyes scanning every muscle.

"I like to stay in good shape," I replied with a smile.

"This is more than good shape, it's insane," he added, still impressed.

Kanzaki, who was nearby, joined the conversation.

"Your body looks like it's been trained from a young age," he commented, noticing the muscle definition.

"I've always been an active person," I said, though the truth was I had been very active in the past, maybe excessively so.

"That body of yours seems perfect for fighting. Do you know any martial arts?" Kanzaki asked with curiosity.

"Well, yes. I practiced MMA and Krav Maga for quite a while," I admitted.

"Krav Maga? What's that?" Shibata asked, intrigued.

"Krav Maga is a self-defense system developed by the Israeli military. It focuses on simple and effective movements to disarm and neutralize threats quickly. It's easy to learn and apply in real-life situations, so anyone, regardless of age or fitness level, can practice it and defend themselves if necessary," Kanzaki explained in an expert tone.

"Wow, that sounds like something out of a textbook, but you're right. Anyway, hurry up and get changed, we don't have much time," I said, urging them to hurry.

After changing, I stepped out of the locker room and was impressed by the size of the pool. Most of my classmates had finished changing as well.

"Wow! I didn't expect you to hide that body under the uniform," I heard Amikura-san say beside me.

"Well, as they say, don't judge a book by its cover," I replied with a smile.

"But wow, you have an incredible cover," she said, looking me up and down.

"I could say the same," I responded, returning her gaze. Her slender, well-defined body was quite attractive.

"Can you stop flirting in public? It's uncomfortable to watch," Himeno interjected from my left.

"Come on, Himeno, we're just joking," I said with a smile, but I noticed how she scanned me with her eyes.

"Are you planning to take down a bear with that body?" Himeno asked, half-jokingly.

"Well, it would depend on the type of bear and if I could use any weapons," I said, bringing my hand to my chin in a thoughtful gesture, which drew incredulous looks from both.

"You know I'm joking, right?" Himeno added.

"Sure, how could I defeat a bear? " I said, laughing to myself. I was clearly joking, or maybe not so much...

The professor called us at that moment, interrupting our conversation.

"Everyone, please gather around," he said. "I assume most of you know how to swim, so we're going to do something interesting: a swimming competition. The winner will receive 5000 private points."

"I guess you'll divide us into men and women, right?" asked Kobashi, one of the guys.

"That's obvious. So please, line up in groups of eight. We'll start with the girls," the professor said as several of them prepared.

Looking towards the pool, I noticed Ichinose-san in one of the lanes. For a moment, I was surprised by her bulky physique, something the uniform didn't reveal. She noticed my gaze and greeted me with a smile, which I returned.

Amikura, who was nearby, took the opportunity to make a comment.

"I caught you looking at Ichinose-san's body, little pervert," she said with a mischievous smile.

"Can you blame me?" I replied, raising an eyebrow.

"No, not at all," she admitted, also enjoying the view in front of her.

After a while, it was my turn. As the professor indicated, I positioned myself in one of the lanes, ready for the race. As I adjusted my goggles, I felt the adrenaline beginning to course through my veins.

"Good luck," Kanzaki said, positioned in the lane to my left.

"Let's see if those muscles don't make you slow," Shibata commented to my right, laughing confidently. Slow? Me? They had no idea what was coming.

The professor raised his hand and gave the signal.

"Ready! Set! Go!"

As soon as I heard the signal, I pushed off strongly, diving into the water like a torpedo. The impact was refreshing, and the resistance of the water only motivated me to push harder. I felt my muscles, trained over the years, responding with precision and power to each movement.

Within seconds, I noticed I had already gained a slight advantage over the others. My arms sliced through the water with almost perfect efficiency, and my legs, driven by a powerful kick, propelled me forward. The sound of water being displaced was constant, rhythmic, almost hypnotic.

The lane next to me was empty of competitors; Shibata and Kanzaki were far behind. My body felt light, agile, almost as if I were flying rather than swimming. As I kept the pace, I felt my lead growing with each stroke, the end of the pool approaching rapidly.

The last few meters were a final push. I knew I couldn't slack off, even for a second. I took a quick breath, making sure to maintain speed, and with one last effort, stretched my arm towards the wall.

My hand touched the edge of the pool, and as I surfaced, I heard the beep of the stopwatch.

"22.57 seconds!" the professor announced, with a mix of admiration and surprise. However, the result didn't quite make me happy.

Despite finishing the 50 meters freestyle in a time that seemed impressive, much faster than anyone else, I felt that something was missing. Adrenaline still coursed through my body as I dried my face, watching the other swimmers complete the race at a considerable distance behind me.

"Incredible!" Ichinose-san exclaimed, visibly amazed by what she had just witnessed.

"That was... amazing," Himeno admitted, completely impressed by my performance.

"Damn! Are you a shark or what, brother?" Shibata said, still catching his breath, with an astonished look.

Although most present considered the time remarkable, for me, compared to my past, it was a sign that I had lost some speed. The difference was subtle but significant for someone used to performing at their peak.


I was currently in the school library, preparing for our group study session before the exams. We had divided the students into large and small groups for better organization. Ichinose-san and I were in charge of the large group, while I also supervised a small group consisting of Himeno, Amikura-san, and Minamikata-san.

Ichinose-san was patiently explaining to Shibata, who seemed to have confused the formulas.

—No, that's incorrect, Shibata-kun. I told you before that this formula was from the previous problem. You don't need it for these problems —Ichinose-san corrected him.

—Oh, sorry, I forgot. I'm not good with math —Shibata admitted, sounding defeated.

I assumed it wasn't unusual for many average students to struggle with math.

Kobashi approached me, visibly worried.

—Osawa-sensei, I need help with this problem —he requested.

—Sure, let me help you —I replied, ready to offer my support. While I focused on helping my classmates, I overheard a conversation behind me.

—Sudo-kun, you're doing it all wrong. How many times do I have to explain it to you? Even a primary school student would understand —said a sharp female voice.

Sudo, the red-haired guy, tensed up.

—What do you mean by that, you bitch? —he responded angrily.

The girl with black hair whom I had seen at the entrance ceremony, who was from Class D, continued with her biting comment.

—Exactly what I said, you have a brain smaller than a primary school student's —she replied, showing disdain.

Sudo seemed on the verge of losing his temper.

—Bitch! I dare you to say it again! —he exclaimed, grabbing her tie and ready to make a scene in the middle of the library.

At that moment, another girl with short hair and purple eyes intervened.

—Guys, please calm down. Sudo-kun, please let go of Horikita-san —she said, looking at the redhead with firmness. I realized that Horikita-san was the girl with black hair and probably related to the president, as they shared the same last name. Maybe she was his sister?

Sudo looked at the short-haired girl, who seemed to have some influence over him, and finally let go.

—Tch, I'm leaving. This is a waste of time —muttered Sudo, while gathering his things and leaving.

—Well, I'm leaving too —said the short-haired guy, starting to pack up her things.

—Me too —added another student, following him.

So, only three people remained: Horikita-san, the short-haired girl, and a brown-haired guy who seemed completely indifferent to the situation.

Ichinose-san approached, curious.

—What are you looking at? —she asked, noticing my attention on the students who had caused the commotion.

—Well, I think you noticed it too, didn't you? —I replied, pointing to the Class D students who were leaving.

—Yes, it would be hard not to notice —Ichinose-san said, her tone revealing that she had also witnessed the conflict.

—By the way, did you notice the topics they were studying? —I asked, trying to check if she had noticed the same detail I did.

—Yes, they were the topics from the exam that were changed days ago, right? —Ichinose-san confirmed. I was glad she had noticed.

—Do you think they weren't informed? —I asked.

—Their teacher should have communicated the same information that our teacher told us, right? —Ichinose-san replied, showing a logical understanding of the situation.

—I suppose —I agreed, although I wasn't completely convinced.

—I think I'm going to tell them that the topics they are studying have been changed —Ichinose-san announced, determined to help.

—Why do you want to do that? —I asked, intrigued by her willingness to intervene.

—It wouldn't hurt to maintain good relations with students from another class, right? Also, they have 0 class points, it must be hard for them —Ichinose-san replied, showing her usual kindness and empathy.

—Well, if you want, you can go and tell them —I suggested.

—Will you come with me? —she asked hopefully.

—No, it's okay. You go ahead. I need to go to the bathroom —I responded.

—Alright —Ichinose-san accepted, heading towards the Class D students. Meanwhile, I went to the bathroom, as I had said.

Near the bathroom, I decided to do something different from the excuse I had given Ichinose-san. I took out my phone and called someone.

—Hello? Osawa-kun, how are you? —Hoshinomiya-sensei answered quickly.

—Hi, sensei. Are you busy right now? —I asked, trying to confirm if I could make my inquiry.

—Not much, do you need something? —Hoshinomiya-sensei replied.

—I just wanted to ask, what's the chance that a teacher forgets to notify something to their students? —I inquired, keeping a casual tone.

—Well, that's quite an unusual question. But the chances of a teacher "forgetting" to notify something should be practically zero. As teachers, we have the obligation to inform students of any important information that the school provides us. As you know, any information is vital for their development —Hoshinomiya-sensei explained.

—I see, thanks for answering —I said, relieved.

—It's a pleasure, handsome —Hoshinomiya-sensei said in a playful tone.

—But why did you ask me this question? —she asked, curious.

—Well, I was worried that one day you might come in drunk and forget to inform us about something important. I'm just concerned —I said with a hint of sarcasm.

—How rude! I would never forget something like that. After all, you are my precious students —Hoshinomiya-sensei replied with a smile in her voice.

—Alright, that was all. Goodbye —I said, preparing to hang up.

—Goodbye —Hoshinomiya-sensei responded cheerfully.

It seems like Class D is going to have quite a tough task ahead, considering what I just heard from Hoshinomiya-sensei. To say that the Class D teacher didn't forget to inform his students but simply decided not to do so is truly intriguing. It seems we have a teacher sabotaging his own class.


—Ahhh, I can't take it anymore, I'm exhausted! —Amikura-san exclaimed, clearly worn out.

We were in another study session in my room, this time attending to my small group. We had been studying intensively for almost two and a half hours.

—I'm a bit tired too —Minamikata said.

—Do you want me to prepare some more tea to help you relax a bit? —I offered.

—Yes, I'd like some —Amikura-san replied.

—Me too, thanks —Minamikata added.

—I want a soda —Himeno said, getting up.

—Alright, give me a moment —I said as I headed to the kitchen to prepare the tea.

Himeno approached while I was preparing the drinks and asked:

—Osawa, do you have any headache pills?

I knew that Himeno suffered from frequent headaches, and I was starting to think she might have migraines.

—Yes, they should be in that cabinet over there —I pointed out, knowing that, although I usually wouldn't have any pills, I had bought them just in case.

—I can't find them —Himeno said, clearly frustrated.

—If they're not on the cabinet, they should be in a drawer —I indicated. Then I realized something.

—Drawer? Maybe it's this one —Himeno said, opening the right drawer. But the pills were in the left drawer. What she found in the drawer was...

—What are these pens? —she asked, holding them in her hands. —They have quite a unique design.

—They're limited edition pens I bought a few days ago. I haven't tried them yet. By the way, the pills are in the other drawer —I quickly lied.

Himeno put the pen back and looked for the pills in the correct drawer.

—Oh, here they are! —she said upon finding them, and then took them with the soda she had gone to fetch from the refrigerator.

I sighed internally, relieved that she hadn't asked more about the pens. I wasn't going to tell her that they were actually expensive recorders. I was glad she hadn't inspected them more closely.

—By the way, this room is very nicely decorated. It even has its own mini-fridge! —commented Amikura-san.

—It's true, it even has paintings —Minamikata added.

—How did you manage to get all this? I mean, even though we've earned many points, that wouldn't be enough for all this. Look at this carpet, it's beautiful —Amikura-san asked.

—Well, you see, I earn points by offering my services at night —I said jokingly.

—Services? What services? —she asked, tilting her head.

—You know, "that" kind of services —I continued joking.

—"That" kind of services? ... Wait —she said, realizing what I meant. Her face turned as red as a tomato.

—You can't do that! That's immoral! —she exclaimed, her reaction was too adorable.

I moved closer to her slowly..

—Why not? I could also offer you "that" kind of service. I'd give you a discount for being my friend, and maybe even a VIP treatment. What do you say? —I said, lifting her chin and leaning in with a playful and teasing tone. She was so red that it seemed like she was radiating heat.

In a nervous reaction, she closed her eyes, and just as we were about to touch our lips, something hit my face.

—Ah! Hey, what was that? —I asked Himeno, who had thrown a pillow at me.

—Stop teasing Amikura; can't you see she's about to faint? —Himeno said with amusement.

—Amikura-san, hello! Earth to Amikura-san! —Minamikata exclaimed, clearly worried about Amikura-san's reaction. I couldn't help but laugh.

The night had been fun, but unfortunately, it had come to an end. I had gathered some intriguing tidbits that made this school even more interesting.