Upon entering the castle, Four Eyes went up to his quarters on the second floor to change. Fatty and Chatty made to follow, but their path was blocked by Rockie.

"Apologies, but you cannot proceed without the Madam's direct permission," Rockie stated firmly.

"What? Seriously?" Chatty's disbelief was palpable as he directed the question at Rockie.

Rockie nodded in affirmation.

"No one is permitted to go up without authorization, not even us. Neither Pharsa nor Mushu would dare without orders. The selection of the entire household staff is meticulous. Trespassers face severe punishment," Rockie elaborated with a solemn tone.

"Punishment?" Chatty swallowed hard.

"Severely punished." Rockie reiterated.

Chatty and Fatty '!!!!'

"Tell him to come down quickly! Why is he up there?" Chatty exclaimed to Rockie, anxiety lacing her words.

"Haha! Don't worry about him. Madam permitted him to use the blue room," Rockie chuckled, his amusement evident. As he observed the scene, he couldn't help but wonder what made Four Eyes so special that Madam personally swam with him and allowed him to use the blue room. There was definitely something intriguing about this man.

"Madam Li permitted him?" Chatty's disbelief was palpable.

Finally, Four Eyes came down wearing swim shorts and a simple white shirt.

"Chu Yan, did Madam Li allow you to sleep in that room?" Fatty asked, curiosity coloring his tone.

Four Eyes simply nodded, choosing not to divulge further details.

Fatty and Chatty were left in shock and disbelief.

"Why did you change clothes? Where are you headed?" Chatty's curiosity was piqued as she observed Four Eyes.

"Swimming lesson," Four Eyes responded with an air of boredom.

"What! Really?!" Chatty and Fatty exclaimed in unison, visibly taken aback.

"When did you change your mind? How did you change your mind? You were always unyielding about not wanting to learn how to swim!" Fatty bombarded him with questions. Both Chatty and he had tirelessly tried to persuade Four Eyes to give swimming a try but without success.

The two friends were left speechless, while Four Eyes remained stoic and wordless.

Rockie led them to an annex that opened up to a magnificent indoor pool.

"Wow!" Chatty and Fatty couldn't contain their excitement.

Without a second thought, Fatty and Chatty discarded their shirts and leaped into the pool, completely forgetting about Four Eyes.

In the afternoon, Four Eyes eagerly absorbed the fundamental techniques of swimming; Four Eyes felt a surge of joy at his progress. He couldn't help but praise Rockie as an exceptional instructor. At the same time, Rockie, in turn, commended Four Eyes as an outstanding student.

After working late into the night, Ling Li had just finished her duties and was preparing for a well-deserved rest when she caught a glimpse of a whimpering noise coming from the adjoining room. Filled with concern, Ling Li cautiously cracked open the adjacent door, hoping to catch a glimpse of the source of the distress.

Ling Li stood at the door, her gaze fixed on the figure lying in bed. The soft glow of the lamp beside him illuminated his features, which were twisted in distress. Concern etched across her face as she approached, her footsteps barely making a sound on the floorboards.

Upon reaching the bedside, Ling Li gently placed her palm on his forehead and recoiled at the searing heat radiating from his skin. "He's burning up," she muttered to herself, worry clouding her features.

Determined to ease his discomfort, Ling Li hurried downstairs to gather supplies from their infirmary. With a basin of ice and essential medical items in hand, she quickly made her way back to the bedroom.

Carefully tending to Four Eyes, Ling Li administered a drip and injections before preparing a basin filled with ice-cold water. She meticulously soaked a washcloth, adding a touch of alcohol to the chilling liquid.

Returning to Four Ey's side, she proceeded to undress him tenderly, covering his exposed form with a warm blanket to lessen his shivers. As Ling Li gently wiped Four Eyes' feverish body with the frigid cloth, his eyelids fluttered open.

"What are you doing?" Four Eyes mumbled weakly, confusion lacing his words.

"Just bear with it for a little longer," Ling Li comforted Four Eyes, her voice soft and soothing. "This will help bring down your temperature instantly," she reassured Four Eyes.

Ling Li carefully administered the cold body bath, gently moving her left and right hands in perfect harmony.

Four Eyes shivered, murmuring, "I'm so cold." Sensing his discomfort, Ling Li whispered soothing words, "Shhhhhhh... I know. Just close your eyes, and I will finish soon." Once the bath was complete, she tenderly wrapped him in layers of thick blankets, knowing that it was only a matter of time before his temperature began to fall.

"I'm so cold," Four Eyes repeated, reaching out for Ling Li's hand.

Ling Li felt a pang of concern, realizing how deeply she cared for him as she gently rested her hand on his forehead. "His temperature is cooling down," she thought. However, as Four Eyes continued to cry out, Ling Li checked his drip, only to find him still shivering.

"Please help me. I'm freezing," Four Eyes groggily pleaded.

Four Eyes cried out in desperation; Ling Li felt a pounding headache coming on. Without a second thought, Ling Li took off her pajamas, nestled beside Four Eyes under the blankets, and enveloped him in a warm embrace. Despite her exhaustion from the day's work, she couldn't resist soothing him. The fatigue of working tirelessly all afternoon caught up with Ling Li, and unwittingly, she drifted off to sleep.

In the stillness of the room, both of them found solace in each other's embrace and succumbed to much-needed rest.

The next morning, Four Eyes woke up groggily with a pounding headache; Four Eyes sensed an unexpected weight pressing down on his chest. As he stirred, Four Eyes was terrified to find Ling Li nestled against him, the sheets tangled around them; not only were they hugging each other, but they were both naked.

Four Eyes "!!!!"

The desire to bolt from the bed gripped Four Eyes, but the fear of disturbing Ling Li held him paralyzed. His attention then shifted to the intravenous drip secured to his hand and the basin on the stool nearby.