'Was I sick?' Four Eyes pondered. 'No wonder my head is throbbing. But why are we in bed together? And naked?! Did something happen between us? No, no, I should be able to remember, shouldn't I? What should I do?' Four Eyes' thoughts raced in disarray, intensifying his headache. Four Eyes wished he could dig and vanish into the ground.

While Ling Li continued to sleep soundly in his arms, Four Eyes studied her features, bearing in the delicate curve of her face. 'She's absolutely exquisite. Look at that mole by her left lower chin. It's cute," Four Eyes mused.

As Four Eyes gazed at the intricate details of Ling Li's face, Ling Li's eyes suddenly quivered and opened, and she was taken aback to find Four Eyes intently studying her. It took Ling Li a moment to remember why she was in Four Eyes' embrace, and a vivid blush painted her cheeks as her eyes fluttered like delicate butterfly wings.

The unexpected moment left Four Eyes feeling utterly flustered as Ling Li's eyes met his. Four Eyes wished the ground would open up and swallow him whole. Attempting to mask his embarrassment, he blurted out, "What have you done to me?"

Ling Li was taken aback by the question.

"What have I done to you? Oh, please! Isn't it supposed to be the other way around?" Ling Li retorted with a playful snap of her fingers against Four Eyes' forehead. Then, carefully maintaining her modesty with the blanket, Ling Li reached out to gently rest her hand on his forehead, checking his temperature.

"Good, you're fine now. Last night, you were burning up and seemed to be experiencing hallucinations," Ling Li explained.

"Could you pass me my pajamas from over there?" Ling Li requested, pointing towards her clothing.

"But I'm also naked," Four Eyes retorted, a hint of embarrassment coloring his tone.


Ling Li shrugged apologetically. "I had no choice but to sponge-bathe you. I've seen and touched everything," she explained.


Four Eyes stared at her in disbelief, as if she were speaking an incomprehensible language.

Trying to regain his attention, Ling Li waved her hand in front of his face. "Hey, are you even listening? Can you hear me?"

Four Eyes turned and was about to fetch Ling Li's pajamas; Four Eyes noticed his clothes lying on the floor. Quickly, he donned his underwear and shorts before handing Ling Li her the pajamas.

As Ling Li began to change, Four Eyes couldn't help but frown at the sight of her wounds, concerned for her welfare. But he couldn't find a word to say.

Once dressed, Ling Li checked Four Eyes' IV drip. "It should be finished in an hour. I'll arrange for your breakfast to be delivered," Ling Li informed Four Eyes.

"Did you set this up?" Four Eyes inquired, gesturing towards the IV.

"Yep," Ling Li confirmed.

Ling Li noticed that Four Eyes was fixedly staring at her, his silence speaking volumes and silently urging her to continue.

Ling Lin proceeded to explain, "I have undergone training. I believed it would be beneficial to administer another bottle. You had a very high fever the previous night." Ling Li elaborated on the potential benefits, emphasizing that an "additional bottle would help in your recovery, prevent dehydration, and reduce the risk of a relapse."

"Here, let me help you with your shirt." With utmost care, Ling helped Four Eyes put on his shirt while he held the drip in his hand.

Ling Li assured Four Eyes, "I'll come back to change your drip later." Ling Li departed through the connecting door, prompting an intense squint from Four Eyes as he observed Ling Li leave.

Everyone except Four Eyes had already gathered at the breakfast table. The absence of the two Presidents implied their early departure.

"Chatty inquired eagerly, "Where is Chu Yan?"

Ling Li responded solemnly, "He's sick. He won't be able to join us."

Filled with concern, Fatty asked urgently, "Oh no, what happened to him? How is he?"

Ling Li reassured them, "No need to worry, he's alive. He's receiving an IV drip and won't be able to come down."

"Chatty, unable to contain his amusement, raised an eyebrow and queried, "He's on a drip?" Chatty's giggles escaped as he spoke. "I would like to give a trophy to the person who gave him that drip!" He confidently announced.

With evident joy, Fatty let out a chuckle. "I would give a golden medallion," he said. "That man is so scared of needles! He would rather choose to die than have a drip or receive an injection!" Their laughter filled the room, intertwining with the melody of their voices.

Ling Li chimed in with amusement, saying, "Give me the trophy and the golden medallion then."

As the realization dawned upon Chatty and Fatty that Madam Li was the one who had given the drip, their glee was replaced by surprise and a touch of apprehension. They both thought it was a doctor or a nurse who gave Four Eyes the drip; it couldn't have been Madam Li. Their hearts trembled.

"Madam, it simply means you're excellent and that you were able to convince that stubborn man!" Chatty said, his tone reflecting both nervousness and admiration."

"True! True!" Fatty anxiously nodded in agreement, clearly showing signs of anxiousness.

'So he is afraid of needles, huh? Good thing he was unconscious last night, or it would be chaos.' Ling Li thought.

Sunlight filtered through the glass window, casting soft shadows across Ling Li's concerned face. "I have to work today," she said to Fatty and Chatty. "Why don't you take advantage of the day and try something adventurous like scuba diving or spearfishing? El Capitan can teach you. He's highly skilled and experienced, qualified to guide you." Ling Li's eyes met El Capitan's, giving him a subtle nod.

As Ling Li spoke, El Capitan's mind raced. He reluctantly accepted the responsibility, though his thoughts drifted elsewhere. "Why do I have to train these rookies?" El Capitan muttered under his breath. El Capitan was initially planning to catch up on sleep after spending two consecutive nights with a woman; he now found himself preparing to guide her boss's guests underwater.

Ling Li quietly made her way back to her room, her footsteps echoing in the empty hallway.