Ling Li approached the door to Four Eyes' room and found him seated at the table in the veranda, still eating.

'It seemed that the servant had brought the IV stand from the infirmary.' Ling Li considered and was pleased with her servant's initiative. Ling Li carefully inspected the drip on Four Eyes and decided to change it, knowing that she wouldn't be able to return for a while.

"Eat more, and you'll regain your energy in no time. Otherwise, I might have to give you another injection," Ling Li said playfully.

Four Eyes, caught off guard while eating, and nearly choked on his food before turning to look at her.

"I'm serious. I gave you an injection last night. Here," Ling Li teasingly said as she pressed her index finger on Four Eyes' shoulder, where she had administered the injection.

Four Eyes winced at the touch, feeling the soreness from the previous night's injection.

"You didn't ask for permission," Four Eyes protested.


"You were on the brink of death and drifting in and out of consciousness. How could I have possibly asked for your consent?" Ling Li sighed in exasperation and rolled her eyes.

Four Eyes bit his lip. "Can I ask you something?"

"Of course."

"Um... Last night, um... Why did you...Um, why were you in my bed last night...?" Four Eyes seemed unable to find the right words, but Ling Li understood what he was trying to ask before he could finish.

"You want to know why I was in your bed with you, completely naked, right?" Ling Li took the lead, and Four Eyes nodded with embarrassment with his head down.

"I gave you a cold sponge bath because your fever was dangerously high. Your face was flushed red, and you were delirious. That's why I needed to take off your clothes.

However, you were shivering despite being wrapped in thick blankets, and you wouldn't let go of my hands. I had no choice but to use my body heat to warm you. I didn't intend to fall asleep, but I was also exhausted and recovering from my injuries, so I eventually dozed off while holding you close. I didn't wake up before you did, either." Ling Li recounted the events to Four Eyes.

"I'm sorry for the trouble," Four Eyes politely replied, his voice barely audible over the soft hum of the veranda.

"Just rest and recover. Your friends were looking for you. I told them you're not well. I sent you an iPad so you won't be bored, but don't overdo it and get enough rest and sleep.

You can watch movies on the television. There is cable and Netflix. If you're hungry or need anything, I'm in my room. I have paperwork to finish; knock," Ling Li said, her gentle tone conveying genuine concern as she turned to leave.

"After you eat, just leave it there. Servants will come to clear it. If you want something, tell them. Do you want to shower?" Ling Li instructed and asked again just before she exited the door, her thoughtful gaze fixed on Four Eyes.

Four Eyes nodded, a faint smile tugging at the corners of his lips.

"Okay, wait, I'll be back."

Ling Li returned with a Nexcare waterproof adhesive dressing pad, its sterile white surface gleaming under the harsh sunlight on the veranda. Ling Li skillfully patched it onto Four Eyes' hand where the IV drip was attached and then meticulously wrapped it with cling wrap, her movements deft and precise.

"Okay, it is safe, but much better if you can still avoid this from water," Ling Li clarified, her voice tinged with concern. "Call me after you eat. I'll help you take your shirt off."

"Take it off now," Four Eyes said in a submission tone.

"Okay. Free arm first, head, alright. Let's slide this out," Ling Li said calmly as she carefully removed the drip from the stand and slowly pulled it out from the armhole of the shirt.


Eat up quickly and shower! You'll catch a cold shirtless," Ling Li said sternly before leaving the room.

After showering, Ling Li immediately immersed herself in work, gearing up for several upcoming video conferences.

Ling Li, dressed in her favorite Japanese kimono, was in a high-level meeting with her top management when she heard a knock at her door. Assuming it was her servant coming in to bring her tea, Ling Li casually called out, "Come in," without bothering to check who it was.

However, it was Four Eyes, shirtless and carrying an IV stand in one hand and a shirt in the other. As the people on the screen focused their attention on the unexpected scene, wondering, 'Who is this shirtless man in the President's room?' Ling Li suddenly realized that something was amiss.

When Ling Li turned around, she was shocked and taken aback to see the shirtless Four Eyes striding towards her.


Ling Li abruptly ended the meeting and turned to confront Four Eyes, "How could you barge into my room without covering your body?"

In response, Four Eyes casually stated, "You have seen it all."


Ling Li sighed deeply. "Ahhhhhhh, you are such a headache," she muttered under her breath, feeling a mixture of annoyance and concern for the man in front of her.

As Four Eyes, with his bespectacled eyes, looked at Ling Li and gestured towards his T-shirt, Ling Li felt an unexpected pang of empathy as if she were about to help a child. Ling Li couldn't help but wonder, 'Did this man somehow hypnotize me into taking care of him? Dang!'

Ling Li carefully helped Four Eyes put on his T-shirt, feeling a sense of unease at the realization that she seemed to be following his lead. As she finished, Four eyes pointed to his bandaged hand, silently asking for help to unwrap it.

'Dang, I became his nanny,' Ling Li grumbled inwardly as she carefully unwrapped his hand, her frustration growing with each delicate movement.

"Anything else?" Ling Li inquired as she finished unwrapping Four Eyes' hand.

Four Eyes shook his head, dismissing her, and turned back to his room, leaving Ling Li shaking her head, feeling both exasperated and strangely sympathetic.