Ling Li returned to her seat, feeling a bit dejected, and reinitiated the video conference. This time, as the screen flickered to life, she was met with a sea of smiling faces. Ling Li couldn't help but wonder, "They must be gossiping about me, Dang!.' Ling Li couldn't shake off the thought of Four Eyes, the impudent troublemaker. 'That brat! Hmph!'

Ling Li focused all her energy on the meeting, which extended well into the evening and found herself dining alone in the expansive dining hall. Mushu and Pharsa joined her shortly after to provide their updates.

"Mushu, tell me about El Capitan and the two guests," Ling Li inquired, eager for any information about the day's events.

"El Capitan was overjoyed as the two guests quickly mastered the art of spearfishing, catching their fish with ease. Their progress brought him great delight," Mushu reported earnestly.

"What about El Padre? How was his day?" Ling Li probed further.

"He was tied up on the phone for most of the day, overseeing transactions and issuing orders," Mushu responded.

Concern crossed Ling Li's face as she pondered over the packed day El Padre had. "If he's so busy, maybe he should return..." Ling Li's voice trailed off with worry.

"I expressed the same concern to him, but he insisted that he wouldn't dream of leaving you while you're still recovering," Mushu explained.

Ling Li was not surprised by El Padre's attitude; El Padre had always been very protective of her. Ling Li left the dining hall after enjoying a meal and made her way back to her lavishly decorated room.

As Ling Li emerged from the shower, her long, ebony hair still glistening with droplets of water, she took a towel to hand dry it. However, a sound of muffled coughing reached her ears from the adjacent room.

Alarmed, Ling Li quickly changed into her pajamas and hurried to check on Four Eyes. She found him sleeping fitfully, his normally lively face contorted with discomfort as he coughed weakly. "Dang! Has he caught a cold? Why is he coughing so severely?" Ling Li mused anxiously as she gently rested her hand on his warm forehead.

To Ling Li's dismay, she discovered that Four Eye's fever had returned, prompting her to exclaim, "Dang! Has this man not rested at all and been fooling around?" Ling Li swiftly descended to the infirmary.

Located in a separate annex solely designated for the security staff, the infirmary catered to the needs of those injured during fights. 'It feels like I've been coming here more often lately,' Ling Li lamented inwardly as she gathered the necessary supplies before returning to Four Eyes' side.

Ling Li carefully changed and adjusted the IV drip for Four Eyes, gently rousing him from his slumber. Four Eyes stirred wearily and let out a raspy cough.

"How did you manage to catch a cold again? And your fever is spiking. Here, please take these medications," Ling Li said, offering him some tablets along with a glass of water.

Once Four Eyes had taken the medication, he noticed an ominous syringe placed on the side table.

"You're not going to inject me with that," Four Eyes asserted, his voice filled with defiance.

"You're running a dangerously high temperature. I believe you have an infection, and you need this injection," Ling Li explained calmly.

"No!" Four Eyes retorted sharply.

"I can't let you die while you're under my care," argued Ling Li.

Four Eyes vehemently shook his head, signaling his refusal.

Ling Li carefully set the basin of ice water within Four Eyes' reach and decided to start with a sponge bath to help lower his fever.

"Alright, now please take off your clothes and lie down. I bathe you," Ling Li instructed gently.

Four Eyes noticed the basin filled with icy water and expressed his discomfort, "But I already feel so cold, and you want to use ice-cold water to bathe me."

"Just bear with it for a little while. Despite feeling cold, your body is running at a high temperature. Using cold water will help bring it down. I'll make it swift. Come on," Ling Li encouraged.

With determination, Ling Li directly removed Four Eyes' clothes to begin the process.


Four Eyes was utterly speechless. Ling Li began the process of bathing him, and he erupted into a loud outcry.

"Ohhhhh.... It's freezing!!!"

'Dang! This man behaves like a child. Thank goodness our rooms on the second floor are soundproof; otherwise, someone might suspect that I'm molesting this brat!!!'

Ignoring his protests, Ling Li swiftly bathed Four Eyes as he continued to whimper and yell.

Upon finishing, Ling Li wrapped Four Eyes in multiple blankets, but he persisted in complaining about the cold and the gnashing of his teeth.

'It was much better last night that he was unconscious, right?' Ling Li thought. 'This man is a handful. I might as well do it tonight since I did it last night.'

Ling Li removed her pajamas, slipped into the blanket, embraced Four Eyes body, and rubbed his arms and back. Ling Li put his arms around her so he would feel warmer. Four Eyes did feel warmer, but he was still a man after all; with Ling Li rubbing his whole body, he couldn't control his cock.

'Damn, this is bad.' Four Eyes thought. And Ling Li is still rubbing his body.

"Stop moving." Four Eyes whispered.

When Ling Li heard his gentle whisper, it felt as if a cupid's arrow had struck her heart. Her heartbeat quickened, and her stomach fluttered with anticipation as she gazed at him, completely captivated.

"Stay still," Four Eyes murmured once more.

When Four Eyes looked down and met Ling Li's gaze, he was taken aback by the fluttering of her eyelashes, which seemed to dance like butterflies. Her eyes were enchanting, and her lips appeared so beautifully red. Four Eyes found himself swept away by her presence.

Their lips met in a kiss and then another. Ling Li was taken aback at first but soon found herself enveloped in the sweetness and perfection of the kiss.

Four Eyes tenderly explored Ling Li's lips, savoring each kiss with gentle intensity. As their kisses deepened, Four Eyes held her in a long, passionate embrace, cradling Ling Li in his arms.