Rockie has been driving for Ling Li since she finished university; he has been with her and has become her trusted bodyguard. They have trained several times together.

"Madam, Rockie has been relying on life machine support since the accident. The doctors have insisted on taking it off since they could not see any chance for him to live independently or recover.

But who are we to decide? We said we would wait for you. His family has even found out about his money and wiped it out." Pharsa helplessly explained.

"No one dares to think about taking his life support. I'll ask The Heaven about it. How could his family finish his money in less than a year? How shameless of them." Ling Li said sharply.

"You have talked and asked about everyone. Are you not going to ask about these adorable darlings?" El Padre interrupted her.

Ling Li looked at him and Four Eyes, then the babies.

El Padre laughed out loud. El Padre closely showed one of the babies from Four Eyes.

"Look, isn't she cute?" El Padre asked Ling Li.

"Little darling, say hi to Mommy. She is now awake, see?" El Padre said it like a baby.

Ling Li was stunned when she heard the word 'Mommy.' Ling Li again looks at El Padre and Four Eyes.

"Yes, Madam, they are your twin daughters," Pharsa confirmed her doubts. "You gave birth to them two months ago by CS," she added.

"I confirmed your pregnancy three weeks after the accident." El Padre told her.

"And this guy admitted that he is the one responsible." El Padre spoke, pointing to Four Eyes.

Ling Li still couldn't absorb everything she was hearing; everything seemed to happen so fast. She slept for eleven months and woke up with twins.

Four Eyes never left Ling Li's side after the accident; Four Eyes vividly remembered how Ling Li had bravely pulled him to safety during the vicious attack, saving his life in the process. He was at the bottom and was the only one who did not end in a coma and only suffered bruises and burns.

Four Eyes was even more determined to stay by Ling Li when El Padre informed them of her pregnancy.

El Padre instantly knew that Four Eyes must be the culprit for Ling Li's pregnancy by still decided to furiously ask and petrify him a little.

"Are you responsible for this?" El Padre fiercely asked Four Eyes.

Four Eyes nodded with his head down; he was ready for a beating, knowing this group of people around him was not simple.

El Padre didn't respond and remained looking at Ling Li with a grim expression.

However, Four Eyes was utterly surprised when El Padre burst into laughter.

"You got some balls, man!" El Padre laughingly exclaimed while tapping Four Eyes' shoulder.

"Mushu, prepare all the nutrients needed for Madam and her babies." El Padre ordered.

"Babies?" Everyone simultaneously asked in surprise.

"Yes! She got at least two babies in there!" El Padre declared, "We can confirm if there are more by the eighth week."


"Will it affect her?" Four Eyes anxiously asked, his voice filled with concern as he looked at Ling Li, who lay unconscious in the hospital bed.

"Will the babies survive?" Four Eyes' anxiety grew as he realized

the gravity of the situation; Ling Li was in a coma while carrying multiple babies.

El Padre is becoming more convinced that Four Eyes is a good man.

"Don't you worry; we have the best medical facility and renowned doctors and medical experts on our team. We won't let anything happen to her or the babies." El Padre assured Four Eyes.

El Padre then added, "I guess you will be staying here; I will have the team who is with Fatty to take over your company and have Fatty look after it for you."

El Padre has seen Four Eyes regularly taking calls from his office, knowing the importance of a person to lead a company; without Four Eyes' presence, it might get out of hand. Thus, El Padre made this decision to assist him.

"Thank you." Four Eyes gratefully replied.

Hearing a thank you from Four Eyes is already a luxury. It was good enough for El Padre. Knowing Four Eyes' character.

Two months ago, Ling Li gave birth to identical twins—two little girls. El Padre had witnessed how Four Eyes dedicatedly took care of the twins and Ling Li, searching and learning everything he could on the internet.

El Padre is now more convinced that Four Eyes is a good man.

Now, Ling Li looked at the baby when El Padre handed her; as she put her under her arms, the baby seemed to have smelled her breast and wanted to suck it.

"Oh, you've been breastfeeding them daily; your husband is helping you," Pharsa informed Ling Li.

"My husband?" Ling Li raised her brows.

"Him." Pharsa pointing to Four Eyes.

"When did he become my husband?" Ling Li nonchalantly asked.

"Shinsei said he is 'The One.'"

"He did not tell me. I don't believe you. Maybe I should ask The Heavens for you and Chatty." Ling Li retorted.

"No way!" Pharsa disputed. "Your baby needs milk!" Pharsa told Ling Li while pointing at her babies, and she went out quickly.

Mushu and El Padre were delighted that their madam was awake and back.

"Go out, all of you! I have to nurse my baby!" Ling Li said.

Ling Li looked at the baby in her arms, and Four Eyes walked beside her and showed Ling Li the other baby. Ling Li looked at them, and she realized they were identical twins.

"How do you tell which one is which?" Ling Li asked.

Four Eyes sat beside Ling Li and said, "She has a little mole here like you, see?" He pointed at the light brown mole on the baby's little chin that Ling Li held, and she giggled. Aside from the tiny mole, there was no other difference between the twins.

"It is time to feed them." Four Eyes said. "You know you can't feed them one at a time. If you feed one only, the other will cry. They want to eat at the same time." Four Eyes explained.