"Pharsa, please ask the camp to send some of our best physical therapists and also inform my fitness trainer. Arrange all their travels and coordinate with El Padre how they will get in." Ling Li instructed.

"But you can't overdo yourself. You just woke up from an eleven-month coma and gave birth." Pharsa argued.

"I know my body well. I was very well-fit and strong before the accident. I can recover easily." Ling Li waved her hand, dismissing Pharsa. Pharsa has no choice but to carry out her orders.

Ling Li rested and went back to sleep. It was already dark when she woke up. Four Eyes was beside her when she opened her eyes. He stroked her head gently. "Do you feel better?" he asked.

Ling Li nodded.

"Do you want to go to the bathroom?"

Ling Li nodded again.

Four eyes helped Ling Li and carried her back to bed. He told her to wait while he went out of the room.

Four Eyes came back with a bowl of fish soup made with Chinese nourishing herbs.

"This is good for you, especially for a mother nursing babies." Four Eyes said.

"How did you know that?" Ling Li, of course, knew about the fish soup.

"I searched the internet."

Ling Li raised her brows in amusement.

"Here, have some." Four Eyes started feeding Ling Li after blowing it. Ling Li was surprised when she tasted it. It tasted delicious.

"Did you cook it?"

"Um." Four Eyes nodded as he gave her another spoonful.

After Ling Li finished the whole bowl, Four Eye left the room and returned with a thermos and a mug.

"Instead of water, drink this." Four Eyes poured a mugful and gave it to Ling Li.

Ling Li tasted it, and it tasted like tea.

'Not bad.'

"What is it?"

"Just trust me. It's good for you. I won't hurt you or our babies." Four Eyes replied.


"Can I see the babies?" Ling Li eagerly asked.

Four Eyes went out to fetch the babies. He came back with one sleeping soundly while the other one was crying.

Ling Li's brows crisscrossed when she saw one of her babies crying, and she reached out her hand to get her from Four Eyes.

"Why is she crying?" Ling Li worriedly asked.

"She certainly loves to cry," Four Eyes told Ling Li. "She doesn't sleep at night; she sleeps during the day."

"Really? She is like Ren Ren." Ling Li chuckled.

Four Eyes looked at her, wondering who Ren Ren was.

"Oh, you don't know that I have two daughters besides Shi Min, whom you have met. The eldest is Ren Ren, and the younger one is Lily. Shi Min is my middle child." Ling Li explained.

Four Eyes understood and nodded.

Ling Li was still trying to comfort her crying baby. Soon, the baby calmed down and felt her mother's soothing presence.

Four Eyes was taken aback to find the younger baby peacefully sleeping in Ling Li's arms. It had been months since she had cried all night and struggled to sleep.

Sitting beside Ling Li, Four Eyes gestured towards the baby. He informed Ling Li that the one she was cradling was the younger of the two, with a mere one minute and forty-five seconds between their births.

Four Eyes handed one baby to her and took the other into his arms. However, as soon as he took the baby, it started crying again. Four Eyes furrowed his brow and narrowed his gaze, trying to figure out what was wrong.

"Give her back to me." Ling Li said.

Four Eyes tenderly passed the baby back to her mother, and like a spell had been cast, the crying ceased instantly. Four Eyes furrowed his brows in confusion as he attempted to cradle the baby again, only for her cries to resume. It was only when he carefully placed the baby back in her mother's arms that the crying stopped once again, almost as if by magic.

Ling Li chuckled. "Just leave her with me."

Four Eyes looked at his child. 'This brat.' He thought he'd been taking care of her for two months and only knew how to cry in his arms. Four Eyes couldn't help but snort.

"But you need to rest." Four Eyes insisted.

"Just let her sleep for a while." Ling Li looked at her two babies lovingly.

After a while, "Let me take her with me." Four Eyes took the older one with him.

Moments later, Four Eyes returned, moved Ling Li onto the bed, and lay beside her.

"What are you doing?"

"I'll help you hold her to sleep." Four Eyes gently said as he put his arms around his baby and Ling Li.

Ling Li couldn't help but shudder as she realized that their faces were so close, their eyes almost touching. Her eyes blinked rapidly, and her long lashes flapped like delicate butterflies. Four Eyes stood briskly to turn off the lights, returned to bed, and hugged them again.

"Go to sleep." Four Eyes whispered and kissed her on her lips.

The kiss took Ling Li by surprise. For Four Eyes, though, one kiss was insufficient. Ling Li received numerous kisses from Four Eyes.

'Dammit. I must exercise self-control!' Four Eyes told himself. His cock is getting more excited and out of control.

"Sleep." Four Eyes whispered again and tightened his arms around them.

"Who is with the other baby?" Ling Li whispered in Four Eye's ears to ask. She wanted to know who was watching the other baby.

However, instead of hearing the question, all Four Eyes could feel was Ling Li's warm breath that reached his neck. It made Four Eyes crazier.

"Do you know I'm already having difficulty here? And you're making it so much harder by whispering in my ears. Do you want me to die?" Four Eyes complained.

Four Eyes took one of Ling Li's hands and put it in his pants.

Ling Li was startled when she realized her hands were already touching his…

'Eh... What is this?!? Anaconda?!! He is this big?!!!'

"Can you help me, please?" Four Eyes pleadingly whispered.

Four Eyes was looking straight at Ling Li's eyes, and she was also looking at him.

Ling Li could feel Four Eyes cock thrubbing hard in her hand.