The smell of water tickled her nose, she pulling her blanket to cover her face from the sunlight, that hit her face gently from the gaps of the curtain that nearby her bed. Just as she tried to get back to sleep, a certain blob of fur ball put it body weight on her face and that cause her to suffocate. The room that she was really comfy, the bed were full of cute plushy that she made her self. There some book of ancient magic and architect that spread across her room. Plus, it seem she also bring back some document from the headquarter back to her home.

Hikkun told her that she can just left it there and just take a rest, since she been take over back her work after been house arrest by Evan. All the work that Hikkun been working on in her absent, were able to be finished by her on one day. That was something that people was amaze by her, all her work was neat and it easy to read. Each of it have a very detail information and they can get it as soon as possible.