“I been waiting for you..” he greeted her with a hug and snatched her using his tail by dragging her to his side. His tail careless her face and the body as it was holding something special. “Umm…your face was really close to me now..” she try to push him away, the heat was build up from her cheek when he getting closer. She can feel her heart screaming that this person might eat her alive with those stare.
“DON’T BE SHY.. I WON’T BITE YOU…” Just as his face almost a inch to her face a person just coughing some noise to alert him.
“SIR, PLEASE WEAR YOUR PANT” said one of his man that was there seeing all that happen in front of him. He look at him with a dagger stare due to interrupted his time alone with her. “Your appearance make Miss Riz uncomfortable right now, Sir..”