The aforementioned Plaza, where vacationers gathered for joint events and where the (defenders of the island) went, was almost literally just a few steps away from meadow where they were defending the island. But even at first sight of the peaceful situation on the Plaza, there was a feeling that maybe they had traveled directly to another island, to a real holiday destination. There was such a good atmosphere that one would doubt whether the incident with meteors, accompanied by exaggerated fireworks and ending with an air show comparable to military manoeuvres, even happened. Perhaps for some people it was so off the scale, or so natural, that it seemed that they took the whole thing as a cultural exchange performance of an extravagant holiday destination. Then they waited with the enthusiasm of a vacationer, with a drink in their hands and their eyes turned to the sky, like during a festive fireworks display.
The arriving group of adventurers disbanded without a command and many headed in their own direction, mostly joining their own company/group around tables, which welcomed them as if they were returning from some attraction or trip. Besides, there were almost carefree conversations about all kinds of things at the sitting tables.
On the beach, little ones like Last-Order, Jannie, Febry, Frenda and Fremea played a creative building game in the sand, which either had too over complicated rules or too freely. The only thing that was clear was that this will be no ordinary sand castle.
Certain brunettes with the same last name were scattered all over the plaza as if they were some kind of attraction themselves. One would almost say that they tactically infiltrated perhaps every group, (actively?) getting involved in whatever was going on there, as some kind of regulator against a bad mood.They were so engrossed in their activities that Mikoto couldn't help remarking how her sisters' (my pace) was so contagious that nothing would stop it, and that they had taken over this entire place.
None of those present in this area were bothered by the traces of battles, such as broken trees, craters and grooves in the ground or damaged furniture, burned stuff and black marks here and there. Almost as if it was just a memory of the address of a failed torch juggler show.
One of the reminders of the incident was a heap/pile of remains left after a large group of clay warriors, like one big garbage dump. Now they were now just robes, fragments of (tekarot clay) from which their bodies and other damaged objects or furniture were. The other remain of battle was a (toy stand?) that was currently used as an armory where (park visitors) temporarily put away their or confiscated weapons as if they were trophies suitable for admiration. The weapon display was all more like a (monocle for the eye)/(sore eye) when you realize that the toy stand was a dry-out ice cream stand. On one side were rifles and similar sci-fi weaponry and equipment. And on the other, there was a wide collection of historical weapons, from swords to magic wands, as if cut out of some fantasy RPG in such a large number that it per head several times exceeded the number of visitors present.
Even the captured and rope bound painted warrior, sitting on a chair at one table, who had earlier landed that biplane and piloted that armored golem, didn't attract too much attention even through the group that stood around him as they interrogated him.
Since the original staff was evacuated before the attack, everything here worked on the principle of self-service at buffet tables, so to speak. So it was not surprising when some visitors' refreshments looked downright grotesque, because they did not pay much attention to the correct or balanced preparation when they are on vacation.
Railgun's attention was drawn to a section with sunbeds under umbrellas, which looked more like a makeshift field hospital than a proper place to rest and sunbathe. It was inhabited by several motionless patients over whom an imaginary aura prophesying problems hovering over them. The brunette quickly became convinced that she should avoid that place.
Even Touma, followed by the girls [Index, Inoue, and Mikoto], headed towards the only food stall that had someone behind the counter. Coincidentally, it was baguette with sandwiches and vegetables. In a long-black-haired girl who would look good dressed as a 'Miko' [Shinto temple priest/servant], he immediately recognized his quiet/EMO, familiar/classmate. "Hey Himegami, I didn't know you were part-time here?"
The sleepy-looking girl was deciding what else to add to the open/cut pastry approaching the size of half a kilo of bread, which looked like it already had more than enough in it to hardly be able to close. That filling, at last double (baguette) original weight. She looked up to face the boy. "Oh? It's you… But what are you talking about? Have you forgotten, that I'm also a visitor, like everyone else? VIP at last. If it's a cunning plan to get something from me; then be prepared to pay for it later. If it's just curiosity that drive your silly question, then I will tell you that I found it tedious to constantly wander between my table and the inside of the stall. So I decided to stay right behind the counter where the air conditioner is, as opposed to the table. Before you ask, I will tell you that all the cook meat it's already gone."
The white haired girl in front of the counter drooled. "Ah, so you found the perfect spot right at the source that no one will question, what a clever tactic. I guess I could do the same. After all, the food is meant to be eaten. He-he." She looked at the stand next to her.
However, black-haired EMO remained cool. "Good luck with this plan. This is supposed to be the last buffet on the island that still has something to offer. It's probably because it takes a long time to prepare something here, so everyone had chosen faster options. Lemonades and ice cream were the first to fall in this heat. At last the water pipes still working."
Mikoto remembered the alley with the vending machines in the underground and so she shared that information with the group. But the black-haired youth raised his palm dismissively to stop her. With regret in his voice, he informed her that this possibility was now a history and that the place was now just unusable rubble. The brunette immediately protested, that she is not to blame and that the alley was fine when she left. But Touma stopped her again, that her visit there had to be before the regrettable raging battle in which he played a major role, occurred. He especially shed a tear over the high loss of life in the ranks of vending machines and their entrusted consumer goods. He clenched his fist angrily at the memory. In fact, the only one vendor there, who managed to protect its contents from being destroyed was, ironically, a vending machine with a hair accessories. If this were a deserted island somewhere in the ocean, they could console themselves that when they starve, they will at least have civilized hairstyles.
Indexa's stomach grumbled in horror at the taboo of starvation and she rushed to Himegami side. She take to her hands two large whole oblong and square loaves [sandwich bread] that were used to make picnic sandwiches by first cutting them into slices and stuffing them with filling ingredients. She declared that she would make baguettes out of them and was already reaching for a straight soup ladle and a large knife at the same time.
Himegami then responded by saying that she would not be intimidated by her rival transparent plan, as if it was a challenge to a battle or more precisely an eating contest.
On the other hand, Kamijou paled, looking at the white-haired culinary barbarian with zero sense of technology and the Emo Miko/ (Shinto priestess) with hardcore diet approach that had nothing to do with (eating less). First one will devour anything that at last slightly look edible. The second one has no inhibitions, when in 'fast-food' restaurant, when she is asked whit a question: (How many hamburgers do you want?), she answered with stone face: (All you have!). [She eat them.] So, he banged his hand hard on the counter. "Hey!! Index, stop yourself immediately!! What you have in mind and the result you will get are two different things. You should know that by now!! And you, Himegami!:-- stop shoving into that baguette anything that even a slithery resemble a meat. Let go of the idea that meal isn't real food if there's no meat in it!!"
The girls paused for a moment, looked at him, then they exchanged glances between themselves. An imaginary spark of tension jump between them, and downright combative determination sparked between them. So they set about preparing baguettes with the method of (Squeeze in what you can, while there is still something to put in.)
The young lad shuddered in horror. The black-haired hero panicked and suddenly clenched his fist in anticipation of another fierce battle. That's why he hooted/shouted after the brunettes. "You two!!-- we have to get involved in this here and quickly!! Otherwise, at the pace of these two gobblers are on it, we won't have anything left to eat at all!!" He rushed into the booth followed by both espers. It really feel like an another battle between science and magic will occur there.
One stampede at the bagel stand, later.
Kamijou had so many comments about the nonsense [unbalanced composition of baguettes and the like] that some of girls were preparing for themselves, that at one point, he had enough and practically kicked out/ban from behind the counter almost everyone who had not enough cooking skills or clarity to had the sacred right to touch the kitchen equipment. He did not hesitate to use threats and even violence. He demanded absolute control over the stand, saying that he would prepare the baguettes for them himself, reasonably and logically. So, he let them wait in line in front of the stand for their share, where they stared at him (the food), hungrily. Especially when he discover the hidden refrigerator as food supply storage container, concealed in plain sight as additional working table.
The only one who remained behind the counter with him was Mikoto, who was the only one whose baguette looked balanced. She herself didn't know how, but somehow she allegedly volunteered to help him, to prepare food for (musicians with rumbling bellies).
All of a sudden, it was not just the original five baguettes that they set themselves the goal of preparing, but an incomparably higher number. The couple was so excited that they didn't notice when the original trio of hungry people standing in front of the counter expanded into a long crowd.
The owner of Image Breaker, was on imaginary fire aura while ruling the kitchen with an iron fist. He was so passionate about what he was doing that in order to get it done as quickly as possible, he stopped complaining about the arrival of other customers. Even though the train was moving, from his own experience as emergency meals crafter, he refused to pull the handbrake and quit the task. He still adamantly insisted on the principle of (one piece for everyone). If that wasn't enough for someone, he sent them to the forest to graze on leafs and grass.
Railgun was so derailed by the rapid flow of events and processing of orders that she didn't even realize when she got used to the role of a part-time worker in the baggage stand. With a businesslike smile as an auxiliary force, she helped her senpai in the industry as much as she could.
Maybe it was because they both looked so professional that some of the visitors would have thought that park staff had returned to one of the stalls. This is how they ended up preparing baguettes for a large number of people, where they had the feeling that maybe everyone from Plaza had stopped by them. If not for the food itself, then only for the feeling that someone would serve them.
However, at one point, when they cleared almost everyone and there was no one standing in front of them, Railgun finally caught onto the absurdity and with a drop of sweat on her cheek from the realization, she turned to her colleague. "Hey, can you explain to me, how we got into this situation? After all, we're not part-timers."
The lad immediately hit the counter with his fist, bowing his head in defeat, when he only now realized how much the remark about the brigade in the baguette stall took revenge on him, which he also admitted.
Inoue, standing outside on the side of the booth, watched the pair behind the counter carefully. She was enjoying an improvised version of iced tea, prepared as usual by the black-haired stall manager. When she saw the right moment, she blurted out a comment about how amazed she is by those two, when they practically owning this shop after its effective seizure even without buying it. Then she sighed, because she would like to prefer a pastry shop before 'fast-food'. In particular, she watched the older brunette, who blushed. Railgun got the reference to a certain struggle with the candy store and a certain adamant statement that she did not intend to buy the store itself.
Although it looked like they finally had done whit customers, yet one more person approached their stand. It was the proverbial frog-faced doctor. [Gekota] This elderly man known as 'Heaven Canceller' is a medical genius who is also a kind of celebrity on is own. He was wearing something that you will expect from someone on a tropical vacation, but still this (I am a doctor/physician) aura radiated from him. He know the duo, as his patients, but yet he ignored the surprised cat eyes stare from Mikoto at him. No he resist to ask (Why is this your reaction, every time you see me?), to focus on another topic with a gentle smile on his face. "Fascinating. I've been watching you for a while now and I have to admit that you are so well-matched. You seem so natural next to each other, that it trick me for a moment. I seriously began to wonder if they really sent here a couple of part-timers who, unlike most of the people present, really know how to cook. Have you two thought about the possibility of your own restaurant or stand?"
Mikoto was immediately turned red. But Touma, with a slight blushing, could only weakly ask what he would prepare for the doctor.
The old man gave a slight evaluation of situation. "Hmm. Since you've been improvising heavily for quite some time thanks to the dwindling supplies, I'll let myself to be surprised by you. But, I'd advise you to finally prepare something for yourself. There's no need for the two of you and for today, for anyone's sake, to limit yourself on a leftovers. You've done more than enough to deserve something tasty."
Kamijou was not taking chances in this matter. "No worries, this stand is almost dry anyway, running on its last breath. So the question of full fancy meal is already past the dinner time. However, I will scratch something for your. As for our portions..." He squad down to look at a couple of prepared baguettes safely storage in a compartment under the counter. It was like a small refrigerator for a special orders. "Well, we prepared our baguettes quite early. I have a nice couple of ready-made semi-finished products here, which only need the last touch of seasoning and they are ready to be served. I even put aside two lemonades aside, and some nice extras just in case. So let whoever say what they want, it's enough for a quick picnic." Kamijou didn't catch the (between lines) meaning behind what he just said, but the girl next to him flinched slightly. Yet he talk about his past. "Who would have thought, that the daily struggles in the apartment kitchen, and at the table to make use of even the smallest crumbto count, would be so beneficial in the most useless way? After all, it is only true that a cook will feel a special pride when his creation brings a smile to his face." With satisfaction in his voice, he began preparing the last order. "Speaking of which, what brings you here anyway?"
Doctor stand there and watch the duo to work. "Optimism, even if blinding one, is one of the powerful weapons of youth. Normally I wouldn't take part in such an open-air promotional event, but in the end I think I did a good decision to talk myself into such an unexpected vacation. Quite a lot had happened for the few days, that it feel like a sport festival time. But today was one of those days full of experiences. When we recap it, a lot of different fighters fought with each other. I personally did not throwing any punches or blows, yet I still fought more than one fight with exotic opponents. I'm talking about my profession." He thought for a moment, staring into empty space. "All the mysterious and exotic, such as: Artificial heatstroke. Poisoning by an unreal substance. Abstract internal bleeding as if someone invented a turbo to the heart and the entire vascular system took a hit for it. Vertigo, fainting and falling down, out of sight of the sky. In addition, real, moving Tecarat soldiers. Furthermore, I was wondering if I was dealing with a reanimated corpse, when I faced that frozen like malnutrition. One stubborn sleeper who surely had missed the whole show was returned to me several times, bring up by different volunteers. People were thinking it was always someone who is a (person down). In reality it just mastered the spaced out napping. But the most interesting was the patient who defied the laws of biology, which bind/rule everything that is alive. Truly fascinating and exotic." He huffed but suddenly changed the subject. "That reminds me, that blonde friend of yours went through quite a bit of mental shock. I wouldn't say it was possible for someone to go through so much mental stress that they had a concussion. Especially when she was motionless in a safe embrace all that time. But this city is extraordinary, and the twists and turns of youth are all right. For now, even if her body is fine, she might suffer from fatigue. So you should see to it, that she doesn't strain herself in the next few days."
"You're kidding, aren't you?" Mikoto soured hearing about the super lazy Shokuhou, for whom sports and athletics are an even greater Taboo than for a Koala bear to climb down from the safety of the crown of a eucalyptus tree.
Elderly man risen his eyebrows toward her. "I'm not sure what you're getting at, but my creed is to get everyone out of the patient bed who doesn't need to be in one. I've actually already kicked a good number of indecisive patients out the camp-bed, to go have some fun. Anyway, we are on vacation park, not in hospital."
The displeased brunette closed her eyes, ready to sigh. "So now it's clear to me. Technically, you need someone to take her from there. So she can be someone else responsibility."
Doctor was not bothered by that reaction. "Maybe. As for the 'sisters', they seem to be fine for now, even after their bodies have been subjected to such a heavy esper load. We'll see more tomorrow if it's reflected in muscle fatigue. As I see it, so does the girl they respect so much, seems fine for now. But if something changes, don't be stubborn and come for a check-up." He looked intently at the older brunette. "But I'm more worried about the boiling lake that has us practically cut off here. I'm told it will cool down eventually, but it's causing the average temperature on the island to rise disproportionately, as if we were actually in the tropics. Not to mention, that it's hellishly hot in the underground section of the Aqua-park. I hope no one is stuck down there. I don't even dare to imagine what this heat will do to the cooling of the refrigerators, the electrical equipment or the car garage." He sighed at the last part. "Anyway, I must advise you not to go down there, or into the water, just yet. Even if you wanted to use a boat to get across the lake to the other side and out: Don't do it! You'd get heat shock before you reach other side and stray there boiling like vegetables in a soup. I especially have to point it out to you Touma kun." He rise his eyes to the roof of the stall, to observe it for a slight moment. "Maybe you dint noticed because of the air conditioner, but take you time to properly adapt when you walk outside this stall. The longer you wait the harder will be to adapt. For now, the electricity is still running and as for the drinking water, its fine. So don't worry, just enjoy the park and stay hydrated. Try to join the activities around that when the situation calms down, they will eventually send an air transport here. So don't forget about the blonde."
Misaka rolled her eyes around.
This time, it was Kamijou who gave the recap comment. "Hmm, interesting, whether it's a hospital or a tropical island, you have everything organized."
"Perhaps-- rather, my goal was to solve a whole bunch of problems before they even had a chance to arise. Simply, when to people, who are notorious for attracting problems: I'll provide a suitable alternative to shorten the wait for the next extraordinary event." With that out of his heart, he took his ration and walked away, leaving the two with guilty looks on their faces.
And so, after a short picnic, on a meadow under a tree shadow: Touma, Mikoto and Inoue visited a makeshift field hospital where patients were resting on deckchairs under the shade of umbrellas.
A certain couple from a three-person visit to the hospital ward had a drop of sweat running down their cheeks, and it wasn't just from the tropical heat. There were not only the fifth Level trio like 'Accelerator', 'Dark Matter' and ' Metal Out', but also a few other people, such as Kazakiri Hyouka [The glitch girl], Nunotaba Shinobu [Mom for Febry and Jannie], Hitokawa Hasami [Estelle's companion] and even Stiyl Magnus. Many of the patients present were on makeshift infusions made from coconuts suspended in nets hanging from those umbrellas. The former drink stand, that at morning experienced the silver spoon trial, was for now abandoned chemistry lab. No, it was turn into a modern adaptation of alchemist laboratory. Some of the left behind contraptions/setting seems like they shall not work outside of story book. Just how much?, that doctor or whoever helped him, can do, to bending the common; to still get away with it?
Blonde Estelle Rosenthal [Necromancer], looking extremely nervous; approached the aforementioned trio, who were obviously hesitant to approach that site. "Ehm, Kamijou san? For- forgive my boldness, but the Saint [Kanzaki Kaori] instructed me to specifically keep you from..." She hesitated for a moment, looking around the recliners as if searching for the right word. "...patients?-- I mean she blessed the water they were all drenched in... As it turns out, it has a blissful effect on them..."
The brunette didn't care about the hesitation and the terminology and asked directly in disbelief. "Is he really talking about holy water??"
Touma promptly connect to that question. "I know what you mean. I would also pause to consider, whether it would even be appropriate to give them holy water. I would say with three of them that it would hurt them rather than help them. I will directly expect that spraying them with holly water, will set them on fire with silver flames. On the other hand, it is a sign, that no one is truly abandoned and there is still a chance for each of us. What amazes me is, that this place is not long into a ruins."
Estelle paled for a moment, make a fast glance to the resting people. She immediately started sweating profusely and tried to play it off as joke with an awkward laugh. "Aha-ha-ha... Technically speaking,-- they're all classified as human..." She chose her words very carefully so as not to accidentally trigger an inappropriate reaction. "At least, that's how Inquisitor Index assessed it herself. As for the Saint,-- the Frog doctor finally banished her and the Inquisitor out of here, after they were tempted by the urge to torture some patients."
Railgun crossed her arms on her chest and mumbled a note in a low voice: "(I wonder what could possibly be behind that urge?)"
Sensing that the subject must be changed, Touma continued his speech. "So how are Hyouka and the others doing?"
Estelle assured him that they would all be fine in the end, relatively standing in his way. After looking at his right hand, he recognized that he would seriously be here for more harm than help. Therefore, he wanted to apologize and take Mikoto somewhere else, but Inoue warned them that they had supposedly come to pick up Shokuhou Misaki.
This reminder greatly displeased her older sister, actually hoping they will walk out this duty. After sighing, she decided that she didn't want to stay in this corner of the hospital any longer and went straight to the lying down blonde. Not giving the hesitating lad a chance, she took this sleeper in her arms like a princess and walked out. Her eyebrows immediately twitched as the excessive load in her hands suddenly began to squint as if she were dreaming of something pleasant.
A moment later, those four moved to one of the free tables on the plaza.
A blood vein on the forehead of the older brunette throbbed. As if the silly smile on the sleeping blonde had wasn't enough, the sleeper started drooling on top of it. When Mikoto finally settled her classmate in one of the chairs, she considered for a moment whether she could just leave her there and walk away. Her displeasure grew as she realized that she simply couldn't just leave her unattended in this jungle. So she grabbed her by the shoulders and shook her. "Hey!! Wake up already!!"
Shokuhou's awakening was slower than her classmate liked. Opening her eyes, the blonde looked sleepily at the brunette in front of her, trying to remember (At who?) she was looking. She blinked her only yellow eyes with almost honey-colored irises that lacked a certain distinctive trademark of 'Mental Out'. [stars] For a moment, this girl had a completely surprised expression. "You are..." She tried to remember and for a moment it seemed that she already had it. "No... Who are you?"
Of course, Misaki's reaction got on the nerves of Mikoto, who had trouble keeping her anger in check. "Shokuhou, listen to me carefully now! If this is another one of your pranks, you're will pay for it unless you stop it immediately!!"
The brunette looked at the blonde so menacingly that Misaki got scared and began to slowly panicking, saying that she didn't know what she the other girl is talking about.
Touma approached them from the side, holding his right arm behind his head so as not to accidentally touch the patient and cancel the healing charm. "Wait Biri-biri! The doctor said she had a concussion, maybe she just having a window. Maybe she just need a long sleep and she wake up tomorrow and remember everything. I'm just worried that when I used my Image-Breaker on her, it won't caused her something more like short amnesia." Then he look at his right palm. "Well my power isn't something like a factory reset."
Railgun whispered half sarcastic: ("Except she don't waking up on morning.") Then she return her gaze to the boy. "Interesting, aren't you the one who has trouble to remembering things? To the point where I have to ask myself if amnesia isn't on your weekly agenda? How many times do I have to repeat that my name is Misaka Mikoto?!" She barked at Touma. She stopped bothering talking to the blonde and walked over to him with her hands on her hips. "Speaking of which, could you kindly explain to me, how your ability could cause amnesia when you keep claiming to be a Level 0 everywhere? Or do you mean your ability is actually something like 'Amnesia' itself?"
The blonde, upon hearing that boys ability name, get alerted as if it reminded her of something and repeated that name in a low whispering voice with concern.
Lad was suddenly at a loss for words and tried to calm the brunette down by trying to say her full name, but he suddenly and embarrassingly he didn't have the will to do so, earning himself an even deeper hawkish look from the girl in front of him. Of course certain girl throw a frown at that move.
Inoue joined the group and now it was a trio that surrounded the long-haired girl. She approached from the other side of the seated Shokuhou to look closely at the honey blonde's face as if looking for blackheads or trying to look into the soul. At that, the sitting girl got really nervous. Yet Inoue still talk like other sisters. "Unlike Onee-sama, Inoue as a proper Imoto, chooses a different method to stressing-out the hostage. Misaka declares, using the coercive method of close proximity mesmerizing gaze to create an effect of discomfort on the captive, as if to trick the informant into submission."
The brunette's face was so close that the blonde did not dare to turn her face to the Emo girl and only glanced at her with half an eye with great caution.
Mikoto, glanced at her little sister. "So this is probably the first time I heard, that your description of your own expression is really accurate for its current state." Inoue give her a short EMO glance back. "Then, what does the note about the hostage supposed to mean? Did you forget that the doctor put us on her duty, practically hanging her on our necks? Especially when you also mentioned it? If this memory lost play is supposed to be a form of her revenge from her to us, then I seriously don't see the point in dragging her around with us."
But Touma had a different opinion. "Does it really matter? Her expression seems fine to me. Look, maybe she's trying some kind of shock therapy to force you fried to remember faster."
This make Railgun to bark at him. "Hey you! No matter how you look at it, the current state of things just isn't okay, either way! Shock therapy?-- On this slacker? You've been fooled!" She reprimanded him with a fixed look to which he took a step back. "Just so you know, I've never once seen her show up at a physical class, or participate in any physically demanding activity. Plus, she's a joker who has a lot of fun at other people's expense whenever it's possible. Even now she can simply pretend to have amnesia to prank us."
Blond Misaki somehow didn't feel safest in the presence of this trio, each of whom individually gave her a different type of goosebumps. At one point, she took advantage of the inattention of the discussing couple and smiled at the (younger?) brunette with a warm, loving wide smile. When she saw on Inoue that she was surprised or rather it caught her attention to expect (What will happen next?), Shokuhou voluntarily and as natural lady, stood up from the chair and simply started to walk away.
So~o; when Mikoto turned back to the empty chair and saw a still preoccupied Inoue looking in a certain direction with a (puzzled expression?), a pumped blood vein appear in her forehead. She glanced in the given direction to see the fleeing nervous blonde, who managed to take haste steps in her escape. Misaki tried to get lost in the crowd by zigzagging between the tables. Of course to the proverbial exclamation from the brunette (Hey!!) forced her to embarked on something that really resembled running.
As expected, Shokuhou did not disappoint... Somewhere she tripped and fell down with the proverbial girlish scream (Kia!!). At the same time she stretched on the ground, face down as she fall flat.
Before her pursuers caught up with her (using causal walking speed), another brunette with the familiar surname Misaka approached her, accompanied by her mature motherly aura. "Hey, hey, my dear are you alright down there? Give me your hand, I'll help you to your feet!" With motherly kindness, she helped the blonde to her feet, who was nearly crying like a small child with a hurting nose, but still try to hold her tears.
As Shokuhou suddenly looked at Misuzu's face, she froze for a moment wondering if she had fallen into a trap. She tried hard to remember who she was looking at. When this Misaka smiled at her with a loving smile, (beaming warm aura), Misaki's honey eyes lit up wide and a look of relief appeared on her face. She happily threw herself into the arms of the brunette. "Dolly~y!!" She hugged her very warmly. "Dolly, I'm so happy to meet you!" She clung directly to her, refusing to let go of her. "I will never let you go again!"
The trio of pursuers, looking at the phenomenon of a supernatural nature, suddenly gave up their intention to get involved in this situation in any way.
Also, instead of them, another smiling/laughing Misaka with long hair approached Misuzu and Misaki. Apparently, she had an issue with the misunderstanding that happened here and decided to do something about it. "Shokuhou chan, hello~o, I'm Dolly." She pointed to herself.
But Shokuhou, still hanging on the big Misaka, gave (Dolly) a very skeptical look, measuring her from top to bottom and back. "How can you be a Dolly? First, you have a long hair. Second, you are smaller that me. Especially on the chest area. Impostor like you, who lack in persuading ability shall not make any more futile attempts, to trick me." The long-haired brunette's sled fell down and she stood motionless as if spellbound.
That's why her black-haired companion with her long hair in two ponytails like Kuroko approached her. [Kouzaku Mitori] Placing her hand sympathetically on her partner's shoulder, she relayed something about not moving on with this kid as she brought up the question of undeserved sex appeal.
For a moment, the long-haired brunette felt as if a light switch had been flipped on her, and with a hint of panic or downright childish stubbornness, she refused to put up with the misunderstanding. She evaluated the situation as Misaki chan was returned to her childhood setting. She began to try very hard to convince Shokuhou that whatever it looked like, she was the real Dolly. She pulled out one verbal evidence after another, but to no avail. She even tried to ask Misuzu for help, but that Misaka showed her playful side and played dumb like a trickster, claiming she had no idea what she was talking about.
The blonde suddenly began to complain to her Dolly [Misuzu] about certain people trying too hard to pretend to be Dolly. In particular, she mentioned a certain brute without tact. While doing so, she looked sideways at Mikoto. She immediately earned from number-three the famous (Hey!!) admonition.
Railgun puffed out her cheeks. "That's unbelievable! Amnesia or not, her personality really gets on my nerves, whether she's doing it on purpose or not." But she gave up after a while. No, she was actually glad to have it off her neck. "That's enough, I'm not interested anymore. She chose where she wants to be. I'll leave her in yours hands."
Dolly wanted to ask her black-haired companion for help, mentioning her qualifications as a nurse. But Mitori one refused, saying that even if she dons a nurse's costume, overgrown spoiled children of this caliber are beyond her abilities. She make (Slap them hard out of it!) gesture as her (to go) solution. The discussion arrived to the point that even Dolly start to crack down, wondering if she is really a Dolly, asking her friend to confirm that, calling her Mi-chan. Yet the confusing idea inflicted even the black-haired girl to the point that she actually questioning if that brow haired woman is the original Dolly or not. So as Mitori pointed at Misuzu her pointing finger, demanding to know. Yet the eldest in that group was having to much fun to give a straight answer. So she play dumb with trickster (I wonder?), overloading the brain of the couple, while Shokuhou looked confused.
Mikoto bluntly commented that no matter how they want to look at it, Shokuhou is actually the overgrown child who, on top of all that, is outrageously intrusive. Misaki automatically objected to her, saying that the fake Dolly had no idea what she was talking about. Still hanging on Misuzu's neck, she hissed at Mikoto that someone else was being overly intrusive.
The group was, as usual, automatically the center of attention of the surrounding audience, so it is no wonder that Stiyl Magnus, who had been lying in the infirmary a moment earlier, approached them. "Ah, I think I understand now... So this is the true form of the powerful esper, when he is finally freed from his own abilities, the burden of the supernatural, or the supposed responsibility that changed him. She doesn't even look like she has trouble with her fitness anymore, which usually force her to lags behind." Looking at the scene in front of him, sentimentality seized him and he looked away. "One would begin to think that this is what a real lady should look like as it should be. It's a shame that such cleansing cannot be applied more targeted. I would immediately have a candidate on whom it would be necessary to apply it, at any cost, for the sake of entire kingdom." He finished his explanation with a sigh.
Of course, the brunette caught the subtext in his statement and frowned at him. "Hey!,-- Like what did you mean by that? A Purification?? A lady as she should be?? Don't you dare tell me that her sweet manipulative nature, disrespecting not only personal space but also memories, is something she imposed on herself? Like, when she realized she was a cowardly doe in this concrete jungle, the only solution she could come up with was to brainwash herself to think that she is a majestic beast? She point at herself her tool, press a button and it was done?" At this moment, she again release the leach to her irascible/combustive nature and started preaching the priest right away. "Do you really look at esper abilities as some kind of curse or burden? Does someone as powerful as you really see the most powerful people as some kind of monster to be feared? Aren't this stand point just a bias because you can summon a fire beast? Have you never considered taking it as a gift or a blessing? The cultivation of you effort invested into it. Sure, it's one thing to obsess over your abilities to a point where you went nut from it. Abusing them when it is simply possible is the second. No matter how you look at it, these abilities can be used for good if you open up to that idea. Also, is it okay for you to move around? Internal bleeding is not something to be taken lightly. Shouldn't you be lying down yet?"
A smile appeared on Stiyl face for a moment. "Interesting. I don't think either of us knows exactly what the person, the other one is talking about, is. But somehow we've come to an understanding of what it is, like it's some archetype of a personality that just has to get on everyone nerves." But suddenly he became serious. "It's hard to keep a positive attitude about these gifts, when every time, the someone who's supposed to be a hero, more than once is simply too late, to enter the scene and save the day. The anger is something else when you realizes that it's actually expected from you, that he will do something about it. Also, my body is healing quite quickly, so I don't have much time for self-pity and sadness. Plus Kanzaki had a pit-stop on the field hospital. Is that enough to answer your question?" He was ready to cut the dialog when he realize something and quickly add. "No. I will not go back to repeat the previous stuff. I make an oath." Suddenly he was not happy about it. "Dammit, that means I cannot go roast that tricky fox for the shit she put us, by withholding information." He seem to stand his ground, determined not to say another word on the matter even though the belligerent brunette was giving him a frown. He wanted to answer her with the same card, but the second brunette standing next to her caught his attention.
As they stood there, Inoue nervously looked around as if looking for something. This EMO character simply attracted attention with her body-language, almost as if she was indecisively waiting for the right moment.
Railgun gave her Imoto a skeptical look. Then the pocket bag on Inoue's hip caught her attention. She focused more precisely on some piece of semi-transparent silk-like white cloth that was sticking out of there. "Hey, what you have in there?" Her expression darkened to horror as she realized that the thing looked a lot like a face veil. "H-- hey…."
This sister was up to something. "Nothing important that's worth attention.-- That's what Misaka wants to tell, to divert her big sister's attention, but that's already out of the question. Plus, Misaka is unhappy with the fact that she's gotten the attention of a different person than she wanted. However, at this point she just declares that she is the full owner of this ceremonial object, which she hopes she will still use."
Mikoto gave though about it for a moment,-- before putting together the equation with; the white veil, some babbling about a beach wedding from yesterday, a certain idiot, and of course the different potential of the island they were currently on. She immediately admonished her EMO mirror image. No, she directly bark: "Hey!!..."
Inoue frown. "Give it up!! Misaka says ahead of time, taking a battle stance, determined to defend this ceremonial item to the very end." This younger sister was truly determined to fight her own older sister in martial-arts terms.
"You let yourself to be tricked!!" Railgun stomped on the ground, turned away from her sister. "Look how it looks here." She pointed to the desolation and the devastated area.
"Um." Sister nodded in agreement, giving a thumbs up. "Just to Onee-sama's taste, tearing it down to the point of overhaul. Or re--rising from the rubble. Misaka giving thumbs up, for the well-crafted scenery with the help of older sister's vandalism tendencies."
"Hey!! That's just a coincidence, adequately summed up in one pile. And speaking of the scenery, aren't you missing one very important Asset, without which the illusion of the beach story from yesterday's conversation will vanish like a morning dream?! Wake up at last! Don't tell me you took that inappropriate joke seriously!?"
Yet this imoto/ lite sister was not going to lose an argument. "Aren't you the one who doesn't want to wake up from a romantic dream, Onee-sama? You had countless opportunities today to advance to the (next base). But once again, you weren't honest with yourself and didn't do anything. Misaka is fuming over the constant ignoring of facts by big sister, trying to sell it as procrastination." Inoue gave Railgun a fixed look for a second and then, still staring at her original, extended her hand and pointed to the beach with her index finger.
Following the hint, Mikoto turned her face towards the beach. More precisely, her gaze fall at one unmissable gazebo made of sandstone. For a second she saw herself standing there in a white wedding dress next to the (imaginary figure of the groom) and immediately she almost start coughing, from the shock. The shock was the one kind which would have caused falling open jaw on many young ladies, to the point they will start snoring like during an electric short cut. But she recover very quickly.
Upon closer examination of the events on the beach, it became clear: That the children who were playing in sand, had taken their fun to the point, where it was not a castle they built out of sand; but rather something that strongly resembled a sparkling gazebo suitable for a romantic wedding at beach. By itself, it wouldn't be able to keep its shape if they didn't use a trick such as skill combination. Presumably, Frenda used her abilities in the field of sudden reactive chemistry, (mostly explosives, in such high skill, that someone will think she is alchemist), and transformed the sand formation into a mixture of sandstone and raw glass. That's why it's no wonder that their whole structure glistened in the sunlight as if it had been sprinkled with precious stones. The builders were already at the stage where they were decorating the construct with flowers and plants they had found and collected somewhere, so it was really starting to resemble a tropical island-themed wedding gazebo for the couple-to-be.
Therefore, it is not surprising that a certain brunette made a note in a shaky low voice: "(Wait! I'm not ready for this!)" And a certain black-haired lad with an uncomprehending expression on his face, after rummaging through his own hair, just remarked: "(Hmm? Public appearance/speaking/show? The aqua park company probably really stick to the idea of commerce presentation of this island, to the very end. Don't they?)"
Smiling Misuzu (with Shokuhou still in her arms), who immediately realized what was happening, or maybe, was flirtatiously happy with too much enthusiasm, spoke aloud. "Ara, ara? Ara, ara?? [Oh my~...] Has my Thunder Bird-ie, finally decided to spread her wings of youthful vigor to the fullest? Not that I'm saying it's high time, or too soon, but for a some time you're practically asking for it." She got even more excited when her own daughter with an open maw looked at her like a flax/deer blinded by the light from the spotlights. "So many twists and turns happen in a single weekend, and many times we got into a dangerous situation. So it's no wonder, if victory emotions prevail until the point when the unbreakable ice finally breaks and what's supposed to happen, will happens." She put her palm to her blushed cheek, while smiling wildly. "Oh, I'm so excited and happy to live to see this moment. Mikoto chan,-- Go for it! Live your dream! This Misaka is giving you an approval as is happy for you too." She happily gave a thumbs up.
The blonde in her arms had the most puzzled look she could muster, to the point where one would say he actually saw the question marks above her head, as she was unable to figure out what going on.
The other person who didn't get it was of course Kamijou Touma. But somehow, subconsciously, he suspected that something was about to happen, which could turn into his suffering. So he uttered the fateful question: "Hey, what's going on?" But the brunette next to him did not react. "Biri-biri? Hey, what's wrong with you? Don't tell me you suddenly got stage fright?" He said it in such a lifeless annoyed tone that if it were possible, the jaw/maw bone of the blushed Mikoto would have fallen to the ground.
Stiyl sighed. "I see, the yesterday agreement…" He uttered sternly with an almost ominous aura around him, a moment before he placed a fatherly hand on the two of them, on each shoulder as if to give them a fatherly hug. He took a deep breath before authoritatively interjecting himself into the matter. "Boy,-- so you don't know what's going to happen now? Great,-- I'm glad you two have volunteered to be the main actors in a little theater show going on over there on the beach. It'll only be fair, that you deserve a small reward for your efforts in the form of a wonderful unforgettable experience, which the next scene will definitely be. Let the two of you work together and enjoy the next attraction of this island." After these words, he began to energetically push the couple directly to the beach.
Blushed Mikoto panicked to the point where she began to emit electric sparks like some lit sparkler firework. If left to its own devices, viewers would soon be treated to a version of human fireworks.
Probably, there would have been a more drastic solution, if a certain young man had not made a remark about (exaggerating with stage fright), they certainly refer to the experience with her previous interaction on various stages, especially through the last days. However, this time it might not just end with him wanting to swing a folding chair as if it were wrestling show. As soon as their palms connected, the 'Image-Breaker' took effect and the sparking stopped.
This was taken advantage of by Misuzu, who after her flirtatious 'Ara-ara?', she mentioned the legendary romantic trope of (sparkling between the couple), adding even more oil that fueled panic in her daughter, whose face resembled a tomato in color. No, skin of her whole body was obtaining a red color.
Inoue was also panicking or showing displeased and also began to change into a sparkling firework in a different form, releasing static discharges. Her hand began to move dangerously close to that pocket on her hip, as if she was about to pull a concealed semi-automatic pistol from it.
The red haired man noticed that and nonchalantly suggested that the boy had two hands and his left hand was still free. Imoto grabbed that opportunity without hesitation. Both Touma and Mikoto was surprised by that move. Misuzu already at this moment had the famous (sparkling look) in the harbinger of a lot of fun.
[continue on next chapter]