[Second part of episode, Don't skip 1. part of this dual episode.]
And so... One, express wedding preparation, later.
On the territory of Academy City there is one Aqua-park, which resembles a volcanic crater, filled with (steaming) water, and in the middle of it, a vacation tropical island sticks out above the surface. Thanks to the active volcano, the water here is warm all year round, so much so that even its sand beaches are heated. At one of these beaches, vacationers gathered to participate in a certain wedding in a somewhat pirate style. The center of attention was a makeshift gazebo where a dubious priest was about to forcefully marry an unwilling groom to thunder twins modified into brides. (the white veils on they heads was quite obvious selling point)
The red-haired man had such a suspiciously happy expression that one could argue whether he was enjoying this event more than the brides and groom.
The unlucky lad had a stony expression on his sweat-drenched face. At first glance, it was clear that he was dealing with a very serious dilemma, that no matter how it turned out, something bad would happen to him; Like a serious accident would happen, or he would be injured, not so much unintentionally.
The tsundere was in panic mode not knowing what to do next. She kept repeating in her mind that it was a play. Her tomato face and reddish body skin revealed that she was not far from the point where (this Tsundere volcano) would erupt and start throwing lightnings around. Yet this scenario was nullified, because she hold the groom's hand that contained the 'Image Breaker'.
Imoto, despite the fact that it was usually difficult to guess what was going on in her head, she was slightly blushing and had an expression that revealed a high mental concentration to the point of trying to bewitching someone. She held the groom's other hand very determinedly.
Stiyl opened the Bible to a random page in front of him for everyone to see. He very sternly announced to the wedding guests present that he would begin the ceremony. Almost unnoticed, he left a pendant with a cross hanging over the edge of the book. Silently, with a blessing, he recited a short, one-sentence prayer, as if invoking an incantation.
The black-haired hero, however, saw through the mage's ruse/trick. This priest, provisionally or not, sanctified this very sand gazebo and elevated it to a chapel, suitable for a real ceremony. This was not a theatrics play anymore, but a real wedding. Kamijou immediately revealed that Magnus was just about to take advantage, or rather abuse of the current situation for his own purposes, when he could later play it off as a misunderstanding. If Kamijou could, he would have given him a right hook punch right away, but for now he could only yell. "Hey! Hey!! Hey!!! Hold on, you fart!!!" He just screamed. "What do you think you're about to do?!! Regardless of the circumstances, you've just crossed the sacred limit of my patience!! How dare you?!; to trample on the dreams of a poor and innocent student like me?! Just because I'm unlucky in general doesn't give you the right to treat me like this. Do you realize how many 'Death Flags' you are trying to set over my head right now? This is not a game where the intervention of the administrator is enough to correct the wrong. If it were just me, but you're dragging other victims into your scheme, as if your talk about trying to be a hero were just empty phrases before a tribunal judging your war crimes."
Girls aroundgive him a kinda piercing stare, half puzzling about whats going on.
Was there an obvious sense of desperation in his voice? "You mean to say that it was you all this time,-- who is the real Final boss of me, at the last level in the game with a ridiculously high difficulty? Just like him, you will now use metaphors and comparisons to mock me in the face, knowing very well, that you robbed me of all possibilities of defiance? I can perfectly imagine your inner monologue celebrating your diabolical plan, which perfectly arriving at its last point, and you are already going to seize the final victory?! How dare you miss leading me like this for all this time?!" Kamijou was on verge of tears.
The priest gave him a sharp look. One would think it was the perfect expression to express his indignation at how his secret plan had been completely exposed and now he is trying his best to keep his head cool. "What are you talking about?" Uttered irritably and closed the bible loudly. "Do you have blinders on your eyes so dark that this blessing seems to you like a punishment? What trampling on dreams? What misfortune and striving for your life? You break the illusions one after another of everyone around you, but you don't even think about your own illusions? Someone should finally take charge of yours illusions and break them for you." He pointed a finger at him. "I'll start with your illusion of the opposite of popularity. Imagine your situation like this!: ('A poor hero and savior, marries for his wife a secured princess with a kingdom of her own.') It's like a fairy tale dream come true. The perfect happy ending for a book story hero. What more could you ask for? This is probably the only chance you'll ever get to get married great, so stop squirming and take it! You need this!"
For a moment, the lad conjured a defeated smile on his face, shifting to a contented mood. "Then it's all right. This might actually be the only opportunity to get married well..." But suddenly, he had an angry expression saying that he meant it as sarcasm and now he wanted to throw a punch at him. "Hey!!! You will not have the proverbial last laugh in the end!! I'll will get you for this!!"
Yet the priest, throwing his arms to his sides in (open arms) gesture, sound less and less seriousness and more indifference. "Just give up, already, you dam dense moron! It's not like it's going to kill you."
On the other hand, Kamijou almost had a heart attack. "Are you crazy, you bastard?!! That statement of yours, they will engrave it onto my tombstone, when they put me into a grave!!"
Ignoring lads cry, he opened the bible again. "Enough! Dear wedding party, we have met here today, to unite these here in a marriage. It is abundantly clear to most of us, that these having an eye for each other. They had been walking around each other for quite some time,, during which no-one of them has managed to perform the final breakthrough move. So it will be best, if we cut all the nonsense at once and go directly to the most important point, when you have already had your say…" Stiyl was already inhaling to drop the theatrical punchline (Yes! (-to each other oath))...
...when out of nowhere, a furious Index rushed into the scene from the side. Magnus barely had time to turn to her, before she jumped in front like a thrown dart and top head-first torpedoed him directly in the stomach. The strike was so furious that both of them flew a good meter or two, out of the gazebo. He immediately fell backward falling to the beach, hitting the sand with his back. With her on top of him he fell into a shock and was unable to move. She stand up to her feet. Enveloped inpassionate fire aura and with bared fang, she dangerously glanced at the remaining trio in the gazebo. She complain loudly. "It's become a new rule?; that when I step away for a while to do my usual walk after a diner; that I can't help but wonder: (What in the world?!) I returned to?? Touma!!,--do you mind explaining to me, what exactly you're doing here?"
The lad swallowed on empty. "To be honest, I have an idea. But believe me, in this case, it's me, whose hands are tied."
The priest was already on his feet again, picking up the Bible that he had dropped. "Dear Index, I regret to inform you, that you are simply running late. You missed the opportunity to state an objection. Its done!"
The passionate silver-blonde, not believing what she had just heard, froze with the fallen jaw bone. You could almost hear her confidence or passion shattering like porcelain vase into rain of shards. Almost as if she had a brain short circuit for a change, her shoulders drooped and her eyes lost their luster.
But Kamijou was on rage-fire again. "Hey!!,-- You jerk!! There was no such question!! I seriously have no right to say anything about this? Is this really some conspiracy of the rich and influential against the poor, for the purpose of their entertainment? How far do the disproportionate powers of the aristocracy go?? Is there really no one here to save the defenseless at such a time?"
Magnus was about to continue when this time it was Kanzaki Kaori, who suddenly showed near. She took him in the back of the head with a katana sheath and knocked him to the ground. Until now, she stood aside in the crowd of wedding guests and watched the events with a bewildered expression. But only Index's expression, (as if her own soul had left through her mouth), and Kamijou's cry for help, brought her back to life. Or rather, forced her to take an impulsive step of action and intervene in the plot occurring in gazebo. Now standing over her colleague, with a dark expression on her face, she asked him what he was doing.
The redhead very sternly suggested her: To look at the groom! Then to the Index. Then on to the twin brides. Back to the groom. At the end, he asked her; (What her own heart was asking for) and if she really wanted to prevent what was about to happen.
For a moment this Samurai was considering what she should do next. A few seconds later, Kanzaki Kaori, one of the less than twenty 'saints' in the world, whose magical name represent a wish of saving dammed, blushed. [Salvare000 - Be the salvation of those who cannot be saved.] She had this embarrassed expression as someone who had committed something, like some kid-like mischievous person who was caught red-handed by parents. Everyone around knew about this mischief, and now she was on verge of going to collapse from shame, failing to her knees, with head in her palms.
Yet, suppressing her emotions from anger to the unknown, she very reluctantly and especially unsparingly/harshly (raised) the priest back to his feet. With a short "Forgive me Kamijou, but I can't help it.", she took the mentally absent white-haired girl by the hand to parent-child walk with her, (drag her)/ (carry her), to the side of the other wedding guests group. As a former guardian of Index, (Actually never replaced, Index just self Invited herself to the boy room.), Kanzaki had a duty to protect the girl from the possibility that she would figure as a bride today. Some observer could speculate (like spy Tsuchimikado), that she was so determinate to protect Index, that if needed she will put a snow white veil on her head and step forward to take place next to Touma itself.
Tears welled up in the groom's eyes. "You too Kanzaki? How?-- How is that possible? Do am I really left alone and without help?"
The redhead's eyebrows twitched. "Boy,-- Then once again,-- Since you don't realize how much luck have fallen to you feet, (Or freak out from it); I'll make it simple for you. Answer me a question, do you really want to say (No!), to the face on your right? Especially when the answer for which she decided to say, is clearly legible in it?"
Touma looked at blushing Mikoto, who had a blank look on her face and an embarrassed expression. As soon as she noticed his (staring) look at her, she automatically started panicking and oscillating her gaze from side to side. But on occasion, she glanced back at him with a shy cute expression as if she wanted to shyly ask him: (You don't wanna?). As if she wanted to say (Yes! (To him.)) for a change. He immediately got dewy, soaked in his own sweat.
Inoue from the other side, pulled at his hand to get his attention. With a determined look, to his face she nodded her head in a (Yes! Yes!/ Lets do this!) gesture, as if she was trying to persuade him to say his (Yes!). At this moment, the sweat was flowing down from him as if he was in a shower.
He's gotten to the point where, whether it don't matter if its a show or the real thing, saying (no!) to these two could end very badly for him. But on the other hand, he was aware of the multitude of people who would want to hit him, if he said (Yes!), regardless of whether it was a theater or not. Her classmates and his classmates especially came to mind. Especially, a certain red-haired Loli, a well-known member of the Judgment, who will stand at the front of a medieval punitive expedition of enraged crowd, with lit torches, hatefully screaming his name. No, she will yell his nickname that she have for him only.
Touma sighed in defeat in front of the priest. "Under other circumstances, it wouldn't bother me so much, but the fact that you want to use this for your own benefit is unforgivable! Have you thought about what will happen when Misaka really realizes what you're really up to? How dare you involve her in this?!"
However, the girl whose name had been spoken jerked away. (("What please???!! What are you talking about again???!!")) For a moment she wondered if he was a genius and just pretending to be a fool or an ignoramus. Or something sinister is actually occurring and he once again standing up to protect her. However, when he looked at her, her knees almost shook at the sight of his face. "Eh? That-- nothing..." She tried to speak, but was at a loss for words as her head was working at full speed. (("Calm down! This is all just role-play!, and he's blabbing nonsenses this whole time. It's not like I really want to get married, but... but... Just in case?... Hey, what I am thinking?!!!"))
Stiyl was trying too hard, not to grin. "This is going on for too long. Brides, please cover the groom's mouth!"
Inoue took on this task so proactively, covering Touma mouth, that Mikoto jumped in surprise at her sister's courage. Kamijou instinctively started to resist, but the younger brunette had him in her grasp.
Red Priest opened the Bible again and with all seriousness was about to marry/pronounce them as husband and wives. But Kamijou broke out of his imposed silence and pointedly reminded that he had skipped the indispensable ring exchange. He probably hoped that by demanding this detail, he would spoil the course of the ceremony.
The tsundere immediately recalled the contents of a certain safe deposit box at the train station, which hides a very unique pair of such jewels. She fast snatch buy them during certain trip in overseas and stored them there for future use, such as this scene. Somehow its happened that she completely forget about it, even the fact that she have it. Just the thought, (that in hassle, it was him who has been in back of her mind when she buy that), made her jitter. The vibration shook pass her entire body, from head to toe. Her head was already spinning when Touma shouted something at her, so she didn't even catch what he wanted her to say. Instead of answering, she gave an awkward laugh and remarked: "Ah-ha-ha, you must be joking. Are you? Surely, no one can know about them. I am right?"
Inoue took the reaction as highly suspicious, but instead her another Misaka took the action. This sister was the embodiment of the malice, radiatingfrom the entire 'Misaka Network', so she addressed the entire crowd. Namely Misaka Worst [looking two years older - especially on the chest], with a mischievous grin, decided to drop an imaginary bomb on the whole wedding. With a mischievous smile, she shouted: "Hey!!-- Miss Original!!-- You mean that in this case, you have no further use for that couple of jewelry from Hawaii? For which, we temporarily ignored the whole battle plan, so important for the gentleman standing next to you? So we didn't commit all our efforts to the ongoing conflict there and instead went to the jewelry store? So the, pair that you chose so carefully using elevate mathematics selection method, and seasoned it with your own ingredient in case of cheating, is finally available to grab? You certainly won't mind if you donate it to me, will you? I can already imagine what an exuberant reaction it will be, when I deploy it." She smiled conspiratorially at Last-Oder who, although she didn't know what her college-looking version was talking about exactly, got a very unpleasant feeling in her bones that her position as a heroine for (a certain person) was in direct jeopardy. Little girl knew very well, that the youngest of the sister was planning a colossal antics/mischief, that could turn bad very quickly, for her relation ship with certain someone.
Kamijou Touma, the unconscious boy, uttered the question that damned him: "What the hell is she talking about, 'Biri-biri'?"
That was the moment when the imaginary string that hold her mentality together snaps. The pupils in Railgun's eyes shrink into peas. It was like a light switch had been flipped on her.
She panicked and screamed loudly, bristling from head to toe. "I am not ready for this!!!" She was so loud that a casual passer-by would think someone had entered the innocent lady's dressing room at an opportune moment. At this moment, Mikoto's sanity dictated obedience from everybody around. She dint look around, when she shout her battle cry: "I've had enough of it all." She spun her free hand around and began to swing it randomly in all directions. In no time, Stiyl Magnus gets a hook to the chin, he again fall out from gazebo and crash to the sand ground. Kamijou Touma gets one as well and also goes down with a comment, (Why me? Such bad luck.) Inoue Misaka barely dodges the blow and jumps sideways to the sand ground, pretending to have bought one as well.
On the other side of the scene, Index also fallen into berserk and knocked out Kanzaki, whom she torpedoed with her own head directly in the stomach. Like the priest before, even samurai got down and this counted both of her guardian out of duty. (With Kamijou a trio.) A few volunteers tried to tame her, but this beast was already free from its chain and they attempts only fueled its aggression. With the whitened eyes of a demon and unprecedented bravery, she bit many.
Clutching her stomach, Misaka Worst laughed from ear to ear until tears welled up in her eyes. The half-size Misaka sister gave her (younger sister) a judgmental stare.
So in a moment, only Tsundere was standing in the gazebo. In a panic, she throw punches in all directions, her head spinning. She didn't notice at all, that a group of four of her sisters led by Inoue, in perfect harmony, (steals) the groom from her reach. They literally seized him, picking him up by limb each, and they ran away with him. (No need for a stretcher to carry the incapacitated patient.)
The honey blonde was on pins and needles. Despite her amnesia, she was getting more and more jealous by every minute. Watching the flirting that was happening in the gazebo in front of the priest, anger her incredibly. So when the bride freak out into the berserk she was momentarily relieved. But when she saw, the beginning of the scene with the kidnapping of groom, she finally freak out. Completely enraged, she loudly protested that the gang was kidnapping the gentleman. She even loosened her tongue to yell insults, comparing them to the Yakuza mafia and this whole wedding to a staged farce they forced on the groom. She directly demanded, that he will be handed over to her.
But the quartet of sisters, completely ignored blonde and ran along the beach with their prey.
Misaka Worst laughed so hard, that she ran out of her breath. So she fell to her knees and began to suffocate and coughing. Observing Last-Oder seemed to think, if its possible to laugh yourself to death.
Their Onee-sama eventually noticed what happening, and she was not a fan of the wedding kidnapping trope. Her thug like expression was clearly like (Do they picking a fight with me!?) After a warning stomp on the ground with the declaration: "Hey!! Immediately, return him!!!" She threw a lightning spear at the kidnappers.
Of course, sisters synchronously dodge in all directions, dropping their booty on the ground. With that, the blast flew through the middle of their formation and narrowly missed the defenseless Kamijou, flying right over him.
Shokuhou ran after the groom, but due to her haste, just before reaching her destination, she lost her balance on the beach and tripped. During her face first fall she stretched on the beach as long as she could, burying her head in the sand.
Mikoto was approaching dangerously with a fierce step, literally walking wide. Passing by a motionless goldfish stranded on the beach, she stopped for a moment to lift it off the ground, setting it on its feet. Except the slight silhouette imprint left on the beach, there were a trio of significantly noticeable holes in the sand. [One was definitely from Shokuhou's head.] Misaka used her powers to encourage the blonde's body to stay on its feet and not immediately fall over again like a sack. Of course, Shokuhou was so confused that she could only make a blank expression and look around.
Sisters used those few seconds of pit stop to tactically retreat, leaving their prey to the more powerful beast.
The brunette finished her prison camp warden march, stopping in front of the lad. He just recovered enough to look at the fighting expression on Mikoto's face and suddenly wished that he remained in the dark. Railgun, staring down at him, smiled dangerously. "So,-- are you ready for your punishment?"
Boy was already in his defense, rising his hand. "W-wait, Biri-biri! I have no idea what you're talking about? At least, explain it to me!"
The tsundere was about to end the whole discussion with a powerful discharge, when beaming Misuzu approached them with a big smile, taking the still-swept honey blonde under her arm, so to speak. "Hai, hai, [Okay, okay,] let me explain! Misaka interjects proactively." She pushed right up to them, ignoring (Don't you dare!) glance from her daughter. "Dear Touma kun, regardless: whether you were unconscious or not, you allowed yourself to be kidnapped away from the altar by other girls. Once again slipping from your fiancee embracing hug. That is something, my 'Thunder Bird' will not tolerate." These words of hers took the pair of Mikoto - Touma out of their pace and suddenly they were blushing fiercely. Misuzu giggled. "Cute... Let's take the semi-present Misaki chan for example. She's perfect proof that even a heart has a head of its own." She pointed out Shokuhou and the fact that even through amnesia she harbors feelings for the boy in question. "Oh, I wish I had a camera. I'd re-play this Rolle-Play show of yours, to my friend from the pool. So she could also enjoy how perfectly you played the roles of bride and groom. Misaka nods in agreement, knowing that her friend with with the last name Kamijou, will love that movie." [Touma's Mom] She giggled and the pair realized how much they had gotten carried away with the situation. It didn't help at all, when the duo look at the wide smiles of some of the spectators standing around. That is, except for the sisters.
The groom was approached by #7: Sogiita, who offered him his hand so he could get up. "Well, buddy, I'll tell you, you've got a lot of guts." He patted him on the shoulder with a big smile. "Shall we say, it was a meteoric endeavor?" As return, the girl complain that he can used at last a different name for that joke.
His open approach took the last breaths of resistance from the fresh wed couple. The bystanders concluded that it was now safe to approach, and so one by one they came closer. Mikoto nor Touma were at a loss for words as a circle of amused island visitors formed around them. Many of them gifted them with congratulations more for their own amusement than for the couple's best intentions.
Moreover, their embarrassment was interrupted by a flying modern combat helicopter with numerous weapons hanging on the sides. With its relatively low, agile, but especially noisy flight, it attracted the attention of visitors. The war machine circled the island so that its pilot could assess the situation in the resort. He finished circling over the island at a relatively safe distance, hovering a few meters above the surface of the lake, from which steam was still rising in white plumes. From his position he had a good view of the plaza and especially the beach where a large group of people had gathered.
Since it was a combat helicopter, it was almost in a prime attack position. Therefore, it should not be surprising that Railgun did not think much about the purpose for which he had come here. But using this escape opportunity and with a determined look, she stepped out of the crowd to stand up in front of the people, facing the combat machine. In a moment, she stood at the edge of the hot lake, with the other vacationers behind her, and the attack machine in front of her. It's almost as if her stance is to say, that she is ready for another battle and for the next challenger, whoever or whatever it may be. (Or as certain observer will say: someone here, interrupting the Wedding party.)
Her attention was caught by Touma who approached her from the right, stooping next to her, nearly shoulder to shoulder as if standing on the same level with her. His determined gaze pin on the helicopter. He clenched his right-hand whit Image-Breaker in his fist in battle ready gesture.
Ex-Mental Out approached Misaka from the other side, because Misuzu pushed her forward to join the pair. Shyly, or rather because of her insecurity, Shokuhou grabbed her classmate's hand, grabbing her bicep. She practically lean on this girl for a support.
Before Misaka knew it, Meltdowner, stand up next to the blonde. Mugino had an expression that revealed, that no matter what will happen now, her competitiveness would not allow her to be taken out of from the center of action.
Even Sogiita (gutsy comic hero?) was not idle, standing next to Kamijou in one of his cool hero poses like some kind of 'hero paradox'.
And more were coming...
Kanzaki [Salvare000], Stiyl [Fortis931], Index [Dedicatus545]...
Hyouka [Counter Stop], Inoue [Radio Noise] and Estell [Necromancer], who was pushed there by her companion.
Even Accelerator and Dark Mater somehow drag themselves there.
All of them, standing in one line like on some sport event, stared fixedly and with a relatively determined expression over the lake at the combat helicopter. Mikoto's heart jumped strangely at this battle readiness and this unprecedented unity, as if they were all pulling for one end of rope during the team rope pulling competitive game. The tension of; (What could happen if a fight broke out?!), was taking on a physical dimension.
Then Sogiita, dropped a bomb when called out: "And now, everyone into a gutsy pose!!"
It was second-two, but the bomb had already been dropped, her stressed, or rather tense-aroused, body moved on its own. Mikoto only now realized that the helicopter clearly belongs to the academic city. Subsequently, she though about; How this nonsense muss look like from the pilot's point of view? What must the pilot think when he looks down at the beach? On which they stand next to each other in a line, not only Espers, but also others who can induce a supernatural phenomenon to such an extent that they can be labeled as Level-5. And now there they are posing like heroes from a movie in front of the camera for a movie poster.
At a certain moment, the pilot took his eyes off the beach and headed his machine over the edge of the volcano and the helicopter left the Aqua-Park.
Mikoto's eyes widened as she finally figure something important, and bark out stomping on the sand. "Hey!!,-- don't tell me, that the only thing that happened now was, that we posed for a random passer-by from Academic City? We impressed him to such an extent, that the very experience, which he will never forget, will change his life from the ground up???"
Kamijou next to her noticed the absurdity. "And this experience of his, will be shared in his family from generation to generation as a family heirloom. Because he chose at the right moment to lay down his weapons and not enter the dragon's lair." He said that with a serious face, but finally sighed in defeat. "Hey, wasn't that machine a little too modern for our uninvited guests?" His expression wen sorrow when he realized, that he was probably the last one of the party to finally realize it. "By the way-- What are we doing here anyway?" He stated after fact, as their party was beginning to fall apart/disbanding, wordlessly so to speak. Because in some cases it is better not to say anything and just walk away.
Also, Accelerator clucked his tongue in displeasure before heading back to the gathering place with chairs. More than one brunette followed him without asking. Actually, it was like an unspoken signal to dissolve the heroic party. Well they had they last moment standing in a shore, staring at distance like at the end of a movie.
At this point, the oldest sister finally give it up even trying to stand, as if out of mental energy. So with a tired groan she, as if falling onto a bed, as she fall back tiredly, she stretched out on the hot beach sand. Staring at the blue sky, she ignored the remarks from Inoue; who staring down at Railgun from above her, wondered if the older sister had finally caught up with the exhaustion from the previous fight, or if she was suffering from heatstroke, with her body red as a crab. Mikoto dint realize how tired she was until it was pointed out. Either way, she definitely didn't have the strength to lift herself off the hot sand.
She didn't want to move even more, when their transport finally appeared in the form of a large passenger transport helicopter. That is, the breeze from the pair of rotors as the oversized machine approached for landing on the meadow.
But as it turned out, she doesn't want to move, because she is too tired to move. To prevent her from boiling on that beach, Touma took it upon himself to pick-up her into his arms and carry her at least to the sunbeds.
But what no one expected was that a helicopter came not just pick up, but directly to evacuate all visitors to safety, because the authorities decided to close the park until the lake cools down. That's why it's no wonder when there was one more embarrassing moment for the upcoming duo, who definitely needed to rest.
Kamijou should have carried Misaka directly aboard that machine, followed by the other sister. But the vacationers decided for the last bit of fun and delayed boarding to the helicopter. Instead they created a corridor leading to craft entrance, for certain someone to board first. Just so that the groom and his bride/brides could cross the proverbial doorstep toward they future.
Many watched, shouted or jumped in joy as Kamijou stiffly walked past them. Someone somewhere found something that resembled rice and they threw it at them like if they were a real newlywed couple leaving the ceremony, to symbolize fertility.
Of course, both of them had dumb red faces, both during the march and during the entire flight in the helicopter, when siting on seats, their gazes were directly fixed on the floor of this means of transport. They could literally feel the weight of those looks from the audience.
It should also be added that after landing at the airport, this couple took their time before leaving their 'Airo-taxi'. Even so much, so that in order to get them out of the helicopter and they didn't die of shame, the pilot himself had to swear; that no one camping outside and it was safe to leave this sanctuary on their own legs.
The taxi car then took them to their destination, but on the way they simply fell asleep from exhaustion.
The taxi driver had a certain struggle, when he was driving the four (Index in the front, Touma in the back with the brunettes on the sides). Namely, when he stopped at his first stop, in front of the Tokiwadai dormitory, certain girls were not getting off.
The Dorm manager [Iron wall], who came to greet the taxi driver massaging knuckles on her hands as if she was going to beat up someone. Because there was only the taxi driver, she quickly changed her rhetoric, when he opened the back door and she looked at the back seats. More precisely, the sleeping trio in swimsuits, when both girls on the sides were leaning on the boy in the middle. She carefully took the nearest Railgun in her arms and motioned for the distressed driver to take the other one.
But Inoue was just pretending to sleep. Taking advantage of the inattention of the others, she passed the back seat over the motionless body of the lad and got out through the open door. So before the taxi driver could say anything, she thanked him with a respectfully bow for his services. She asked him for the safe delivery of the remaining passengers, lamenting that no male visitors were allowed in her current lodgings.
Mikoto herself, in the arms of the Dorm manager, did not sleep a bit, but was rather delirious, partially perceiving and not perceiving the surroundings around her. She calmed down relatively when Inoue took her hand in her. The aforementioned exhaustion finally took its toll on Railgun as well.
After all, she wasn't the only one affected by the experiences of Sunday. The 'Iron wall' carried over the door threshold of room 208 in (the knight carries the princess in her arms) style, not just Misaka Mikoto. But also Shirai Kuroko, who also couldn't move after her adrenaline service today and was delivered by another taxi. Of course the black haired woman hastily left room 208 with her head held high, so to speak throwing duty of taking care of them, at Inoue.
Of course, that girl made sure, that both of her roommates understood through her comments how much they owe her for taking care of them. She let them know to prepare for the next day because she will collect it with interest. At the same time, she pointed out that she is abusing the situation to disproportionately increase interest.
Yet the both of roommates were unable to react, and was in question if they heard her.
-Heaven Canceller "Rescuer from the Other World", often mentioned as "The Frog-faced Doctor" by Touma and many other people, is an exceptionally-gifted and benevolent physician known by those who were cared by him or informed personnel. While he may seem just like any other normal doctor, this medical genius also happens to be an acquaintance of the General Director of Academy City, Aleister Crowley, as he manages the machines that extend Aleister's life span while still supporting the foundation of the city itself. The hospital he work in, is like his own turf.
-Death Flag-s, A term from a computer game when a black/morbid event is expected to occur. Or a condition has been met that will increase the probability to trigger/launch of this event. For example, when a character is under a curse that disproportionately increases the risk of receiving a critical/lethal hit.
-Plaza, a public square, marketplace or similar open space in a built-up area, city or group of buildings with shops, often including an open public space. The name is mainly used in Spanish-speaking countries.
-About koala bears, it is said that some individuals survive their entire lives in the crowns of eucalyptus trees without ever coming down to the ground.
-Using a coconut, or its milk, as an infusion temporarily replacing the blood variant is a proven technique widely used in the past to maintain blood pressure and prevent the patient from bleeding out. Since in this respect coconut milk has similar properties to blood. However, under no circumstances should it serve as a replacement for lost blood, you are not Rambo. A nerves don't have components to turn simple metals into energy so they are depend on stable oxygen supply. Break that supply for too long (4+ minutes) and they start to die, breaking down the information network. Just a short duration without oxygen can cause a lot of complications, because the neurons are damaged.
-Regarding the development and production of weapons in AC. The little hardware that leaves its territory as export sale or loan has significantly reduced parameters/quality in order to fit in with the age to not create too much of an imbalance. That's why is so much impact when the actual prime stuff show up onto action. No tho mention the next next gen concept of triple-A.
PS: On next episode: Its Monday for a middle school student Mikoto, and (Guess who?) is the rumored transfer student.